Background Claire sequence for frame no. 1 to no. 2.

1.2 Objectives

The main aim of this project is to implement the Cross Search CS Algorithm that can overcome the problem faced when using the Full Search FS Algorithm in achieving high compression ratio in video coding. To achieve this main aim, the objectives of this project are as follow: 1. To study how the Block Matching Algorithm BMA, FS Algorithm and Cross Search Algorithm works as they been implemented into MATLAB. 2. To understand and observe the difference between the FS and CS on their way of process, time-taken and the quality of output produced in various types of video. 3. To know and understand the basic functions of the others fast BMAs with CS and compare their performances with CS in difference aspects. 4. To conclude and justify the best algorithm developed due to some aspects of assessments.

1.3 Problem Statement

A substantial amount of computational workload is required during the execution of Full Search algorithm; however this drawback can be overcame by many types of fast BMA‟s which have been proposed and developed. Different search patterns and strategies are exploited in these fast BMA algorithms in order to find the optimum MV with minimal number of required search point.

1.4 Scope

This project will focus on three main areas which are literature review on video coding, BMAs and CS, the development and implementation of CS algorithm using MATLAB platform and the performance analysis of CS to FS algorithm and CS to other BMAs‟. To undergo all of these scopes, there are some sorts of stuff that need to be considered. The literature review on video coding, BMAs and CS will be discussed further in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 will be discussing the methodology of the project including the development and implementation of CS algorithm using MATLAB. All the performance analysis and result of the implementation will be discussed in the results and discussion of Chapter 4. Finally, the conclusion and justification of the project will be stated in Chapter 5.