Introduction EO profile specific GetStatus operation request GetStatus operation response

SPS Application Profile for EO Sensors OGC 07-018r2 Copyright © 2008 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 65

16. GetStatus operation optional, synchronous

16.1. Introduction

The GetStatus operation allows a client to get information about the current status of a specific task.

16.2. EO profile specific

 The GetStatus request contains a new element named DateFrom . This optional element may be useful in case a repetitive acquisition example: once a week is made over a long period. By providing the current date as payload of the DateFrom element, the response will contain the status of the last acquired image only. If no DateFrom would be defined, the whole list of images acquired since the beginning of the acquisition period would be returned.  The NotificationTarget element has been removed from the request.  The response is encapsulated into a new element ProgressReport shared with the Submit response described in paragraph 8.4 .  The GetStatusResponse contains an Output element allowing the service to tell the client which scenes have been acquired.

16.3. GetStatus operation request

Schema of the GetStatus request: Figure 16-1: - GetStatus request schema SPS Application Profile for EO Sensors OGC 07-018r2 Copyright © 2008 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 66 The following table describes the elements of the GetStatus request schema: Table 16-1: Parameters in GetStatus request operation Name a Definition Data type and values Multiplicity and use service Service type identifier Character String type, not empty Value is OWS type abbreviation “SPS” One mandatory version Specification version for operation Character String type, not empty Equals the number of this document. One mandatory ID Identifier of the task taskID Token one mandatory DateFrom see § 16.2 Date one optional a The name capitalization rules being used here are specified in Subclause 11.6.2 of [OGC 05-008].

16.4. GetStatus operation response

Schema of the GetStatus response: Figure 16-2: - GetStatus response schema The element ProgressReport is described in § 8.4.

16.5. Exceptions