Materials and methods PROS Hudiana H Development of interactive fulltext

H. Hernawan SWUP BC.21 a learning program in accordance with the speed and capabilities of its own, more independent learning, and can emphasize mastery learning materials optimally. Sixth, learning in the form of Interactive Digital Book is a form of learning that is effective and efficient in this age, because paper prices soar and many possibilities quickly broken.

2. Materials and methods

The materials used in this study are: reference and referral of nerve physiology teaching materials drawn from various sources, hardware; Notebook with Intel Core i3-350M Processor specs, 4 GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB hard drive, and monitors with 1366 x 768 resolution; and software Windows 7 Ultimate, 3D Pageflip Pro, Flipbook Maker, Microsoft Office 2007, Nitro PDF Pro, Format Factory, and other supporting software. This research includes the development. The model used is the development systems of model that includes the phases of: a preliminary study, planning, development, and product testing. Preliminary study include activities to identify the learning needs of students and lectures and identify the characteristics of the students. Planning and product development activities include 1 identifying the general purpose of learning, 2 analyzing learning, 3 formulate specific goals, 4 the development of interactive learning strategies, and 5 the preparation of the Interactive Digital Book as learning materials. Interactive Digital Book product testing is done by giving a questionnaire, developed to gather data from expert analysis and individual test about the Interactive Digital Book products. This study was designed to study the design of Research and Development R and D. Research phases are used in accordance with the workflow method of R and D in Sugiyono 2010. The process of development Digital Book Interactive comprising: analysis of the potential and problems, the initial data collection, product manufacturing, early product validation, revision of the product, and testing the final product. The data were analyzed by two different techniques. First, data were analyzed qualitatively to the data from the literature review, analysis questionnaire needs, and student characteristics. Second, the data were analyzed quantitatively for data validation results and individual experts. The technique used to analyze the data validation and individual experts are descriptive statistics.The research data obtained from observations media teaching materials first product, the product II the revised product I, and the product III the revised product II. Data in the form of teaching material appraisal by experts and students. While the criteria for analyzing the responses to the product; Quality of End-User Interface Design, Engagement, Interactivity, and Tailorability Baker and King, 1993 in Geissinger, 2009. Questionnaires were given to the expert and determined student assessment, namely A if very decent. and B if worthy, C if pretty decent, D if less decent, and E if unfit, further processed by using the formula percentages by Warsito 1992 = × 100, where P, , and N denote total percentage of each question, number of respondents who chose, and total number of respondents, respectively. Table 1 presents the interpretation of classification according to the calculation of the percentage of Warsito 1992 which has been modified by researcher. This study tests the use of Interactive Digital Book products implemented in Biology Education Studies Program STKIP Garut located at Jalan Pahlawan No. 32 Garut. Subjects were third-year students and implemented starting in June 2014. Development of interactive digital book as teaching materials in animal physiology Sub of the nerve physiology learning SWUP BC.22 Table 1. Interpretation percentage calculations. Large Percentage Interpretation Nothing 1 - 25 Fraction 26 - 49 Almost Half 50 Half 51 - 75 Most of The 76 - 99 In General 100 Wholly Source: modified from Warsito 1992 3. Results and discussion 3.1 Result