Technology in Education Theoretical Description

21 The fourth is to activate the student’s response. If the learning is to mean anything to the students, and if he is to make it his own, he must be led to respond it – to be an active producer and user rather than a passive recipient of knowledge. So the media must provoke him into the appropriate activity. Essentially, the media must enable the student to shape and use the ideas being developed in the learning situation. The fifth is to give speedy feedback. The media must provide comment on the students’ response. Otherwise the student will have no spur to modify his performance or improve. If teachers can quickly tell the student that his response is correct or reasonable, he is reinforced or rewarded. Feedback can be provided very speedily and flexibility by human interactions. In lectures, both feedback and interaction are normally space because of infrequency of student response. The sixth is to encourage appropriate practice. The media must enable a student to make his response not just once but many times. The media should enable the student to try out his skill or understanding in a variety of contexts and preferably allow for him to use it in reaching the next level of proficiency. Teaching learning media is used to improve teachers teaching techniques. A successful learning depends on the successful media used by the teacher. A research shows that various forms of media and their respective selection and utilization directly impact what learners perceive and how they retain and recall information Newby et al., 2000:16. To achieve the learning objectives, a teacher should take into consideration of media selection. According to Dick and Carey, as cited by Sadiman et al. 22 1986: 86, besides addressing the learning objectives, there are four factors to be considered. Pertama adalah ketersediaan sumber setempat. Kedua adalah dana, tenaga, dan fasilitasnya untuk membeli atau memproduksi. Ketiga adalah faktor yang menyangkut keluwesan, kepraktisan, dan ketahanan media. Faktor yang terahkir adalah efektivitas biaya dalam waktu yang lama. The first is availability of local source. The second is fund, power, and facility to buy or produce the media. The third is the factors dealing with flexibility, practicality, and endurance of the media. The last factor is cost-effectiveness in a long period. Grounded on those factors as Dick and Carey stated, has fulfilled those requirements to be selected as media. Because of the availability of internet connection, accessing is not difficult. Sanata Dharma University has facilitated students with the free internet connection. Moreover, internet is not an exclusive facility recently. Everyone can be in internet line for free.

4. Internet in Language Teaching

Teaching using internet is well known widely called CALL Computer Assisted Language Learning. Based on Levy 1997: 1, CALL is defined as ‘the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning’. He adds that CALL materials share many of the characteristics of non- CALL materials. Like all language learning materials, CALL materials can be authentic or pedagogic. It was developed and implemented in the 70’s. A teacher is able to conduct a class using internet by collecting the tasks or receiving some

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