Work Plan Preparation KINERJA’S EXPERIENCE

Tata Kelola Biaya Operasional Satuan Pendidikan BOSP 13 Such oversight includes regular monitoring and complaint handling mechanisms, and an analysis and a report to policy makers.

2. Work plan implementation

BOSP is implemented in the following stages: ● BOSP Calculation. Calculations a re based on schools’ operational needs with respect to learning activities to achieve minimum service standards MSS and national education standards NES. ● Gap Analysis. The gap analysis demonstrates school operational fund shortages based on the difference between operational costs and school operational assistance BOS received from the central government. ● Technical recommendations. Technical recommendations propose that the local government fills the school operational funding gap through appropriate budgeting and allocating additional funds to schools. In addition, it proposes mechanisms for allocating funds including monitoring and evaluation. ● Public test. The results of BOSP calculations and recommendations are discussed with various stakeholders including the community and DPRD. By doing so, stakeholders can understand and provide input on the Educational Unit Operational Cost Analysis BOSDA implementation. ● Regulations. After all stakeholders understand and agree on the BOSP calculations and recommendations, the District Head issues a regulation on BOSDA and technical guidelines for implementation. ● Planning and budgeting. For the purpose of implementation, the calculations and recommendations are included in local planning and budgeting both at the district level and at the district technical working unit SKPD level, in this case calculations and recommendations are integrated into DEO planning and budgeting cycles Renja, RKA, DPA. ● Implementation. In line with the results of such planning and budgeting, the operational funds are distributed to schools in a manner that is transparent and in accordance with the technical guidelines. ● Reporting, monitoring, and evaluation. To ensure that the fund distribution to schools is conducted according to the regulation, regular accountability reports to monitor program achievements. Monitoring and evaluations are conducted on a regular basis to improve the distribution and implementation of school funds.