An Error Analysis Of Auxiliary Verbs Made By The 2006/2007 Ninth Grade Students Of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum Medan








REG. NO. 050705053








Alhamdulillah, in the name of Allah SWT, the Compassionate and the Merciful, I would raise both my hands as my gratefulness to Allah SWT the Mighty God for giving me the guidance, the strength, the health, the ability and the power to finish the writing of this thesis.

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor, Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A., and my co-supervisor Drs. Chairul Husni, M.Ed TESOL for their knowledge, time, suggestions, for being humble and generous to supervise me during the writing of the thesis. I would like also to thank to Drs. Syaifuddin, M.A., Ph.D., as the Dean of Faculty of Letters University of North Sumatra, Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum and Drs. Yulianus Harefa, M.Ed TESOL, as the Head and the Secretary of English Department, and to all the lecturers of English Department for teaching me much knowledge and morality during my period of study in the faculty.

Next, I would like to thank the Headmaster of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al- Ulum Medan, Drs. Riyadi Lubis and all his staff especially who have helped me so I could do the research at that place; and to all students who had been willing to be my subjects in the study.

Particularly, I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to my beloved father, Ahmad Batubara and my mother Delina Br.Lubis. Thanks for your endless love, great support, spirit, motivation, and advices. And I also thank to all my sister and


my brother, for giving me suggestions and advices. I am so proud for having them as my huge family.

Other special thanks go to all my friends in the English Department: all my '05 classmates (don't forget our cutie photo), the lovely "N E R O" gang (Lia, Winda, Tila, Rini and Anta) thanks for your love, sharing ideas, pray, support, help and for being my best friends.

The last but not least, I would like to thank to Pratu D. Sardi. who had always gave special attention, endless love, care, understanding, motivation and spiritual supports to me during the writing of this thesis. He is the best gift I ever have.

May Allah SWT bless them all.

Medan, June 2009 Writer,

Intan S.Batubara Reg. No. 050705053



I, Intan S. Batubara declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. Except where reference is made in the text of this thesis, this thesis contains no material published else where or extracted in whole or in part from a thesis by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

No other person's work has been used without due acknowledgements in the main text of this thesis. This thesis has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.

Signed :






I am willing that my thesis should be available for reproduction at the discretion of the Librarian of University of North Sumatra (USU), Faculty of Letters, English Department on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia.

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Skripsi yang berjudul " AN ERROR ANALYSIS OF AUXILIARY VERBS MADE BY THE 2006/2007 NINTH GRADE STUDENTS OF MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH AL-ULUM MEDAN " berisi tentang analisa kesalahan (error) yang dibuat oleh siswa/i kelas IX. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengamati kesalahan-kesalahan yang dibuat oleh siswa/i Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum kelas IX SMP dalam menggunakan auxiliary verbs (kata kerja bantu); sekaligus untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengelompokkan kesalahan - kesalahan tersebut berdasarkan jenis kesalahannya serta mengetahui bagaimana persentase dari tiap-tiap jenis kesalahan yang dibuat. Dalam menyelesaikan penelitian ini, metode yang dipakai adalah penelitian lapangan di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum Medan. Penelitian ini melibatkan 92 siswa/i kelas IX yang bertindak sebagai responden penelitian. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan memberikan instrumen pengumpulan data berupa 40 soal/ tes tentang auxiliary verbs yang disusun dalam empat bentuk, yaitu : Benar-Salah, menjodohkan, pilihan berganda, dan essay. Dalam skripsi ini kesalahan-kesalahan yang dianalisis dibatasi hanya pada do (do, does, did), have(have, has, had), and be (is, am, are, was, were). Sebagai hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa persentase kesalahan yang paling tinggi adalah kesalahan dalam menggunakan do (36.26%), disusul kesalahan dalam menggunakan be (32.90%), dan persentase yang paling rendah adalah kesalahan dalam menggunakan have (30.84%). Jika disimpulkan dari 3.680 kalimat sebagai total populasi penelitian, hanya 47.66 % yang merupakan kategori "error" dan 52.34 % bukan "error". Dari total kesalahan yang didapat, ada sebanyak 15.68 % kesalahan dalam menggunakan be, 14.70% kesalahan dalam menggunakan have, dan 17.28%kesalahan dalam menggunakan do.








Chapter I : INTRODUCTION………. 1

1.1 Background of Analysis……… 1

1.2 Scope of Analysis……….. 3

1.3 Formulation of Problems………... 4

1.4 Objectives of Analysis………... 4

1.5 The Significance of Analysis……… 4

1.6 The Method of Research……… 5


2.1 The Concept of Error and Error Analysis……….. 7

2.2 English Auxiliaries………. 12

2.2.1 Primary Auxiliaries………... 13

2.2.2 Modal Auxiliaries……….. 21

2.3 The Previous Studies……….. 31


3.1 Method of Research……… 33

3.1.1 Population……….. 33


3.2 Data Analysis Method………. 34

3.2.1 The Procedure of Data Analysis……… 35

Chapter IV : THE ANALYSIS……….. 37

4.1 Classification of Errors……… 37

4.2 Frequency of Errors……….. 39

4.2.1 Frequency Based On The Total Errors………. 39

4.2.2 Frequency Based On The Total Population………….. 40

4.3 Error Based on Each Type of Error……… 43

4.3.1 Errors of Do………..………. 43

4.3.2 Errors of Have………..………….. 47

4.3.3 Errors of Be……… 50


5.1 Conclusions……… 55

5.2 Suggestions………. 56




Skripsi yang berjudul " AN ERROR ANALYSIS OF AUXILIARY VERBS MADE BY THE 2006/2007 NINTH GRADE STUDENTS OF MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH AL-ULUM MEDAN " berisi tentang analisa kesalahan (error) yang dibuat oleh siswa/i kelas IX. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengamati kesalahan-kesalahan yang dibuat oleh siswa/i Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum kelas IX SMP dalam menggunakan auxiliary verbs (kata kerja bantu); sekaligus untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengelompokkan kesalahan - kesalahan tersebut berdasarkan jenis kesalahannya serta mengetahui bagaimana persentase dari tiap-tiap jenis kesalahan yang dibuat. Dalam menyelesaikan penelitian ini, metode yang dipakai adalah penelitian lapangan di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum Medan. Penelitian ini melibatkan 92 siswa/i kelas IX yang bertindak sebagai responden penelitian. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan memberikan instrumen pengumpulan data berupa 40 soal/ tes tentang auxiliary verbs yang disusun dalam empat bentuk, yaitu : Benar-Salah, menjodohkan, pilihan berganda, dan essay. Dalam skripsi ini kesalahan-kesalahan yang dianalisis dibatasi hanya pada do (do, does, did), have(have, has, had), and be (is, am, are, was, were). Sebagai hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa persentase kesalahan yang paling tinggi adalah kesalahan dalam menggunakan do (36.26%), disusul kesalahan dalam menggunakan be (32.90%), dan persentase yang paling rendah adalah kesalahan dalam menggunakan have (30.84%). Jika disimpulkan dari 3.680 kalimat sebagai total populasi penelitian, hanya 47.66 % yang merupakan kategori "error" dan 52.34 % bukan "error". Dari total kesalahan yang didapat, ada sebanyak 15.68 % kesalahan dalam menggunakan be, 14.70% kesalahan dalam menggunakan have, dan 17.28%kesalahan dalam menggunakan do.



1.l. Background of Analysis

Crystal (1980:202) states, "Language is a particular variety or level of speech or writing and people use language for special purpose". People use both spoken and written language to convey their ideas or feelings in various purposes and reasons. Without using a language one can not establish social relationship and interact with the others.

There are many languages in the world and one of them is English which has become an international language. There are many countries use this language as their introductory language based on formal or non-formal activities. In Indonesia, English stands as a foreign language. Indonesia has also decided English as formal subject, that has been taught as a formal subject from primary school to university. However, there are many students still face difficulties and usually make errors hi learning the language because of the great differences between English and Indonesia language.

Corder (1979:260) states, "Errors are the features of the learner's utterances which are different from those of any native speakers and the learners do not recognize their errors so that they can not correct their errors themselves". When the errors are analyzed, they are called Errors Analysis. Richards (1985:96) says, " Error Analysis is the study and analysis of the errors made by the second and foreign language learners".


In addition, the Errors can be observed and analyzed based on Brown (1980:165), "That the fact that the learners do errors and that these errors can be observed, analyzed and classified to reveal something of the system operating within the learner, led to a surge of learner's errors called error analysis". Besides the errors can be observed and analyzed, errors also can be divided or classified into some parts. According to Richards (1985:95), "Errors can be classified to vocabulary (lexical error), pronunciation, (phonological error), grammar (syntactic error), misunderstanding of a speaker's intention or meaning (interpretive error), production of the wrong communicative effect e.g. through the faulty use of speech act or one of the rules of speaking (pragmatic error). In learning English, most of Indonesia students also make errors in structure or grammar because English structure has some quite complex patterns.

In English, there are 8 parts of speech. Wren and Martin (1990:3) states," According to their use, the parts of speech are eight hi number: Noun, Adverb, Adjective, Verb, Pronoun, Preposition, Conjunction and Interjection". The verb is the most complex parts of speech because it can be divided into many kinds. It is very interesting to be learnt especially about one kind of verbs called auxiliary verbs. Auxiliary verbs are one of the important basic grammars in English which helps other verb to form some of their parts. Frank (1972:94) says, "Auxiliary Verbs are helping verbs that add structural meaning or a semantic coloring to verbs carrying the full burden of lexical meaning ". However, most of the students think that the auxiliary verbs are not very important and they do not pay much attention to the auxiliary verbs. Thus, in forming sentences, the students usually make errors inusing


auxiliary verbs while there are many sentences hi English can not be formed correctly without them. Examples:

She have washed the plates (false) She has washed the plates (true) They are not study English (false) They do not study English (true)

School as one of institutions where the students study English, can be chosen as the location of analysis and research of the students' errors. And in this study, the research of the students' errors will be held in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum Medan. Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum Medan is part of Perguruan Islam Al-ulum Medan which is one of the big non government institutions which has experienced to consult the students since 1969. It also has some branches in Medan. It is chosen as the location of the research, because there has not been any research done hi this school yet.

1.2 Scope of Analysis

In a research it is very important to make the scope of the analysis to get the relevant datum. Thus, it will be better by making some limitations to analyze the errors of using auxiliary verbs. Auxiliary verbs are one of the most important parts of the grammar. There are two kinds of auxiliary verbs: primary / tenses which consist of do (do, does, did) have (have, has, had) and be (is, am, are, was, were, been, be, being). Modal auxiliaries which consist of can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, ought to, must, would rather, used to, dare ,and need. Therefore, the scope of the analysis is limited to the primary auxiliary verbs.


1.3 formulation of problems Analysis

There are two problems of the study to be analyzed as follows:

1. What types of errors are made by the students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum Medan in using auxiliary verbs?

2. What are the percentages of the errors made by the students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum Medan in using auxiliary verbs?

1.4 Objectives of Analysis

The objectives of the study are:

1. To describe, analyze and classify the types of errors are made by the students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum Medan in using auxiliary verbs.

2. To find the frequency of the errors made by the students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum Medan in using auxiliary verbs.

1.5 Significances of Analysis

This thesis will give the readers clear information and understanding dealing with error analysis, the concepts and the types of auxiliary verbs and also the students' errors in using auxiliary verbs. Besides that, this thesis can be used as reference for those who are interested in doing a further linguistic research especially dealing with auxiliary verbs.


1.6 The Method of Research

Bungin (2005: 40-41) states," There are three kinds of research based on the location of the research i.e. library, laboratory, and field research. In this study, field research is applied.

Here are some procedures in doing the analysis of the datum: 1. Collecting and choosing the subject.

2. Preparing a set of test which consists of 40 questions. 3. Collecting the result of the test

4. Identifying, analyzing, classifying, and percentaging of the errors made by those students.

The subjects of this research are the ninth year students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum which consists of three classes and it is located on Jl. Amaliun Gg. Johar no. 21 Medan. This research applies observation method and uses test technique by testing the respondents. There are 92 respondents from all the classes and each of them answers 40 questions. Therefore, the population is about 3680 sentences and this research uses the population as datum. Arikunto says, "Population is a group of individuals or items to be studied. The population of a research can be people, social, phenomenon language and any other things which may be relevant to the study".


In order to identify the percentages of errors which are made by the students in using auxiliary verbs, the analysis also uses the formula of Bungin (2005:172) below :

% 100

x N Fx n=


n =stands for the percentage of errors

fx = stands for the total of frequency of the sub - categories errors N =stands for the total errors of all categories




The Concept of Errors and Errors Analysis

Second language acquisition is a process that is clearly first language in its trial and error nature. Second language acquisition can be defined as the way in which people learn a language other than their mother tongue, inside or outside of a classroom. It might be to find out what learners actually do, as opposed to what they think they do, when they try to learn a second language. These samples provide of what the learners know about the language they are trying to learn (the target language). If samples are collected at different points in time it may also possible to find out how learners’ knowledge gradually develops.

Researchers and teachers of second languages soon realize that the mistakes and the errors of the learners in process of constructing a new system of language is needed to be analyzed carefully, for they possible held in them some of the keys to the understanding of the process if the second language acquisition. By learning the errors, it will make the foreign languages meet the goal and master the language more closely, and it will make the students try to discover the right form if the grammar, especially the right form of their errors.

2.1.1 Errors

In order to analyze learner is errors in a proper perspective, it is crucial to distinguish between mistakes and errors.


Corder (1979: 168) states “An error is lack of competence and mistake is performance deviant”.

Based on the statement above it can be concluded that a mistake refers to a performance error, either a random guess or a “slip”. It can be said a failure to utilize a known system correctly.

Next Ellis (1997: 17) states, “Errors reflect gaps in a learner’s knowledge; they occur because the learner does not know what is correct. Mistakes reflect occasional lapses in performance; they occur because, in a particular instance, the learner is unable to perform what he or she knows”.

There is an example of an apparent ‘mistake’ in Jean’s speech. Early in the narrative he says:

The big of them contain a snake.

using the past tense of the verb ‘contain’ correctly. However, in the final sentence he says:

The basket contained a snake.

Making what seems to be a past tense error. But clearly Jean knows what the past tense of ‘contain’ is as he has already used it correctly once. His failure to say ‘contained’ in the last sentence, then, might be considered a mistake.

How can we distinguish errors and mistakes? One way might be to check the consistency of learners’ performance. If they consistently substitute ‘contain’ for ‘contained’ this would indicate a lack of knowledge is an error. However, if they sometimes say ‘contain’ and sometimes ‘contained’, this would suggest that they possess knowledge of the correct form and are just slipping up or a mistake.


According to Webster is new English dictionary (1980) “Error a failure in correctness or accuracy, mistake is a wrong judgment or wrong action”.

All people make mistakes, in both native and second language situations. Native speakers are normally capable of recognizing and correcting such lapses and mistakes. Which are not the results of a deficiency in competence but the result of some sort of breakdown or imperfection in the process of producing speech, while the non native speakers are not.

For example, an English learner says Yoga cans sing, but on other occasions says ‘Yoga can sing’, we may indicate that the learner is committing a mistake, on the other hand, if the learners, speech reveals such utterances as ‘Yoga cans sing’, ‘Yoga mays swim’, etc. With very few instances of correct third-person singular usage of modal auxiliaries, we might then conclude that “cans”, “mays”, and other such forms are error which indicates that the learner has not distinguisher modals from other verbs.

2.1.2. Errors Analysis

Realizing that it is not easy to analyze the student’s errors without reading theories of error analysis here are some theories about errors analysis.

Richards (1985: 96) says, “Error analysis is the study and analysis of the errors made by the second and foreign language learners. Error analysis may be carried out in order to (a) find out how well someone knows a language (b) find out how a person learns a language (c) obtain information on common difficulties in language learning, as an aid in teaching or in the preparation if teaching materials, error analysis may be used as well as or instead of contrastive analysis”.


Beside that errors can be observed and analyzed based on Brown (1980 : 166) says, “that it is fact that he learners do make errors and that these errors can be observed, analyzed, and classified to reveal something of the system operating within the learner, led to a surge of study of learner’s error, called error analysis”.

The applied-linguistic concept of error analysis was initially an application of concepts derived from linguistic theory and language acquisition research. A primary focus of error analysis was on the evidence learner error and learner performance provides to an understanding of the underlying processes of second language acquisition. As Corder (1979 : 167) says that a learners errors are significant in (that) they provide to the researcher evidence of how language is learned or acquired, what strategies or procedure the learner is employing in the discovery of the language.

The methodology of error analysis that is cited by Corder and Richard could be applied to the analysis of the adult learners in learning second-language corder present a model based on a distinction between an idiosyncratic dialect of a social group. Corder attributes greater importance to the relationship mother tongue/learner’s dialect than the others.

Richard, while acknowledging his influence of the mother tongue on the learner’s language, documents a number of other common features of the learners dialect. These are referred to as intralingua and developmental errors reflects the general characteristics to the rule learning, such as overgeneralization, incomplete application of target language rules, failure to learn the conditions under which rules apply, and the development of false concepts.


There are stages in error analysis recognition, description, and explanation. Recognition of the error is this crucially depending upon correct interpretation of the learners intentions. For example, if the learner does not know the rules to form plurals, which distinguishes the singular and plural forms of noun he might express his meaning correctly half at the time.

Description can only begin when recognition has taken place. It is clear that for that purposes, the error analysis is a grammar which aims to relate the semantic structure of the sentence to its surface structure by a set of explicit rules. It is the most appropriate model for the description of error, since in the process of correction enables to show that the learner has failed to realize his intended message.

Explanation of error can be regarded as a linguistic problem, which is a statement of the way in which he has deviated from the realization if rules of the target language in the derivation of his sentences, which is what rules he has broken, substituted or regarded.

There are probable mistake and error in studying second language, like Richard cites that the errors are made by the second and foreign language learners. Error analysis may be carried out in order to find out how well someone knows a language, how a person learns a language and how to get information on common difficulties in language learning, as an aid in teaching or in the preparation of teaching materials.


2.2.English Auxiliaries

Discussing about English Auxiliaries. According to Hudson (1984: 15) says, "Auxiliary verbs are as their name suggests 'helping verb'. They do not make up a verb phrase on their own, but must usually be accompanied by a following main verb". In English, every clause has a finite verb which consists of a full verb (a non-auxiliary verb) and optionally one or more non-auxiliary verbs, each of which is a separate word. Examples of finite verbs include eat (no auxiliary verb), has eaten

(one auxiliary verb), and has been eaten (two auxiliary verb).

There is a syntactic difference between an auxiliary verb and a full verb, that is, each has a different grammatical function within the sentence. In English especially, there are some verbs that can act either as auxiliary or as full verbs, such as "he is climbing tree" and "he is a policeman". In he is climbing tree, be is function as an auxiliary verb while in the second sentence he is a policeman, be is function as a full verb

In English, the extra meaning an auxiliary verb imparts alters the basic form of the main verb to have one or more of the following functions:


Auxiliaries take not (or n't) to form the negative, e.g. can't, won't, shouldn't, etc. In certain tenses, in questions, when a contracted auxiliary verb can be used , the position of the negative particle n't moves from the main verb to the auxiliary : e.g. Does it not work? and Doesn't it work?.


Auxiliaries invert to form questions: — They will go ?


Will they go ?


The Dummy auxiliary do is used for emphasis in positive statement: — I do like this beer!


Auxiliaries can appear alone where a main verb has been omitted, but is understood:

— I will go, but she won't [go].

Tag Question

Auxiliaries can be repeated at the end of a sentence, with negation added or removed to form a tag question. In the event that the sentence did not use an auxiliary verb, a dummy auxiliary (a form of do) is used instead:

— You will come, won't you? — You ate, didn't you? — You won't play, will you? — You didn't eat, did you?

Next, Hudson divided English auxiliaries into two: primary auxiliaries and modals auxiliaries.

2.2.1. Primary Auxiliaries (do, have, be)

Do (Do, Does, Did)


Non- Negative Uncontracted Negative Contracted Negative Present 3rd person (She, He, It)

Others Past all subjects

Does Do Did Does not Do not Did not Doesn’t Don’t Didn’t

e.g. Anita does not wash the floor ( Uncontracted Negative) Anton doesn’t go to school (Contracted Negative) Did they come to the party last night (Non-negative)

The functions of Do auxiliary in English sentence are: 1. To make question (interrogative sentence)

"Do" will be put in front of the subject and always occurred an infinitive form of verb. The formula will be:

e.g. - Do you love her?

- does the baby drink milk?

- Did the bird eat the caterpillar?

2. To make negative statement

When we want to make negative sentences of simple present and simple past tense, we will need do/does/did. The formula is:

e.g. (+) You give him a basket of apples (-) You do not give him apples

(+) He plays the badminton

(-) He does not play the badminton

Do / does / did + Subject infinitive


(+) The took the letters

(-) They did not take the letters

3. To make abridgement (omission or substitution).

In making sentences, one usually needs to repeat some word, especially verb, in order to convey some information. This form will not be effective. So in order to make it effective, it needs abridgements. If we want to make abridgement for omitting or substituting verb, we use do/does for the present and did for the past form.

e.g. - Do you feel good? Yes, I do (feel good)

- She writes faster than her sister does (writes)

Do auxiliary is often used to emphasize the invention of the sentence. The emphasis can be found in some cases, they are:

a. as a positive resolution after some doubt

e.g. They are so sad that I do want to help them.

b. as positive contrasting with a negative (often introduce d by but). e.g. She thinks I didn't get it but I did

c. with concessive type of contrast

e.g. Although she speaks no words, I do understand what she feel.

d. with negative expression

e.g. Rani never did came to my house after Christmas last year.

e. with emphatic adverbs (definitely, positively, certainly). e.g. Does she remember? She certainly does remember

f. to express entreaty e.g. Please, do sit down!


Do borrow me dictionary! I need it

Have (Have, Has, Had)

Like do, have auxiliary has the following forms: Uncontracted


Contracted Non-negative

Uncontracted Negative

Contracted Negative

Base Have 've Have not, 've not Haven't

-s form Has 's has not, 's not Hasn't

Past Had 'd Had not, 'd not Hadn't

-ing form Having Not having

-ed participle Had

Forms of have are used to create tenses known as the present perfect and past perfect. The perfect tenses indicate that something has happened in the past; the present perfect indicates that something happened and might be continuing to happen, the past perfect indicates that something happened prior to something else happening. Beside that, auxiliary have is also used in Future Perfect.

For examples: 1. Present perfect


2. Past Perfect

She had bought the doll when I came

3. Future Perfect

She will have bought doll when you arrived

The formula like characteristics of English verb is apparent form the fact that each perfect tense uses a special auxiliary :

1. Present Perfect Tense : has (the 3rd person singular) and have (the others)

2. Past Perfect: had (for all the subjects)

3. Future Perfect: will have/shall have. Shall is used for first person / and we, will is used for all other persons.

Like do, have is both can as a main verb and auxiliary. As a main verb (=possess) have is sometimes constructed as an auxiliary, especially British English (BrE). American English (AmE) prefers the do-construction :

e.g. She hasn’t any apples (esp.BrE)

She doesn’t have any apples (AmE and BrE)


Be is constructed as an auxiliary even when it functions as a main verb. It normally has no do-construction. It has eight different forms :

Has / Have + past Participle

Had + Past Participle


Non-negative Uncontracted Negative

Contracted Negative

Base Be

Present 1st person singular

Am, ‘m Am not, ‘m not (aren’t, ain’t)

3rd person singular

Is, ‘s Is not, ‘s not Isn’t

1st, 2nd,and 3rd person plural

Are, ‘re Are not, ‘re not Aren’t

Past 1st, and 3rd person plural

Was Was not Wasn’t

1st, 2nd,and 3rd person plural

Were Were not Weren’t

-ing form Being Not Being -ed participle Been

e.g. They are watching TV now I’m not thirsty

He isn’t playing football

The bird wasn’t on the tree yesterday

Notes :

Aren't is widely used in questions in BrE, but there is not generally acceptable contracted form for am not in declarative sentences,. Ain't is


substandard BrE and is so considered by many in AmE. As well as serving as a contracted am not, it is used also for isn't, aren't, hasn't and haven't.

• The main verb be may have the Jo-construction in persuasive imperative sentences an regularly has it with negative imperatives.

e.g. Don’t be quite!

• In the construction be + to- infinitive only the finite (present and past form of be can be used)

The functions of be are: 1. To form progressive tense

Progressive tense or continuous tense is makes explicit that certain action is in progress. In other word, the construction emphasize that the action expressed by the verb phrase is going over a span of time. Progressive tense is signaled by some form of auxiliary verbs be plus a present participle (an- ing verb form) as part of the verb phrase. The form of be with depend on the tense of the sentences, as we have seen in the following:

a. present progressive (IS/AM/ARE + V.Ing) e.g. - Intan is eating a basket of chikus

- Tila and winda are studying English b. past progressive (WAS/WERE + V.Ing)

e.g. - Intan was eating a basket of chikus - Tila and winda were studying English c. future progressive (WILL/SHALL + BE +

e.g. - Intan was eating a basket of chikus - Tila and winda will be studying english


d. perfect progressive (HAVE/HAS + BEEN + V.Ing) e.g. - Intan has been eating a basket of chikus

- Tila and winda has been studying english 2. To form passive voice

The most important auxiliary needed to form passive voice is Be. In this voice, be is always followed by past participle form of verb. Form of all passive verbs:

For regular verbs, the past participle ends in -ed (e.g. corrected, wanted). Some participles are irregular (e.g. taught, seen). The form of be

will vary as follows:

a. Present tense (Is/Am/Are + Past Participle)

e.g. Active (A) : Lia gives intan a new magazine Passive (P) : intan is given a new magazine by lia b. Present continuous tense (Is/Am/Are I Being + Past Participle)

e.g. Active (A) : Lia is giving intan a new magazine Passive (P) : Intan is being given a new magazine by lia c. Present perfect tense (Have/ has + Been + Past Participle)

e.g. Active (A) : Lia has given intan a new magazine

Passive (P) : Intan has been given a new magazine by lia d. Past tense (Was/ Were + Past Participle)

e.g. Active (A) : Lia given Intan a new magazine

Passive (P) : intan was given a new magazine by lia e. Past continuous tense (Was/Were + Being + Past Participle )


e.g. Active (A) : Lia was giving intan a new magazine by lia f. Past perfect tense (Had + Been + Past Participle )

e.g. Active (A) : lia had given intan a new magazine

Passive (P) : Intan had been given a new magazine by lia g. Future tense (Will/ Shall + Be + Past Participle )

e.g. Active (A) : Lia will give intan a new magazine Passive (P) : intan will be given a new magazine by lia h. Future perfect tense ( Will/Shall + Have + Been + Past Participle)

e.g. Active (A) : Lia will have given intan a new magazine

Passive (P) : Intan will have been given a new magazine by lia i. Past future tense ( would + be + past Participle)

e.g. Active (A) : Lia would give intan a new magazine Passive (P) : Intan would be given a new magazine j. Past future perfect tense (Would + have + been + Past participle)

e.g. Active (A) : Lia would have given intan a new magazine

Passive (P) : Intan would have ben given a new magazine by Lia

2.2.2. Modals Auxiliaries

Modal auxiliaries are helping verbs that express a wide range of meanings (ability, possibility, permission, necessity). Most of modal have more than one meaning. The modal auxiliaries do not have -s forms, -ing forms, or-ed participles. Modal auxiliaries have the following forms:


Non-Negative Uncontracted Negative Contracted Negative Can Could May Might Shall Should Will, ‘ll Would, ‘d Must Ought to Used to Need Dare

Cannot, can not Could not

May not Might not

Shall not Should not Will not, ‘ll not Would not, ‘d not

Must not Ought not to

Used not to Need not Dare not Can’t Couldn’t (Mayn’t) Mightn’t Shan’t Shouldn’t Won’t Wouldn’t Mustn’t Oughtn’t Didn’t use(d) to

Needn’t Daren’t


a. Sometimes there is a choice between two contracted forms, e.g. won't and 'll not.

b. Mayn't is restricted to British English, where it is rare. c. Shan't is rare in American English.

Can / Could

Can and could are used to express ability and sometimes permission (in informal speech). Can expresses the present ability and could expresses the past


ability. In expressing the ability, "canand could" can be replaced by the phrase

be able to.

e.g. Clarissa can swim (present ability → Clarissa is able to swim Dea could sleep well (past ability) → Dea was able to sleep well Liana can go now (giving permission)

Can I borrow your book? (asking permission)

As additional explanation about the using of can and could can be seen as follow:

• The modal auxiliary can is used

— To express ability (in the sense of being able to do something or knowing how to do something) :

e.g. Ardi can speak Spanish but Ardi can't write it very well

— To express permission (in the sense of being allowed or permitted to do something):

e.g. Can Italk to my friends in the library? (Can is less formal than may.

Also, some writers will object to the use of can in this context). — To express theoretical possibility :

e.g. American automobile makers can make better cars if they think there's a profit in it.

• The modal auxiliary could is used — to express an ability in the past:

e.g. I could always beat you at tennis when we were kids. — to express past or future permission :


— to express present possibility:

e.g. We could always spend the afternoon just sitting around talking — to express possibility or ability in contingent circumstances: e.g. If he studied harder, he could pass this course


May and might are used to express possibility and permission. In expressing possibility, they can be replaced by the words "possible, probable, and perhaps". In expressing permission, they can be replaced by the phrase "be allowed to" and "be omitted to ".

e.g. He might be sick (possibility) → perhaps he was sick In that day, anyone might enter this building (permission)

You may leave now (permission) → you are allowed to leave now They left Medan one hour ago, they may be at Berastagi right now.

In addition to denoting possibility and permission, the auxiliary may or might may express:

1. A wish

e.g. - May God bless all of us

- May all your day be nice and beautiful. 2. Reproach

e.g. - You might tried to be the chairman - You might have tried to avoid using drug


3. Purpose

e.g. - Anta is studying hard, so that he may finish her study this year. - Ardy really cares to me, so that he may win my love.

4. Concession

e.g. Try as he might, he could not win the competition.


Will / would are used to express the action in the future. In certain context,

will and would arc virtually interchangeable, but there arc differences.

• The Functions of "Will" 1. To express willingness

- I’ll wash the dishes if you dry

- We're going to go to the movies. Will you join us? 2. To express intention (especially in the first person)

- I’ll do my exercise later on 3. To express prediction

- specific: The meeting -will be over soon. - Timeless: Humidity will ruin my hairdo

- Habitual: The river will overflow its banks every spring.

• The Functions of "Would". 1. To express willingnesss

- would you turn on the light

2. To form subjunctive mood


- If you had asked for it, you would have received it (past unreal) 3. To express past custom

- Rini would spend her holiday in hawai 4. Combined with rather to mean prefer

- He would rather go to the club. 5. In if clause, with the sense of he willing to

- If you would be so kind, open that gate for me. 6. To mean desire or volition

- She would not have anyone think bad of her. 7. To mean probability

-That is what everyone would do in this situation.


"Shall" is used to indicate that an action will occur in the future. "Shall" is regularly used only in two situation in present day spoken English.

a. When another person is being asked to participate, in making a decision. e.g. Shall we watch movie tonight?

b. When regulation is being state in formal language.

e.g. Each member shall pay his dues on the first Monday of each month.

In writing, especially in writing with formal tone, "shall" is used with first subject (I and We). Do not make mistake of carelessly substituting

"shall” for "will”. In a verb phrase, the verb form following will is invariably an infinitive.


e.g. - I shall come (rather formal) - I will come (formal)

"Should", in modal auxiliary, is not really the past form of "shall" which occur in tense auxiliary. "Should" here is both the present and past form. "Should"

usually occur in statements about one's duty or one's advantage which one is free to accept or reject. The exact functions are as the following:

1. To express obligation

Should deals with what one is expected to do. It shows a less obligation than


e.g. Anita should help Rini

2. To express advisability

It deals with what is wise for one to do. e.g. Ardy should tell His feeling to me.

3. To express expectation

Should suggest a reasonable degree of probability but only when the idea of expected is possible.

e.g. Present : They should be coming now Past : They should have come by now 4. To form subjunctive Mode

In traditional grammar, "should" is classified as the conditional tense and the past "should" have plus a lexical verb is considered the conditional perfect tense. This conditional form is required for the verb in the main clause of a sentence with an if unreal condition.


- If she had loved you, he should have told you the truth.

Ought to

Ought regularly has the to-infinitive. "Ought to" is used to express the necessity. e.g. He ought to study harder

You ought to listen to your teacher.


"Must" can be used in some cases, such as: 1. To express necessity or compulsion.

e.g. - You must study hard (necessity) 2. To express purpose or certain will.

e.g. - I must fixed it up before I go to the campus. - I must marry her, in all risk.

3. To express duty or obligation.

e.g. - Everyone must pay taxes to the government. - All students must do their homework. 4. To show a strong possibility.

e.g. - Rini looks so sad today. She must have broken heart. - Anta was late. He must have got a traffic jam.

In this function, "must" can be used in the past form: Must + Have + Past Participle


"Must" can be replaced by "have to". "Must" show stronger obligation than

"have to". In negative form, must not and do not have to have a different meaning, i.e.:

a. Must not

''must not" denotes that it is strongly recommended not to take a certain course of action.

e.g. You must not rob the bank ( you are strongly recommended not to rob the bank)

b. Do not have to

"Do not have to" denote that it is not necessary to take a certain course of action. e.g. You don't have to get there at six. (it is not necessary for you to get there

at six)

Used to

“Used” always takes the to-infinitive and occurs only in the past tense. This auxiliary is used to express an action that took place in the past, perhaps customarily, but now that action no longer customarily takes place.

e.g. My father used to play badminton very well. He used to work in that office.

"Used to" as an auxiliary for the past custom must be distinguished from "be used to". In this phrase, used is an adjective synonymous with accustomed and to is a preposition.


Be to / Be Supposed to

Auxiliary "be to" can be used in some cases, such as: 1. To show the meaning of be required to or be expected to

e.g. People are to give their support to Indonesian team 2. To form the meaning of hope to

e.g. If 1 am to say love to you, you should be mine 3. To form the meaning of be destined to (a future outcome)

e.g. He is to become the president of this country. Auxiliary "be supposed to" can be used:

1. To show the meaning of it is believed that. e.g. I am not supposed to love you anymore 2. To show the meaning of be required to

e.g. We were supposed to come to her house yesterday 3. To show the meaning of planned or schedule.

e.g. The train is supposed to leave late night.

Where there is a choice with be to (for a requirement, or a schedule event), be

supposed to express less definiteness.

Dare and Need

"Dare" and "need" can be constructed as modal auxiliaries (with bare infinitive and without the inflected forms dares/needs, dared/needed) or as main verbs (with to-infinitive, -s inflection and past forms). The modal auxiliary construction is mainly restricted to negative and interrogative sentences whereas the main verb construction can always be used and is in fact the more common.


Modal Auxiliary Construction

Main Verb Construction

Positive He need to go now Negative He needn’t go now He doesn’t need to go now Interrogative


Need he go now? Needn’t he go now

Does he need to go now? Doesn’t he need to go now?

2.3.The Previous Study

As the additional guidance and references for me in writing this thesis, it consults some thesis related to the auxiliary verbs.

Puspita, (2004) describes and analyzes the errors made by the tenth grade students of the SMU Al-Azhar Medan in using Auxiliary verbs. From the 1,496 total errors, there are 480 (32.09%) errors of be, 383 (26.60%) errors of have, 380 (25.40%) errors of do, and 253 (16.91%) errors of modal. From the result of analysis, it can be concluded that based on the total of the errors : the highest percentage of error produced is the percentage of error using be auxiliaries (32.09%), and the lowest percentage of error is the using modal auxiliaries (16.91%).

Suderia, (2007) analyzes the errors of analysis of auxiliary verbs made by second year students of SMU 13 Medan. The result of her research is the most kind of error that made by the students of SMUN 13 Medan is the error of 'omission' with nominal 41, means that most of the students omit or do not use the auxiliary verbs in their sentences while the sentences need the auxiliary verbs.


Dealing with the information after reading the theses, the objectives of the analysis are different with this thesis. In this thesis, the objectives are to find out and classify errors made by the respondents and then to make the percentage of them. But there is much information has got to complete the writing of this thesis.



3.1. Method of Research

There are three kinds of research based on the location of the research i.e. library, laboratory, and field research (Bungin, 2005:40-41). In writing this thesis, field research is applied. The research has been done to the ninth year students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum Medan that is located on Jl. Amaliun Gg.Johar No.21 Medan. This institution consists of some degree from the Kindergarten School until Senior High School. In this analysis, The research is limited only to the ninth year students or the 3rd grade of Junior High School students. The total of ninth year students here are about 92 students. They are divided into 3 classes.

3.1.1. Population

In doing the research, the data was collected from all the ninth year students who act as the respondents of the research; it is about ninety two students. Actually, the term "respondents" is not suitable used in the case of language research but finally it is acceptable for it has a similar function with the term "respondent" in the case of social research. It has a function to give the data which must be analyzed. In collecting the data, this thesis applied observation method and used test technique by testing the respondents.

Population is a group of individuals or items to be studied. The population of a research can be people, social, phenomenon language and any other things, which may be relevant to the study (Arikunto, 2006:130). In this case, the population of the


research came from all the questions (40) times all responders (92). So the total population is 3680 sentences. The populations of the research are all the items of errors are made by the respondents for each type of errors. It means that the populations are real based on what items of errors are made.

3.1.2. Instrument of Collecting Data

The instrument of collecting data is such devices which used by the researcher in collecting data in order the research to be systematic and easier to do. In this research, the instrument of collecting data is the test that is arranged by the researcher (Arikunto, 2006:150). The test consists of 40 sentences which relate to auxiliary verbs. The test is divided into four sections (A, B, C, and D). Section A consists of 10 questions which formed in True-False choices (question no. 1-10). Section B consists of 10 questions which formed in matching system (question no. 11-20). Section C (the questions no.21-30) is formed in multiple choice system. Then the last part, Section D (the questions no.31-40) is formed in Essay test. This test is arranged in that form in order to make variation for the students in answering the test. Beside that, the form of the test also is adapted from the text book of Curriculum for 9th year students. The students are given the test having to answer it in 60 minutes.


3.2. Data Analysis Method

According to Malo (in Lubis, 2002: 28), to make researcher easier in analyzing data, the data should be made simpler by classifying and categorizing the data. Having classified and categorized the data, the data will be analyzed by using error analysis method.

3.2.1. The Procedure of Data Analysis

There are some procedures in doing the analysis of data. Firstly, collecting the data which to be analyzed. Secondly, identifying and analyzed the errors made by the students by circling the errors. Thirdly, classifying the errors produced, whether it is the error of do (do, does, did); have (have, has, had), and be (is, am, are, was, were).

The next step is to tabulate the errors. Tabulating the errors including count the errors, put the errors into the tables based on the classification of errors, and count the percentage of the errors.

To count the errors in percentage, the analysis also uses the formula of (Bungin, 2005:171-172).The formula is:

% 100

x N

fx n=

Notes: nstands for the percentage of errors

fx stands for the total errors frequency of the sub-category


Having count the percentage of errors, then analyzing the errors based on the classification or types of each error and also based on the mixing of errors is made; and finally, by looking up the results of the analysis, next steps is drawing some conclusions.



In the preceding chapter, the procedures in doing the analysis of data have been mentioned clearly. Besides, some of those procedures have been done well and periodically beginning from collecting the data, correcting the data, and identifying the errors produced by circling that error. The results of the analysis of data or the findings are as follows:

4.1. Classification of Errors

Having identified the errors by circling them, all the data were classified according to their kinds of error: errors in using do auxiliaries (do, does, did), errors in using have auxiliaries (have, has, had), errors in using and be auxiliaries (is, am, are, was, were).The following table is the data achieved from the test:

No. Type of errors Numbers

1. Do Do 237

Does 217

Did 182

Total of errors 636

2. Have Have 233

Has 247


Total of errors 541

3. Be Is 106

Am 67

Are 79

Was 202

Were 123

Total of errors 577


No Type of Errors Total

1. Errors of Do . 636

2. Errors of Have 541

3. Errors of be 577

Total Errors 1.754

Based on the table above, it can be said that from 1.754 total of errors, there are found 636 errors in using do auxiliaries (do, does, did), 541 errors in using have


were). It means that the most dominant error is the errors in using do, and the least one is the error in using have.

4.2. Percentage/Frequency of Errors 4.2.1 Frequency Based on the Total Errors

To percentage the errors, it is used the formula (Bungin,2005:17l-172) :

% 100

x N


n= . By applying the formula above, here are the percentage of the errors:


% 100

x N

fx The Result

Errors of Do

% 100 754 , 1 636 x 36,26%

Errors of be

% 100 754 , 1 577 x 32,90%

Errors of Have

% 100 754 , 1 541 x 30,84%

Those percentages of errors can be seen in the following table:


No. Type of Errors Total Percentage

1. Errors of Do 636 36,26%


3. Errors of Have 541 30,84%

Total 1,754 100,00%

Based on the Table 2 above, it can be concluded that the highest percentage of frequency of errors is the errors in using do (36,26%) and the lowest one is the frequency of errors in using have (30,84%). For clearer understanding, the distribution of those frequency can be descript by using graphic in form of histogram. The graphic in form of histogram graphic follows:


TOTAL ERRORS 28.00 30.00 32.00 34.00 36.00 38.00

Errors of Do Errors of be Errors of Have

Type of Errors

P er cen tag e o f er ro rs ( % ) Notes:

D = Errors in using Do auxiliaries H = Errors in using Have auxiliaries B = Errors in using be/to be auxiliaries

4.2.2. Frequency Based on the Total Population

On the other hand, the errors can be made in percentage based on the total of population by dividing the totals per sub-category with the total of population. Then


it is made in percentage in order to know how many percent of the total population the error per sub-category are made based on the data. Here are those percentages:


% 100

x N

fx The Result

Errors of Do

% 100 680 , 3 636 x 17,28%

Errors of Have

% 100 680 , 3 577 x 15,68%

Errors of be

% 100 680 , 3 541 x 14,70%


No Types of Errors Total Percentage (%) 1. Errors of Do 636 17,28 %

2. Errors of be 577 15,68% 3. Errors of Have 541 14,70% Total of Errors 1.754 47,66% Total are not Errors 1.926 52,34% Totals 3.680 100,00%

And the remaining percentage 52, 34% of them are not errors. In other words, it can be said that only 15,68 % of the total population is error of be auxiliaries; 14,70 % is error of have auxiliaries; 17,28 % is error of do auxiliaries. The distribution of those errors can also be descripting in the histogram graphic below:




13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00

Errors of Do Errors of be Errors of Have

Type of Errors





e o

f er





Notes :

D = Errors in using Do auxiliaries H = Errors in using Have auxiliaries B = Errors in using be/to be auxiliaries

Having made percentage the errors produced, the next procedure of analyzing data is to analyze the errors which are produced by the respondent based on the classifications or types of each error. In this procedure, beside some errors will be described, there will be discussed why the answer is error by based on the classifications or types of each error. In this procedure, beside some errors will be described, there will be discussed why the answer is error by preparing the reconstruction (the right answer) as can be seen in the following explanation.


4.3 Error Based on the Types, of Each Error 4.3.1 Errors of Using Do Auxiliaries

Do A.

Do you want an apple? ( )

Students are asked to state whether the sentence is True or false. The right answer is True (T).


Question (6)

Question (15)

I like orange but I … not like apple

The question is a matching system. The students are asked to choose one of the words in the column which fits the sentence. The right answer is ( i ) do

C. Question (23)____

….. you study in the evening

A) are B).do (C) has

Students are asked to choose which choice is the best answer to fill in the blank. The right answer is (B) do


Discussion: Question (40)

….. they take their Bananas ?

Students are asked to give the right form of auxiliaries to correct the. The right answer is “do”

"Do" usually is used in simple present tense. It also functions to make negative and interrogative sentence in this tense. "Do" will be put in front of the


subject to make an interrogative sentence and always occurred an infinitive form of verb. The formula will be:

To make negative sentence, "do" will be put after the subject then it followed by "not" and infinitive. The formula will be:

"Do" is only used in the sentence which started with "I, you, we, they" subjects (except he, she, it).

Does A.

Does the accident happen last night? ( )

Students are asked to state whether the sentence is true or false. The right answer is F (False)


Question (2)

Question (13)

Her sister ….. not sweep the floor?

The question is a matching system. The students are asked to choose one of the words in the column which fits the sentence. The right answer is (A) does

C. Question (24)

She is very tired. She … not good

A) does B) do C) was

Students are asked to choose which choice is the best answer to fill in the blank. The right answer is (A) does


D. Question (32)

…… Mira live a lone?

Students are asked to give the right form of auxiliaries to correct the. The right answer is "does"

"Does" is auxiliary verb that is used in simple present tense. In present tense, the time signals are "everyday, every week, and every year." It is used to show the habitual actions, daily activity, and general truth.

Discussion ;

It will be put in front of the subject of the 3rd person singular (pronoun he, she, it) to make an interrogative-sentence and always occurred an infinitive form of verb. The formula will be:

To make negative sentence, "does" will be put after the subject then it followed by "not" and infinitive. The formula will be:



A. Question (1)

I did not watch TV yesterday ()

Students are asked to state whether the sentence is true or false. The right answer is T (True)

B. Question (11)

My mother …. Not cook rice yesterday

The question is a matching system. The students are asked to choose one of the words in the column which fits the sentence. The right answer is (e).did

Does + Subject +infinitive + Complement?


C. Question (27)

Why …. She go home early?

A) did B) do C) have

Students are asked to choose which choice is the best answer to fill in the blank. The right answer is (a) did.

Discussion :

"Did" is the past form of do/does. It also functions to make negative and interrogative sentence in simple past tense. It is used in all subjects (I, you, we, they, he, she, and it).

"Did" will be put in front of the subject to make an interrogative sentence and always occurred an infinitive form of verb. The formal is:

To make negative sentence, "did" will be put after the subject then it followed by "not" and infinitive.

The formula will be:

Did + Subject + Infinitive


The Table of Percentage Based On the Total of Do Errors

Kinds of Auxiliary verb Number of Errors Percentage based on the total of errors(%)

Do 237 13.52

Does 217 12.37

Did 182 10.37

TOTAL the errors in using "Do" auxiliaries

636 36.26

4.3.2 Errors of Using Have Auxiliaries


John have gone to New York ( )

Students are asked to state whether the sentence is true or false. The right answer is F (false).

A. Question (4);

B. Question (17)

…… you done your assignment

. The students are asked to choose one of the words in the column which fits the sentence. The right answer is (d) have

D. Question (38)

We ….. met the teacher before

Students are asked to give the right form of auxiliaries to correct the sentence. The right answer is "have".


Has B.

……… Anita bought an umbrella?

Students are asked to state whether the sentence is true or false. The right answer is (g) has


Question (12)

My key………been stolen Question (21)

A. Has B. Was C. Is

The students are asked to choose one of the words in the column which fits the sentence. The right answer is (a).has

Discussion: D. Question (34)

Her car ….. been repaired

Students are asked to give the right form of auxiliaries to correct the sentence. The right answer is "has".

Forms of have/has are used to create tenses known as the present perfect. The perfect tense indicate that something has happened in the past; the present perfect indicates that something happened and might be continuing to happen. Has is used for the 3rd person singular subjects (Pronoun he, she, it) and have is used for the others (I, you, we, they). The formula is :

"Have/has" will be put in front of the subject to make an interrogative sentence and always occurred past participle form of verb. The formula will be :


To make negative sentence, "have/has" will be put after the subject then it followed by "not" and participle. The formula will be:


D. Question (36)

She … done her work when they visited her

Students are asked to give the right form of auxiliaries to correct the sentence. The right answer is "had".


Forms of had is used to create tenses known as the past perfect tense. The perfect tense indicate that something has happened in the past; the past perfect indicates that something happened prior to something else happening. Had is used for all the subjects. The formula is :

Had" will be put in front of the subject to make an interrogative sentence and always occurred past participle form of verb. The formula will be :

To make negative sentence, "had" will be put after the subject then it followed

Have/has + Subject + past participle ?

Subject + have/has + not + past participle

Subject + Had + past Participle


by "not" and participle. The formula will be :

The Table of Percentage Based On the Total of Have Errors Kinds of Auxiliary verb Number of


Percentage based on the total of errors(%)

Have 233 13.29

Has 247 14.08

Had 61 3.47

TOTAL the errors in using "Have" auxiliaries

541 30.84

4.3.3 Errors of Using Be Auxiliaries

Is A.

She is not reading a book now ( )

Students are asked to state whether the sentence is true or false. The right answer is True (T)


Question (3)

Question (20)

….. she washing the plates ?

The question is a matching system. The students are asked to choose one of the words in the column which fits the sentence. The right answer is (h).is




Question (22)

Somebody ….. painting the door

A) do B) is C) were

Students are asked to choose which choice is the best answer to fill in the blank. The right answer is (b) is

I am writing the letter ( )

Students are asked to state whether the sentence is true or false. The right answer is True (T)

A. Question (10);

I … not watching the movie

The question is a matching system. The students are asked to choose one of the words in the column which fits the sentence. The right answer is (b) am

B. Question (18);

I….. never invited to her parties

A) Were B) Am C) Has

Students are asked to choose which choice is the best answer to fill in the blank. The right answer is (b) am

C. Question (30);


We…buying many grapes

The question is a matching system. The students are asked to choose one of the words in the column which fits the sentence. The right answer is (f) are


Where…they going

A) Have B) Are C) Does

Students are asked to choose which choice is the best answer to fill in the blank. The right answer is (b) are

C. Question (28);

They….talking to the artist

This is an essay question. Students are asked to give the right form of auxiliaries to correct the sentence. The right answer is “are”.

D. Question (37);

Discussion :

"Is/am/are" are used as auxiliary verbs simple present tense (no-verb). “Is” is used for the 3rd person singular subjects (pronoun He, she, it), "Am" is used for the first person singular (I ), "are" is used for the 3rd person plural (you, we, they).

The formula is :

Beside that, be "is/am/are" also used in progressive tense (present continuous tense). This tense shows an action going on at the time of speaking. The formula is :

This tense usually is marked with the time signals of "now, right now, at this moment, at this present, this afternoon, tonight, today.

Subject + is/am/are + Complement



The office was cleaned every day ( ) A. Question (5)

Students are asked to state whether the sentence is true or false. The right answer is False (F).

The student …. Sleeping when his teacher taught B. Question (14)

The question is a matching system. The students are asked to choose one of the words in the column which fits the sentence. The right answer is (j) was


D. Question (31)

It ….. not raining, so we went out

This is an essay question. Students are asked to give the right form of auxiliaries to correct the sentence. The right answer is “was”.


It were raining when we went out

Students are asked to state whether the sentence is true or false. The right answer is False (F).

Question (8)


… You playing when your mother came home?

The question is a matching system. The students are asked to choose one of the words in the column which fits the sentence. The right answer is (c) were


Discussion :

"Was/were" are used as auxiliary verbs of simple past tense (no-verb), "was"

is used for the 3rd person singular subjects (pronoun He, she, it), "were" is used for the 3rd person plural (you, we, they). The formula is :

Beside that, be "was/were" also used in progressive tense (past continuous tense). This tense shows an action going on at sometimes in the past. The formula is :

Both tenses, past tense and past continuous tense usually are marked with the time signals of "yesterday, last week/month, a week ago, the day before yesterday.

The Table of Percentage Based On the Total of Be Errors

Kinds of Auxiliary verb Number of Errors Percentage based on the total of errors(%)

Is 106 6.04

Am 67 3.82

Are 79 4.51

Was 202 11.51

Were 123 7.02

TOTAL the errors in using "be" auxiliaries

577 32.90

Subject + is/am/are + V-ing + Complement




5.1 Conclusions

Before drawing some conclusions of analysis, it is better firstly to show the result of the analysis before. Having analyzed the data, the result of the analysis can be explained as follows: the errors which are produced by the respondents are divided into four sub-categories; those are the errors in using do auxiliaries, the errors in using have auxiliaries, and the errors in using be auxiliaries. From the 1.754 total errors, there are 636 (36.26%) errors of do, 577 (32.90%) errors of be, and 541 (30.84%) errors of have.

From the above result of analysis, it can be concluded that based on the total of errors the highest percentage of error produced is me percentage of error in using do auxiliaries (36.26%), and the lowest percentage is the percentage of error in using have auxiliaries (30.84%).

Talking about the errors based on the total of population, it can be concluded that there is only 47.66 % total errors of all sub-category from 3.680 sentences of total population and the remaining percentage 52.34 % of them are not errors. In other words, it can be said that only 17.28 % of the total population is error of do auxiliaries, 15.68 % is error of be auxiliaries, and 14.70 % is error of have auxiliaries.

Based on the result above, it can be conclude that the process of teaching and learning English auxiliary in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum Medan is good enough,


but it needs to be improved to decrease the number of errors in using auxiliary verbs which made by the students.

5.2. Suggestions

Having known the result of the analysis, here are some suggestions need to be considered below:

1. The English teachers are suggested to teach how to use the auxiliary verbs in sentence, both oral and written clearly and completely.

2. To all the respondents, it is advisable to learn about auxiliary verbs to make them being better in mastering English as one of the international languages. 3. We all realize that mastering English as the second language is not easy to do.

Though the thesis which deals about the auxiliary verbs, we all are able to understand and comprehend English as the part of our effort in mastering English.

4. Finally, to all the readers of the thesis, who are interesting in doing further linguistics research to do the research deals with the error analysis in using auxiliary verbs; also the others English grammar which have ever been done.



Arikunto, Sunarsimi. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

Brown, H.D. 1980. Principles of Learning and Teaching. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.

Bungin, H. Burhan. 2Q05.Metodohgi Penelitian kuantitatif. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group

Chapman, L.R.H. 1980. English Grammar and Exercises. Hongkong: Sheck Wan Tony Printing Press

Corder, S. P. 1979. The Significance of Learner Errors: Perspective and Second Language Acquisition. London: Longman Group, Ltd.

Crystal, David. 1997. English as a Global Language. Cambridge: University Press ---.1980. A Dictionary Of Linguistics And Phonetics. Cambridge:

Blackwell Publishers, Ltd.

---.1997. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge Blackwell Publishers, Ltd.

Ellis, Rod. 1997. Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: University press Frank,Marcella. 1972. Modern English Part 1. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc Hudson, Richard. 1984. Word Grammar. Trowbrigde: Redwood Burn, Ltd.

James, Curl. 1998. Errors in Language Learning Use: Exploring Error Analysis.

London: Longman.

Langacker, Ronald W. 1972. Fundamentals of Linguistics Analysis. New York: Harcourt Brace Jaranovich, Inc.

Leech, Johasson and Biber,1973. Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English.

London: Longman Group, Ltd.

Murphy, Raymond. 1997. Essential Grammar in Use. Cambrigde: University Press Nourish, John. 1983. Language Learners and Their Errors. Hongkong: The

Macmillan Press, Ltd.

Puspita, Clara, 2004. The Use Auxiliary Verbs by The Students of SMU Al- Azhar Medan. Medan: Fakultas Sastra. (Unpublished thesis)


Richards, J. 1985. Error Analysis: Perspective on Second Language Acquisition.

London: Longman Group, Ltd.

Riyanto, Slamet. 2007. The 1st Students Choice TOEFL: Test Strategy For Structure and Written Expression. Jogja: Pustaka Pelajar

Suderia, Maretta. 2007. The Errors Using Auxiliary Verbs Of Senior High School Students : A Study Case Of Letters Of Second Of SMU 13 Medan, Medan: Fakultas Sastra. (Unpublished thesis)












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Bermaksud untuk mengadakan penelitian di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum Medan, dalam rangka penulisan skripsi tentang "An Error Analysis of Auxiliary verbs made by the 2006/2007 Ninth Grade Students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum Medan". Untuk itu kami mohon bantuan Saudara memberikan izin penelitian terhadap mahasiswa tersebut.

Atas bantuan dan kerja sama Saudara, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

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Drs.Aminullah, M.A., Ph.D. NIP 132049290











JALAN AMALIUN GG. JOHAR MEDAN TELP. 7364083-7343982-7345509 FAX: 7354717


Nomor:280/MTs-AU/V/2009 Medan, 23 Mei 2009 Lamp :

-Prihal : Telah Melaksanakan Riset Kepada Yth:

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Assalamu'alaikum. wr. wb.

Dengan hormat, menanggapi surat mahasiswi dari Fakultas Sastra Universitas Sumatera Utara ( USU) No. 893/H5. prihal melakukan penelitian dalam rangka penulisan skripsi tentang " An Error Analysis of Auxiliary verbs made by the 2006/2007 Ninth Grade Students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-UIum Medan "


N a m a : Intan Sufiah Batubara

N i m : 050705053

Departemen / Prog. Studi : Sastra Inggris

Menyatakan telah selesai melaksanakan riset tgl. 15 April 2009 di MTs Al-Ulum Medan

Demikian surat ini kami perbuat dengan sebenarnya dan dapat dipergunakan dengan seperlunya.

Kepala Mts Al-Ulum Medan







Nama : Kelas :

Waktu : 60 menit

A. Benar-Salah

Tulislah T (True) jika struktur kalimat dibawah ini benar dan F (False) jika salah. Contoh : My hands are dirty. I am going to wash them (T)

My hands are dirty. I was going to wash them (F)

1. I did not watch television yesterday ( ) 2. Does the accident happen last night? ( ) 3. She is not reading a book now ( ) 4. John have gone to New York ( ) 5. The office was cleaned every day ( ) 6. Do you want an apple? ( ) 7. Anita does not drink coffee ( ) 8. It were raining when we went out ( ) 9. What did you do last night? ( ) 10. I am writing the letter ( )

B. Menjodohkan

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar yang ada di sebelah kanan untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat dibawah ini.

11. My mother... not cook rice yesterday a. does 12... Anita bought an umbrella? b. am 13. Her sister... not sweep the floor c. were 14. The student... sleeping when his teacher taught d. have 15. I like orange but I... not like apple e. did 16...You playing when your mother came home? f. are 17... you done-your assignment? g. has 18. I... not watching the movie. h. is 19. We... buying many grapes i. do 20... she washing the plates? j. was




Jalan Universitas 19 Medan; Tel./Fax.: (061) 8215956;

Nomor :

893 /H5.2.1-.7.4/PPM/2009

l.ampiran :


: Izin Penelitian

Yth. Kepala Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum

Jln. Amaliun Gg. Johar No.21


Dekan Fakullas Sastra Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan dengan ini menerangkan

bahwa mahasiswa yang tersebut di bawah ini:

N a m a

: Intan Sufiah Batubara


: 050705053

Departemen/Program Studi : Sastra Inggris

Bermaksud untuk mengadakan penelitian di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum Medan,

dalam rangka penulisan skripsi tentang

"An Error Analysis of Auxiliary verbs

made by the


Ninth Grade Students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah

Al-Ulum Medan".

Untuk itu kami mohon bantuan Saudara memberikan izin penelitian

terhadap mahasiswa tersebut.

Atas bantuan dan kerja sama Saudara, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

a.n Dekan

Pembantu Dekan I

Drs.Aminullah, M.A., Ph.D.

NIP 132049290











JALAN AMALIUN GG. JOHAR MEDAN TELP. 7364083-7343982-7345509 FAX: 7354717



Medan, 23 Mei 2009

Lamp :

-Prihal : Telah Melaksanakan Riset

Kepada Yth:

Bapak Dekan Fakultas Sastra USU



Assalamu'alaikum. wr. wb.

Dengan hormat, menanggapi surat mahasiswi dari Fakultas Sastra

Universitas Sumatera Utara ( USU) No. 893/H5.

prihal melakukan penelitian dalam rangka penulisan skripsi tentang "

An Error Analysis of Auxiliary verbs made by the 2006/2007 Ninth

Grade Students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-UIum Medan "


N a m a

: Intan Sufiah Batubara

N i m

: 050705053

Departemen / Prog. Studi : Sastra Inggris

Menyatakan telah selesai melaksanakan riset tgl. 15 April 2009 di MTs

Al-Ulum Medan

Demikian surat ini kami perbuat dengan sebenarnya dan dapat

dipergunakan dengan seperlunya.

Kepala Mts Al-Ulum Medan








Nama :

Kelas :

Waktu : 60 menit

A. Benar-Salah

Tulislah T (True) jika struktur kalimat dibawah ini benar dan F (False) jika salah.

Contoh : My hands are dirty. I am going to wash them (T)

My hands are dirty. I was going to wash them (F)

1. I did not watch television yesterday ( )

2. Does the accident happen last night? ( )

3. She is not reading a book now ( )

4. John have gone to New York ( )

5. The office was cleaned every day ( )

6. Do you want an apple? ( )

7. Anita does not drink coffee ( )

8. It were raining when we went out ( )

9. What did you do last night? ( )

10. I am writing the letter ( )

B. Menjodohkan

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar yang ada di sebelah kanan untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat dibawah ini.

11. My mother... not cook rice yesterday a. does

12... Anita bought an umbrella? b. am

13. Her sister... not sweep the floor c. were

14. The student... sleeping when his teacher taught d. have

15. I like orange but I... not like apple e. did

16...You playing when your mother came home? f. are

17... you done-your assignment? g. has

18. I... not watching the movie. h. is

19. We... buying many grapes i. do

20... she washing the plates?

j. was


C. Pilihan berganda (multiple choice)

Berilah tanda silarig (X) pada salah satu alternatif jawaban

21. My key... been stolen. a.has b.was

22. Some body «... painting the door c.were

23... you study in the evening? a.are c.has

24. She is very tired. She ... not go out a.does c.was

25. Where .... Your shoes made? a.are b.were

26. I... cleaned my room a.has b.was c.have

27. Why.... She go home early a.did c.have

28. Where.... They going? a.have b.are c.does

29. Devi... lost her passport a.were b.has c.have

30. I.... Never invited to her parties a.were c.has

D. Essay

Lengkapilah kalimat dibawah ini dengan menggunakan auxiliary verb yang tepat!

31. It... not raining, so we went out. 32... Mira live alone?

33.1... not know about the news 34. Her car... been repaired

35. This house ... built 100 years ago

36. She ... done her work when they visited her 37. They... talking to the artist

38. We ... met the teacher before

39. He ... been working in the bank for five years