A Study Of Psyshological Disorder Through The Leading Character In Alice Sebold’s Novel The Lovely Bones










First, I would like to give thanks to my saviour Jesus Christ who always gives me His blessings, guidance and spirit to finish this thesis.

The thesis deals with A Study of Psychological Disorder Through the Leading Character in Alice Sebold’s Novel The Lovely Bones.

I would like to say thank to some lecturers who helped and guided me to write this thesis, they are:

1. Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A as the Dean of Faculty of Letters in University of Sumatera Utara.

2. Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum as the Head of English Literature Department in University of Sumatera Utara.

3. Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum as the Secretary of English Literature Department in University of Sumatera Utara.

4. Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum and Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum as my Supervisor and as my Co-Supervisor for the precious advices, supporting assistance and understanding that motivated me to finish this thesis.

5. Drs. Siamir Marulafau, M.Hum as my Academic Supervisor for the encouragement during my study at English Literature Department in University of Sumatera Utara.

I say thanks to God for giving me parents, A.T.Hutahaean and N. Hutagaol who love and care of me and struggle hard to fulfill all my needs. “Thank you for


your praying dad and mom; I dedicate this thesis to you”. Thank to God for giving me three handsome and clever brothers, Antony Valentino Hutahaean, Chiltry Rocky Hutahaean and Daniel Christian Hutahaean and my lovely beautiful sister, Fourtina Fricilia Hutahaen that had supported me in finishing this thesis. I love you all.

I do not know whether it is important to say or not, but since I choose the title of my thesis until finish It, I always cared, accompanied and motivated by my love, Halasan Aston Siregar. I hope this thesis could be our last creative memorable thing.

Finally yet importantly, I would like to say thank to my friends Ilda,Junastri,Debora, Roma,Nofa, Miss, Yosi, Nellissa, Giat, Joni, Elpan, Dix, Hendra and Rances for all the time we had shared together and I do not forget to say thanks to the other friends in my class and my friends and sisters in my dominatory, especially for my little cute step sister, Nancy Putriana Simbolon. Finally, I hope this thesis will always be beneficial for the readers.

Medan, 6 September 2010 The Writer,

Novi Yanti Hutahaean Reg.No 060705006



I, Novi Yanti Hutahaean, declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. Except where references is made in text of this thesis, this thesis contains no material published else where or extracted in whole or in part from a thesis by which I have qualified for awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of the thesis. This thesis has not been submitted for aware of another degree in any tertiary education.

Signed :



Name : Novi Yanti Hutahaean

Title of this thesis : A Study of Psychological Disorder Through the Leading Character in Alice Sebold’s Novel The Lovely Bones Qualification : S-1/ Sarjana Sastra

Department : English

I am willing that my thesis should be available for reproduction at the discretion on the librarian of the English Department, Faculty of Letters, University of Sumatra Utara on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic Indonesia.

Signed :



Skripsi ini berjudul A Study of Psychological Disorder Through the Leading Character in Alice Sebold’s Novel The Lovely Bones yang merupakan suatu pembahasan mengenai psikologi abnormal yang dimiliki Mr. Harvey yaitu pedopilia. Tujuan dari pembahasan ini adalah untuk mengetahui psikologi abnormal, pedopilia dan faktor apa yang mempengaruhi perkembangan Mr. Harvey. Setelah melakukan pembahasan dengan menggunakan buku-buku psikologi dan juga novel The Lovely Bones sebagai bahan pedoman pembahasan, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa dalam perkembangannya, Mr. Harvey mendapatkan warisan gen yang diperoleh dari orang tuanya dan karena faktor lingkungannya sendiri waktu kecil.








CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Background of Analysis ... 1

1.2 The Problems of Analysis... 4

1.3 The Purposes of Analysis ... 4

1.4 The Significance of the Study ... 5

1.5 The Method of Analysis ... 5

1.6 The Review of Related Literature ... 6


2.2 Psychosexual disorder ... 8

2.3 Literature and Psychology ... 32

2.4 Character in Literature ... 32

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1 Library Research………...34

3.2 Extrinsic Approach ………34



5.1 Conclusion……….47 5.2 Suggestion………..47 BIBLIOGRAPHY




Skripsi ini berjudul A Study of Psychological Disorder Through the Leading Character in Alice Sebold’s Novel The Lovely Bones yang merupakan suatu pembahasan mengenai psikologi abnormal yang dimiliki Mr. Harvey yaitu pedopilia. Tujuan dari pembahasan ini adalah untuk mengetahui psikologi abnormal, pedopilia dan faktor apa yang mempengaruhi perkembangan Mr. Harvey. Setelah melakukan pembahasan dengan menggunakan buku-buku psikologi dan juga novel The Lovely Bones sebagai bahan pedoman pembahasan, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa dalam perkembangannya, Mr. Harvey mendapatkan warisan gen yang diperoleh dari orang tuanya dan karena faktor lingkungannya sendiri waktu kecil.



1.1 The Background of Analysis

The word literature is derived from the Latin ‘literera’ (letter) which primarily refers to the written or printed words. Literature refers to compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, expresses emotions, an analysis, and advocate ideas.

Literature may be classified into three categories: prose fiction, poetry, and drama. Prose fiction or narrative fiction, includes myths, parables, romances, novels and short stories. Novel is the longest of all literary forms, which more popular because it represents human activities in daily life through the characters and setting.

Psychology is the study of human mind and behavior. Mind deals with person. Person is character. In Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, the word ‘character’ defined as person in a play, novel, etc. Every character has mind and action. Action is the behavior form. Behavior deals with judgment. Judgment here means to point the person’s attitude whether it is good or bad. In Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, the word ‘good’ defined as morally right or acceptable and the word ‘bad’ defined as wicked, immoral. In the novel The Lovely Bones, character Mr. Harvey rapes and kills children. People judged Mr. Harvey’s attitude is immoral, wicked that called bad.


In this thesis, I would like to discuss one of Alice Sebold’s novel’s The Lovely Bones through psychological approach. I choose psychological approach in analyzing this novel because in this novel the author focuses on sense of psychology that is showed by the character Mr. Harvey. The character expresses psychological disorder, he rapes and kills children. The novel draws the character that is suspected as murderer because of his psychological disorder.

“Psychological disorder can be defined as a psychological dysfunction associated with distress or impartment in functioning that is not typical or culturally expected response.” (Barlow & Duran, 1995:2) Disorder or behavior that can be associated with distress or impartment is that would be case if the individual with the disorder were extremely upset, or if the disorder were negatively affecting the person’s ability to function. It occurred infrequently or rarely.

The character Mr. Harvey in the novel has distress or impartment that occurred infrequently. Mr. Harvey rapes and kills girls. He has been killing girls for a long time and has never been caught for his deeds. Mr. Harvey has the horrible childhood that molded him into a murderer. He has sexual disorder that called pedophilia. In psychology, sexual attraction to children or very young adolescents called pedophilia (Barlow & Duran, 1995:451) because his sexual attraction to children, he rapes and kills girls. Rape is sexual intercourse by use of force, fear between individuals of the same sex or the opposite that can cause biologic effects and psychological effects (Sadoff)

The Lovely Bones is a novel of an American novelist named Alice Sebold that appeared in 2002. The novel draws from the author's personal experiences


from when she was raped during her freshman year at Syracuse University. The novel received a great deal of critical praise and became an instant bestseller. It is the story of a teenage girl about a 14-year-old who, after being brutally raped and murdered by a man named Mr. Harvey. She watches from heaven as her family and friends go on with their lives, while she herself comes to terms with her own death. Mr. Harvey is a sexual predator, a rapist, a serial killer. He is the 36-year-old neighbor who rapes and murders Susie, within minutes of her own home.

The main reason why I am interested in choosing Alice Sebold’ The Lovely Bones as the focus of analysis because the novel presents the complexity of human relationship among the members of the family in a household after a death of a daughter that has been raped and killed by a man that has sexual disorder. He has the horrible childhood that molded him into a murderer and cause sexual disorder that called pedophilia. In psychology, sexual attraction to children or very young adolescents called pedophilia (Barlow & Duran, 1995:451) because his sexual attraction to children, he rapes and kills girls. The reason why I choose psychological disorder as my analysis because I want to know deeply about psychology. It is so interesting to study. I could study to understand about people’s mind and action after studying it. In this case, I could know and understand deeply about psychological disorder.


1.2 The Problems of Analysis

Man has to face various problems such social, economic, and psychological problem in his life. One of the psychological problems is psychological disorder. In this case, the psychological disorder is raping and murder. As its title indicates, the analysis in this thesis focuses on psychological disorder. Statements of the problem are as follows:

1. How mental balance could make Mr. Harvey in The Lovely Bones to be a rapist?

2. How mental balance could make Mr. Harvey in The Lovely Bones to be a killer?

1.3 The Purposes of Analysis

As its statement of problem indicates, the purposes in this thesis are as follows:

1. To find out how mental balance could make Mr. Harvey in The Lovely Bones to be a rapist

2. To find out how mental balance could make Mr. Harvey in The Lovely Bones to be a killer


1.4 The Significance of the Study

This study expected to provide some significance especially for English literature students and readers in general. They are to contribute reading material or information about psychological disorder particularly for students who deal with as major subject and to enrich knowledge for reader or especially student of English literature in studying literature especially of Alice Sebold’s work.

1.5 The Method of Analysis

According to Kirk and Miller (1986:9), there are two kinds of method in analyzing; they are quantitative and qualitative method. Quantitative method includes every kind research that based on calculation, number or quantity. In other hand, qualitative method includes every kind research that not based on calculation.

In analyzing, I use qualitative descriptive method. This method is a scientific procedure to get conclusion from particular thing to general idea based on the theory. I use Alice Sebold’s The Lovely Bones, as the main source of data. I use some steps in doing this analysis. First, I read whole novel to get deep understanding about the novel. Second, I select the important information about the sexual disorder indication in the novel. Third, I quote the text and make the quotation as the data to support the analysis. Fourth, I would make interpretation based on the data that found in the novel and I collect some books to support my analysis.


Based on Theory of Literature, there are two methods in analyzing a literary work: intrinsic and extrinsic (Wellek, 1955). Intrinsic method approaches the literary works from internal factor, the text. Such as rhythm, rhyme, scheme, form, mood, etc. In the other hand, extrinsic method approaches the literary works from external factors such as biography, autobiography, psychology, philosophy, history, society, religion, etc. Therefore, it is clear enough that I use the extrinsic method in analyzing my thesis.

1.6 The Review of Related Literature

In order to get further information, idea, and other dealing with the analyze and to give clearer and better understanding about the term, I use some books related to the subject matter. There are several books as follow:

1. Theory of literature, by Rene Wellek and Austin Warren (1982)

This book provides some explanations about approaching as analyzing a literary work. This book helps me understanding extrinsic approach and literary in general and the distinction between psychology and literature.

2. Literature: an Introduction to Reading and Writing by Edgar V. Roberts & Henry E. Jacobs (1995)

This book discusses about literature types. I use this book to get some information about literature and the classification of literature.

“Literature may be classified into three categories 1) prose fiction, 2) poetry, 3) drama.” (Edgar V. Roberts & Henry E. Jacobs, 1995)


3. Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach, by David H. Barlow & V. Mark Durand (1995)

The book provides some explanations and analysis about abnormal psychology such as sexual disorder

4. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, by Lexy J.Moleong (2005)

This book provides some explanations about qualitative method. This book helps me understanding about qualitative method.

5. Human Sexuality, by Rosemarie Hogan (1980)

This book gives some important information about sexuality. 6. Psychology, by Henry L. Roediger III and friends

This book gives me some explanations about psychology.

7. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, by Oxford University Press




2.1 Psychological disorder

“Psychological disorder or abnormal behavior can be defined as a psychological dysfunction associated with distress or impartment in functioning that is not typical or culturally expected response.” (Barlow & Duran, 1995:2). Disorder or behavior that can be associated with distress or impartment is that would be case if the individual with the disorder were extremely upset, or if the disorder were negatively affecting the person’s ability to function. It occurred infrequently or rarely.

Psychological disorder can be classified into seven major disorders: anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders, dissociative disorders, psychosexual disorders, affective disorders, schizophrenic disorders, the antisocial personality disorders.

In writing this thesis I will use the theory of psychological disorder, which focused on the theory of psychosexual disorders especially pedophilia.

2.2 Psychosexual disorder

There are three basic categories of psychosexual disorders or sexual disorder: (1) those involving gender identity; (2) those involving paraphilias, or sexual deviations; and (3) those involving sexual dysfunction.


Category of psychosexual disorder with the example: (1) Gender identity or role disorder

- Transsexualism: the wish to be rid of one’s own genitals and to have those of the opposite sex-Transvestism: wearing the clothes of the opposite sex

-Gender identity or role disorder of childhood: strong preference for the clothes, toys, activities, and companionship of the other sex

(2) Paraphilias (sexual deviations)

A paraphilia is a person that has had repeated and intense sexual urges or fantasies about watching, touching, or engaging in sexual acts with prepubescent children, and may carry out these urges or fantasies (Comer, 2004).

Nine out of ten pedophiles are male and are usually fascinated with females who are in their preteens. Also, it is not uncommon for the sex offender to become intrigued with teenage males. They usually start out as “normal” people and are extremely shocked and distressed to discover their illicit sexual preference for the prepubertal (Vaknin, 2005).


-Fetishism: sexual arousal to inanimate object, usually clothing (e.g., rubber boots, underclothes)

-Zoophilia: the use of animals as the preferred method of achieving sexual excitement

-Pedophilia: the use of a young child as the choice of sexual excitement

-Dyshomophilia: the act or fantasy of homosexual activity where such activity produces distress or quilt


-Exhibitionism: gaining sexual excitement by exposing the genitals to an unsuspecting stranger

-Voyeurism: spying on a member of the opposite sex while that person undresses, is nude, or engages in sexual activity

-Sexual masochism: deriving sexual gratification from behaviors that are painful or symbolic of punishment

-Sexual sadism: deriving sexual gratification from inflicting pain or suffering on another

-Other paraphilias (a residual category): intercourse with a corpse (necrophilia); rubbing against others in elevators (frottage); sex with a sibling or parent (incest) (3) Psychosexual dysfunctions

-Inhibited desire: persistent lack of interest in lack

-Inhibited sexual excitement (frigidity in females; impotence in males): frequent inability to achieve full sexual excitement

-Inhibited female organism: the (more or less complete) inability to have an orgasm

-Inhibited male orgasm: the inability to ejaculate

-Premature ejaculation: too speedy ejaculation due to absence of voluntary control -Functional dyspareunia: painful intercourse

-Functional vaginismus: involuntary and intense contractions of the outermost portion of the vagina



Perhaps the most tragic deviant pattern of arousal is sexual attraction to children (or very young adolescents), called pedophilia. Sexual attraction to children or very young adolescents called pedophilia (Barlow & Duran, 1995:451)

Pedophiles are people who feel themselves primarily attracted to children, including in a sexual sense. That attraction to children is experienced as such an important value, that they consider it as a very essential part of who they are. If they weren't allowed to have these feelings they wouldn't be the people they are.

Pedophiles are drawn to children between the ages of about eight and fifteen. When children approach puberty they sometimes lose their attractiveness for the pedophile. This may be difficult for the youngster to accept. Sometimes, however, a strong friendship remains. Just as in the case of other adults, pedophiles can have contacts with children they have known for only a short time and with children they have known much longer. Usually the partners in a pedophile relationship have known one another some length of time before they have sexual contact. They often live close to one another in the same neighborhood. The adult partner is sometimes a friend of the child's parents, or even a member of the family

Pedophiles can be anyone old or young, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, non-professional or professional, and of any race. However, pedophiles often demonstrate similar characteristics, but these are merely indicators and it should not be assumed that individuals with these characteristics


are pedophiles. However, knowledge of these characteristics coupled with questionable behavior can be used as an alert that someone may be a pedophile.

The characteristics of a pedophile are very hard to notice but if one were to examine it closely it is evident that they are not your average Joe. Personality characteristics vary amongst pedophiles but usually seem to be very similar once they are directly analyzed. Pedophiles usually display unusual interest in children along with a failed marriage due to dissimilar sexual interest with their spouse. (Medical Library: Fact Sheet, 1997 APA). Their hobbies and interest sometimes include collecting any kinds of items that revolve around children such as models of cars and airplanes. Even a pedophile’s room decorations frequently resemble that of a child (Pedophiles and Child Molesters-The Slaughter of Innocence-Online).

Additional characteristics of this particular type of sex offender are that he has few if any friends his own age, thirty or over in age, and usually is single. Pedophiles are not interested in people of their own age. They are so intrigued with childlike obsessions that they forget about reality versus fantasy. What a smart pedophile does to have access with children is to seek employment to where he is forced to be with kids consistently. You can even find them being very involved with volunteering in the community with children related events (Pedophiles and Chile Molesters-The Slaughter of Innocence-Online). Employment usually consists of schoolteachers, bus drivers, photographers, and even athletic coaches. (Pedophilia, 2004)


Pedophile persons do exactly the same things with children as other adults do, except that sometimes sexual relations occur in addition. Pedophile persons want to express their feelings for children, in physical ways as well. Thus, especially in the case of young children, sexual activity seldom includes any kind of sexual penetration. Children are not yet physically big enough for this. An adult male who introduces his penis into the vagina of a girl or the anus of a boy will usually cause the child pain. For this reason alone pedophiles normally don't try.

They talk to each other, laugh together, play together and so on. Children and pedophiles also make love to one another. They hug and cuddle each other, they let each other see their sex organs. Pedophiles also masturbate their little friends or masturbate while their little friends watch, or they engage in mutual masturbation with them.

Sexual contacts between children and pedophiles take place in short, one-off contacts and in longer lasting relationships. The sexual contact in longer-lasting relationships often develops gradually. A time comes when the relationship suddenly becomes more intimate; then it can become sexual. Thus it doesn't make sense to talk about who takes the initiative. As the relationship gradually develops there comes a moment when both partners simply feel that sex is a fitting part of it. Thus it is generally not the case that one of the two is "pushing for it," but that the sexual contact arises after "signals" have gone back and forth.

It can happen that sex is forced on a child. The adult can misuse his power. He or she can compel the child or trick him into giving in. This is not, however,


specific to pedophile sexuality. Compulsion and force sometimes occur in homophile and heterophile contacts, too. But children are less able to defend themselves from this than are adults. Children are more easily abused. Sexuality is not the only field in which this is true. Relationships with children always require respect and restraint.

Pedophile relations are not just a matter of sexuality. A bond of friendship can also arise, which often continues on after the end of the sexual aspect of the relationship. The adult can be someone who is very meaningful in the child's life, as a person the child can confide in, who is a source of support, a mentor - but before all else, as a friend.

The feelings which a child experiences in such a relationship are feelings of loving and being in love. The meaning that the sexual aspect has for the child cannot be compared with the meaning that it has for the adult. Sometimes children take the passive role in sex; they find it pleasant to accept the attentions. They enjoy the affection and find the caressing nice. It gives them a sense of pleasure. But children can also take an active role. Then they enjoy caressing the adult and actively making love to them.

Children apparently don't think of sex as something separate from the relationship itself. Through the attitudes of others and through w hat they have been taught, they have often learned that sexuality should be seen as something "separate." Therefore they often stoutly refuse to talk about the relationship with others.


There is always the possibility that the sex offender was molested himself throughout his childhood, therefore, thinking it is okay to do the same to others. When a child is sexually molested, there can be a much distorted view of love and intimacy. There are usually issues that arise later on down the road into their adult life. (The Problem of Pedophilia, 2004)

To be diagnosed with pedophilia, the sex offender has to meet certain criteria and actually have had a sexual encounter with a child. The three symptoms that are listed in the DSM-IV are: “Has the person had repeated fantasies or urges about engaging in sexual activity with a child generally 13 years of younger, or has he actually had sexual encounters with a child, A person who is preoccupied with sexual urges and fantasies that disturb his functioning (that is, negatively affect his relations with others or impair his ability to work effectively), even without ever engaging in a sex act with a child, The fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning. These three criteria have to exist in pedophiles and are the most important for a person to be diagnosed. (Medical Library: Fact Sheet,1997 APA)

Criteria for pedophilia are:

1. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger).

2. The fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors cause clinically significant distress or impartment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.


-The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in criterion 1.

-Do not include an individual in late adolescence involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with a 12- or 13- year-old.

According to th behavioral indicators of a pedophile, also referred to as a serial child sex abuser include the following:

1. Usually an adult male but some women also sexually abuse children 2. Often a child molestation victim themselves

3. Seeks out children of the age group they were when victimized 4. Usually married and hard-working

5. Employed within a wide range of occupations

6. Usually well-liked and respected community members 7. Often well-educated and regular church-goers

8. Relates better with children than adults 9. Some prefer boys, some prefer girls

10.Usually prefers a specific age group of children

11.Takes and collects photographs of victims while dressed, nude or in sexual poses

12.Collects child-adult pornography

13.Seeks to lower inhibitions of potential victims

14.Regularly attends children’s events in the community 15.Volunteers in youth organizations


16.Coaches children’s sports

17.Chaperones camping or overnight trips

18.Frequents video arcades, playgrounds or shopping malls 19.Offers babysitting services

20.Seeks jobs where children are easily accessible

21.Befriends parents, especially single mothers, to gain access to children 22.Participates in internet gaming with children

23.Joins social networking websites such as MySpace, Facebook, and other social media

24.Become foster parents

25.Seeks job opportunities where children are easily-accessible

Causes of pedophilia:

A variety of different theories exist as to the causes of pedophilia.

-Pedophilia along with the other paraphilias to biology. They hold that testosterone, one of the male sex hormones, predisposes men to develop deviant sexual behaviors.

-Pedophilia as resulting from psychosocial factors rather than biological characteristics.

-Pedophilia is the result of having been sexually abused as a child.

-It derives from the person's interactions with parents during their early years of life.

- Pedophilia arrested emotional development; that is, the pedophile is attracted to children because he or she has never matured psychologically.


-Pedophilia as the result of a distorted need to dominate a sexual partner. Since children are smaller and usually weaker than adults, they may be regarded as nonthreatening potential partners. This drive for domination is sometimes thought to explain why most pedophiles are males.

- Early inappropriate sexual associations or experiences (some accidental and some vicarious), possible inadequate development of consensual adult arousal patterns-possible inadequate development of appropriate social skills for relating to adults, inappropriate sexual fantasies repeatedly associated with masturbatory activities and strongly reinforced, repeated attempts to inhibited undesired arousal and behavior resulting in (paradoxical) increase in paraphilic thoughts, fantasies, and behavior.

Pedophiles like child like activities:

-He is often fascinated with children and child activities appearing to prefer those activities to adult oriented activities.

-He will often refer to children in pure or angelic terms using descriptives like innocent, heavenly, divine, pure, and other words that describe children but seem inappropriate and exaggerated.

-He has hobbies that are child-like such as collecting popular expensive toys, keeping reptiles or exotic pets, or building plane and car models.

Pedophiles often prefer children close to puberty:

-Pedophiles often have a specific age of child they target. Some prefer younger children, some older.

-Often his environment or a special room will be decorated in child-like decor and will appeal to the age and sex of the child he is trying to entice.


-Many pedophiles often prefer children close to puberty who are sexually inexperienced, but curious about sex.

Pedophiles work around children:

-The pedophile will often be employed in a position that involves daily contact with children.

-If not employed, he will put himself in a position to do volunteer work with children, often in a supervisory capacity such as sports coaching, contact sport instruction, unsupervised tutoring or a position where he has the opportunity to spend unsupervised time with a child.

The target child:

-The pedophile often seeks out shy, handicapped, and withdrawn children, or those who come from troubled homes or under privileged homes.

-He then showers them with attention, gifts, taunting them with trips to desirable places like amusement parks, zoo's, concerts, the beach and other such places.

Finally, pedophilia is usually treated with cognitive-behavioral therapies. The two most popular approaches are the behavioral self-control training and the relapse-prevention training. Generally the individuals diagnosed with pedophilia can go through the cognitive-behavioral therapy alone or with the medications prescribed to them. (Pedophilia, 2004)

To help treat or control pedophilia one needs to take the following medications: Anti-androgens reduce male sex hormones levels and medications that increase serotonin such as Prozac. The two medications have been somewhat successful but with mixed results. (All Psych Online, 1999)


Pedophilia is one of the more common paraphilias; the large worldwide market for child pornography suggests that it is more frequent in the general population than prison statistics would indicate. Together with voyeurism and exhibitionism, pedophilia is one of the three paraphilias most commonly leading to arrest by the police. The onset of pedophilia usually occurs during adolescence. Occasional pedophiles begin their activities during middle age but this late onset is uncommon. In the United States, about 50% of men arrested for pedophilia are married. The frequency of behavior associated with pedophilia varies with psychosocial stress. As the pedophile's stress levels increase, the frequency of his or her acting out generally rises also. Pedophilia is more common among males than among females. In addition, the rate of recidivism for persons with a pedophilic preference for males is approximately twice that of pedophiles who prefer females. Little is known about the incidence of pedophilia in different racial or ethnic groups.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,fourth edition text revised, the following criteria must be met to establish a diagnosis of pedophilia.

• ** Over a period of at least six months, the affected person experiences recurrent, intense and sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges or actual behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children aged 13 or younger.


o The fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors cause clinically significant

distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of daily functioning.

o The affected person must be at least age sixteen and be at least five years older than the child or children who are the objects or targets of attention or sexual activity.

A diagnosis of pedophilia cannot be assigned to an individual in late adolescence (age 17 to 19) who is involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with a 12- or 13-year-old person. In establishing a diagnosis of pedophilia, it is important for a mental health professional to determine if the patient is attracted to males, females or both. It is also important to determine whether incest is a factor in the relationship. Finally, the doctor must determine whether the pedophilia is exclusive or nonexclusive; that is, whether the patient is attracted only to children (exclusive pedophilia) or to adults as well as to children (nonexclusive pedophilia).

One difficulty with the diagnosis of the disorder is that persons with pedophilia rarely seek help voluntarily from mental health professionals. Instead, counseling and treatment is often the result of a court order. An interview that establishes the criteria for diagnosis listed above may be enough to diagnose the condition, or surveillance or Internet records obtained through the criminal investigation may also be used. An additional complication in diagnosis is that the paraphilias as a group have a high rate of comorbidity with one another and an equally high rate of comorbidity with major depression, anxiety disorders, and


substance abuse disorders. A person diagnosed with pedophilia may also meet the criteria for exhibitionism or for a substance abuse or mood disorder.

In the earliest stages of behavior modification therapy, pedophiles may be narrowly viewed as being attracted to inappropriate persons. Such aversive stimuli as electric shocks have been administered to persons undergoing therapy for pedophilia. This approach has not been very successful. In 2002, the most common form of treatment for pedophilia is psychotherapy, often of many years' duration. It does not have a high rate of success in inducing pedophiles to change their behavior. Pedophilia may also be treated with medications.

The three classes of medications most often used to treat pedophilia (and other paraphilias) are: female hormones, particularly medroxyprogesterone acetate, or MPA; luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonists, which include such drugs as triptorelin (Trelstar), leuprolide acetate, and goserelin acetate; and anti-androgens, which block the uptake and metabolism of testosterone as well as reducing blood levels of this hormone. Most clinical studies of these drugs have been done in Germany, where the legal system has allowed their use in treating repeat sexual offenders since the 1970s. The anti-androgens in particular have been shown to be effective in reducing the rate of recidivism. Surgical castration is sometimes offered as a treatment to pedophiles who are repeat offenders or who have pleaded guilty to violent rape. Increasingly, pedophiles are being prosecuted under criminal statutes and being sentenced to prison terms. Imprisonment removes them from society for a period of time but does not usually remove their pedophilic tendencies. In 2002, many states have


begun to publish the names of persons being released from prison after serving time for pedophilia. Legal challenges to this practice are pending in various jurisdictions.

The prognosis of successfully ending pedophilic habits among persons who practice pedophilia is not favorable. Pedophiles have a high rate of recidivism; that is, they tend to repeat their acts often over time. The rate of prosecution for pedophiles through the criminal justice system has increased in recent years. Pedophiles are at high risk of being beaten or killed by other prison inmates. For this reason, they must often be kept isolated from other members of a prison population. Knowledge of the likelihood of abuse by prison personnel and inmates is not, however, an effective deterrent for most pedophiles.


Rape is one of psychosexual disorder that caused by abnormal sexual arousal (DR Kartini Kartono, 1989:233)

Rape is defined in most jurisdictions as of sexual penetration, by one person ("the accused" or "the perpetrator") with or against another person ("the victim") without the sexual intercourse by use of force, fear between individuals of the same sex or the opposite that can cause biologic effects and psychological effects (Sadoff)


The term define "rape" to cover only acts involving treating all other types of non-consensual sexual activity as sexual assault.

Different rapists commit rape for different reasons, and any one rapist may rape for different reasons at different times (Muehlenhard, Danoff-Burg, and Powch 1996). Thus, no one theory can explain all rapes. However, many cultural factors seem to contribute to rape.

Commonly held myths such as these contribute to date and marital rape:

• A man must have sex to prove his masculinity;

• When women say no to sex, they really mean yes, so men should ignore women's refusals;

• If a woman engages in kissing or petting, she is obligated to engage in sexual intercourse;

• What goes on between a husband and a wife is no one else's business; and

• The man should be head of the household.

These are dangerous myths that can lead to rape (Burt 1991).

Traditional gender roles prescribing female submission and male dominance are linked to rape. In Australia, Germany, and Japan, rates of violent sexual offenses were related to national levels of dominant masculinity (Neapolitan 1997). Studies in several countries have suggested that rigid gender roles and promotion of an ideology of male toughness are related to violence against women (Heise et al. 1994; Sanday 1981).


Characteristics of the culture and gender role socialization, however, do not explain why most men do not rape, why some women rape men, or why rape occurs in gay and lesbian relationships in which both people have experienced similar gender role socialization. Individual differences are also important.

Some people hold beliefs justifying rape more strongly than others. Men who rape tend to believe more strongly in myths about rape, and they are more likely to engage in fantasies about coercive sex (Drieschner and Lange 1999). Compared with other men, rapists drink more heavily, begin having sexual experiences earlier, and are more likely to have been physically or sexually abused as children (Berkowitz 1992; Ullman; Karabatsos; and Koss 1990).

There is no single theory that conclusively explains the motivation for Researchers have attempted to explain the motivation of a rapist in terms of

The research on convicted rapists has found several important motivational factors in the sexual aggression of males. Those motivational factors repeatedly implicated are having anger at women and having the need to control or dominate them.

Factors increasing men's risk of committing rape include alcohol and drug consumption, being more likely to consider victims responsible for their rape, being less knowledgeable about the impact of rape on victims, being impulsive


and having antisocial tendencies, having an exaggerated sense of masculinity, having a low opinion on women, being a member of a criminal gang, having sexually aggressive friends, having been abused as a child and having been raised in a strongly patriarchal family.

A study by Marshall et al. (2001) found that male rapists had less empathy toward women who had been sexually assaulted by an unknown assailant and more hostility toward women than nonsex offenders and nonoffender males/females.

Freund et al. (1983) stated that most rapists do not have a preference for rape over consensual sex and Marshall et al. (1991) stated that there are no significant differences between the arousal patterns of male rapists and other males.

Some argue that the capacity or propensity to rape is that historically, men with genes which increase their propensity to rape may have had more children, furthering the spread of those genes.


Factors increasing mens risk of committing rape

Individual factors Relationship factors

Community factors

Societal factors

Alcohol and drug use

Associate with sexually aggressive and delinquent peers

Poverty, mediated through forms of crisis of male identity

Societal norms supportive of sexual violence

Coercive sexual fantasies and other attitudes and beliefs supportive of sexual violence

Family environment characterized by physical violence and few resources Lack of employment opportunities Societal norms supportive of male superiority and sexual entitlement Impulsive and antisocial tendencies Strongly patriarchal relationship or family environment

Lack of institutional support from police and judicial system

Weak laws and policies related to sexual violence Preference for impersonal sex Emotionally unsupportive family environment General tolerance of sexual assault within the community

Weak laws and policies related to gender equality Hostility towards women Family honour considered more Weak community sanctions against

High levels of crime and other


important than the health and safety of the victim

perpetrators of sexual violence

forms of violence

History of sexual abuse as a child Witnessed family violence as a child

Kinds of rape:

Anger Rape

The aim of this rapist is to humiliate, debase and hurt his victim; he expresses his contempt for his victim through physical violence and profane language. For these rapists, sex is a weapon to defile and degrade the victim, rape constitutes the ultimate expression of their anger. This rapist considers rape the ultimate offense he can commit against the victim.

Anger rape is characterized by physical brutality, much more physical force is used during the assault than would be necessary if the intent were simply to overpower the victim and achieve penetration. This type of offender attacks his victim by grabbing, striking and knocking the victim to the ground, beating them, tearing their clothes, and raping them.The experience for the offender is one that is of conscious anger and rage.


Power rape

For these rapists, sexuality becomes a way to compensate for their underlying feelings of inadequacy and feeds their issues of mastery, control, strength, authority and capability. The intent of the power rapist is to assert his competency and validate his masculinity. The power rapist relies upon verbal threats, intimidation with a weapon, and only uses the amount of force necessary to subdue his victim.

The power rapists tends to have fantasies about sexual conquests and rape. They may even believe that even though the victim initially resists them, that once they overpower their victim, the victim will eventually enjoy the rape. The rapist needs to believe that the victim enjoyed "it", and they may even ask the victim for a date later.

Because this is only a fantasy, the rapist does not feel reassured by either their own performance or the victim's response. The rapist feels that they must find another victim, convinced that this victim will be "the right one". Hence, their offenses may become repetitive and compulsive. They may commit a series of rapes over a short period of time.

Sadistic rape

For these rapists, there is a sexual transformation of anger and power so that aggression itself is eroticized. For this rapist, excitement is associated with the inflicting of pain upon his victim. The offender finds the intentional maltreatment of his victim intensely gratifying and takes pleasure in the victim's


torment, anguish, distress, helplessness, and suffering; he finds the victim's struggling with him an erotic experience.

Sadistic rape usually involves torture and restraint. Sometimes it can take on ritualistic or other bizarre qualities.The rapist may use some type of instrument or foreign object to penetrate his victim. Sexual areas of the victim's body become a specific focus of injury or abuse.

The sadistic rapist's assaults are deliberate, calculated and preplanned. They will often wear a disguise or will blindfold their victims. Prostitutes or other people whom they perceive to be "promiscuous" are often the sadistic rapist's targets. The victims of a sadistic rapist may not survive the attack. For some offenders, the ultimate satisfaction is gained from murdering the vict

Motivation of rape

There is no single theory that conclusively explains the motivation for rape; the motives of rapists can be multi-factorial and are subject to debate. Several factors have been proposed: gratification, and evolutionary pressures.

Effects of rape

• difficulty remembering important parts of the assault

• reliving the assault through repeated thoughts, memories, or nightmares

• avoidance of things, places, thoughts, and/or feelings that remind the victim of the assault


• anxiety or increased alertness (difficulty sleeping, concentrating, etc.)

• avoidance of social life or place of rape

Four classification of rapist

1. Displaced aggression: Here the rape almost always follows some unpleasant event involving a wife, girl-friend or mother and the rapist uses rape as an outlet for his anger. In these cases the rape is used to physically harm the victim, who is usually a stranger.

2. Impulse: Here the act of rape is based on impulse and is not motivated by sexual hunger or feelings. For example it can be carried out during a dacoity/robbery.

3. Sex aggression diffusion: Here the aggressive and sexual components coexist and the rapist is aroused by aggressive thoughts. He sees the victim’s struggle as seductive and even believes that women like to be raped.

4. Compensation: Sex is the key component and if the victim struggles or tries to escape, the would-be offender flees. The recurrent fantasy of these rapists is that the victim will yield. These offenders are passive. These rapes are mostly pre-planned.

Another classification (by Kopp) after a study of 100 rapists revealed a high incidence of anti-social or psychopathic personalities amongst rapists. A rapist is often a cold, seemingly unfeeling man who has always taken what he


wanted from others without concern for their feelings. This type constitutes the largest percentage of all rapists. Whether spolit brat or a person living on the edge, the personality type is similar. They want something and they don’t care whom they hurt to get it.

2.3 Literature and Psychology

Literature refers to compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, and expresses emotions, an analysis, and advocate ideas (Edgar V. Roberts & Henry E. Jacobs, 1995) Psychology are defined as the study of mind (Henry L.Roediger III and friends, 1987). Mind deals with person. Person is character. Literature studies about character also.

Both psychology and literature have human being as their object. They study about human behavior or character and human development. Psychology and literature have a close relationship because literature consists of the psychology of the character who conducts a story while everything that relates to the characters such as attitude or behavior and morality are part of psychology. Therefore, with the contrary, psychology of the character are conveyed or written down on a story by the writer.

2.4 Character in literature

A character is the


In his book Aspects of the novel characters, their qualities, functions, and importance for the development of the novel: flat characters and round characters.Flat characters are two-dimensional in that they are relatively uncomplicated and do not change throughout the course of a work. By contrast, round characters are complex and undergo development, sometimes sufficiently to surprise the reader.

A hero or heroin, often called the protagonist, is the central character who engages the reader’s interest and empathy. The antagonist is the character, force, or collection of forces that stands directly opposed to the protagonist and gives rise to the conflict of the story. A static character does not change throughout the work, and the reader’s knowledge of that character does not grow, whereas a dynamic character undergoes some kind of change because of the action in the plot.

A flat character embodies one or two qualities, ideas, or traits that can be readily described in a brief summary. They are not psychologically complex characters and therefore are readily accessible to readers. Some flat characters are recognized as stock characters; they embody stereotypes such as the "dumb blonde" or the "mean stepfather." They become types rather than individuals. Round characters are more complex than flat or stock characters, and often display the inconsistencies and internal conflicts found in most real people. They are more fully developed, and therefore are harder to summarize.



3.1 Library Research

Before making a thesis, it is needed to have lot of information about the object that we are going to analyze in order to make us easier in doing the analysis. Library research plays an important role in giving the information or reference which is needed.

I use books for my primary and secondary source of data. The primary source is the novel itself. I collect the data from books and other thesis as my reference in order to get more information, ideas, and thoughts. After collecting all the data, I also have to select all the data especially from my primary source to get more specific information and also to strengthen my analysis.

3.2 Extrinsic Approach

Based on Theory of Literature, there are two methods in analyzing a literary work: intrinsic and extrinsic (Wellek, 1955). Intrinsic method approaches the literary works from internal factor, the text. Such as rhythm, rhyme, scheme, form, mood, etc. In the other hand, extrinsic method approaches the literary works from external factors such as biography, autobiography, psychology, philosophy, history, society, religion, etc. In this thesis, literature is related with psychology. Since the thesis relates with psychological aspect, so literature alone cannot stand to make or to do a thesis and so with psychology. Both of those two fields of


knowledge have to combine together in order to produce a good thesis.Therefore, it is clear enough that I use the extrinsic method in analyzing my thesis.

3.3 Qualitative Descriptive Method

In analyzing, I use qualitative descriptive method. This method is a scientific procedure to get conclusion from particular thing to general idea based on the theory. I use Alice Sebold’s The Lovely Bones, as the main source of data. I use some steps in doing this analysis. First, I read whole novel to get deep understanding about the novel. Second, I select the important information about the sexual disorder indication in the novel. Third, I quote the text and make the quotation as the data to support the analysis. Fourth, I would make interpretation based on the data that found in the novel and I collect some books to support my analyses.



Susie Salmon, a fourteen-year-old girl, is murdered by her next-door neighbor in suburban Pennsylvania. The man named Mr. Harvey. Mr. Harvey has been living in the neighborhood for a few years at least, and Susie seems to be his first human victim from the neighborhood.

“My murderer was a man from our neighborhood.” Page 1

The man raped then killed the Susie Salmon in a underground room in a corn field.

“As he kissed his wet lips down my face and neck and then began to shove his hands up under my shirt, I wept. I began to leave my body; I began to inhabit the air and the silence. I wept and struggled so I would not fell. He ripped open my pants, not having found the invisible zipper my mother had artfully sewn into their side”

Page 6

“I knew he was going to kill me. I did not realize then that I was an animal already dying.”

“When I would not-was It only that, only that I would not follow his suggestion?-he leaned to the side and felt, over his head, across the ledge


where his razor and shaving cream sat. he brought back a knife. Unsheathed, It smiled at me, curving up in a grin.”

Page 7

In psychology, sexual attraction to children or very young adolescents called pedophilia (Barlow & Duran, 1995:451) because his sexual attraction to children, he rapes and kills children. Pedophilia is described as a paraphillia that involves an abnormal interest in children. Pedophilia is also a psychosexual disorder in which the fantasy or actual act of engaging in sexual activity with prepubertal children is the preferred or exclusive means of achieving sexual excitement and gratification (Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders, 2006).

Mr. Harvey is pedophiles. He had raped and killed children before Susie Salmon and his wife.

“It would be some time before I realized what you’ve undoubtedly already assumed, that I wasn’t the first girl he’d killed. He knew to remove my body from the field. He knew to match the weather and to kill during an arc of light to heavy precipitation because that would rob the police of evidence.

Chapter 4

“Inside that house my sister was the only living being, but she was not alone, and I was not her only company. The architecture of my murderer’s life, the bodies of the girls he’d left behind, began to reveal itself to me


now that my sister was in that house. I stood in heaven. I called their names:

Jackie Meyer. Delaware, 1967.Thirteen.

A chair knocked over, it’s underside facing the room. Lying curled toward it. She wore a striped T-shirt and nothing else. Near her head, a small pool of blood.

Flora Hernandez.Delaware, 1963.Eight.

He had only wanted to touch her, but she screamed. A small girl for her age. Her left sock and shoe were found later. The body, unrecovered. The bones lay in the earthen basement of an old apartment house.

Leah Fox.Delaware, 1969. Twelve.

On a slipcovered couch under a highway on-ramp, he killed her, very quietly. He fell asleep on top on her, lulled by the sound of cars rushing above them. Not until ten hours later, when a vagrant knocked on the small shack Mr. Harvey had built out of discarded doors- did he begin to pack himself and Leah Fox’s body up.

Sophie Cichetti, Pennsylvania, 1960. Forty-nine.

A landlady, she had divided her upstairs apartment into two by erecting a Sheetrock wall. He liked the half-circle window this created, and the rent was cheap. But she talked to much about her son and insisted on reading him poems from a book of sonnets. He made love to her on her side of the divided room, smashed her skull in when she started to talk, and brought her body to the bank of a creek nearby.


Buck’s County, Pennsylvania. He dug and arched cave inside a hill near the quarry and waited. She was the youngest one.

Wendy Richter. Connecticut, 1971. Thirteen.

She was waiting for her father outside a bar. He raped her in the bushes and strangled her.

Chapter 14

Pedophiles exist in several different classifications of people. Men, women, teenage boys and girls, and even family members are just a few examples of people who commit pedophilia. Nine tenths of all pedophiles are male, young and old (Vaknin, 2006). Some pedophiles have a need to dominate their partners, so this need for domination could explain why most pedophiles are males. Out of all the pedophiles that end up getting arrested fifty percent of them are married (Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders, 2006).

Mr. Harvey is a married man.

“He had used the story of widowhood and talked about a woman named Sophie Cichetti, making her his now-deceased wife and true love.”

Chapter 14

Criteria for pedophilia are:

1. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger).


Susie Salmon. Pennsylvania, 1973. Fourteen Jackie Meyer. Delaware, 1967.Thirteen Flora Hernandez.Delaware, 1963.Eight Leah Fox.Delaware, 1969. Twelve Leidia Johnson. 1960. Six

Buck’s County, Pennsylvania, and the youngest one Wendy Richter. Connecticut, 1971. Thirteen

Chapter 14

2. The fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors cause clinically significant distress or impartment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

-The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in criterion 1.

Mr. Harvey is an adult man. “How are your folks?”

Although the eldest in my family and good at acing a science quiz, I had never felt comfortable with adults

Page 2

Pedophiles like child like activities:

-He is often fascinated with children and child activities appearing to prefer those activities to adult oriented activities.

-He will often refer to children in pure or angelic terms using descriptives like innocent, heavenly, divine, pure, and other words that describe children but seem inappropriate and exaggerated.


-He has hobbies that are child-like such as collecting popular expensive toys, keeping reptiles or exotic pets, or building plane and car models.

Mr. Harvey collecting toy and his victims’ also, such dollhouses, charm bracelet, etc.

“When Len Fenerman had gone door to door in the neighborhood he had found nothing remarkable at George Harvey’s. Mr. Harvey was a single man who, it was said, had meant to move in with his wife. She had dime sometime before this. He built doll-houses for specialty stores and kept to himself.

Chapter 5

“On the way back to Wagon Mr. Harvey put his hands in his pockets. There was my silver charm bracelet. Had no memory of thrusting it into the pocket of his clean pocket. He fingered it, the fleshy pad of his index f inger finding the smooth gold metal of the Pennsylvania keystone, the back of the ballet slipper, the tiny hole of the minuscule thimble, and the spokes of the bicycle with wheels that worked.

Chapter 4

Pedophiles often prefer children close to puberty:

-Pedophiles often have a specific age of child they target. Some prefer younger children, some older.

Mr. Harvey’s victims were younger children. Jackie Meyer. Delaware, 1967.Thirteen


Flora Hernandez.Delaware, 1963.Eight Leah Fox.Delaware, 1969. Twelve Leidia Johnson. 1960. Six

Buck’s County, Pennsylvania, and the youngest one Wendy Richter. Connecticut, 1971. Thirteen

Chapter 14

-Often his environment or a special room will be decorated in child-like decor and will appeal to the age and sex of the child he is trying to entice.

-Many pedophiles often prefer children close to puberty who are sexually inexperienced, but curious about sex.

Mr. Harvey prefers children close to puberty who are sexually inexperienced, but curious about sex, as example Susie Salmon. She was a fourteen-year-old girl that still curious about sex.

“From the time I knew It would happen until the time It did, I had made sure not to be alone with Ray Singh inside or outside school. I was afraid of what I wanted most-his kiss. That it would not be good enough to match the stories everyone told or those I read in Seventeen and Glamour and Voque. I feared that I would not be good enough- that my first kiss would equal ejection, not love. Still, I collected kiss stories.”


Pedophiles work around children:

-The pedophile will often be employed in a position that involves daily contact with children. If not employed, he will put himself in a position to do volunteer work with children, often in a supervisory capacity such as sports coaching, contact sport instruction, unsupervised tutoring or a position where he has the opportunity to spend unsupervised time with a child.

Mr. Harvey lived near junior high school and a badminton court where many students play badminton.

The target child:

The pedophile often seeks out shy, handicapped, and withdrawn children, or those who come from troubled homes or under privileged homes. He then showers them with attention, gifts, taunting them with trips to desirable places like amusement parks, zoo's, concerts, the beach and other such places.

Susie was one of Mr. Harvey’s victim, she was a shy girl.

Causes of pedophilia:

A variety of different theories exist as to the causes of pedophilia.

-Pedophilia along with the other paraphilias to biology. They hold that testosterone, one of the male sex hormones, predisposes men to develop deviant sexual behaviors.

-Pedophilia as resulting from psychosocial factors rather than biological characteristics.


-It derives from the person's interactions with parents during their early years of life.

Mr. Harvey had a bad childhood. He had bad interactions with his father and mother. His father was jobless. He often saw his parent fought and finally his mother left them.

“So It was his father’s old sketchbooks that Mr. Harvey looked at when the not still dreams came back. He would steep himself in the images of other places and other worlds, trying to love what he did not. And then he would begin to dream dreams of his mother the last time he had seen her, running through a field on the side of the road. She had been dressed in white. White Capri pants and a tight white boat-neck shirt, and his father and she had fought for the last time in the hot car outside of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. He had forced her out of the car. George Harvey sat still as stone in the back seat-eyes wide, no more afraid than a tone, watching it all as he did everything by then-in slow-mo. She had run without stopping, her white body thin and fragile and disappearing, while her son clung on to the amber necklace she had torn from her neck to hand him. His father had watched the road. “She’s gone now, son, “he said. “She won’t be coming back.”


Mr. Harvey’s mother was a scavenger. One day, Mr. Harvey and his mother went to the graveyard seeking some precious things. In that night, they slept in their truck and three men disturbed them. His mother struck them and they were dead.

“The faces of the men changed, fading from an acquisitive joy and then, as she reversed back to a good degree and they stared after her, uncertainty. She switched into drive and screamed, “On the floor!” to her son. He could Fell the bump of the man’s body hitting the truck only a few feet from where he lay curled up inside. Then the body was pitched up onto the roof. It lay there for a second until his mother reversed again. He had had a moment of clarity about how life should be lived: not as a child or as a woman. They were the two worst things to be.”

Chapter 15

- Pedophilia arrested emotional development; that is, the pedophile is attracted to children because he or she has never matured psychologically.

-Pedophilia as the result of a distorted need to dominate a sexual partner. Since children are smaller and usually weaker than adults, they may be regarded as nonthreatening potential partners. This drive for domination is sometimes thought to explain why most pedophiles are males.

- Early inappropriate sexual associations or experiences (some accidental and some vicarious), possible inadequate development of consensual adult arousal patterns-possible inadequate development of appropriate social skills for relating to adults, inappropriate sexual fantasies repeatedly associated with masturbatory


activities and strongly reinforced, repeated attempts to inhibited undesired arousal and behavior resulting in (paradoxical) increase in paraphilic thoughts, fantasies, and behavior.




5.1 Conclusion

Alice Sebold has been successful to portray the psychological disorder of human being through the character. This novel also becomes a feature film and being watched by many people. In doing analysis from this novel, I can conclude that Mr. Harvey suffers from psychosexual disorder, pedophilia that is caused by his interactions with parents during his early years of life. He had a bad childhood. He had ever seen his mother killed three men. He was a son of a broken family where his mother left them after fought with his father.

5.2 Suggestion

Childhood is a crumbly phase. In this phase children start to learn how to see the world and how to face it. Experiences in children can bring into their adulthood. It can be found in the character that I analyzed. In suggest that people pay attention to parent child relationship in order to create better adult personality of their children.

I suggest The Lovely Bones a worthwhile reading novel as it provides numerous psychological aspects of human nature. Through this thesis, I intend to have the readers to see the relationship between literature and psychology. I hope this thesis may enrich the reader’s knowledge with far more extensive


comprehension about psychology of literature. The writer also finds the development of psychology of literature should be more extensively applied in analysis of literary works.



Allen, Clifford. 1969. A Text Book Psychosexual Disorder Second Edition. New York: Oxford University Press.

Alloy, Lauren B. 2005. Abnormal Psychology: Current Perspectives Ninth Edition. New York: Mc Grow Hill.

Barlow, Durand and V. Mark Durand. Abnormal Psychology. New York: Brooks Publishing Company.

Colemen, James. 1950. Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life. New York: Scott, Foresman and Company.

Davidson,C and friends.2002.Psikologi Abnormal Edisi ke 9.Jakarta:PT Raja Grafindo Persada.

Halgin, Richard P. and Susan K. Whitboure. 1997. Abnormal Psychology. New York: Brown and Benchmark Publisher.

Hogan, Rosemarie.1980. Human Sexuality. New York:Appleton Century Grofts.

Kartono, Kartini. 1989. Psikologi Abnormal dan Abnormalitas Seksual. Bandung:Mandar Baju.

Nath Sinha, Manindra. 1997. A Hand Book of Study of Literature. Bareilly: S.K. Printing Press.

Nolen, Susan and Hoekman. 2001. Abnormal Psychology. New York: Mc Grow Hill Companies, Inc.


Roediger,Henry and friends. 1987. Psychology Second Edition. Boston:Little Brown

and Company.

Sinha, M. N. 1977. A Handbook of the Study of Literature. Bareilly:Prakash Book Depot.

Wellek, Rene and Waren, Austin. 1977. Theory of Literature. New York: Harvest Harcound Javanevich.



Susie Salmon, a fourteen-year-old girl, is murdered by her next-door neighbor in suburban Pennsylvania. She tells the story of her family's reaction and subsequent disintegration after her own murder.

Susie's father Jack suspects the neighbor, Mr. Harvey, but the police do not have evidence to hold him as a suspect. Jack becomes obsessed with the neighbor, while his wife and Susie's mother Abigail has a short affair with the lead detective, Len Fenerman. Susie's sister Lindsey finds out about her mother's affair.

In her heaven, Susie does not let her family and friends go. She follows them through the years, watching Lindsey doing everything that she would have done had she remained alive. Susie cannot let her family go, and they see her everywhere.

Mr. Harvey finally leaves the neighborhood for good, but not before Lindsey breaks into his house to search for evidence. Mr. Harvey sees the number five on the back of Lindsey's soccer jersey. He becomes obsessed by the vision of her running from his house. His past begins to haunt him, driving him out of hiding.

Ruth, a girl who barely knows Susie in life, is obsessed with Susie and death. Ruth sees places where people have died and feels Susie as she was being wrenched from the earth. Ruth and Ray Singh, a boy Susie loved, become friends and develop a relationship based on their love of Susie.


Abigail leaves the family. She ends up in California after she promises Lindsey that she will not to leave. Grandma Lynn takes Abigail's place, watching over Buckley and Lindsey. Lindsey and her boyfriend Samuel go to college together.

Jack cannot move on from his daughter's death, and in a moment of anger he has a heart attack. While Jack is in the hospital, Abigail returns from California to be with her family. She sees her Susie everywhere, as do Jack and Buckley. Susie cannot pull away from Ray or her family. Her killer also can not let go of the neighborhood and of seeing Lindsey's number as she escaped his house.

Susie falls back to Earth into Ruth Connors' body. In Ruth's body, Susie fulfills her earthly desires with Ray. Soon Susie fades away to a different heaven, a wider heaven where her grandfather lives.

Abigail and Jack come home from the hospital, and the anger the children feel toward their mother begins to fade. Abigail says she will stay, but she does not make any promises to Lindsey. Over time, Susie watches, and she begins to let go of her family so they can move on. Susie sees her killer die, and Lindsey's baby is born.



Alice Sebold was born on September 6, 1963, in Madison, Wisconsin. She is an American novelist that has published three books: finishing her freshman year at Syracuse University when she was raped while walking home through a park off campus. She reported the crime to the police, who remarked that a young woman had once been murdered in the same location. Thus, they told her, she was "lucky."

Sebold returned home to Pennsylvania to live with her family for the summer before beginning her sophomore year at Syracuse. After some months at home, Sebold returned to Syracuse to finish her writing. Months later, while walking down a street near the Syracuse campus, she recognized her rapist and reported him to police; she later testified against him, and he received the maximum sentence.

Following graduation from Syracuse, Sebold went to the studies, but fell into drugs. Then she moved to years. She held several jobs as a waitress and tried to pursue her writing career. Sebold wanted to write her story through a novel, did not come to fruition. She use though claims she never became addicted. Sebold recounted her


to students at an Evening of Fiction workshop by saying that, "I did a lot of things that I am not particularly proud of and that I can’t believe that I did.”

Sebold left the city and moved to caretaker of an arts colony, earning woods without electricity. She would write under In 1995, Sebold applied to graduate school at

Alice Sebold's first published book, many years in the making, was a memoir of her rape as an eighteen-year-old college freshman. She later returned to Syracuse University, the scene of the rape, and finished her degree. She studied writing, and wanted to write her story then, but kept failing. "I wrote tons of bad poetry about it and a couple of bad novels about it--lots of bad stuff," Sebold told Dennis McLellan of the Los Angeles Times. She explained to McLellan why the novels were not successful: "I felt the burden of trying to write a story that would encompass all rape victims' stories and that immediately killed the idea of this individual character in the novel. So the novels tended to be kind of fuzzy and bland, and I didn't want to make any political missteps."

While at UCI, Sebold began writing Lucky, a memoir of her rape. The police had told Sebold that she was lucky to be alive; not long before Sebold's attack, another young woman had been killed and dismembered in the same tunnel. The story began while writing a ten-page assignment, though Sebold eventually wrote 40 pages for her class.


After Lucky, Sebold published the bestselling novel book is a novel about a 14-year-old girl who is raped, murdered and dismembered. The main character tells her story from her personalized version of Heaven, looking down as her family tries to cope with her death and her killer escapes the police. While working on The Lovely Bones in 1995, Sebold met her husband his hat off, and they began talking. They were married in November 2001.

In an interview conducted by Ann Darby of said of The Lovely Bones: "I was motivated to write about violence because I believe it's not unusual. I see it as just a part of life, and I think we get in trouble when we separate people who have experienced it from those who have not. Though it's a horrible experience, it's not as if violence hasn't affected many of us.”The novel was adapted into a

Sebold's second novel, The Almost Moon, continued what called "Sebold's fixation on terror." It begins: "When all is said and done, killing my mother came easily." Sebold edited The Best American Short Stories 2009. The process, she said, required her to read and choose twenty of over 200 short stories she was presented with to put in the book.

Sebold won the

Award for Adult Fiction in 2003and the

2002. She was also nominated in the Novel category in that year.Sebold is alum of the


Roediger,Henry and friends. 1987. Psychology Second Edition. Boston:Little Brown

and Company.

Sinha, M. N. 1977. A Handbook of the Study of Literature. Bareilly:Prakash Book Depot.

Wellek, Rene and Waren, Austin. 1977. Theory of Literature. New York: Harvest Harcound Javanevich.



Susie Salmon, a fourteen-year-old girl, is murdered by her next-door neighbor in suburban Pennsylvania. She tells the story of her family's reaction and subsequent disintegration after her own murder.

Susie's father Jack suspects the neighbor, Mr. Harvey, but the police do not have evidence to hold him as a suspect. Jack becomes obsessed with the neighbor, while his wife and Susie's mother Abigail has a short affair with the lead detective, Len Fenerman. Susie's sister Lindsey finds out about her mother's affair.

In her heaven, Susie does not let her family and friends go. She follows them through the years, watching Lindsey doing everything that she would have done had she remained alive. Susie cannot let her family go, and they see her everywhere.

Mr. Harvey finally leaves the neighborhood for good, but not before Lindsey breaks into his house to search for evidence. Mr. Harvey sees the number five on the back of Lindsey's soccer jersey. He becomes obsessed by the vision of her running from his house. His past begins to haunt him, driving him out of hiding.

Ruth, a girl who barely knows Susie in life, is obsessed with Susie and death. Ruth sees places where people have died and feels Susie as she was being


Abigail leaves the family. She ends up in California after she promises Lindsey that she will not to leave. Grandma Lynn takes Abigail's place, watching over Buckley and Lindsey. Lindsey and her boyfriend Samuel go to college together.

Jack cannot move on from his daughter's death, and in a moment of anger he has a heart attack. While Jack is in the hospital, Abigail returns from California to be with her family. She sees her Susie everywhere, as do Jack and Buckley. Susie cannot pull away from Ray or her family. Her killer also can not let go of the neighborhood and of seeing Lindsey's number as she escaped his house.

Susie falls back to Earth into Ruth Connors' body. In Ruth's body, Susie fulfills her earthly desires with Ray. Soon Susie fades away to a different heaven, a wider heaven where her grandfather lives.

Abigail and Jack come home from the hospital, and the anger the children feel toward their mother begins to fade. Abigail says she will stay, but she does not make any promises to Lindsey. Over time, Susie watches, and she begins to let go of her family so they can move on. Susie sees her killer die, and Lindsey's baby is born.



Alice Sebold was born on September 6, 1963, in Madison, Wisconsin. She is an American novelist that has published three books:

finishing her freshman year at Syracuse University when she was raped while walking home through a park off campus. She reported the crime to the police, who remarked that a young woman had once been murdered in the same location. Thus, they told her, she was "lucky."

Sebold returned home to Pennsylvania to live with her family for the summer before beginning her sophomore year at Syracuse. After some months at home, Sebold returned to Syracuse to finish her writing. Months later, while walking down a street near the Syracuse campus, she recognized her rapist and reported him to police; she later testified against him, and he received the maximum sentence.

Following graduation from Syracuse, Sebold went to the studies, but fell into drugs. Then she moved to years. She held several jobs as a waitress and tried to pursue her writing career. Sebold wanted to write her story through


to students at an Evening of Fiction workshop by saying that, "I did a lot of things that I am not particularly proud of and that I can’t believe that I did.”

Sebold left the city and moved to caretaker of an arts colony, earning woods without electricity. She would write under In 1995, Sebold applied to graduate school at

Alice Sebold's first published book, many years in the making, was a memoir of her rape as an eighteen-year-old college freshman. She later returned to Syracuse University, the scene of the rape, and finished her degree. She studied writing, and wanted to write her story then, but kept failing. "I wrote tons of bad poetry about it and a couple of bad novels about it--lots of bad stuff," Sebold told Dennis McLellan of the Los Angeles Times. She explained to McLellan why the novels were not successful: "I felt the burden of trying to write a story that would encompass all rape victims' stories and that immediately killed the idea of this individual character in the novel. So the novels tended to be kind of fuzzy and bland, and I didn't want to make any political missteps."

While at UCI, Sebold began writing Lucky, a memoir of her rape. The police had told Sebold that she was lucky to be alive; not long before Sebold's attack, another young woman had been killed and dismembered in the same tunnel. The story began while writing a ten-page assignment, though Sebold eventually wrote 40 pages for her class.


After Lucky, Sebold published the bestselling novel book is a novel about a 14-year-old girl who is raped, murdered and dismembered. The main character tells her story from her personalized version of Heaven, looking down as her family tries to cope with her death and her killer escapes the police. While working on The Lovely Bones in 1995, Sebold met her husband his hat off, and they began talking. They were married in November 2001.

In an interview conducted by Ann Darby of said of The Lovely Bones: "I was motivated to write about violence because I believe it's not unusual. I see it as just a part of life, and I think we get in trouble when we separate people who have experienced it from those who have not. Though it's a horrible experience, it's not as if violence hasn't affected many of us.”The novel was adapted into a

Sebold's second novel, The Almost Moon, continued what called "Sebold's fixation on terror." It begins: "When all is said and done, killing my mother came easily." Sebold edited The Best American Short Stories 2009. The process, she said, required her to read and choose twenty of over 200 short stories she was presented with to put in the book.

Sebold won the

Award for Adult Fiction in 2003and the