Data Gathering Technique Research Findings 1.

33 She did an observation to generate conclusion then offer the solutions if necessary. Observation of behavior was used since it plays a vital role in Indonesia, where it can be more accurate than asking people what they do or think. It was also meant to avoid the data to be biased because of people’s eagerness to be polite, to the extent of the answer that they think the others wanted to hear rather than the correct answer. For example, when a teacher asked the students whether they understood what was explained in a class situation, the students would answer yes. However, when the teacher gave some questions based on what was explained previously, the students could not give any answer. The researcher decided to use field notes as one of the methods since field notes contain what the researcher heard and saw during the class activities. The researcher took a note on the important actions that were related to the students’ reactions about teaching learning process using Competency-Based Curriculum.

E. Data Gathering Technique

In doing her research, the researcher gathered data from the students and also the English teachers of SD Negeri Serayu Yogyakarta by using an observation, an interview and a survey. The researcher observed the classroom in order to know the condition and atmosphere in the implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum. The researcher had observed the classroom for several times so that she could measure the progress in implementing Competency-Based Curriculum. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 34 Also, the researcher conducted an interview to complete the data. She interviewed an English teacher who was responsible for the class which was observed. The researcher interviewed the English teachers of SD Negeri Serayu Yogyakarta as a means of collecting data, also. The researcher also collected the data about the implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum from the point of view of the students. She talked to the students to know whether or not the competencies had been achieved. Besides, the researcher distributed a set of questionnaire to the students to obtain the data. Not only the questionnaire, but also the researcher distributed the reflection sheets which evaluated the students’ daily progress in learning English.

F. Research Procedure

The first step was asking permission from the school. The researcher asked for the headmaster’s permission to conduct her research in the school. After acquiring the permission from the headmaster, she asked permission to the English teacher who taught the sixth grade and was responsible for the class used to be observed. Then, after the head master and the English teacher allowed the researcher to do a research there, she began conducting a research. In the beginning of the research, the researcher did an observation in the class. She observed the situation in the classroom. She paid attention to the teaching learning process. The researcher analyzed what might be the problems in teaching and learning English by implementing Competency-Based Curriculum. 35 Then, the researcher interviewed the English teacher to collect more information about the implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum in the class. Before the research finished, the researcher distributed a set of questionnaire to the students which asked about the students’ perceptions towards the teaching learning process. Besides, the students were also asked whether or not the competencies had been achieved. The researcher also did an interview to collect the teachers’ point of view toward the difficulties in teaching English to young learners. 36


This chapter discusses the findings and the data analysis of the study. The researcher interprets the data and answers the research questions previously mentioned in chapter I based on the research findings.

A. Research Findings 1.

The Implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum The field notes were used to gather the data about the condition and implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum in the classroom. It was considered as one of the effective research instruments to gather the data since the data collected was based on the real situation in the classroom. The researcher did the class observation using field notes five times started from 9 th August, 2006 until 13 th September, 2006. Based on the curriculum, the teacher should develop four skills which consisted of reading skill, speaking skill, writing skill and listening skill when they implemented the curriculum. The researcher collected information about the teacher’s strategies to develop those skills through the field notes.

a. Reading Skill

The teacher developed the reading skill on the first day of the observation which was conducted on Wednesday 9 th August. The material of that day was about “Public Places” with “Present Continuous” as the language focus. 37 The teacher started the lesson by checking the students’ homework to mention some public places. The classroom situation was noisy when the lesson started. The students were rather difficult to handle. However, they became more active when the teacher gave them the class activities. The teacher asked the students to read aloud a passage about going on a picnic in turn. Every student in the class raised his or her hand wanted to read the text. In addition, when the teacher discussed the text and gave some comprehending explanation about the text, each student wanted to express his or her opinion, so the class became noisier. Nevertheless, when the teacher gave them some comprehending questions related to the material, the students were eager to answer the questions and they could answer the questions well. In the middle of the lesson, some students made mistakes in pronouncing some words. When it happened, the teacher rectified the mistakes directly. For example: A male student pronounced the word “look” as “lok”. Another student pronounced the word “will” as “wail”. The teacher corrected the mispronunciation soon and asked the students to read the text once again. The reading skill was also developed on the third day of the observation which was carried out on 30 th August, 2006. The topic was about “Hobby” which put emphasis on “Likes and Dislikes” as the language focus. The teacher began the class by asking the students to read aloud a text in the book. The students took turn in reading the text on page 28. Then, the teacher gave 38 explanation about likes and dislikes. After giving explanation, the students spared much time to do exercise in the book and discuss them. In the class, the teacher used a blackboard and chalks as the facilities to deliver the material. She used “Speed Up English 6” by Yudhistira as the source book. The teacher also checked the students’ understanding about the material studied by asking them to mention what they like and dislike orally. The students did not find many problems. They paid attention to the teacher’s explanation and they did the practice seriously. Although they sometimes made a few noises, they could understand the material well. When it came to the practice, they could comprehend the text quite well since they could answer the questions related to the text given by the teacher.

b. Speaking Skill

The teacher developed the speaking skill on the second day of the observation. It was conducted on 23 rd August, 2006. The teacher began the class by checking the students’ homework. The students in the class and the teacher discussed a topic in the source book about requesting and giving commands. The skill developed that day was speaking skill. The class was so noisy in the beginning of the lesson. However, when the teacher explained the materials, they then kept silent and listened to the teacher’s explanation, except three male students at the back who did not pay attention to the materials. They laughed and talked to each other. The teacher then gave explanation about requesting and giving commands and she spared more time for the students to practice it. The students in 39 the class practiced requesting and giving commands through the card games. She had a pile of cards on which there was a note about requesting or giving commands. Each student would hold three different cards in his or her hand. Their job was to make a request or give a command to their friends one by one. Another student who was asked should do what was requested or commanded. If they refused it, they should give a good argument why they did not want to do it. This kind of game worked well to practice requesting and giving commands. The students were eager to do what was ordered in the games. They were really excited to the class activity. However, some students did not pay attention and do the games appropriately. It was natural that there were some students in a classroom who could not concentrate well in the class and sit down calmly on the chair. The teacher also built up the speaking skill on the third day of observation which was carried out on 30 th August, 2006. In the class, the teacher used a blackboard and chalks as the facilities to deliver the material. She used “Speed Up English 6” published by Yudhistira as the source book. However, she also developed the class activity to be more communicative by giving card games about “Likes and Dislikes”. She divided the students into six groups of five students. Each group would receive a pile of cards where there was a different picture on each card. They would distribute the cards fairly and then they started making sentences based on the picture using the form of “I like V-ing” or “I dislike V-ing”. They competed with the partners in each group to create the sentences fast and spontaneously. The students who could make the sentences correctly would take the cards to collect. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 40 At the end of the games, they would count how many cards they collected in the games. The students with the most cards would be the winner while the students with the fewest cards would be punished by giving a writing assignment about their favourite things. The class situation was so alive in joining the games that everyone in the class could have fun. They were so obedient and they did not make many troubles. They became more cheerful when they were having the games. On the fourth day of the observation, the teacher developed the speaking skill. It was conducted on 6 th September, 2006. The topic was still about “Hobby”. The teacher asked the students’ hobbies first before she went on. The students mentioned some activities they like doing such as swimming, listening to the music, watching TV, shopping, etc. Then, the teacher asked the students to make 10 hobbies that they usually do. Then, they were divided into five groups. Each group consisted of 5 or 6 students. Every student should tell his or her hobbies to the other friends in his or her group. Then, they should find some friends in his or her group who had the same hobbies as his or her. For example, one of the student A’s hobbies was swimming. He or she would say, “I like swimming”. Then, he or she would ask the other friends in his or her group by asking, “Do you like swimming?” When the other students said, “No, I do not.”, it meant that they did not have the same hobbies. However, if his or her friends answered “Yes, I do.”, it meant that he or she had the same activities as his or her. After that, he or she could ask further information about the place, the time or the reasons why they did it. They were 41 taught to ask “Why do you like swimming?”, “Where do you like swimming?”, “When do you like swimming?”, etc. They could practice it although sometimes they still made mistakes so that the teacher should pay attention and rectify their mistakes.

c. Writing Skill

The writing skill was developed on the first day of the observation conducted on 9 th August, 2006. The material was about “Public Places” and the language focus was about “Present Continuous”. The teacher started the lesson by checking the students’ homework to mention some public places. The classroom situation was noisy when the lesson started. The students were rather difficult to handle. The teacher asked the students to create a short and simple story. When the teacher gave time to the students to make a short and simple story, some students were busy with their own business. A few students did not even pay attention to the topic delivered by the teacher. It showed that in a classroom with twenty-nine students there were some different characteristics. Some students fully concentrated to the teacher’s explanation. Only that there were also a few students who did not focus on the material. In developing writing skill, the teacher did not use any significant facilities to deliver the material, but a dictionary to consult, the source book “Speed Up English 6” by Yudhistira, a blackboard and chalk to write down some important notes on the blackboard. 42 The teacher also developed the writing skill on the second part of the last day of the observation which was conducted on 13 th September, 2006. In the second part of teaching learning English, the teacher explained about the use of “I am going to V1”. She explained the affirmative form, negative form and also the interrogative form. The students were so enthusiastic that they could absorb the material quite well. The teacher gave some common verbs and asked the students to create sentences that expressed plans in the future using the available verbs. They were able to carry out what the teacher wanted them to do. They made the affirmative sentences. Then, they changed the affirmative sentences into negative and interrogative with different subjects so that they could differentiate the to-be. They could even express what they planned to do in the future directly.

d. Listening Skill

The fifth day of the observation was done on 13 th September 2006. The material was about “Shopping”. On the last day of the observation, the teacher developed the listening skill. The teacher began the class by asking the students to mention things that they usually bought in a supermarket. Then the teacher continued asking them about the things that they usually bought in a traditional market. The students were very active mentioning their daily needs and some other things. Suddenly, the class became so noisy that the students wanted to be the first to mention the things they buy in a supermarket or a traditional market. However, everything was well handled. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 43 In this meeting, the teacher gave the students a practice on listening. She asked the students to prepare a piece of paper and a pen. Then, she mentioned slowly, clearly and correctly 25 things in a supermarket or a traditional market one by one. What the students should do was write down those 25 things correctly. After mentioning all the things, she checked the students’ work and discussed it together. She also checked the spelling of what the students wrote. Then, the students counted the mistakes they made. After they finished checking, the teacher read a short passage clearly with the correct pronunciation. The students listened to the story seriously and paid much attention because they had to memorize the things mentioned in the story and retell the story with their own words to the other students in their own groups afterwards. This kind of activity could help the students to develop their listening and speaking skill at the same time since the students were required to be able to build up their listening by paying attention to the story and memorizing it, so they could retell the story.

2. The Students’ Perceptions on the Implementation of Competency-Based

Curriculum The researcher also collected data about the students’ perceptions to complete the data obtained from the observation. She could acquire the information about the students’ perceptions on the class activities which implemented the Competency-Based Curriculum by distributing a questionnaire to ten students who were considered to be significant to complete the data. The questionnaire was distributed to the students to verify the existing data further. Stratified sampling was used to find the samples of students to fill in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 44 the questionnaire. The samples of the research were ten sixth grade students of SD Negeri Serayu in class C. The group of the ten students consisted of five students who had the highest score and five students with the lowest score on their report. The questionnaire consisted of sixteen questions which were divided into four groups. Those sixteen questions covered all elements of a successful Competency-Based Curriculum implementation. Those elements are process, students, teacher, facilities, and result. The researcher divided the sixteen questions in the questionnaire into four groups. Questions number 1 to 3 asked about the students’ background knowledge of English. The questionnaire also contained of data about the implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum. The information about the Competency-Based Curriculum implementation was shown in the questions number 4 to 9 which gathered information about the process of teaching learning activities in the class based on Competency-Based Curriculum. Moreover, questions number 10 to 13 also explained about the Competency-Based Curriculum implementation since those questions collected data about facilities used in the class from the students. The last three questions, those were questions number 14 to 16, gathered information about the result of Competency-Based Curriculum in the real class. Those questions could also give information about the Competency-Based Curriculum implementation because students’ achievements could also be an indicator of the success of Competency-Based Curriculum implementation. The students’ achievements could help the researcher to conclude whether the competencies were achieved successfully. 45

a. The Students’ Background Knowledge of English

Based on the result of the questionnaire about the students’ background knowledge of learning English, six students out of ten students never joined an English course during their study. They learnt English by themselves, without help from an English course. They started learning it when they entered Elementary School. Therefore, they did not have basic knowledge of English when they learnt English for the very first time. Although they did not join an English course, they learnt English helped by their parents or elder brothers and sisters at home. However, four students out of ten students stated that they had learnt English before they studied it at school. They had joined an English course outside the class for six moths to two years. Some students were even still joining the English course up to the time the research was conducted. Their parents and elder brothers or sister also helped them in learning English at home.

b. The Implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum in Teaching

Learning Process Questions four to nine gathered information about the process of teaching learning activities in the class based on Competency-Based Curriculum. Based on the questionnaire, the fourth and sixth questions asked the students’ opinion whether or not they enjoyed learning English in the class. Nine from ten students answered that they liked learning English in the class. Most of them loved learning English in the class because the teacher was kind and the class activities during the teaching learning activities were fun since there were games as media to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 46 deliver the materials. They could feel the helpful atmosphere of the class when they had the practice through fun games. Only one student out of ten students said that he did not like learning English because he did not know the meanings of the words. The fifth question was about whether the students found difficulties in learning English at school or not. Based on the students’ answers from the questionnaire distributed to the ten students, most of them found obstacles when they were learning English. Two students said that they found English difficult because they thought they could not speak English. Four students answered that learning English was not easy since they lacked vocabulary. Their vocabulary was still limited, so it would be a little bit hard to study English. Two students said that English was hard for them because they did not know the correct spellings of the words. The spelling of English words made them confused. However, there were two students who had an opinion that they never found difficulties in learning English. One of them once lived in England for several years, so she thought that she did not have obstacles in learning English. The seventh question collected data about the kinds of class activities that the students liked as media to learn English. It gave information about the students’ ways of learning English. The researcher gave four alternatives and one blank space to be filled freely. Those four possible alternatives were listening to the teacher’s explanation, doing exercises in the book, learning through pictures and songs, and learning through games. The students might choose more than one answer. The result was only one student liked listening and paying attention to the teacher’s explanation and then asked questions. There was also one student who 47 preferred to learn English by using pictures and songs. One student chose to learn English by watching a cartoon movie from the video as well. Meanwhile, there were two students who enjoyed doing exercises in the book. In addition, all students preferred to learn English through games. In the eighth question, the students presented data about which methodology that made them easier to learn English. Six students preferred to have games as the class activities. In their opinions, learning English through games was fun. They would not get bored easily since they could be more creative when they were playing the games. They thought that they could obtain more knowledge when they learnt English by having games so that they would be able to speak English well. Question number nine gathered the information about the teaching learning process in the classroom. The question was aimed at finding out how the class activities ran. The majority of the students gave data that they listened to the teacher’s explanation in the classroom. After listening to the teacher’s explanation, they did some exercises in the books related to the materials previously discussed. Sometimes, they also had games as a means to convey the topics because the class would be livelier by having games. The students would also give respect and pay attention more to the explanation and the materials.

c. The Facilities for the Implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum

The tenth question up to thirteenth question would collect data from the students about facilities used in the class. In questions number nine to ten, the researcher wanted to know whether there were some facilities used in the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 48 classroom to assist the students to learn English. She also wanted to find out what kinds of media which were used in the teaching learning process of English in the classroom. Most of the students gave information that they usually had the class activities by doing practice in the books after having explanation about the materials from the teacher. They sometimes had games as one of the class activities. The students also sometimes had listening skill by listening to English songs for kids. Furthermore, the teacher occasionally invited the students to watch Western films for children then discussed the films among the teacher and the students afterwards. In the eleventh to twelfth questions, the researcher ensured the answers to the previous questions by collecting data about the kinds of facilities used in the class by which the students could be much helped to learn English at school. The researcher gave some alternatives as the answers and the students could choose more than one possible answer if it was necessarily true. The majority of the students answered that they could learn English better when they used the source book like doing the exercises in the book. They also gave data that some games were needed to apply to as the class activity. Watching children movies such as Harry Potter through television was also interesting for the students. Some students liked learning English through songs as well. Moreover, there were a few students who preferred to learn English using pictures and also a dictionary to check the meaning of some difficult words. In their opinion, learning English through some media or aids could help them to learn better. Those kinds of media or facilities could make them easier to learn English. Those facilities could also give more fun in the class so that they could enjoy learning English. 49 Whereas the thirteenth question identified what kinds of media used in the class that they really remembered. The researcher also asked the students to explain what they did in the class with the media. Almost all students gave answer that they learnt English through the source book. They would listen to the teacher’s explanation about the topic. After having some explanation about the materials, the teacher would give much time to the students to do the practice in the book. The students would sometimes ask questions when they did not know something. They developed the reading skill as well. The teacher asked the students to take turn reading some passages in the source book loudly. They also had a discussion on the passages after reading them sometimes.

d. The Result of the Competency-Based Curriculum Implementation

Question fourteen asked whether the students learnt and improved their English better than before. Four students thought that their English did not obtain English better after they studied because they still did not know what the meanings of many words were and how to pronounce them. Whereas, six students answered that they made progress after they learnt English for several years. They understood the meaning of some certain words and knew how to use them. Their marks for English subject increased rapidly. They could acquire better marks especially in English lesson. The fifteenth question gathered data whether the students felt that their English vocabulary was getting richer after they learnt English lesson in the class. The majority of the students in the class gave data that they mastered a lot of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 50 English vocabulary. They used to know only a few meanings of many words in English. However, they could be familiar with some words in English after they had had the lesson from school. They knew how to pronounce the words. They could also make correct sentences in English although sometimes they still found difficulties. Only that there was a student with the lowest score said that they could not make any progress after he learnt English for some time. The last question gathered the evidences whether they could create a simple sentence in English correctly. Nine students out of ten students answered that they could know the English words for fruits, animals, and other things. They could make a simple sentence in English, but one student with the lowest mark stated that he did not understand any single word in English. He was confused, so what he could only say was just “thank you”. The researcher also asked the students to give an example of English sentence with its meaning. The examples were stated as follows: 1 I am going to go to the yard. Saya akan pergi ke lapangan. 2 We are going to the museum to looking fossils. Kami akan pergi ke museum untuk melihat fosil. 3 What is your name? Siapa namamu? 4 You are going to go to Mall. Kamu akan pergi ke Mall. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 51 5 apple apel mango mangga grape anggur starfruit belimbing

3. The Teachers’ Perceptions on the Implementation of Competency-Based

Curriculum The researcher gathered some information about the teachers’ perceptions on the Competency-Based Curriculum implementation through the interview which was done by the researcher on Thursday August 31, 2006 and Friday September 1, 2006. The interview was conducted to two English teachers who had relevant information. It aimed at gathering information about the English teachers’ perception on Competency-Based Curriculum implementation in the class. The researcher gave some questions about Competency-Based Curriculum, its implementation in the class and the result. She then named those two English teachers as the first teacher and the second teacher. They taught students from the first grade to the sixth grade. Based on the result of the interview, the two teachers stated that Competency-Based Curriculum was harder in the implementation than the previous curriculum, 1994 Curriculum. The details of Competency-Based Curriculum made the teachers find difficulties in implementing it, so sometimes it was not successful enough in the output or result. Whereas the implementation of 1994 Curriculum was not as difficult as Competency-Based Curriculum since 1994 Curriculum did not pay attention to the students in details. Moreover, the teachers faced some barriers in taking mark because they did not only give a mark PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 52 on academic things, but there were also some aspects to be valued such as the discipline, attitude and behaviors, and the students’ achievements. Those things mentioned before should be in details so that it became more difficult for the teachers to be very detailed. The teachers taught English to the sixth grade of Elementary school through some ways to attain the competencies. They used a book entitled “Speed Up English 6” published by Yudhistira as the source book. However, they did not always use the source book when they were teaching. Instead of using the text book, they sometimes combined the materials in the book with their own creativity to create communicative class activity. They used their own strategies to make the students understand the materials so that the students could do the practice and reach the competencies. One of the strategies used by the two English teachers was using media to deliver the materials such as card games, video, listening to English songs. The first teacher stated that she used the media more than discussed the text book when she was teaching. She said that the topics in the book had to be discussed and conveyed to the students. She usually gave a short but clear explanation then gave them practice through games or conversation. She would let the students have more practice than a long explanation because she could check the students’ understanding directly when the students were doing the practice. However, she would give an educating punishment such as writing a short paragraph of a topic in English or reading a text then memorizing it when there were some students who did not pay attention or listen to the teacher’s PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 53 explanation. The students usually would pay more attention to the teacher’s explanation because they did not want to be punished. Whereas, one of the media that the teachers usually applied to the class was games. Those two English teachers said that the students paid more attention on the material when they had games or other supporting media than that when they did practice in the text book or the students’ work books. They reported that the use of media or facilities in the class would be so much helpful that the competencies could be attained better. It would be more effective to build up the skills using media or facilities because the students of SD Negeri Serayu Yogyakarta tended to be hyperactive students. The students could absorb the material better through the media. The first teacher added the information that the students preferred using media to do the practice in the book. She had an experience that when she first started teaching, she did not know how to treat the students of this school. Therefore, she gave the students practice in the book. It would only take some minutes until the students got bored easily. They suggested the teacher to play games, listen to the music or watch a movie. They wanted to learn English through games or other media. Eventually, she agreed with the students to study English with games, but there would be a consequence for students who were lost in the games. The second teacher also stated that she usually used a game as one of the class activities also. She sometimes used the real objects in the class to give concrete examples to the students instead of discussing the text book and doing the practice from the students’ work books. She also created her own handouts as the 54 class activities. However, she still discussed the text book because the text book was the source book of the materials given. The students also did the practice in the students’ work books to give them more exercises on the materials. The second teacher also gave punishment to the students when they did not pay attention to the explanation such as asking the students who made troubles in the class to go out so that they could not join the class. It worked for the students as one of the effective ways to handle them. In this case, facilities also took an important role in implementing Competency-Based Curriculum in the class successfully. The text book also included as one of the facilities. The second teacher stated that the English teachers did not find too many difficulties to look for the source book because the school had provided the text book. The English teachers also used students’ work books to give them more practice. Instead of using the text book in the teaching learning process, the teacher also made use of the facilities available in the school. In the interview, the first teacher mentioned the facilities available in that school. The school had tape recorder for listening, video TV to watch movies together and an English computer system. The first teacher usually used the tape recorder and video TV to do the class activities. She hardly ever had troubles in using the facilities such as the tape recorder and video TV. She used the tape recorder more often than the video tape. She could be creative in making a supporting class activity. However, she never used the English computer system because it was still new and she never had a training of how to use the devices. The devices were actually good, but they were not well used. 55 However, those two English teachers sometimes created the class activity to succeed the implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum in the class and the syllabus stated in the book. Therefore, the English teachers usually combined the materials from the text book and the students’ work books with the creative idea of the class activities to develop the skills in English lesson. When the researcher asked about the skills which were developed in the class, the first teacher gave information that she developed the four skills of English that consisted of speaking, reading, listening and writing. She attempted to build up the speaking skill through reading a dialogue. For example, two or four people came in front of the class then they practiced a dialogue. She would ask the students to practice the dialogue by reading on the first day. On the other day, she would ask them to memorize the dialogue then they came in front to practice the dialogue without the text. However, the development of writing skill was more difficult because of the structure. The students in this school mastered the practice more than the structure. They tended to be better in speaking than sentence structures. Meanwhile, the second teacher stated that she developed the speaking skill through a passage. She built up the writing skill by asking the students to arrange words then write a short passage. However, she would not ask the students who did not strong basic of structures to write a short passage yet. The second teacher usually developed the listening skill by asking the students to write words that the teacher pronounced. On the other hand, the teachers sometimes found some difficulties in implementing Competency-Based Curriculum in the class. One of the difficulties 56 was that the teachers should be in details when they gave scores to the students. Meanwhile, there were so many students with different characteristics in a classroom. Sometimes, it was hard for the teachers to know and understand the character of each student meanwhile there were twenty-nine students in the class with their differences. The second teacher added that the students could be a barrier when they made troubles in the class. Whereas, the facilities or media could also be an obstacle for the English teachers since those two English teachers had not joined the training of how to use the new English computer system. The second teacher added that sometimes using the facilities in the class such as the tape recorder could spend more time even she sometimes spent so much time when she wanted to use the video TV because she needed to ask for help especially when the tape recorder was broken or did not work properly.

B. Discussion 1.