Introduction Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:P:Postharvest Biology and Technology:Vol21.Issue2.2001:

Postharvest Biology and Technology 21 2001 179 – 188 Phosphorus status affects postharvest respiration, membrane permeability and lipid chemistry of European seedless cucumber fruit Cucumis sati6us L. L. Knowles, M. Rae Trimble 1 , N. Richard Knowles Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Washington State Uni6ersity, Pullman, WA 99164 , USA Received 28 January 2000; accepted 30 June 2000 Abstract Fruit of European seedless cucumber were grown in a greenhouse under low and high phosphorus P fertilization regimes. Tissue P concentration of fruit number one grade from low-P plants was, on average, 45 of that of fruit from high-P plants. Fruit P status affected membrane lipid chemistry and fruit respiration after harvest. Mesocarp tissue of low-P fruit had a lower concentration of phospholipids, lower level of unsaturation in various pools of fatty acids, and a greater rate of electrolyte leakage than that of high-P fruit. On average, respiration of low-P fruit was 21 higher than that of high-P fruit over a 16-day postharvest interval at 23°C. Moreover, low-P fruit experienced a climacteric in respiration that began about 40 h after harvest, reached a maximum at 72 h, and declined to preclimacteric levels by 90 h. The difference in respiration rate between low- and high-P fruit was as high as 57 during the climacteric. The respiratory climacteric was unique to the low-P fruit and was not associated with an increase in fruit ethylene concentration or ripening. Phosphorus nutrition can thus alter the postharvest physiology of cucumber fruit by affecting membrane lipid chemistry, membrane integrity and respiratory metabolism. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords : Cucumis sati6us; Phosphorus nutrition; Postharvest respiration; Membrane lipids; Electrolyte leakage www.elsevier.comlocatepostharvbio

1. Introduction

The effects of phosphorus P nutrition on crop growth rate and fruit P content of greenhouse- grown, European seedless cucumber Cucumis sa- ti6us L. are well established Trimble and Knowles, 1995a,b. However, studies on the ef- fects of P nutrition on the postharvest physiology of cucumber and other fruits are rare, with most of the research focussed on pome fruits. Phospho- rus nutrition has been shown to affect fruit firm- ness and the occurrence of low-temperature breakdown in apples Sharples, 1980. Foliar ap- plications of P during the growing season in- creased tissue P concentration and reduced the Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1-509-3353451; fax: + 1- 509-3356890. E-mail address : N.R. Knowles. 1 Present address: ICMS, Inc., P.O. Box 67, Highway 1A East, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada R1N 3B2 0925-521401 - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0925-52140000144-7 incidence of storage disorders in apple Yogarant- nam and Sharples, 1982. Lin and Ehret 1991 showed that the shelf-life of greenhouse cucumber cv. Mustang could be improved by increasing the concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, S and Mg in the nutrient solution, but it was not possible to isolate a specific effect due to P from their data. The effect of P on the postharvest physiology of fruit may be attributed to its role as a component of phospholipids, a major constituent of cell membranes. Alterations in membrane composi- tion occur naturally during fruit ripening and senescence and are also a mechanism by which cells adapt to changing environmental conditions. For example, phospholipid content increased in apple during storage at 0°C, purportedly as an adaptation to maintain membrane function at this low temperature Lurie et al., 1987. Phosphorus deficient plant organs may be unable to make this adaptation. It is commonly observed in fruit tis- sue that membrane function declines with ripen- ing and senescence, and this occurs concomitant with a loss of phospholipids andor changes in their constituent fatty acids. The most frequently reported change in fatty acid chemistry is an increase in saturation at the expense of unsatura- tion Lurie and Ben-Arie, 1983; Lester and Stein, 1993; Palma et al., 1995; Rogiers et al., 1998a. A few studies have indicated that P content can potentially affect the postharvest respiration rate of fruit, which is often inversely related to storage and shelf-life Kader, 1987. Letham 1969 found that higher levels of P fertilization resulted in higher P concentration in apple and that fruit P content was negatively correlated with respiration rate. Another study of respiration in apple found no relation between tissue P concentration and respiration rate Davenport and Peryea, 1989. In this latter study, differences in tissue P were due to natural variation among fruits and the applica- tion of CaCl 2 sprays, and were not as great as those induced by varied P nutrition. Despite inconsistencies in the literature, it is evident that plant P nutrition affects fruit P status and this in turn may have a significant influence on postharvest physiology and thus storability and shelf-life of fruit. The experiments described herein were designed to induce differences in P concentration of European seedless cucumber fruit so that the effects of fruit P-status on respi- ration rate, membrane lipid chemistry and mem- brane function could be assessed after harvest.

2. Materials and methods

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