2. Qualifications of the Assessment Team 2. 1. Qualifications of the Lead Assessor and Assessment Team


B. 2. Qualifications of the Assessment Team

B. 2. 1. Qualifications of the Lead Assessor and Assessment Team

Surveillance 2 to this company was conducted by SGS assessor team as explained in SGS report 4666-ID- PT ISK - River View Mill SA2015 - GP7003A page 13 point 2.3, before it was transferred to Sucofindo in 2016. Sucofindo assessors who review and prepare the report are : NuzwardySjahwilLead Auditor : He graduated from Institutee Agriculture of Bogor IPB, 1995. He has more than 5 years audit experiences in OSHAS and SMK3. He has successfully completion from Lead auditor for SMK3, Lead Auditor for OHSAS and Lead Auditor for ISO 9001. He has successfully completed training Lead Auditor RSPO by Proforest, Lead Auditor Training by Komisi ISPO, Jakarta, and Supply Chain Training. RSPO GHG, RSPO Supply Chain Certification System. Ronald E Butar-Butar S1 graduated from Catholic University Faculty of Agriculture. Work Experience Best PracticeEstates in oil palm estates for 6 years. He has successfully completed Lead Auditor Training ISPO by Komisi ISPO. He has completion In House Training RSPO for 4 days. Noor Rakhmat Danumiharja He graduated from Academy of Forestry in Bandung in 1980 and Universitas Nusa Bangsa Faculty Of Forest Management in 1998. He worked in Ministry of Forestry from 1982 – 2013 with the latest position as Section Head of investigation. He has successfully completed training of Wildlife Conservation and Management Training Program, basic of environmental impact analysis, wildlife captivity, wildlife conservation management, Lead Auditor Training by Komisi ISPO, Jakarta, B.3. Assessment Methodology B. 3. 1. General Overview See SGS report 4666-ID- PT ISK - River View Mill SA2015 - GP7003A page12 point 2.2 SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES Sucofindo ICS FRM 14.05 Issue 00 Rev. 1 8of 34

B. 4. Stakeholder Consultation