Introduction PROS Hudiana H Development of interactive fulltext

Proceedings of the IConSSE FSM SWCU 2015, pp. BC.19–26 ISBN: 978-602-1047-21-7 SWUP BC.19 Development of interactive digital books as teaching materials in animal physiology Sub of the nerve physiology learning Hudiana Hernawan Biology Education Studies Program, STKIP Garut, Jl. Pahlawan No 32, Sukagalih 44151, Garut Abstract One of the causes of the low quality in Indonesian education is the lack of sources of teaching materials that can be used both by students and lectures. One alternative solution to this problem is by developing Interactive Digital Book. This product can integrate the computer technology with learning, not only textual but also audiovisual. The purpose of this research is to design and develop the Interactive Digital Book, while the benefits are expected to be used as an alternative in the provision of Animal Physiology teaching materials. This study is a Research and Development which consists of two phases; developing Interactive Digital Book process and product analysis. Product validation test results, according to media experts and specialists in general material aspect research product developed is feasible. While the user validation, generally students are very excited, easy to understand, and easy to operate Interactive Digital Book. Student responses to the Interactive Digital Book products in the category of Quality of end-user interface design is in good criteria 55.34, Engagement categories is in the very well criteria 65.10, Interactivity category is in excellent category 64,70, and Tailorability category is in good criteria 51.49. Overall, the results showed that the Interactive Digital Book is applicable and feasible to use as a medium of learning for students of Biology Education. Keywords animal physiology, information technology, interactive digital book

1. Introduction

Generally, students of Biology Education Programs find it difficult to learn the physiology of nerves subject, so that many students are less interested to learn. It is caused by several aspects, among others: the complexity of the subject and the teaching methods in the classroom. Learning method that is commonly used is the classical method, which is learning only from lecturer explanation. That learning method usually make students less understood and less autonomy. According to Kusuma 2011: 49, self-learning does not mean learning alone. The most important thing in the process of self-learning is an increase of willingness and skills of students in the learning process without the help of others, so that they do not rely on the lecturers, friends, or others in learning. Self-learning process gives students a chance to digest the teaching materials with just a little help from lecturers. They follow the learning activities with teaching materials that have been specially designed so that any problems or learning difficulties have been anticipated earlier. Corresponding author. Tel.: +62 811205143; Email: Cholesterol profile due to granting of the rice bran types in rats with diet used cooking oil SWUP BC.20 The difficulties and nonautonomy of students in learning process will lead to low quality of education. One of the reason is the lack of teaching materials that can be utilized by both student and lecture. Teaching materials available today is still conventional and yet can increase student interest in learning. Availability of learning resources economical, practical and simple, flexible, relevant, and has a positive value to support a more effective learning activities and facilitate achieving the learning objectives Rohani, 2004. To overcome the obstacles of learning process that is still conventional and lack of teaching materials available, learning materials need to be developed that can increase the ability of students, support the individual and independent learning, as well as to facilitate student in the learning process. According to Dick and Carey 1990: 72, the learning material should be a material that can be learned entirely by the students themselves. That is, the material can provide opportunities for students to learn without relying on the explanation from lecturers. Good learning material will also enable students to provide feedback and also encourage students to do the practices correctly. Thus, the pack is composed of teaching materials and quality are very important in improving the quality of the learning process. Therefore, teaching materials is the element that determines the success of student learning. One of the alternative to solve the problems mentioned above is by utilizing the advances of Information Technology. Information Technology products that can be used as a complementary media and learning tools are Interactive Digital Book. Interactive Digital Book is a multimedia book that contains digital information in the form of text or image that is a representation of a book-shaped electronic digital Lee, 2004 in Darmawan, 2011 which can facilitate the needs of students, not only textual but also audio and visual Munir, 2010. In this study, Interactive Digital Book is developed so that students can have a good competence, in addition also to train students to study independently. Students not only be a passive recipient but also a determine learner for himself. This kind of learning method is expected to provide a higher motivation for students because Interactive Digital Book is always associated with excitement and creativity. Through interactive teaching models hopefully will make students learn without pressure because of the variety of delightful presentation of the material so that learners are motivated to learn quickly. The research was conducted for one year. In the first half, the research conducted to identify the initial conditions and develop materials Interactive Digital Book. In the second half, the research done to validate products including expert validation and validation of users. The purpose of this research is to produce Interactive Digital Book model that can develop competence and independence of Biology Education student. The benefits of this research is to use the Interactive Digital Book in the learning process that will provide a variety of learning experiences that stimulate the interest of students to learn; creating an effective learning situations; and provide motivation to learn for students Wiryokusumo, 2002. The Development of Interactive Digital Book models is important because some of the following reasons. First, there is a cultural change from the classical student learning to be independent. Second, it can overcome the lack of teaching materials and reference materials that can easily be understood by the students. Third, it can overcome the lack of learning resources designed to systematically with adhering to the principles of learning development. Fourth, learning material in electronic form would facilitate lectures and students in the learning process because the material developed is already a ready-made materials. Fifth, Interactive Digital Book was instrumental in developing the students themselves, especially to develop the potential and independence. The students can follow H. Hernawan SWUP BC.21 a learning program in accordance with the speed and capabilities of its own, more independent learning, and can emphasize mastery learning materials optimally. Sixth, learning in the form of Interactive Digital Book is a form of learning that is effective and efficient in this age, because paper prices soar and many possibilities quickly broken.

2. Materials and methods