Onset temperature To Peak temperature Tp Conclusion temperature Tc

53 Appendix 5. ANOVA and Duncan`s test results for thermal properties

5.1 Onset temperature To

Univariate Analysis of Variance Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:VAR00001 Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 473.857 a 9 52.651 279.122 .000 Intercept 144460.266 1 144460.266 7.658E5 .000 onset_temperature_To 473.857 9 52.651 279.122 .000 Error 3.773 20 .189 Total 144937.895 30 Corrected Total 477.630 29 a. R Squared = .992 Adjusted R Squared = .989 Post Hoc Tests onset_temperature_To Homogeneous Subsets VAR00001 Duncan onset_temperature_To N Subset 1 2 3 4 5 Rice flour peak 1 3 62.3967 Ratio 92.5:7.5 peak 1 3 65.8433 Ratio 97.5:2.5 peak 1 3 66.2033 Ratio 90:10 peak 1 3 66.5800 66.5800 Ratio 95:5 peak 1 3 66.9867 Rice flour peak 2 3 72.4467 Ratio 90:10 peak 2 3 73.2833 Ratio 95:5 peak 2 3 73.3567 Ratio 97.5:2.5 peak 2 3 73.3767 Ratio 92.5:7.5 peak 2 3 73.4533 Sig. 1.000 .062 .265 1.000 .666 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on observed means. The error term is Mean SquareError = .189. 54

5.2 Peak temperature Tp

Univariate Analysis of Variance Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:VAR00002 Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 398.602 a 9 44.289 645.050 .000 Intercept 159108.788 1 159108.788 2.317E6 .000 peak_temperature_Tp 398.602 9 44.289 645.050 .000 Error 1.373 20 .069 Total 159508.764 30 Corrected Total 399.976 29 a. R Squared = .997 Adjusted R Squared = .995 Post Hoc Tests peak_temperature_Tp Homogeneous Subsets VAR00002 Duncan peak_temperature_Tp N Subset 1 2 3 Rice flour peak 1 3 66.8700 Ratio 92.5:7.5 peak 1 3 69.7967 Ratio 90:10 peak 1 3 69.8500 Ratio 95:5 peak 1 3 69.9400 Ratio 97.5:2.5 peak 1 3 69.9567 Rice flour peak 2 3 76.2767 Ratio 95:5 peak 2 3 76.3200 Ratio 97.5:2.5 peak 2 3 76.3667 Ratio 90:10 peak 2 3 76.4267 Ratio 92.5:7.5 peak 2 3 76.4567 Sig. 1.000 .502 .459 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on observed means. The error term is Mean SquareError = .069. 55

5.3 Conclusion temperature Tc

Univariate Analysis of Variance Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:VAR00003 Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 584.124 a 9 64.903 154.932 .000 Intercept 175182.152 1 175182.152 4.182E5 .000 conclusion_temperature_Tc 584.124 9 64.903 154.932 .000 Error 8.378 20 .419 Total 175774.654 30 Corrected Total 592.502 29 a. R Squared = .986 Adjusted R Squared = .979 Post Hoc Tests conclusion_temperature_Tc Homogeneous Subsets VAR00003 Duncan conclusion_temperature _Tc N Subset 1 2 3 Rice flour peak 1 3 70.3733 Ratio 90:10 peak 1 3 72.2267 Ratio 95:5 peak 1 3 72.3667 Ratio 92.5:7.5 peak 1 3 72.5200 Ratio 97.5:2.5 peak 1 3 72.7533 Ratio 95:5 peak 2 3 80.5500 Ratio 90:10 peak 2 3 80.6000 Ratio 97.5:2.5 peak 2 3 80.6600 Ratio 92.5:7.5 peak 2 3 81.0067 Rice flour peak 2 3 81.1033 Sig. 1.000 .373 .358 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on observed means. The error term is Mean SquareError = .419. 56

5.4 Endothermic enthalpy