A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program
in Partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Degree of Magister Humaniora

Registration Number: 8146112042


Marisa, Vera. Registration Number : 8146112042. Language Shift of
Gayonese Third Generation in Mixed Marriages. A thesis. Postgraduate

School, English Applied Linguistics Study Program. The state University of
Medan. 2017.
This study deals with the Language Shift of Gayonese Third Generation in Mixed
Marriages. It employs qualitative research design with a case study. This study
aims to describe: (1) the Gayonese language shift occurs in third generation in
mixed marriages, (2) the process of language shift of Gayonese third generation in
mixed marriages and (3) the reasons do the Gayonese language of third generation
shift in mixed marriages. The subjects were 20 third generations of Gayonese.
They were chosen from third generations whose parents are Gayonese and
Acehnese and third generations whose parents are Gayonese and Javanese. The
instruments used of this study were observation and interview. The observation
was used to obtain the pattern and the process of Language shift, and the
interview was used to obtain the pattern and also the reasons of language shift.
The data were analyzed by interactive model proposed by Miles and Hubberman
and saldana. After analyzing the data, the researcher found three findings. First,
non-migrant shifting occurred in Gayonese third generation in mixed marriages.
The shift were analyzed by four points of shift namely, production shift,
comprehension shift, production-comprehension shift and attitude shift. After
calculating the data, it was obtained that production shift occurred in 55% of
subjects, comprehension shift 20%, production-comprehension 25 % and attitude

shift occurred in all of the subjects. Second, there are two process of Gayonese
third generation language shift in mixed marriages namely; minority language
retention and simple bilingualism. The highest process found of gayonese
language shift into Indonesian language about 100%. And the second was simple
bilingualism caused gayonese language shift change into Indonesian language
about 30%. Third, there are three reasons of Gayonese third generation language
shift in mixed marriages namely; status, prestige and social success. As the
highest reasons found of gayonese language shift into Indonesian language about
100%. And the second was prestige caused gayonese language shift change into
Indonesian language about 30%. All the third generations of Gayonese from
mixed marriages use Indonesian language because of the social success.
Keyword: Language Shift, Gayonese Third Generation, Mixed Marriages


Marisa, Vera. NIM: 8146112042. Pergeseran Bahasa Pada Generasi ke Tiga
Gayo dalam Pernikahan Campuran. Tesis. Linguistik Terapan Bahasa
Inggris, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan. 2017.
Penelitian ini membahas tentang pergeseran bahasa gayo pada generasi ketiga dalam

perkawinan campuran. Penelitian ini adalah desain kualitatif bardasarkan studi kasus.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) pergeseran bahasa Gayo pada
generasi ketiga dalam perkawinan campuran,(2) proses pergeseran bahasa Gayo pada
generasi ketiga dalam perkawinan campuran dan (3) alasan yang meneyebabkan
pergeseran bahasa Gayo pada generasi ketiga dalam perkawinan campuran. Subjek dalam
penelitian ini terdiri dari 20 orang generasi ketiga dari suku Gayo. Subjek dipilih dari
generasi ketiga yang mana orang tua tersebut adalah suku Gayo dan Aceh dan generasi
ketiga yang mana orang tuanya berasal dari suku Gayo dan Jawa. Instrumen yang
digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi dan interview. Observasi digunakan
untuk memperoleh pola dan proses pergesearn bahasa Gayo, dan interview digunakan
untuk memperoleh pola dan juga alasan pergeseran bahasa. Data penelitian tersebut
dianalisis dengan menggunakan interaktif model Miles, Huberman dan Saldana (2014).
Setelah menganalisis data, peneliti menemukan tiga temuan. Pertama, pergeseran yang
terjadi adalah pergeseran non-migrant. Pergeseran tersebut dianalisa dengan empat poin
yakni production shift, comprehension shift, production-comprehension shift dan attitude
shift. Setelah menghitung pergeserannya diperoleh production shift terjadi pada 55%
subjek, Comprehension shift 20%, production-comprehension 25% dan attitude shift
terjadi pada semua subjek. Kedua, terdapat dua proses yang menyebabkan pergeseran
bahasa Gayo pada generasi ketiga dalam perkawinan campuran yaitu; minoritas dalam
penggunaa bahasa dan penggunaan dua bahasa yang sederhana. Minoritas dalam

penggunaan bahasa adalah proses tertinggi yang menyebabkan pergeseran bahasa Gayo
menjadi bahasa Indonesia yaitu sekitar 100%. Dan proses yang kedua adalah penggunaan
dua bahasa yang sederhana yang menyebabkan pergesearn bahasa yang terjadi pada
generasi ketiga menjadi bahasa Indonesia sekitar 30%. Ketiga, terdapat tiga alasan yang
menyebabkan pergeseran bahasa pada genersi ketiga pada perkawinan campuran yaitu;
status, prestige dan keberhasilan dalam bersosialisasi. Status adalah alasan tertinggi yang
menyebabkan pergeseran bahasa Gayo pada generasi ketiga sekitar 100%. Dan kedua
adalah prestige sekitar 30%. Dan yang terakhir adalah keberhasilan dalam bersosialisai
dari generasi ketiga suku Gayo yang bergeser menjadi bahasa Indonesia.

Kata kunci: Pergeseran Bahasa, Generasi Ketiga Gayo, Pernikahan Campuran


I return all the glory to Allah Almighty for His faithfulness to all His promise in my life.
He is faithful even I am not faithful. His faithfulness has brought me so far. I cannot but express
my in- depth appreciation to Him, he has done so much for me. Apart from that, many people for
sure, have assisted me in some ways or other, though not all names can be mentioned here but
some deserve me very special attention. The following people should be given the credits.

First, my special thanks to my first thesis adviser, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd.. and
my second thesis adviser, Dr. Didik Santoso, M.Pd. Thanks immensely for your supervision,
encouragement, patience and the pain take in the course of my writing this research work, in
making sure that this work is a success. Thank you very much.
Second, Dr.Rahmad Husein, M.Ed. and Dr. Anni Holila pulungan, M. Hum., the Head
and Secretary of English Applied Linguistic Study Program and Farid, the administration staff
for completing the administration procedures.
Third, Prof.Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., Dr. I Wayan Dirgeyasa T, M.Hum. and Dr.
Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., the reviewers and examiners for the valuable suggestions to be included
in this thesis.
My whole hearted gratitude goes to my ever caring, loving and understanding parents M.
Said, BA and Ratna Ansuri, S.Pd, the sponsors of my education to this level. Allah has used you
greatly in taking care of me . I also acknowledge my youger sisters, Yeni Novita, Ike Wesiara.
And thanks for my beloved Riza Dori Hafni Siregar, S.Pd. who has support me to finished this

Finally I want to thank all my friends B2 LTBI and Heri Wira Andesta, Arif Hidayat,
Agus Salim Marpaung, Hendri Batubara. when their assistance was needed and those that took to
their heels when the going was getting harder. I say thank you to all of you and may Allah, the
Almighty be with us always.


Mei 2017.

The writer

Vera Marisa
NIM. 8146112042

ABSTRACT………………………………………………………….. .... i
TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................ iii
LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………. ..... v
LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………… ... vi
LIST OF APPENDICES…………………………………………… .. vii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................................ 1
1.1 The Background of the Study .................................................. 1
1.2 The Problems of the Study ....................................................... 5
1.3 The Objectives of the Study ..................................................... 5

1.4 The Scope of the Study............................................................. 6
1.5 The Significance of the Study .................................................. 6

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ....................................... 8
2.1 Language Shift .......................................................................... 8
2.2 Types of Language Shift ......................................................... 13
2.3The Process of Language Shift Occurs ................................... 17
2.4 The Reason of Shift The Language ....................................... 19
2.4.1 The Status Of Indonesian Language As A National
Language ...................................................................... 19
2.4.2 To Achieve The Social Success..................................... 20
2.4.3 Factors Influence of Language Shift ............................. 20 Bilingualism ..................................................... 21 Migration .......................................................... 22 Economic and Social Factors ........................... 22 Political Factors ................................................ 23 Demographic Factor ......................................... 24 Attitude and Values .......................................... 24
2.5 Previous Studies ..................................................................... 26

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH ...................................... 32
3.1 Research Setting ...................................................................... 32
3.2 The Data and Data Sources...................................................... 33
3.3 Research Method ..................................................................... 35
3.4 The Technique of Collecting Data .......................................... 35
3.5 Techinque of Analyzing Data .................................................. 36
3.6 The Trustworthiness of the Study ............................................ 38
3.6.1 Credibility ............................................................... 39
3.6.2 Transferability ........................................................ 39
3.6.3 Dependability ......................................................... 40
3.6.4 Confirmability ........................................................ 40

4.1 Research Findings .................................................................... 41
4.1.1 The Language Shift Occurred in Gayonese Third
Generation in Mixed Marriages .................................... 60
4.1.2 The Process of Language Shift in Gayonese Third
Generation in Mixed Marriages… ................................ 61
4.1.3 The Reasons of Language Shift in Gayonese Third

Generation in Mixed Marriages .................................... 62
4.2 Discussions .............................................................................. 61

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ........................ 77
5.1 Conclusion ............................................................................... 77
5.2 Suggestion ............................................................................... 78

REFERENCES……………………………………………………. ..... 79
APPENDIX…………………………………………………………. ... 81


Table 4.1 The Language Shift occurred in Gayonese Third
Generation in Mixed Marriages ............................................. 60
Table 4.2 The Process of Occurances of Language Shift of Gayonese
Third Generation in Mixed Marriages ................................... 61
Table 4.3 The Reasons of Gayonese Language Shift
in Third Generation in Mixed Marriages ............................... 62
Table 4.4 The Language Shift Occurred in Gayonese

Third Generation in Mixed Marriages ................................... 63
Table 4.5 The Process of Gayonese Language Shift
in Third Generation in Mixed Marriages ............................... 64
Table 4.6 The Reasons of Gayonese Language Shift
in Third Generation in Mixed Marriages ............................... 65


Figure 3.1 Interactive model of analysis by Miles,
Huberman &Saldana............................................................... 36
Figure 4.1 The Language Shift occurred in Gayonese Third
Generation in Mixed Marriages ............................................. 66
Figure 4.2 The Process of Occurances of Language Shift of Gayonese
Third Generation in Mixed Marriages ................................... 68
Figure 4.3 The Reasons of Gayonese Language Shift
in Third Generation in Mixed Marriages ............................... 70



Appendix 1

The Data Transcription of Interview of Gayonese
Third Generation in Mixed Marriages ................................. 81

Appendix 2

The Data Transcription of The Language
Shift Occurred inGayonese Third
Generation in Mixed Marriages……… ........................... 113

Appendix 3

The Interview Transcription Language Shift Occurred
in Gayonese Third Generation in Mixed
Marriages ……………………........................................... 114

Appendix 4

The Process of Language Shift of Gayonese
Third Generation in Mixed Marriages ............................... 122

Appendix 5

The Interview Transcription of The Process of
Language Shift in Gayonese Third Generation
in Mixed Marriages ........................................................... 123

Appendix 6

The Reason of Language Shift Occurred in
Gayonese Third Generation in Mixed Marriages ............... 141

Appendix 7

The Interview of The Reason of Language Shift
Occurred in Gayonese Third Generation
in Mixed Marriages ............................................................ 142
