Financial Literacy for customers asurani personal accident Larissa

56 PT Sinar Mas Multiartha Tbk � Laporan Tahunan 2014 PT ASURANSI JIWA SINARMAS MSIG Kebijakan yang diambil perusahaan pada tahun 2014 untuk menyatukan seluruh jalur distribusi di bawah satu kepemimpinan serta memaksimalkan aktivitas penjualan melalui empat jalur distribusi, yaitu Agensi, Bancassurance, Corporate MNC serta Direct Marketing-Telemarketing DMTM telah memberikan hasil positif. Laba bersih senilai Rp 331 miliar unaudited berhasil dicatat pada tahun 2014 dengan total aset perusahaan yang juga meningkat, yaitu sebesar 5 dari Rp 19 triliun pada tahun 2013 menjadi Rp 20 triliun pada tahun 2014. Sementara itu, rasio pencapaian solvabilitas dengan menggunakan metode Risk Based Capital RBC tercatat 729,81 untuk konvensional dan 64,77 untuk syariah. Keberhasilan tersebut memperoleh pengakuan dari majalah Investor yang menempatkan Sinarmas MSIG Life sebagai salah satu dari 20 Best Insurance Companies 2014. Februari 2014, rangkaian SMiLe Series untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan mendampingi nasabah di setiap tahapan kehidupan mereka diluncurkan untuk melengkapi berbagai produk unggulan yang sudah ada sebelumnya yang terdiri dari asuransi individu, kumpulan, worksite, kesehatan, dan Dana Pensiun Lembaga Keuangan DPLK. Kepentingan nasabah kembali diutamakan saat Sinarmas MSIG Life memperkuat jajaran produk perlindungan kesehatannya dengan memperkenalkan rider SMiLe ESCI 99 dan SMiLe Medical+ Policies that were taken by the company in 2014 to unite all distribution channels under one leadership and optimize sales activity through four distribution channels, namely the Agency, Bancassurance, Corporate MNC, as well as Direct Marketing- Telemarketing DMTM, had given positive results. Net proit of Rp331 billion unaudited were recorded in 2014 with total assets of the company which also increased amounting to 5, from Rp19 trillion in 2013 to Rp20 trillion in 2014. Meanwhile, the ratio of solvency achievement using the method of Risk Based Capital RBC was recorded at the level of 729.81 for the conventional and 64.77 for the sharia. This success gained recognition from the Investor magazine which put Sinarmas MSIG Life as one of the 20 Best Insurance Companies in 2014. In February 2014, the chain of SMiLe Series products to meet the customers’ demands and accompany them in all stages of life were launched to complement various existing top products consisting of insurance for individuals, groups, worksite, health, and Pension Fund for Financial Institutions DPLK. Customers’ interest continued to be prioritized as Sinarmas MSIG Life strengthened its health protection products through the introduction of rider SMiLe ESCI 99 and SMiLe Medical+ in August 2014. Both of the rider products were developed in order 57 PT Sinar Mas Multiartha Tbk � 2014 Annual Report pada bulan Agustus 2014. Kedua rider tersebut dikembangkan guna meringankan nasabah dalam menanggung beban biaya kesehatan yang kian hari kian menjulang. Sejumlah kerjasama strategis sebagai bagian dari upaya perusahaan dalam meningkatkan pelayanan kepada nasabah dan calon nasabah berhasil dicapai, di antaranya dengan PT Visa Worldwide Indonesia untuk menyelenggarakan SMiLe Visa Fiesta serta penandatanganan kerjasama bancassurance dengan Bank Victoria untuk mempersembahkan VIP Family Plan. Berbagai kegiatan juga telah digelar guna mempertegas posisi perusahaan di industri perasuransian jiwa Indonesia, seperti SMiLe on Car Free Day dalam rangka merayakan Hari Asuransi Nasional. Di samping itu, kegiatan tanggung jawab sosial“Share your SMiLe” diselenggarakan untuk mewujudkan komitmen kepedulian Sinarmas MSIG Life kepada masyarakat Indonesia dengan merangkul SOS Children’s Village Indonesia, sebuah organisasi nirlaba yang bekerja di bidang pengasuhan alternatif berbasis keluarga untuk anak-anak yang telah atau beresiko kehilangan pengasuhan orang tua.“Share your SMiLe” merupakan kegiatan CSR terintegrasi yang menghadirkan tidak saja aspek hiburan melalui sejumlah aktivitas dan permainan, namun juga aspek pendidikan dengan menghadirkan program literasi keuangan kepada anak-anak binaan SOS Children’s Village Indonesia yang mulai beranjak dewasa maupun lulusannya yang sudah mapan. Dalam kegiatan ini, Sinarmas MSIG Life memberikan donasi senilai Rp 290.000.000 dalam bentuk bantuan tunai, perlengkapan sekolah serta proteksi berupa Personal Accident Sinarmas MSIG Life PAS dan Asuransi Demam Berdarah. Menyadari pentingnya peningkatan pelayanan kepada lebih dari 955.000 nasabah individu dan kelompok yang telah dilaksanakan di 113 kantor cabang yang tersebar di 68 kota seluruh Indonesia oleh 750 karyawan perusahaan, perayaan topping of Sinarmas MSIG Tower dipublikasikan melalui media agar nasabah dan calon nasabah mengetahui bahwa akses atas produk dan layanan Sinarmas MSIG Life akan semakin mudah mengingat gedung baru yang akan mulai berfungsi pada tahun 2015 tersebut akan mempersembahkan satu area khusus bagi pelayanan nasabah. to provide easy access and assist the customers in bearing the costs of health which continue to grow each day. A number of strategic cooperation as a part of the Company’s eforts in improving the service to the customers and potential customers were also achieves, such as the cooperation with PT VISA Worldwide to establish SMiLe Visa Fiesta, as well as the signing of bancassurance cooperation with Bank Victoria to introduce the VIP Family Plan. Several activities had also been carried out to airm the Company’s position in the insurance business in Indonesia, such as SMiLe on Car Free Day to commemorate the National Insurance Day. Moreover, the social responsibility activity of “Share Your SMiLe” was also performed to realize the commitment of Sinarmas MSIG Life to the Indonesians by involving the SOS Children’s Village Indonesia, a non-proit organization that is engaged in the ield of family-based alternative care for children who have lost or are at the risk of losing parental care. Share Your SMiLe is an integrated CSR program that encompass not only the entertainment aspect through various activities and games, but also education through inancial literacy program for the children of SOS Children’s Village Indonesia who have started growing up as well as its graduates that are already well established. In this activity, Sinarmas MSIG Life contributed a donation amounting to Rp290,000,000 in the form of cash money, school’s equipment, and protection kit such as Personal Accident Sinarmas MSIG Life PAS and Dengue Fever Insurance products. As an awareness of the importance of service improvement for 955,000 individual and group customers that had been implemented in 113 branch oices by 750 employees spread over 68 cities in Indonesia, the topping of celebration of Sinarmas MSIG Tower was broadcast through various media so that the customers and potential customers will know that the access to the services and products of Sinarmas MSIG Life will become easier, considering the new building – which will start to operate in 2015 – has been equipped with a speciic area for customer service.