English language education study program students` perceptions on play performance course in Sanata Dharma University of Yogyakarta.






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George Doni Suryo Laksono Student number: 06 1214 019







ii A Thesis on




George Doni Suryo Laksono Student number: 061214019

Approved by


February 22, 2011 C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd.






GEORGE DONI SURYO LAKSONO Student Number: 061214019

Defended before the Board of Examiners On April 5, 2011

And Declared Acceptable

Board of Examiners

Chairperson : Caecilia Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. _______________ Secretary : Made Frida Yulia, S.Pd., M.Pd. _______________ Member : Caecilia Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. _______________ Member : Henny Herawati, S.Pd., M.Hum. _______________ Member : Gregorius Punto Aji, S.Pd., M.Hum. _______________

Yogyakarta, April 5, 2011

Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Sanata Dharma University




This page is totally devoted to those who always support me. I dedicatedmy workto


Kanjeng Gusti Yesus

Pepadhanging Jagad



Doni Suryo





Notowiyono, mama-papa,









my friends

, and

Anastasia Ema


Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam Cum Infirmor, Tunc Potens Sum Be man for and with others




I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, February 22, 2011

The Writer

George Doni Suryo Laksono 061214019




Laksono, George Doni Suryo. 2011.English Language Education Study Program Students’ Perceptions on Play Performance Course in Sanata Dharma University of Yogyakarta.Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

This study is aimed at identifying and finding out the perception of the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students year 2007 on Play Performance course and also identifying what the possible contributions of Play Performance course for the ELESP students as the English teacher candidates are. There are two research problems discussed in this study. They are: 1)What are the perceptions of the ELESP students year 2007 on Play Performance course? And 2)What are the possible contributions of Play Performance course for the ELESP students as the English teacher candidates?

To find out the answers of the research problems, the researcher conducted survey study. The instruments used in this study were questionnaire and interview. In this study, the researcher distributed the questionnaires to forty (40) English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students of Sanata Dharma University in the academic year of 2007/2008 who have taken the Play Performance course in their fifth semester. In addition, the researcher also conducted interviews to complete unclear data gained from the questionnaires distributed.

Based on the results, there were two main conclusions. First, the data indicated that overall, the ELESP students’ perceptions on Play Performance course were good. It could be seen by the students’ statements while responding to the questionnaire and interview. For example, the students had already been interested in joining Play Performance course before they really joined in Play Performance course. Second, the ELESP students believed that Play Performance course has also given possible contributions, related to both English and soft skills, to them as English teacher candidates. Based on the data, most of the respondents thought that they have gained positive effects in their life. Based on the data gained from the questionnaire, there were at least seven soft skills gained by the students joining Play Performance course. They thought that Play Performance course has improved their self-confidence, discipline, responsibility, time management, emotional management, sense of respect and problem solving skill. Meanwhile, through open question of the questionnaire, the researcher could present at least three soft skills mostly gained and chosen by the respondents. The three possible contributions mostly chosen by the respondents were related to the respondents’ self confidence, emotional management, and team work.

Finally, there were some suggestions for the lecturer and students of Play Performance course. The lecturer is expected to have more discussions with each group. So, if there’s a crucial problem in the group, the lecturer could give them such kind of suggestions in order to improve the ELESP students’ English skills optimally. Furthermore, the students are hoped to be more cooperative and proactive when they are in a group so that they could gain and improve their English skills and soft skills optimally.



Laksono, George Doni Suryo. 2011.English Language Education Study Program Students’ Perceptions on Play Performance Course in Sanata Dharma University of Yogyakarta.Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menemukan persepsi siswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris tahun 2007 terhadap matakuliah Play Performance dan juga untuk mengetahui kontribusi yang mungkin dari matakuliah Play Performance bagi siswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris sebagai calon guru bahasa Inggris. Ada dua pertanyaan yang dibahas yaitu: 1) Apakah persepsi siswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris tahun 2007 terhadap matakuliah Play Performance? Dan 2) Apakah kontribusi yang mungkin dari matakuliahPlay Performancebagi siswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris sebagai calon guru bahasa Inggris?

Untuk menemukan jawaban dari pertanyaan yang dibahas, peneliti melakukan studi survey. Instrument yang dipakai di penelitian ini adalah kuesioner dan wawancara. Di penelitian ini, peneliti mendistribusikan kuesioner kepada empat puluh (40) siswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma tahun akademik 2007/2008 yang mengikuti matakuliah Play Performance di semester lima. Dan, peneliti juga melakukan wawancara untuk melengkapi daya tidak jelas yang didapat dari kuesioner yang didistribusikan.

Berdasarkan hasil, ada dua kesimpulan pokok. Pertama, data tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa secara keseluruhan, persepsi siswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris terhadap matakuliah Play Performance adalah bagus. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari pernyataan-pernyataan para siswa ketika menjawab kuesioner dan wawancara. Misalnya, para siswa sudah tertarik untuk mengikuti matakuliahPlay Performance sebelum mereka benar-benar mengikuti matakuliah Play Performance. Kedua, para siswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris percaya bahwa matakuliah Play Performancejuga memberi kontibusi-kontribusi, yang berhubungan baik dengan bahasa Inggris maupun soft skills, untuk mereka sebagai calon guru bahasa Inggris. Berdasarkan data, sebagian besar responden berpikir bahwa mereka telah mendapatkan efek positif dalam kehidupan mereka. Berdasarkan data yang didapat dari kuesioner, ada paling tidak tujuh soft skills yang didapatkan oleh para siswa yang mengikuti matakuliah Play Performance. Mereka berpikir bahwa matakuliah Play Performance telah mengembangkan rasa percaya diri, kedisiplinan, tanggung jawab, menejemen waktu, menejemen emosi, rasa menghormati, dan kemampuan penyelesaian masalah. Sementara itu, melalui pertanyaan terbuka dari kuesioner, peneliti mengemukakan paling tidak tiga soft skills yang mayoritas didapat dan dipilih oleh para responden. Ketiga kontribusi tersebut yang paling banyak dipilih oleh para responden berhubungan dengan rasa percaya diri, menejemen emosi, dan kerjasama tim.

Akhirnya, ada beberapa saran untuk dosen dan siswa matakuliah Play Performance. Dosen diharapkan untuk menyampaikan materi belajar – mengajar yang memakai kecakapan-kecakapan terpadu di dalamnya sehingga setiap siswa dapat mengembangkan kecakapan-kecakapan mereka secara optimal. Selanjutnya,



para siswa diharapkan untuk menjadi lebih kooperatif dan proaktif ketika mereka berada di dalam kelompok sehingga mereka dapat memperoleh dan mengembangkan kecakapan bahasa Inggris dansoft skillsmereka secara optimal.





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : George Doni Suryo Laksono

Nomor Mahasiswa : 061214019

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:



Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk benda lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin kepada saya atau memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya, Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: 22 Februari 2011 Yang menyatakan




First of all, I would like to glorify my beloved, real, and trusted Friend, Father, Mother, and Guidance, the Lord Jesus Christ Almighty for the magnificent love. All the things I have done are because the Lord has given a life to me. Thank God I have been given an opportunity to finish my thesis. I wish this step can be followed many better steps.

I would like to give my deepest gratitude to my sponsor, Caecilia Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd., my proof reader, Yuseva Iswandari, S.Pd., M.Ed.

who spent their precious time in guiding and supporting me to finish my thesis as soon as possible. The same expression goes to all lecturers of ELESP and secretariat staff, Dhanniek and Tari, for helping me in the administration procedures.

I would like to give my thankfulness to my parents, Antonius Handri Suharno, B.Sc and Veronica Iswantinah, for giving me the greatest love, support, guidance, and prayers. I also thank my brother Yohanes Jockie Suryo Prabowo, my sister in law, Bernadeta Ayu Berliani, my nephew, Reynard Suryo Rinanggafor their support and prayer.

My thankfulness also goes to Anastasia Ema Ferbriatiningsih for her support, prayers, patience, and love; I wish this step will be useful for us and others. I wish this step can be followed by many other better steps.

I would also like to thank my beloved grandmother, Mbah Notowiyono,

since her smile always gives me more power to do the best and make people around me happier. I would also express my thankfulness to Mbah Jo Atemo,



Mbah Kakung, Mbah Kerto, Mbah Cokro, Romo Budi Wihandono, Pr “mo

WIHONK”andmy guardians. May God always be with us.

I would like to thank my God one more time because I have experienced wonderful time with my friends and joined the Metamorph Community, all of my friends “si kupu-kupu nakal 2002” in my beloved Seminary Mertoyudan. Let’s do something for our beloved almamater. Keep the spirit of socialitas, sanctitas, sanitas,andscientia.

I would also like to express my thankfulness to all of my friends and families in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University,Naga Bonar crews, Optimus Prime legions, PPL II, Wuluh 14A (especially Yoga who always lends me his bed and PES, and Doan who always makes our boardinghouse more “colorful”), Indonesian Language and Culture Intensive Course, FINK LLC, Jogja English School, CEIC, Modern English, mbak Putriwho lends me her adaptor, andPutri Respati. What we have done made me more challenged. Thank for the opportunity given to see and know this “wonderful family”. The last but not the least, I would like to give my deepest gratitude to my Konco-konco dolan PBI and all of my families and friends who have supported me to finish my thesis, and those who could not be mentioned one by one, keep in touch and let’s do our best.










ABSTRAK... vii








1.1 Research Background ... 1

1.2 Problem Formulation ... 4

1.3 Problem Limitation ... 5

1.4 Research Objectives ... 5

1.5 Research Benefits ... 5



1.5.2 ELESP Students ... 5

1.6 Definition of Terms ... 6

1.6.1 Perception ... 6

1.6.2 Play ... 6

1.6.3 Play Performance Class ... 7


2.1 Theoretical Description ... 8

2.1.1Perception ... 8

2.1.2 Play Performance ... 14

2.1.3 Project-Based Learning ... 14

2.1.4 Cooperative Language Learning ... 18

2.1.3The Roles of Teachers and the Characteristics of a Good English Teacher ... 19

2.2. Theoretical Framework ... 23


3.1 Research Method ... 25

3.2 Research Participants ... 26

3.3 Research Instruments ... 26

3.4 Data Gathering Technique ... 29

3.5Data Analysis Technique... 29

3.6 Research Procedure... 30




4.1.1The Experience of the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) Students in

Joining Play Performance Course... 33 4.1.2 The Perceptions of the English Language

Education Study Program (ELESP) Students on

Play Performance Course... 37 4.1.3The Possible Contributions of Play Performance

Course for English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) Students

as English Teacher Candidates ... 39 4.2 Discussion ... 46 4.2.1 The Experience of the English Language

Education Study Program (ELESP) Students in

Joining Play Performance Course... 46 4.2.2 The Perceptions of the English Language

Education Study Program (ELESP)

Students on Play Performance Course... 51 4.2.3 The Possible Contributions of Play Performance

Course for English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) Students as

English Teacher Candidates... 55 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS... 64 5.1 Conclusions... 64



5.2 Suggestions... 66

5.2.1 The Lecturers of the Play Performance course... 66

5.2.2 The Students of the Play Performance class... 67





TABLE 3.1. Sample of the Questionnaire Form………. 28 TABLE 3.2. Blue Print of the Questionnaire……….. 28 TABLE 4.1. The Table of the Experience of the ELESP Students on

Play Performance Course………... 36

TABLE 4.2. The Table of the Perceptions of the ELESP Students on

Play Performance Course………. 38

TABLE 4.3. The Table of the Possible Contributions of Play Performance Course for the ELESP Students as English




FIGURE 2.1. Perceptions Used in this Research……… 9 FIGURE 2.2. Perceptions Used in this Research……… 24 FIGURE 4.1. The Students’ Lived Experiences Joining

Play Performance………. 47

FIGURE 4.2. The ELESP Students’ Interest on Play

Performance Course………... 51

FIGURE 4.3.The ELESP Students’ Perceptions on the Usefulness

of Play Performance Course………. 53

FIGURE 4.4. The Possible Contributions of Play Performance Course for the ELESP Students as

English Teacher Candidates………. 56




















This study discusses the perceptions of the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) Students on Play Performance in Sanata Dharma University of Yogyakarta. The ELESP students’ perceptions here would be related to the Play Performance course’s learning teaching process. In order to provide detailed information, this chapter is divided into six parts; they are Research Background, Problem Limitation, Problem Formulation, Research Objectives, Research Benefits, and Definition of Terms.

1.1 Research Background

In ELESP of Sanata Dharma University of Yogyakarta, there are several classes facilitating its students to improve their abilities to communicate in English. In fact, English Language Education Study Program has purpose to train and create qualified English teachers, which can be seen from the ELESP’s vision. In order to train and create qualified English teachers, the ELESP teaches or offers students some courses which would be useful to achieve that goal. Therefore, all of courses taken by the students should be relevant and useful. One of those courses is Play Performance course.

Moreover, in ELESP, Play Performance is a compulsory course and final literature course. Based on Panduan Akademik 2006,play performance refers to a


to perform a play in which they experience various aspects of a play performance. “Various aspects” here is not explained clearly and it seems that the phrase “various aspects” does not have a direct relation with ELESP. The phrase “direct relation” here means that the lecturer does not merely teach the pedagogical materials to the students as English teacher candidates but the students should experience the learning teaching process by themselves so that they can gain the values of a play performance.

On the other hand, some students probably think what possible contributions of play performance course for the ELESP students as the English teacher candidates are. The ELESP students take this course for approximately 4-5 months or one semester. In the mid test, the students have to do monologue and dialogue with their friends using a certain topic decided by the Play Performance lecturers. In the end of the semester, the ELESP students have to do rehearshal twice. Moreover, final performance will be done once in front of public as a final test of Play Performance class.

The statement “what possible contributions of Play Performance course for the ELESP students as the English teacher candidates” becomes one of main reasons why the researcher conducts this research. Simply, since the ELESP students are taught specially to be English teachers in their future, the researcher also discusses what education is really for. Actually, there are many objectives that can be obtained from joining Play Performance course related to their future as English teacher candidates. According to Nellie in her bookCreative Drama in the Classroom (1984: 6), one of the most frequently stated aims of education


today is the maximal growth of the child both as an individual and as a member of society. In order to achieve this aim, there are several aspects provided for each child.

The first one is to develop basic skills in which reading, writing, arithmetic, science, social studies, and the arts are stressed. The second is to develop and maintain good physical and mental health. The third one is to grow in his ability to think; the fourth is to clarify his values and verbalize his beliefs and hopes. In addition, the last is to develop an understanding of beauty, to use many media including words, color, sound, and movement and to grow creatively and thus experience his own creative powers. (Nellie, 1984: 6-7)

Nellie has also stated that many objectives of creative drama are unquestionably shared. Among the shared objectives are creativity and aesthetic development, the ability to enhance their creative thinking, social growth and the ability to work cooperatively with others, improved communication skills, the development of moral and spiritual values, and knowledge itself.

In Play Performance course, the ELESP students of Sanata Dharma University are taught to improve their skills in several things, such as reading, listening, speaking, acting, collaborating, as well as managing team and time. Since this course has given some improvements to the ELESP students, they are expected to obtain and implement what they have gained to the real life, especially in educational field.

On the other hands, as teacher candidates, ELESP students should be ready to do their roles as a real teacher. According to Djohar in his book Guru, Pendidikan, dan Pembinaannya (2006: 10), a teacher should be able to do their job (1) to teach, (2) to educate, (3) to train his/her students.


Moreover, being teachers, teachers should be responsible for the students’ safety, students’ success to live in society, values of transformation of education use, which students got from school to face their future. (Djohar,2006: 9)

They should be able not only to teach their students but also to educate and to train the students. It means that a teacher should be able not only to help his/her students to learn something, but also to develop the students in many aspects and to teach them skills of a particular activity. Now, according to the ELESP, each course offered is useful or benefecial for qualified future English teachers. Therefore, this research is going to focus more on the relation between Play Performance’s contributions, especially the process of Play Performance course, to ELESP students as English teacher candidates and how those contributions affect the teacher candidates’ roles in the future. Moreover, this research was conducted to identify and find out what the ELESP students year 2007 really think about Play Performance course and identifying what the possible contributions of Play Performance course for the ELESP students as the English teacher candidates are.

1.2 Problem Formulation

Based on the discussion in the research background above, this study formulated two questions to answer. The questions are:

1.2.1 What are the perceptions of the ELESP students year 2007 on Play Performance course?

1.2.2 What are the possible contributions of Play Performance course for the ELESP students as the English teacher candidates?


1.3 Problem Limitation

This research will be limited to investigate the ELESP students’ perceptions on Play Performance course in Sanata Dharma University of Yogyakarta involving what the ELESP students think about Play Performance course and the possible contributions of Play Performance course for the ELESP students as English teacher candidates.

1.4 Research Objectives

The researcher conducts the research in order to identify and find out the perceptions of the ELESP students year 2007 on Play Performance course. Moreover, related to the questions which are mentioned in the Problem Formulation, the aim of the research is to identify what the possible contributions of Play Performance course for the ELESP students as the English teacher candidates are.

1.5 Research Benefits

1.5.1 ELESP Lecturers

This research is expected to give valuable contributions to the lecturers especially those teaching play performance course. By presenting the answers of the problems, the lecturers are expected to be aware of the students’ difficulties and problems. Then, the lecturers are able to develop their teaching strategy of Play Performance course to improve their students’ achievements.

1.5.2 ELESP Students

The researcher expects that this research gives positive contributions to the ELESP students of Sanata Dharma University. By presenting the students’


perceptions on Play Performance course and information about Play Performance course, it is expected that the result will be able to help the students, who are English teacher candidates, in comprehending and improving their English skills through Play Performance course optimally.

1.6 Definition of Terms

In this study, there are three terms that particularly need explicit definition to avoid misunderstanding while research is conducted.

1.6.1 Perception

According to Robbins in his book Organizational Behavior (2001: 121), perception can be defined as a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment. In addition, Altman, Valenzi, and Hodgetts in their book Organizational Behavior:Theory and Practice(1985: 85) stated that perception is the way stimuli are selected and grouped by a person so that they can be meaningfully interpreted. Leontiev in his book Psychology and the Language Learning Process( 1981: 31) also defined a perception as a process whereby the external tokens of objects and phenomena are reflected in man’s consciousness.

Therefore, in this study, perception refers to how the ELESP students think and give impressions on Play Performance and its possible contributions for the ELESP students as English teacher candidates.

1.6.2 Play

According to Harymawan in his book Dramaturgi (1988: 1-2), play is a conflict story of human being in a form of dialog projected on the stage


performance using conversation and action in front of audiences. In addition, Adjib in his book the Pengantar Bermain Drama (1985: 1-3) also stated that drama or play is not an individual art but collective art which needs commitment to cooperate with lots of people having different skills. Therefore, in this study, play refers to the definition of play stated by Harymawan which is a conflict story of human being in a form of dialog projected on the stage performance using conversation and action in front of audiences.

1.6.3 Play Performance Class (KPE 345)

Based onPanduan Akademik 2006 of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta,Play Performance classis one of the compulsory courses taught in English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. Commonly, Play Performanceclass is presented in the sixth semester. In this study,Play Performanceclass refers to a course that has a goal to fascilitate students to perform a play in which they experience various





In this chapter, the writer discusses some theories related to the research problems. This chapter is divided into two parts, namely theoretical description and theoretical framework. The first part is theoretical description which discusses some important concepts related to this research. The concepts are: (1) perception, (2) play performance, (3) project-based learning, (4) cooperative language learning, and (5) the roles of teachers and the characteristics of a good English teacher. The second part is theoretical framework presenting how the theories integreted in this research.

2.1 Theoretical Description

There are five different points explained in this chapter. They are about perception, play performance, project-based learning, cooperative language learning, and the last one is the roles of teachers and the characteristics of a good English teacher.

2.1.1 Perception

The understanding of the word “perception” can be derived from some sources. One of them, Altman and friends stated that perception is the way stimuli are selected and grouped by a person so that they can be meaningfully interpreted (1985: 85).

In this research, it is also added theory about perception according to Leontiev. Leontiev (1981: 31) defined perception as the process whereby the external tokens of objects and phenomena are reflected in man’s consciousness.


Leontiev also stated that this process takes place with the help of man’s sensory organs, and is completed by the creation of an image of the perceived object and subsequent operation with this image (1981: 31). From those definitions, perception could be viewed as a process of the way stimuli are selected and grouped by a person with the help of man’s sensory organs and completed by the creation of an image of the perceived object so that they can be meaningfully interpreted.

In addition, Warga stated that perceptions are based on past experience (1983: 207). It means while someone is in a process to create her/his perception, he/she is aware of experiencing an event or observing an object. When someone has never experienced an event or observed an object, she/he could not form or create a perception. Based on the understandings of the word “perception” stated by the experts above, there is a relation among event, experience, consciousness, and perceptions. Therefore, the perceptions used in this research is shown as follows:

Play PerformanceExperienceAwarenessPerceptions

Figure 2.1 Perceptions Used in this Research

Related to creating perception process, Mouly also added that “two persons looking at the same phenomenon may see very different things” (1973: 93). Since creating perception depends on each person’s experience and


awareness, each person cannot have exactly the same perception towards an object, even though the object is the same.

Moreover, in his bookOrganizational Behavior, Kreitner (1995: 112) also drew an overview of the perception process. He stated that perceptions will lead to the change of attitudes, motivation, and behavior as a response. It means that perception might create several outcomes for the individuals. Moreover, perception formed by experience is difficult to be changed since commonly someone will be more impressed when he/she has ever experienced an object or an event. It is also supported by Santoso (2000: 32) stating that perception that is formed by experience is stronger than perception formed by sensation.

This research studies and discusses perception since perception is needed to observe further what the students of ELESP really think about play performance course and what possible contributions of play performance for the ELESP students as English teacher candidates. The students’ perceptions on play performance will be stronger if they experience it by themselves. It means that the students involved in the play performance’s activities whether as actors, directors, stage managers, setting designers, or coustum designers commonly will have stronger perception rather than those only listening someone’s opinion about play performance without experiencing it by themselves.

Therefore, in this study, perception refers to how the ELESP students think and give impressions on Play Performance and its possible contributions for the ELESP students as English teacher candidates. The students’ perceptions on play performance would be stronger if they experienced it by themselves. It means that


when students experienced play performance by themselves and involved in the activity whether as actors, stage manager, or director, they would have stronger perceptions rather than those who have the perception by listening to someone’s opinion about play performance.

During the process of creating or shaping perception, there are some factors probably influencing someone’s perception. According to Gibson et al (1985: 64), there are six factors influencing someone’s perception. They are stereotyping, selectivity, self-concept, situation, needs, and emotion.

a. Stereotype

The first factor stated by Gibson et al is stereotype. Gibson et al (1985: 64) stated that stereotype is a set of thinking in a particular group that is generalized to all members of the group. It means that probably the ELESP students year 2007 have already set some knowledge in their mind, though they probably do not know whether it is true or not. When researcher conducts this research about the ELESP students year 2007’s perceptions on play performance in Sanata Dharma Univeristy of Yogyakarta, stereotype might occur. Therefore, when they think or consider that Play Performance is good, they will set it in their mind so they will perceive Play Performance positively, and vice versa.

b. Selectivity

The second factor is selectivity. According Gibson et al (1985: 65), people tend to ignore information or cues that might make them feel discomfort. Since people tend to select the positive stimuli, it is impossible for people to catch all of stimuli which exist in their environment. It means that only certain stimuli are


chosen or taken, then processed in people’s brain. On the other hand, since people have various interests, they may select what is important in fulfilling their needs. In Play Performance course, students have their own interest toward Play Performance course and whether this course is important for them or not.

c. Self- Concept

The third factor is self-concept. According to Mouly ( 1973: 92), people only perceive something that is consistent with their motives or goals, and interpret our experiences to make them compatible with our present self-concept. It indicates that the way people see themselves in the form of self-concept will also influence their perceptions on something in their environment. It is also supported by Gibson et al. Gibson et al (1985:67), in their research, state that (1) knowing one self makes it easier to see others accurately, (2) one’s own characteristics affect the characteristics identified in others, and (3) persons who accept themselves are more likely to see favorable aspects of other people.

d. Situation

The fourth factor is situation. According to Gibson et al (1985: 67), the press of time will exactly force the manager to overlook some details, to rush certain activities, and to ignore certain stimuli such as resquest from other managers or from superior. It indicates that most of people tend to work quickly, when they do not have enough time or they have to work in a short time. Commonly, when people have to do something in limited time, they tend to be careless or pay less attention, even they do not pay attention to something details,


which probably influence the outcomes. In this research, the situation when doing or joining Play Performance course is important in forming perception.

e. Needs

The fourth factor is needs. People are significantly influenced by needs and desires (Gibson et al, 1985: 67). People will do what they want to do and they will see what they want to see. It indicates that people do something based on thier needs or desires. However, here, we will more focus on the students’ needs. Therefore, in this research, the students’ needs of joining Play Performance course will affect or influence their perceptions on Play Performance course.

f. Emotions

Emotions could affect or influence someone’s perception. It is supported by Gibson et al (1985: 68) stating that strong emotions often warp perceptions. As an illustration, there is a student who always says good things to her friends or juniors about a certain lecturer since they have got a good experience joining the lecturer’s class. She could understand the materials delivered by her lecturer. Moreover, she also got a good mark, an A. On the other hand, there is another student who always says to his friends or juniors that Mrs. X is a killer, bad lecturer, or something bad about this lecturer since this student has ever got bad experience joining her class and it was completed by getting bad mark. Those examples indicate that someone’s perception is also formed or influenced by someone’s experience toward a particular thing or event.


2.1.2 Play Performance

Actually, Performance is related to the term of “the theatre”. However, the term of “the theatre” itself is still very broad.

The theatre can comfortably include a three ring circus, light shows,Hamlet at The Public Theatre, or a rock show. So, the theatre will be a wide area of human experience, to be sure, but one that is firmly supported on three points:

performance (including such performance elements as plays, scripts, directions and so on);performers; andaudience(Cameron and Hoffman, 1974:4).

Moreover, according to Cameron and Hoffman in their book A Guide to Theatre Study (1974 : 4), in the Play Performance there is an interaction among the performance, performers, and audience, a form of communication. They said that in the modern sense, communication refers to a great deal more than transmission of verbal messages. They have stated that play performance is the act of performing a certain topic that typically features a live presentation to an audience or onlookers on the stage.

Harymawaan in his bookDramaturgi( 1988: 1-2) stated play as a conflict story of human being in a form of dialog projected on the stage performance using conversation and action in front of audiences. Moreover, Adjib in his book Pengantar Bermain Drama (1985: 1-3) also stated that drama or play is not an individual art but collective art which needs commitment to cooperate with lots of people having different skills. It is also supported by Soemanto’s statement. According to Soemanto in his book Jagat Teater (2001: 3), play is a kind of art told a story through the actors’ conversation and action.

2.1.3 Project-Based Learning

In addition, actually Play Performance was also related to project-based learning. Here, the ELESP students are expected to learn how to work and


cooperate with others. They would interact with others and learn how to achieve a goal together as a member of group in the end of course. In addition, they should perform a play performance in front of audiences. In its process, the readers could see that Play Performance course implemented project-based learning in its learning teaching activity. There were many kinds of activities, which are expected to improve students’ skills, such as discussion in a group, role plays, physical exercises, vocal exercises, and acting. To understand project-based learning and the reason why the researcher stated that ELESP also implemented this approach on Play Performance course clearer, the following quotation capture some of the principal characteristics of the project-based learning:

Projects are multi-skill activities focusing on topics or themes rather than on specific language targets….Because specific language aims are not prescribed, and because students concentrate their efforts and attention on reaching an agreed goal, project work provides students with opportunities to recycle known languages and skills in a relatively natural context. (Haines, 1989: 1)

Moreover, in its process, the ELESP students also have significant roles whether their play performance would run well or unwell and their “product” would be seen in the end of course. On the other hand, their efforts in its process would also influence the product because when they performed a play performance in the end of course, they should collaborate with others, not only with their own group but also another group. They should make a good decision, be disciplined, and be responsible when play performance was going on, for example: how to decide whether it has already been black out or not, how to reset the setting of place, or how to set an appropriate light.


Project work is student-centered and driven by the need to create and end product. However, it is the route to achieving this end-product brings that makes project work so worthwhile. The route to the end-product brings opportunities for students to develop their confidence and independence and to work together in a real-world environment by collaborating a task. (Fried&Booth, 2002:6)

Stoller as quoted from Project-Based Second and Foreign Language Education (2006: 24) also stated that project-based learning should (a) have a process and product orientation; (b) be defined, at least in part, by students, to encourage student ownership in the project; (c) extend over a period of time (rather than a single class session); (d) encourage the natural integration of skills; (e) make a dual commitment to language and content learning; (f) oblige students to work in groups and on their own; (g) require students to take some responsibility for their own learning through the gathering, processing, and reporting of information from target language resources; (h) require teachers and students to assume new roles and responsibilities; (i) result in a tangible final product; and (j) conclude with student reflections on both the process and product.

Based on the theory of project-based learning stated above, the readers could see that ELESP also implemented this learning approach to the Play Performance course. The ELESP students joining Play Performance course should concentrate their efforts and attention on reaching an agreed goal, which was final Play Performance in the end of course. Moreover, Play Performance course also provided the students with opportunities to implement their language and skills in a relatively natural context. Stoller (1997:3) also stated that project work is a versatile vehicle for fully integrated language and content learning. It means hopefully by joining and experiencing a process of learning teaching activities in


Play Performance class, ELESP students could gain values or possible contributions from Play Performance course. Hedge (2000: 364) also added that project work encourages imagination and creativity, self-discipline and responsibility, collaboration, research and study skills, and cross-curricular work through exploitation of knowledge gained in other subjects.

Therefore, this research has purpose to identify the possible contributions of Play Performance course for the ELESP students as English teacher candidates. It was supported by Stoller’s statement on the previous paragraph that project-based learning should oblige students work in groups and on their own, require students to take some responsibility for their own learning through the gathering, processing, and reporting of information from target language resources, encourage students ownership in the project, and conclude with students reflections on both the process and product. Stoller (2006) also strengthened her statement above by providing the positive outcomes of project-based learning. She stated that project-based learning has improved the intensity of students’ motivation, involvement, engagement, participation, and enjoyment. In addition, project based learning is also said to inspire creativity and improve not only students’ social, cooperative, and collaborative skills, but also comfort using the language. Finally, the project work results in improved decision-making abilities, analytical and critical thinking skills, and problem solving.

As a result, project-based learning has positive effects on students’ motivation, language skills, social, cooperative, and collaborative skills, self-confidence, and decision-making abilities. Based on the theory above, there are


two main parts of the outcomes of project-based learning. The first one is those related to language skills and the second one is those related to soft skills. Therefore, in this research, the possible contributions of Play Performance course for the ELESP students as English teacher candidates were divided into two parts. The first on is those related to English skills and the second one is those related to soft skills.

2.1.4 Cooperative Language Learning

The fourth theory is related to the learning approach implemented on Play Performance course. As stated on the previous theory, ELESP had implemented project-based learning on Play Performance course. In addition, in this part, the researcher also provided another learning approach implemented on Play Performance course, which is cooperative language learning (CLL). The reason why the researcher assumed that ELESP also implemented CLL on Play Performance course is mostly related to the Play Performance’s teaching strategy or activities. In brief, in Play Performance course, the class was divided into approximately 2-3 groups. Then, each group should make some planning what they were going to do for the final play performance. In addition, each student has different role in his/her group; the student could be an actress, a stage manager, a music director, even a playwright. However, in fact, the students should discuss and work together as a group to achieve the best result. Olsen and Kagan (1992) stated that in Cooperative Learning, positive interdependence occurs when group members feel that what helps one member helps all and what hurts one member hurts all.


According to Richards and Rogers in their book Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching(2001:192), cooperative language learning (CLL) is part of a more general instructional approach also known as collaborative learning (CL). Cooperative learning is an approach to teaching that makes maximum use of cooperative activities involving pairs and small groups of learners in the classroom. Richards and Rogers (2001: 201) also stated that in cooperative learning, group activities are carefully planned to maximize students’ interaction and to facilitate students’ contributions to each other’s learning.

In addition, according to Brown in his book Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (2007: 53), research has shown an advantage for cooperative learning (as opposed to individual learning) such as promoting intrinsic motivation, heightening self-esteem, creating caring and altruistic relationships, and lowering anxiety and prejudice. Meanwhile, Johnson, Johnson, and Holubec (1994: 2) stated that Cooperative Learning gives students the experiences they need for healthy social, psychological, and cognitive development. Based on the theories related to Cooperative Language Learning above, the readers could see that Cooperative Language Learning implemented on Play Performance course has promoted not only students’ intrinsic motivation, self-esteem, and caring relationship, but also students’ cognitive development.

2.1.5 The Roles of Teachers and the Characteristics of a Good English


The fifth literature review used in this research is about the roles of teacher and the characteristics of a good English teacher. According to Fritz,


Andreas, and Luc in their book Effective and Responsible Teaching: The New Synthesis(1992: 3), successful teachers are both effective and responsible. They want both teaching success and a respectful way to interact, in other words, good learning and human satisfication.

Laurence in his book Competencies for Teaching:Teacher Education (1975:1) has stated that politicians and parents as well as other citizens in the community must direct their attention and financial support toward resolving the problems of education. He also stated that there is no real solution to educational problems that can be achieved without substantial improvement in the teacher’s ability to teach.

According to Laurence (1975:1), improving teacher performance through more effective teacher preparation is an essential ingredient in solving most educational problems. It means that to be a successful teacher needs a process; it is a process to learn many things related to their roles as a teacher, such as how to be a good facilitator, motivator, and guidance.

Combs in his bookThe Professional Education of Teachers: A Perceptual View of Teacher Preparation (1965) also stated that a popular approach to identifying and defining good teaching is to describe the characteristics of a good teacher. Combs points out that a good teacher should know his/her subject, know much about related subjects, be adaptable to new knowledge, understand the process of becoming, recognize individual differences, be a good communicator, develop an inquiring mind, be available, be committed, be enthusiastic, have a sense of humor, have humility, cherish his own individuality, have convictions, ,


show tolerance and understanding, be caring, have courage, be creative, and be adaptable.

Moreover, Combs (1965: 7) even stated the good teacher is not one who behaves in a given way. He is an artist, skillful in producing a desirable result.

In social work, it is found in the concept of supervision….They want creative, thinking human beings able to use themselves as refined and trustworthy instruments for dealing with complex problems. The good teacher is no carbon copy but possesses something intensely and personally his own. The good teacher has found ways of using himself, his talents, and his surroundings in a fashion that aids both his students and himself to achieve satisfaction-their own and society’s too. ( Combs, 1965: 8-9)

Combs (1965: 9) also stated that we may define the effective teacher formally as a unique human being who has learned to use himself effectively and efficiently to carry out his own and society’s purposes in the education of others.

Saksono in his book Pendidikan yang Memerdekakan Siswa (2008) has taken Ki Hajar Dewantara’s philosophy to describe what teachers should be and do. Saksono (2008:48) has mentioned that a teacher has roles as both a guardian and leader. Thus, a teacher should be able to give good examples, ing ngarsa sung tuladha (teachers should give good examples), ing madya mangun karsa (teachers should be able to motivate their students), and tut wuri handayani (teachers should be able to support and encourage their students).

In addition, as what have mentioned on Panduan Akademik 2006 of English Language Education study program of Sanata Dharma University, English Education study program has purposes to create English Education bachelor degrees, which are professional, having pedagogical competence, having


total personality, and having social competence. Based on Pedoman Akademik 2006,the four purposes above can be explained briefly as follows:

a. Being professional

The first purpose is being professional. It means that a bachelor degree of English Education study program is expected to be a professional teacher. He or she should have broad and deep mastery in English Education study.

b. Having pedagogical competence

The second one is having pedagogical competence. It means that as a bachelor degree of English Education study program, he/she should be able to design, manage, and develop English learning program as a teacher either formal or non-formal education.

c. Having total personality

The third one is having total personality. It means that a bachelor degree of English Education study program is expected to have total personality. Having total personality means a bachelor degree should be dedicated and disciplined. They should not only respect to honesty and academic freedom but also develop their religiosity.

d. Having social competence

The fourth purpose is having social competence. It means that a bachelor degree of English Education study program is expected to have social competence. They should be able to communicate and interact pro-actively and positively withcivitas akademikaand society.

Since there are a lot of characteristics and roles to be a good English teacher either in formal or informal education, English Education study program


has designed and run courses in learning teaching activities supporting their students to achieve the English Education study program’s purposes. One of them is Play Performance course.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

In this research, the researcher is going to discuss the students’ perceptions on Play Performance course. In addition, in this theoretical framework, the researcher discusses the keywords of this research. That is why the researcher focuses and emphasizes more on the terms of perception and play performance, which are key words of this research.

Play Performance course gives various experiences to the students. The ELESP students’ experiences could be good or bad experiences gained by joining Play Performance course. The students’ experiences of joining Play Performance course also influence the students to have a certain perception toward the course. In addition, perception can be seen as someone’s subjective experience. It means that each person may have different perception since it is influenced by his/her interest and subjectivity.

Since there are several understanding of the word perception taken from some sources, the researcher considers perception used in this study as the way or a process in which people respond and notice to the stimulus using their senses. Moreover, in this study, perceptions refer to how the ELESP students think and give impressions on Play Performance and its possible contributions for the ELESP students as English teacher candidates. Here is the figure of perceptions used in this research:


Play PerformanceExperienceAwarenessPerceptions

Figure 2.2 Perceptions Used in this Research

The second key word in this study is play performance. The theory of Play Performance is used to know what Play Performance really is and identify what the possible contributions of Play Performance course for the ELESP students as the English teacher candidates are. Based on the theories discussed on the theoretical description, play performance used in this study is the act of performing a certain topic that typically features a live presentation to an audience on the stage. In addition, based onPanduan Akademik 2006of English Education study program of Sanata Dharma university, play performance refers to a course that has a goal to facilitate students to perform a play in which they experience various aspects of a play performance.

In finding out the perceptions of the ELESP students year 2007’s on Play Performance course and the possible contributions of Play Performance course for the ELESP students as the English teacher candidates, the researcher distributes questionnaires and conducts interviews. In addition, the data gained from both the questionnares and interviews are analyzed, interpreted, and written in paragraph.




This chapter discusses the method of this study. Moreover, this chapter would be divided into six parts. They are research method, research participants, research instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

3.1 Research Method

As what we have discussed in the previous chapter, someone’s perception may be different from another’s because it depends on someone’s experience and the way they see or interpret an event or a phenomenon. In addition, since this research aims to find out the students’ perceptions on play performance and the possible contributions of play performance for the students and it is related to the students’ experience when they joined the play performance course, the researcher conducts survey study as approach in this research. According to Fraenkel and Wallen in their book How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education (2009: 390), there are three major characteristics that survey possesses the most.

Information is collected from a group of people in order todescribesome aspects or charateristics (such as abilities, opinions, attitudes, beliefs, and/or knowledge) of the population of which that group is a part. The way in which the information collected is through asking questions; the answers to these questions by the members of the group constitute the data of the study. Information is collected from a sample rather than from every member of the population (Fraenkel and Wallen, 2009: 390)

To find out the answers of the problems, which are the perceptions of the ELESP students on Play Performance course and the possible contributions of Play Performance course for the ELESP students as the English teacher


candidates, the researcher applies survey research in this research and employs questionnaires and interviews as data-collection method.

3.2 Research Participants

The purposive sampling is used as the method of sampling. According to Cohen, Manion, and Morrison in their book Research Methods in Education (2000: 103), in purposive sampling, researchers handpick the cases to be included in the sample on the basis of their judgement of their typicality. Therefore, there are some characteristics of the research participants used in this research. The selected participants were 40 ELESP students year 2007 who had ever joined in the play performance. The 40 participants should answer 35 questions when the researcher conducted questionnaire. Then, to complete unclear data gained from the questionnaire, the researcher inteviewes 3 students’ participants.

3.3 Research Instruments

In this research, the researcher employs questionnaire and interview as the research instruments. It is to investigate the ELESP students’ perception on Play Performance course and the possible contributions of Play Performance course for the ELESP students as the English teacher candidates.

1. Questionnaire

According to Ary et al (2002: 566), questionnaire is an instrument in which respondents provide written responses to questions or mark items that indicate their responses. In this research, the questionnaire is used to gain information about the ELESP students’ perceptions after joining or experiencing Play Performance course and the possible contributions of Play Performance


course for the ELESP students as the English teacher candidates. In addition, according to Ary et al ( 1979:175), a questionnaire is divided into two types. They are structured, or closed type, and unstructured, or open type. A structured questionnaire contains the questions and alternative answers to them. Meanwhile, an unstructured questionnaire does not include suggested answers. It means that the respondents are free to answer and there is no limitation for them to explain their answers.

In conducting this research, the researcher employs both structured and unstructured questionnaire to answer the research problems. Therefore, a set of questionnaire is composed to gain data from the respondents. The questionnaire is in the form of Likert scale. Ary et al (2002: 224) stated that a Likert scale assesses attitudes toward a topic by presenting a set of statement about the topic and asking respondents to indicate for each whether they strongly agree, agree, are undecided, disagree, or strongly disagree. On the other hand, in this research, the researcher ommits the undecided option in order to avoid misunderstanding since the option does not contribute any significant responses. Thus, there are four options used to answer the research problems, which are strongly agree (SA), agree (A), disagree (D), and strongly disagree (SD).

The questionnaire used for this research consists of 34 closed types and 1 open type. In addition, the researcher divides this questionnaire into three parts. First part is about the students’ experience in joining Play Performance course. Second part is about the students’ perceptions on the Play Performance course. Then, third part is about the possible contributions of Play Performance course.


Table 3.1 Sample of the Questionnaire Form

Number Statement SA A D SD

1. The respondents have more friends through Play Performance course (PPC)

Here is a blueprint of the questionnaire distributed to answer the research problems. In addition, to see the complete questionnaire, the readers may see on the appendices.

Table 3.2 BluePrint of the Questionnaire

Number Questions Descriptions

1 1-11 The students’ experience in joining Play Performance course

2. 12-17 The students’ perceptions on the Play Performance course

3. 18-34 The possible contributions of Play Performance course

2. Interview

According Ary et al (2002: 434), interviews are used to gather data on subjects’ opinions, beliefs, and feelings about the situation in their own words. There are three advantages stated by Ary et al (2002: 434). They are (1) supplying large volumes of in-depth data rather quickly, (2) providing insight on partcipants’ perspectives, the meaning of events for the people involved, information about the site, and perhaps information on unanticipated issues, and the last one is (3) allowing immediate follow-up and clarification of participants’ responses. Here, the interviews are conducted to complete unclear data gained from the


questionnaire, especially related to the students’ perceptions, students’ interest, and the possible contributions of Play Performance course. In addition, the interview questions could be seen on the appendices.

3.4 Data Gathering Technique

To investigate the ELESP students’ perceptions on Play Performance course and the possible contributions of Play Performance course for the ELESP students as the English teacher candidates and answer the research problems, the research employs questionnaire and interview as the research instruments. Moreover, the researcher also provides some questions related to the problems. The researcher conducts the questionnaire towards 40 ELESP students and interview towards 3 ELESP students. After distributing and gathering the questionnire, the researcher conducts the interviews.

The main purpose of the interview is to complete unclear data gained from the questionnaire. The researcher chooses 3 of 40 ELESP students answering the questionnaire randomly. Then, the interviews are conducted in certain places (such as coffee shop or cafe) creating a relax and comfortable situation for both the interviewer and interviewee. The questions discussed above would be added unintentionally according to the situation and each student is interviewed by the researcher once or twice.

3.5 Data Analysis Technique

The data gained from the questionnaire would be formed in the narrative description and displayed in the form of table and chart. In addition, the data gained from the interviews and questionnaire would be integrated and formed in


the narrative description. The questionnaire was used to answer the research problems, which are the ELESP students’ perceptions on Play Performance course and the possible contributions of Play Performance course for the ELESP students as the English teacher candidates. In addition, the interviews were used to complete unclear data or information gained from the distributed questionnaire.

To answer the problems, the researcher distributed questionnaires to 40 ELESP students. There were four degrees of response to the statement on the questionnaire: 1 was for strongly disagree (SD), 2 was for disagree (D), 3 was for agree (A), and 4 was for strongly agree (SA). After classifying the answers based on the degree of answers, the researcher counted the percentage of each answer, presented it in tables, and wrote the narrative description in order to help the readers understand the findings clearer.

In collecting information from interviews, the researcher used tape recorder. To gain the information, the researcher listened to the recording and made transcripts of the recording. In addition, the researcher identified and classified the information gained from interview, then showed the result of interview in a written form as far as it was related to the research problems and considered as significant information supporting this research. The information related to the research problem was presented in a written form to make the readers easier in noticing the information.

3.6 Research Procedure

In the beginning of conducting this research, the researcher selected the problems related to the educational problems, especially related to the English


Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. Then, the topic was consulted to the advisor and the lecturer to choose and decide the appropriate topic, problem formulations, and questions of the interviews used in the research.

In order to gain the data needed in the study, some techniques were applied in this research. In research and information collecting, the first way was studying the relevant theories in order to gain some information related to the goals and the topics of the research. The theories were about perception, play performance, roles and characteristics of a good English teacher. All of the theories were discussed above in chapter of the literature review.

In this study, the data was obtained from questionnaire and interview. The data gained from questionnaire will be formed in the tables. Meanwhile, the data or information gained from interview will be formed in the narrative description. In the research and information collecting, both questionnaire and interviews were conducted to ELESP students of Sanata Dharma University year 2007 joining Play Performance course in sixth semester.

The information gained from the research participants would be analyzed to find out what the ELESP students’ perception on Play Performance course and identify the possible contributions of Play Performance course for the ELESP students as the English teacher candidates. After analyzing the infromation, the information gained were classified and interpreted to obtain the conclusion of the





This chapter is divided into two parts, which are research findings and discussion. The research findings present the data gained from the questionnaire and interview. To discuss this part, the researcher gained the data and information by distributing questionnaires towards 40 (forty) ELESP students and conducting interviews towards 3 (three) of 40 ELESP students answering the questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 34 (thirty four) closed questions and 1 (one) open question. Those were to find out the answers of the research problems. Then, the interviews were to answer or complete unclear data gained from questionnaire.

Then, in the second part, the researcher presents the discussion on the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students’ experience joining Play Performance course, the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students’ perceptions on Play Performance course, and the possible contributions of Play Performance course for English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students as English teacher candidates.

4.1 Research Findings

In these research findings, the researcher presented three parts discussing the research problems. The first part was the experience of the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students in joining Play Performance course.


The second part was the perceptions of the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students on Play Performance course. Then, the last one was the possible contributions of Play Performance course for English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students as English teacher candidates. In details, the first and second parts were related to each other and the first part was not considered as a research problem. As stated on the chapter I, this study only discussed two research problems, which were related to the students’ perceptions and Play Performance’s possible contributions. The researcher also discussed the students’ experience because as stated on the chapter II, someone’s experience would influence someone’s perception. Therefore, to make this study clearer, the researcher divided this part into three different parts. The followings are the discussions of each part.

4.1.1 The Experience of the English Language Education Study Program

(ELESP) Students in Joining Play Performance Course

In this part, the researcher discussed 11 statements gained from the questionnaire, which were number 1 up to 11. The data gained from the first statement of the questionnaire indicated that the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students had more lived experiences through Play Performance. There were 40 respondents from the ELESP students responding to the questionnaire and all of the respondents (100%) chose “strongly agree” and “agree”. The data showed that there were 55% of the respondents who chose “strongly agree” and 45% of the respondents who chose “agree”. There were


several indicators or reasons supporting the respondents’ statement about their experience whether it was included in a good experience or bad experience.

The data gained from the questionnaire showed that all of the respondents had more friends through Play Performance course; they chose “strongly agree” (62.5%) and “agree” (37.5%) for the statement number 2 (The respondents have more friends through Play Performance Course (PPC)). In addition, all of them also felt that they appreciated their friends’ efforts more through Play Performance; 57.5% of the respondents chose “strongly agree” and 42.5% of them chose “agree”. Moreover, almost all of the respondents (95%) also felt that their friends appreciated them in Play Performance course. The data indicated that 45% of the respondents chose “strongly agree” to respond to statement no.10 (The respondents’ friends appreciated them in Play Performance course) and 50% of the respondents chose “agree”. However, there were 2 respondents choosing “disagree”.

Then, there were 65% of the respondents who chose “strongly agree” and “agree” for the statement that they felt that their friends loved them after joining Play Performance course. Meanwhile, there were 13 respondents (32.5%) choosing “disagree” and 1 respondent (2.5%) choosing “strongly disagree” because they did not feel that their friends really loved them. Even though there were some students who felt that their friends did not really love them, almost all of the respondents (92.5%) chose “strongly agree” (35%) and “agree” (57.5%) when they responded to statement no.6 (The respondents’ friends helped them when they were in a trouble). On the other hand, there were 3 respondents


(7.5%) choosing “disagree”. As a result, 92.5% of the respondents chose “strongly agree” and “agree” when they responded to the next statement, statement no. 7 (After joining Play Performance course, the respondents become more helpful). In addition, there were only 2 respondents choosing “disagree” and 1 respondent choosing “strongly disagree”. Based on the data from statements no. 6 and no.7, probably someone’s kindness influenced others’ kindness to others. In addition, almost all of the respondents (92.5%) chose “strongly disagree” (45%) and “disagree” (47.5%) when responding to statement no. 9 (After joining Play Performance Course, the respondents feel underestimated in his/her group). However, there were three respondents (7.5%) who chose “agree” when responding to the statement.

To help the readers understand more the descriptions of the data, the researcher presented the description of the students’ responses in form of table. The first column was the statements’ number and the second one was the statements used to gain the data from the respondents. Then, the third columns up to the sixth column were the degree of the chosen options. It was started from “Strongly Agree” (SA), “Agree” (A), “Disagree” (D), and “Strongly Disagree” (SD). In addition, in each chosen option, there would be two kinds of data. The first one was the percentage of the respondents and the second one was the number of the respondents of the questionnaire. The following was the description of the students’ responses to each statement related to the ELESP students’ experience on Play Performance course.


No Statements SA A D SD

1. The respondents have more lived experience through Play Performance course (PPC). 55% (22) 45% (18) 0% (0) 0% (0)

2. The respondents have more friends through PPC. 62.5% (25) 37.5% (15) 0% (0) 0% (0) 3. The respondents can work in a group

better through PPC.

37.5% (15) 60% (24) 2.5% (1) 0% (0) 4. The respondents appreciate more to

their friends’ efforts through PPC.

57.5% (23) 42.5% (17) 0% (0) 0% (0) 5. The respondents feel their friends love

them after joining PPC.

22.5% (9) 42.5% (17) 32.5% (13) 2.5% (1) 6. The respondents’ friends helped them

when they were in a trouble.

35% (14) 57.5% (23) 7.5% (3) 0% (0) 7. After joining PPC, the respondents

become more helpful.

15% (6) 77.5% (31) 5% (2) 2.5% (1) 8. The respondents like to work in a group

after joining PPC.

40% (1) 57.5% (23) 2.5% (1) 0% (0) 9. After joining PPC, the respondents feel

underestimated in their group.

0% (0) 7.5% (3) 47.5% (19) 45% (18) 10. The respondents’ friends appreciated

them in PPC.

45% (18) 50% (20) 5% (2) 0% (0) 11. The respondents worked by themselves

in PP because their friends could not understand them. 0% (0) 2.5% (1) 45% (18) 52.5% (21)

Table 4.1 The Table of the Experience of the ELESP Students on Play Performance Course

After joining Play Performance, almost all of the respondents said that they liked to work in a group. The data presented that almost all of the respondents (97.5%) agreed that they liked to work in a group after joining Play Performance course. It was supported by Adjib’s statement. Adjib in his book Pengantar Bermain Drama (1985: 1-3) has stated that drama or play is not an individual art but collective art which needs commitment to cooperate with lots of


people having different skills. In addition, there was only 1 respondent choosing “agree” when responding to statement no. 11 (The respondents worked by themselves in Play Performance Course because their friends could not understand them). Then, the rest of the respondents chose “strongly disagree” (52.5%) and “disagree” (45%). It was also supported by the data gained from the statement number 3. Almost all of the respondents (97.5%) stated that they could work in a group better through Play Performance course.

4.1.2 The Perceptions of the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) Students on Play Performance Course

In order to find out the perceptions of the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students on Play Performance course, the researcher distributed questionnaires to the ELESP students. There were six closed questions hopefully representing their perceptions on Play Performance course, which were number 12 up to 17. The data indicated that students of the English Language Education Study Program were interested in joining Play Performance course. Almost all of the respondents (97.5%) chose “strongly agree” (30%) and “agree” (67.5%). They considered Play Performance course as an interesting course in English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University of Yogyakarta. There were 50% of the respondents choosing “strongly disagree” when responding to statement no. 12 (For the respondents, Play Performance is just ‘wasting time”) and 47.5% of them chose “disagree” on the same statement. It was also supported by data indicating that almost all of the respondents thought that they had had valued experience through Play Performance course. The data indicated that 97.5% of the respondents chose “strongly disagree” (30%) and




In your opinion, what possible contributions did you gain from Play Performance course related to the fact that you are an English teacher candidate? (for example: you learn how to express your thought in public)

Student Participant 18 I can learn some important things, such as: how to pronounce well, how to listen others’ saying, and trying to manage my


Student Participant 19 I am smarter in managing my time. Having a good time management is needed for English teacher candidate.

Student Participant 20 Learn how to be more confident in front of public and learn how to work with other.

Student Participant 21 I learn how to manage my emotion well. It is useful for me when I teach my students in class.

Student Participant 22 Through PPC, I learn how to have my self-confidence well especially when I have to speak in front of public.

Student Participant 23 I trained to be more confident speaking in public. Student Participant 24 I can deliver my feeling in front of many people.

Student Participant 25 I learnt how to deal with new faces in different situations. This hopefully will be helpful in my being an English teacher

especially when I have to suit myself in any possible


Student Participant 26 Used to speak in front of public with clear and understandable pronunciation. PPC trained me to have expression expression is important in teaching in gaining students’




In your opinion, what possible contributions did you gain from Play Performance course related to the fact that you are an English teacher candidate? (for example: you learn how to express your thought in public)

Student Participant 27 It makes me more confident to speak in public.

Student Participant 28 I learn the basic knowledge of drama: how to conduct a drama, how to train our respiration. It will be useful for me when I

become a teacher in the future. Maybe, I can become a play

performance teacher in my school later.

Student Participant 29 I can be more confident than before. My confidence may be stronger than before, my pronunciation might be better than

before I joined PPC

Student Participant 30 It helps me to be more confident in teaching, for example when I have to give example of a dialogue, storytelling, or

other class performances to students.

Student Participant 31 I learned how to build confidence and creativity. I learned how to focus on job desk or professionalism. I learned how to

arrange “a production”. I learned how to improve my English

skills mostly in speaking and listening.

Student Participant 32 I learn how to be more responsible. I learn how to argue and accept opinion from other members.

Student Participant 33 I feel more confident in speaking.

Student Participant 34 Trying to tolerate others. I get many good friends. We know each other since PPC put off their mask.




In your opinion, what possible contributions did you gain from Play Performance course related to the fact that you are an English teacher candidate? (for example: you learn how to express your thought in public)

Student Participant 36 Teaching children sometimes need to be very aware of our emotion. PPC makes us learn how to manage emotion

immediately. It is the process of PPC that is quite good. We

have some good people teaching it.

Student Participant 37 I learn how to respect other people. I can work with a team which is useful for working world.

Student Participant 38 More confident to speak in front of public.

Student Participant 39 As an English teacher candidate, I learn to manage my emotion well, more disciplined, and to be more confident

when I speak in front of class.

Student Participant 40 Through PPC, I learned how to work in group and learned how to speak in public which were useful for me in my future



Laksono, George Doni Suryo. 2011.English Language Education Study Program Students’ Perceptions on Play Performance Course in Sanata Dharma University of Yogyakarta.Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

This study is aimed at identifying and finding out the perception of the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students year 2007 on Play Performance course and also identifying what the possible contributions of Play Performance course for the ELESP students as the English teacher candidates are. There are two research problems discussed in this study. They are: 1)What are the perceptions of the ELESP students year 2007 on Play Performance course? And 2)What are the possible contributions of Play Performance course for the ELESP students as the English teacher candidates?

To find out the answers of the research problems, the researcher conducted survey study. The instruments used in this study were questionnaire and interview. In this study, the researcher distributed the questionnaires to forty (40) English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students of Sanata Dharma University in the academic year of 2007/2008 who have taken the Play Performance course in their fifth semester. In addition, the researcher also conducted interviews to complete unclear data gained from the questionnaires distributed.

Based on the results, there were two main conclusions. First, the data indicated that overall, the ELESP students’ perceptions on Play Performance course were good. It could be seen by the students’ statements while responding to the questionnaire and interview. For example, the students had already been interested in joining Play Performance course before they really joined in Play Performance course. Second, the ELESP students believed that Play Performance course has also given possible contributions, related to both English and soft skills, to them as English teacher candidates. Based on the data, most of the respondents thought that they have gained positive effects in their life. Based on the data gained from the questionnaire, there were at least seven soft skills gained by the students joining Play Performance course. They thought that Play Performance course has improved their self-confidence, discipline, responsibility, time management, emotional management, sense of respect and problem solving skill. Meanwhile, through open question of the questionnaire, the researcher could present at least three soft skills mostly gained and chosen by the respondents. The three possible contributions mostly chosen by the respondents were related to the respondents’ self confidence, emotional management, and team work.

Finally, there were some suggestions for the lecturer and students of Play Performance course. The lecturer is expected to have more discussions with each group. So, if there’s a crucial problem in the group, the lecturer could give them such kind of suggestions in order to improve the ELESP students’ English skills optimally. Furthermore, the students are hoped to be more cooperative and proactive when they are in a group so that they could gain and improve their English skills and soft skills optimally.



Laksono, George Doni Suryo. 2011.English Language Education Study Program Students’ Perceptions on Play Performance Course in Sanata Dharma University of Yogyakarta.Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menemukan persepsi siswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris tahun 2007 terhadap matakuliah Play Performance dan juga untuk mengetahui kontribusi yang mungkin dari matakuliah Play Performance bagi siswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris sebagai calon guru bahasa Inggris. Ada dua pertanyaan yang dibahas yaitu: 1) Apakah persepsi siswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris tahun 2007 terhadap matakuliah Play Performance? Dan 2) Apakah kontribusi yang mungkin dari matakuliahPlay Performancebagi siswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris sebagai calon guru bahasa Inggris?

Untuk menemukan jawaban dari pertanyaan yang dibahas, peneliti melakukan studi survey. Instrument yang dipakai di penelitian ini adalah kuesioner dan wawancara. Di penelitian ini, peneliti mendistribusikan kuesioner kepada empat puluh (40) siswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma tahun akademik 2007/2008 yang mengikuti matakuliah Play Performance di semester lima. Dan, peneliti juga melakukan wawancara untuk melengkapi daya tidak jelas yang didapat dari kuesioner yang didistribusikan.

Berdasarkan hasil, ada dua kesimpulan pokok. Pertama, data tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa secara keseluruhan, persepsi siswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris terhadap matakuliah Play Performance adalah bagus. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari pernyataan-pernyataan para siswa ketika menjawab kuesioner dan wawancara. Misalnya, para siswa sudah tertarik untuk mengikuti matakuliahPlay Performance sebelum mereka benar-benar mengikuti matakuliah Play Performance. Kedua, para siswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris percaya bahwa matakuliah Play Performancejuga memberi kontibusi-kontribusi, yang berhubungan baik dengan bahasa Inggris maupun soft skills, untuk mereka sebagai calon guru bahasa Inggris. Berdasarkan data, sebagian besar responden berpikir bahwa mereka telah mendapatkan efek positif dalam kehidupan mereka. Berdasarkan data yang didapat dari kuesioner, ada paling tidak tujuh soft skills yang didapatkan oleh para siswa yang mengikuti matakuliah Play Performance. Mereka berpikir bahwa matakuliah Play Performance telah mengembangkan rasa percaya diri, kedisiplinan, tanggung jawab, menejemen waktu, menejemen emosi, rasa menghormati, dan kemampuan penyelesaian masalah. Sementara itu, melalui pertanyaan terbuka dari kuesioner, peneliti mengemukakan paling tidak tiga soft skills yang mayoritas didapat dan dipilih oleh para responden. Ketiga kontribusi tersebut yang paling banyak dipilih oleh para responden berhubungan dengan rasa percaya diri, menejemen emosi, dan kerjasama tim.

Akhirnya, ada beberapa saran untuk dosen dan siswa matakuliah Play Performance. Dosen diharapkan untuk menyampaikan materi belajar – mengajar yang memakai kecakapan-kecakapan terpadu di dalamnya sehingga setiap siswa dapat mengembangkan kecakapan-kecakapan mereka secara optimal. Selanjutnya,



para siswa diharapkan untuk menjadi lebih kooperatif dan proaktif ketika mereka berada di dalam kelompok sehingga mereka dapat memperoleh dan mengembangkan kecakapan bahasa Inggris dansoft skillsmereka secara optimal.

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