Research Methods and Procedures


C. Research Methods and Procedures

In writing this thesis, the writer used library study to collect primary and secondary data. The primary data is a novel entitled Woman at Point Zero which was written by Nawal El Saadawi. And the secondary data is all kinds of relevant theories that are useful to support the findings. There were some stages to complete the data. The stages could be explained in the following paragraphs. First, the writer chose the novel Woman at Point Zero by Nawal El Saadawi. The writer began to read the novel fourth times to get a good understanding of the story itself. The writer started to write some important parts of the novel that would be analyzed in this study. After writing some important parts of the novel, the writer tried to see particular aspects of it to be analyzed. Then, the writer decided to analyze the influence of child abuse that happens to the main character. Second, the writer collected some references related to the study. There were many references that suitable to the study. The references were taken from books, articles, and journals. After collecting some references to the study, the writer began to focus on theories and elements of literary work that were needed to analyze the novel. They are theory psychological approach, theory of character and characterization, theory of psychology, concept of child abuse, theory of personality development, and review on kinds of abuse and neglect. The theory of character and characterization and psychological approach were used to answer the first and third problem formulation of this study which was about the characterization of Firdaus during and after her childhood abuse in Woman at Point Zero novel. Then, the concept of child abuse and review on kinds of abuse PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 33 and neglect were used to answer the second problem formulation. In answering the third problem formulation, the writer used the theory of psychology, theory of character and characterization, theory of personality development and psychological approach. Moreover, the writer used some references like journals and articles to get additional information about the biography of the author, the summary of the novel, and some critics towards the novel. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 34