The privatization of Bank Mandiri through an Initial Public Quasi-reorganization We completed a quasi-reorganization MTN issuance in the amount of USD300 million

B a n k M a n d i r i 2 0 0 3 A n n u a l R e p o r t 9 Dear Shareholders, In 2003, we achieved several important milestones in Bank Mandiri’s on-going transformation and development. These milestones included the following:

1. The privatization of Bank Mandiri through an Initial Public

Offering IPO A lengthy and intensive preparation process culminated in the listing of Bank Mandiri shares code BMRI on the Jakarta and Surabaya Stock Exchanges on 14 July 2003. The Bank Mandiri IPO was more than seven times oversubscribed. The sale of the Republic of Indonesia’s shares in Bank Mandiri was authorized by government regulation No. 272003, which also stated that the privatization should be effected either through the capital markets or by a strategic divestment of up to 30 of the total shares of the Bank. Through the IPO, the Republic of Indonesia offered 20 of its total shareholdings, or four billion ordinary Series B shares, in Bank Mandiri with a nominal price of Rp 500share and an offering price of Rp 675share. The government plans to proceed with an additional 10 divestment in 2004, as envisioned in the enabling regulation. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders AGM on 29 May 2003 also approved an Employee Stock Option Plan ESOP through an Employee Stock Allocation ESA to all staff, as well as an additional Management Stock Option Plan MSOP awarded to senior management based on specific criteria. The ESA included both a bonus share award and a discounted share purchase component.

2. Quasi-reorganization We completed a quasi-reorganization

based upon our audited financial report as at 30 April 2003 following the approval of our Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders EGM held on 30 October 2003. This accounting procedure resulted in two primary benefits: • Improving the equity structure of the Bank by offsetting the accumulated losses of Rp161.9 trillion against the share premium reserves without the necessity of undertaking a legal restructuring. • Enabling the bank to distribute dividends from retained earnings in accordance with recent regulations.

3. MTN issuance in the amount of USD300 million

In April 2003, Bank Mandiri issued USD300 million in medium-term notes MTN which were listed on the M e s s a g e f ro m t h e Pre s i d e nt C E O • listed on the JSX and SSX on 14 July 2003 • Implemented a quasi-reorganization • Issued uSD300 million Mtn • Rolled out the enterprise Mandiri Advanced System eMAS core banking platform • Acquired the Mandiri VISA card operations • established a joint venture to market bancassurance products and services 10 2003 net proit increased by 27.9 M e s s a g e f ro m t h e Pre s i d e nt C E O B a n k M a n d i r i 2 0 0 3 A n n u a l R e p o r t 11 Singapore Stock Exchange. This exercise was the first tranche of a USD1 billion MTN program.

4. Implementation of Enterprise Mandiri Advanced System eMAS