Definition of Gerund Organization of the Study

e Gerund phrases as subjects of verbs: A gerund phrase does not occur frequently as a subject. One of its common uses as a subject is in general statements with is as the main verb. Example:  Eating a good breakfast is very wise.  Taking a long walk every day is good exercise. The gerund phrase may also function as the subject of a verb expressing: a Causes- effect relationship Example:  Seeing her every day made him realize how wonderful she was. A gerund phrase subject with such a verb may have conditional meaning: Example:  Doing such a thing now = If you do such a thing now, it will cause you much trouble later on. b Emotion Example:  Seeing her so thin and pale shocked him. Gerund phrases may also function as subject of passive verbs. Example:  His keeping accurate record has never been questioned.  Their accepting the money will be considered unwise. A gerund phrase subject sometimes appears after anticipatory it + an adjective. Such a construction usually represents informal usage. Example:  It’s very embarrassing , not remembering your name.  It’s incredible , meeting an old schoolmate so far from home.  It’s not worthwhile taking that trip for only one day. Gerund phrase subjects after anticipatory it often have alternate forms with infinitive phrase. Example:  It’s very embarrassing not to remember your name.  It’s been a pleasure to meet you.  It’s no use to cry over spilled milk. Gerund phrases as objects of prepositions: most gerund phrases after prepositions are subject less, especially those in adverbial prepositional phrases. a Nominal function of prepositional gerund phrases. Such gerund phrases function as prepositional objects of verbs. A great many of the verbs listed under prepositional objects in the chapter on prepositions take such gerund objects. Example:  He insisted on paying the entire bill for dinner.  She often dreams about having a lot of money to spend on luxuries. b Adjectival function of prepositional gerund phrases. Example:  Hi pretence of being rich didn’t fool anyone  Their preparations for travelling abroad were very time-consuming.  He spoke of the necessity of hiring more men. c Adverbial function of prepositional gerund phrases: Prepositional gerund phrases modifying verbs. These phrases may express almost all adverbial relationships except place. Example:  After listening to the news, she started to prepare dinner  He earned the money for his tuition by working as a waiter during the summer months.  I passed him in the street without his recognizing me.  In spite of travelling alone, she enjoyed her vacation very much.