Investment Products In 2003, Consumer Banking became more Mandiri Prioritas As of 31 December 2003, 9,546 Mandiri Bancassurance The development and promotion of

60 Our efforts in 2004 will focus on the following: • Increasing loan growth in the consumer segment with the support of a new Loan Origination System LOS and loan module on eMAS system, as well as intensive above-the-line and below-the-line promotions. • Enhancing product distribution through collaborative efforts with property developers, property brokers, multi-financing companies and dealers. • Expanding the number of Mandiri Visa cardholders through a pre- approved credit card program for Mandiri Prioritas customers as well as a credit card issuance program for Bank Mandiri prime customers using a pre-embossed method. • Encouraging the usage of Mandiri Visa through Power Points, Traveling Bill Payments programs. • Enlarging electronic banking channels by: - Adding ATMs - Offering additional service features - Launching Call Mandiri as an information and transaction vehicle for customers - Developing Self Service Branches - SMS banking and internet banking • Doubling the policyholders and premiums generated through the Priority Financial Advisors in Mandiri Prioritas outlets and expanding our market segment from individual customers to high net- worth customers. • Launching a Supermarket Funds programs for mutual fund products and supporting Bank Mandiri’s efforts to become a provider of “One Stop Financial Services.” 2003 Performance 1. Consumer Loans As at 31 December 2003, outstanding consumer credit totaled Rp3.7 trillion, consisting of consumer loans of Rp2,927 billion, credit card balances of Rp815 billion, and other facilities of Rp32 billion.

2. Consumer Funding In 2003, total funding from the consumer

segment increased in line with a series of promotional programs, such as: • Mandiri Fiesta Program 2003, which lasted 200 days and distributed 200 Toyota Wish cars. • WGC We Get Customers Program consisting of BGC Branch Get Customer and SGM Staff Get Member • Direct Sales through outletsopen tables, Sales Executives, and visiting potential customerCanvassing • Special rate programs for Rupiah Deposits to the maximum guaranteed by Bank Indonesia • Incentive programs for Rupiah deposit individual customers. • Improved features for demand sweep facility and time interest rate calculation deposits.

3. Mandiri Visa Bank Mandiri acquired the operations

and credit card portfolio of the Mandiri Visa card operations from GE Finance Indonesia in August 2003. The transition process was seamless and without any deterioration in service quality levels.

4. Electronic Banking Channel In 2003, we further developed our

electronic banking channels through various undertakings including: • Installation of additional ATMs to bring our total to 2,022 units at the end of 2003. Customers can also access more than 4,700 ATMs with the LINK logo. In 2003, the overall ATM up-time averaged 97.5. • Establishment of a drive-thru ATM. • On-going development of payment and purchasing features through ATMs, SMS banking and internet banking. • Usage of ATMs and SMS banking to purchase Bank Mandiri’s shares during our IPO. • E-Banking registration SMS, internet, Call Mandiri through ATMs. • SMS banking, introduced on 14 August 2002, has registered 163,928 users by the end of 2003, and logged a total of 746,814 financial transactions. • Internet Banking Mandiri, our newest e-Banking service,was launched on December 18, 2003, and by the end of 2003 already had 3,046 users. Special features of this Internet Banking service include: interbank transfer, payment of phone bills, topping up of pulses, future date transfer and auto debit. Internet Banking Mandiri is equipped with Token PIN Mandiri, which is a dynamic PIN security system for customer transactions.

5. Investment Products In 2003, Consumer Banking became more

active in the distribution of investment products including: • Successfully contributing to the sale of Bank Mandiri’s shares during our IPO, and increasing the initial target of Rp750 billion to Rp1,100 billion. • Became the selling agent of ‘Reksadana Mandiri Investa Steady Income’ in collaboration with Mandiri Sekuritas and Deutsche Bank as the custodian bank. Focus for Consumer Banking in 2004 B u s i n e s s U n i t : Co n s u m e r B a n k i n g B a n k M a n d i r i 2 0 0 3 A n n u a l R e p o r t 61 • Increased distribution channels to sell mutual funds through 451 branches, up from approximately 200 branches in 2002. • Sold mutual fund products in the amount of Rp4.59 trillion, significantly above our initial target of Rp3.15 trillion.

6. Mandiri Prioritas As of 31 December 2003, 9,546 Mandiri

Prioritas Priority Banking customers were being served through 17 Mandiri Prioritas Centres with a suite of distinctive service offerings. Total funds managed through this channel, as of 31 December 2003 were Rp16,406 billion, of which 78 were time deposits, 21 were savings deposits and 1 were demand deposits. Mandiri Prioritas organized 37 appreciation events throughout 2003, which contributed to an increase in customer funding of Rp815 billion: Rp325 billion from new customers and Rp490 billion from existing customers.

7. Bancassurance The development and promotion of

bancassurance products and services will be undertaken through AXA Mandiri Financial Services AMFS. AXA Mandiri Financial Services AMFS is a joint venture between Bank Mandiri 49 and AXA 51. AMFS started operations in December 2003. AMFS provides investment and insurance products to Bank Mandiri customers by placing Financial Advisors FA within our branches. AMFS plans to put at least one Financial Advisor at each Bank Mandiri branch throughout Indonesia by the middle of 2005. The Financial Advisors will be supported by a team of regional sales managers and receive support from the regional office in Jakarta. AMFS will add value to Bank Mandiri’s existing product offerings through additional insurance and investment product portfolios. These offerings will provide customers with access to a wide range of planned and innovative financial products and services. These products range from education planning, life insurance, credit card insurance, health and accident insurance coverage as well as a combination of insurance and investment commonly known as unit link. The Indonesian market remains very attractive for insurance companies. A recent survey shows that only 10 of Indonesians have any type insurance coverage. The demand for insurance- based products is expected to increase in the future due to both population growth and increasing prosperity in Indonesia. Currently, AMFS operates through 26 locations in Jakarta and is planning to expand its presence to the remaining 702 Bank Mandiri branches. During its first month of operation, AMFS succeeded in acquiring annual premiums of Rp717 million—higher than the initial target of Rp635 million. AXA Mandiri Financial Services • Started its operational activity since December 2003 • ownership: - Bank Mandiri 49 - AXA 51 • Currently operates in 26 locations in Jakarta • Annual premiums in its first month of operation: Rp717 million AXA Mandiri Financial Services B u s i n e s s U n i t : Co n s u m e r B a n k i n g 62 Business Unit: Treasury International • Managing Director of Bank Mandiri since April 2003 • Senior executive Vice president, treasury International, Bank Mandiri since April 2003 • executive Vice president, Financial Institutions and overseas network, Bank Mandiri August 2001–April 2003 • Head, treasury and Global Markets, Bank Mandiri June 1999–August 2001 • Managing Director, Bank ekspor Impor Indonesia 1998–1999 • Head, treasury Bureau, Bank ekspor Impor Indonesia 1998 • Chief executive Managing Director, BeII DtC ltd. Hong Kong 1985–1997 • Began his career at Bank ekspor Impor Indonesia in 1980 at various branches within and outside Indonesia, including as officer in Bank ekspor Impor Indonesia, london 1987–1989 and paris 1991–1994

J. B. Kendarto