Students’ Perceptions on Learning Vocabulary through Watching English
Movies at English Education Department
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

A Skripsi
Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education
as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree
Sarjana Pendidikan

Wakhid Syarifudin

English Education Department
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
December 2016

Students’ Perceptions on Learning Vocabulary through Watching
English Movies at English Education Department
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

A Skripsi
Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education
as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree
Sarjana Pendidikan

Wakhid Syarifudin

English Education Department
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
December 2016

Statement of Authenticity
I am a student with the following identity:

: Wakhid Syarifudin


: 20120540123

Program Study

: English Education Department


: Faculty of Language Education


: Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Certify that the skripsi entitled “Students’ Perceptions on Learning Vocabulary
through Watching English Movies at English Education Department
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta” is definitely my own work. I am

completely responsible for the content of this skripsi. Others’ opinion or findings
included in this skripsi are quoted in accordance with ethical standard.

Yogyakarta, December 27th, 2016
The researcher,

Wakhid Syarifudin

Alahmdulillahirabbil’alamin. Praise to Allah SWT who has given His blessing to the
writer so that he can complete the writing of this skripsi. In this occasion, the writer
would like to exoress his deepest gratitude and appreciation to the following:
1. The writer’s family “Bp. Slamet Mulyono, Ibu Siti Rofiah, My brother Fajar
Ramadhan and Ardiansyah Saputra” for their love, support, caring, prayer,
and helps.
2. Mr. Puthut Ardianto, S. Pd., M. Pd., as the supervisor for the patience in
providing carefully guidance, helpful correction, indefatigable suggestion and
encouragement to the best result of this skripsi.
3. Ms. Indah Puspawati, S.pd., M.A. and Ms. Mariska Intan Sari, SS., M.A. as
examiners for all suggestion and valuable comments to improve my skripsi

4. All the lecturers of English Education Department, Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, for teaching and guiding me during studying in
this department.
5. All the students in English Education Department, Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta of batch 2013 who are willingness as my
participants to support this skripsi.
6. All the friends in English Education Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta of batch 2012 and 2013. Thank you for providing me the time and
valuable friendship who are cannot mention one by one.
7. Thank you VERY MUCH Adi, Amel, Gunawan, Hardiansyah, Teguh, and
Yanti, for their help, friendship, togetherness and support in arranging this

Table of Contents
Cover .............................................................................................................. .........ii
Approval Sheet........................................................................................................ii
Statement of Authenticity......................................................................................iii
Table of Content.....................................................................................................v

Chapter One: Introduction......................................................................................1
Background............................................ ............................................................1
Identification of the Problem..............................................................................4
Limitation of the Problem...................................................................................5
Formulation of the Problem................................................................................5
Objectives of the Research..................................................................................6
Significance of the Research...............................................................................6
Chapter Two: Literature Review.............................................................................8
Mass Media in Learning Vocabulary................................................................13
Conceptual Framework.....................................................................................20
Chapter Three: Methodology................................................................................23
Research Design.................................................................................................23
Research Setting.................................................................................................24
Participant of the Research.................................................................................24
Data Collection Method.....................................................................................25
Analysis of Data.................................................................................................27

Chapter Four: Finding and Discussion..................................................................29
The Advantages of Learning Vocabulary through Watching English Movies...29

Increasing Vocabulary ....................................................................................29
Knowing Formal and Informal Word...............................................................30
Learning Slang Words.....................................................................................31
Knowing How to Use Vocabulary Based On The Context ............................31
Knowing How to Pronounce English Words Well.........................................32
Knowing Antonym and Synonym of Words..................................................34
Knowing How to Use Idioms..........................................................................34
Increasing The Mastery of Technical Terms...................................................35
Giving Exposure..............................................................................................35
Knowing The Spelling of English Words.......................................................36
Knowing The Meaning of Words From The Visual.......................................37
The Challenges in Learning Vocabulary through Watching English Movies....38
Different Pronunciation of Certain Words .....................................................38
Difficulties in Keeping Up with The Speed of The Conversation .................40
Undesrtanding The Coarse Language .............................................................41
Chapter Five: Conclusion and Recommendation...................................................42


Students’ Perceptions on Learning Vocabulary through Watching English
Movies at English Education Department
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

A Skripsi
Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education
as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree
Sarjana Pendidikan

Wakhid Syarifudin

English Education Department
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

December 2016

Vocabulary mastery is a basic skill that is needed by students in learning English. In
English Education Department (EED) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta,
vocabulary is just integrated in courses, thus students need to be creative to improve
their vocabulary. The objectives of the research are to know the advantages and
challenges of learning vocabulary through watching English movies at the English
Education Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta from the students’
This research employed a qualitative research design. To answer the research
questions, the researcher conducted interviews to six participants of batch 2013 of
EED UMY and then the researcher analyzed the data.
The findings of this research showed that watching English movie could increase
students’ vocabulary. The reason why their vocabulary increases are knowing formal
and informal words, learning slang words, knowing how to use vocabulary based on
the context, knowing how to pronounce english words well, knowing antonym and
synonym of words, knowing how to use idioms, increasing the mastery of technical
terms, giving exposure, knowing the spelling of English words, and knowing the
meaning of word from the visual. Related to the challenges on learning vocabulary

through watching English movie, they include: different pronunciation of certain
words are hard to deal with. In addition, difficulties in keeping up with the speed of
the conversation and undesrtanding the coarse language become the challenges too.
Keywords: vocabulary, watching English movies


Chapter One
This chapter discusses several points. The first point is about the background
of this study. In the background, the researcher presents the reason why the researcher
conducted this research. The second point elaborates the limitation of the problem;
the researcher explains some factors that limit this research. The third point discusses
the formulation of the problem. The fourth point discusses the purpose of the study.
Finally, The fifth point discusses significance of the study; the researcher explains the
advantages of this research for the researcher, students, lecturers, and other
Background of the Study
English is learned as a foreign language (EFL) in Indonesia since we are
living in the expanding circle country (Robertson & Nunn, 2008). As a foreign

language, English is limited to access in this country, since English is not officially
spoken in Indonesia. As a result, students of English language learning need to make
effort to be familiar with English, because in learning English, exposures are very
needed to get used to it. If students do not have adequate exposures, it can be
assumed that they will not get a maximum result of learning. Exposures in this case
can be in a form of being familiar with English vocabulary. This statement is
supported by Bisson, Heuven, Conklin, and Tunney (2013) who said learning and
being able to use foreign language vocabulary fluently takes a long time, and the
findings show that incidental vocabulary acquisition through exposures can play an


important role in facilitating this process.
Based on a research written by Sabouri and Osbouei (2015),
The main significance of the obtained results lies in the fact that vocabulary
instruction plays a key role in any instructional arena and hence coming up
with appropriate ways for improving this fundamental component of language
in learners can help alleviate much of the learners' problem with the whole
process of learning (p.112).
It means vocabulary is an important key to learn English. Learning English means

learning the speaking, listening, writing and reading skills. In addition vocabularies
and grammar are also important to support mastering the English skills. This
statement is supported by Robertson and Nunn (2008) who said that vocabularies are
the basic element of learning second/foreign language. Furthermore, Webb (2010)
asserted that vocabulary is the goal of second/foreign language learning. In other
words, students are not only required to master the four skills but also vocabularies,
to support the learning.
Seeing the fact about the importance of vocabulary, it is a subject that is
supposed to be taught in the classroom. However, not all educational departments
provide vocabulary course for their students specifically. At the English Education
Department (EED), Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) for example,
vocabulary is not specifically taught under a certain course. However, according to
the researcher’s experience and observation in the classroom while he is studying at
EED UMY, the lecturer integrated teaching vocabulary in some courses, for example
Capita Selecta on Grammar I, Capita Selecta on Grammar II, Listening and Speaking


for Daily Conversation, Listening and Speaking for Formal Setting, Listening and
Speaking for Academic Purposes, and Basic Reading and Writing.
Looking at these conditions and considering the importance of mastering
vocabularies, students need to be creative in mastering English vocabulary to succeed
their English learning. Since vocabulary is not taught under a specific course,
students need to find a way to learn vocabulary inside or outside the classroom. In
fact, there are many ways in mastering English vocabulary. Based on a research
written by Tafani (2009), students claim that using movie is a good way to improve
English vocabulary and gives them more chances to practice English. They used
movies to learn English outside the classroom.
Based on the researcher’s experience, students at EED UMY use specific
ways to learn vocabulary; these were based on activities provided by the lecturers in
the classroom. For example, students learn vocabulary by using songs. They then
write the lyrics and find the meaning. In addition, students use particular books to
learn vocabulary. Then they look for unknown vocabulary using dictionary and
answer the meaning. However, according to the researcher’s experience, most
teachers will ask the students to look for the meaning of specific English words and
translate them into Indonesian language. These are several ways to learn vocabulary
according to the researcher’s experience.
In learning vocabulary, students might use several media. Here, the researcher
chose movie specifically instead of other media because according to the researcher’s
experience, learning English through watching movie is interesting because watching
movie does not make students bored during the lesson. In EED UMY movie is also


used to learn vocabulary by the students. The lecturers use movie in teaching and
learning process. The lecturers sometimes used movie to review the material and used
movie to give introduction to the material. The researcher thinks this is a good way to
learn vocabulary. Therefore, the researcher becomes interested in conducting the
research because English movies provide original language spoken by the English
native speakers. This idea is in line with Kovacs and Miller (2014), who stated that
“students studying foreign languages often wish to enjoy authentic foreign-language
video content” (p.1).
The researcher believes that watching English movies provide some benefits
in improving student’s vocabulary. This is also according to the researcher’s
experience that he loves watching English movies. Therefore, he is confident to say
that he has gained more vocabulary by watching the movies. When he is going to say
difficult English words, he remembers the action in the English movie and he can
recall the words. It is also agreed by his classmates, who said that watching English
movie can be a good idea to learn vocabulary. With the background above, the
researcher is interested in finding out the student’s perceptions on learning
vocabulary through watching English movies.
Identification of the Problem
At EED UMY, vocabulary is not taught specifically under certain courses, yet
it is integrated in some courses, which do not only focus on learning vocabulary.
Meanwhile vocabulary is very important to master because it is a basic of learning
language. This opinion is supported by Nunn and Robertson (2008) who said
“vocabulary and grammar are two basic elements of a language, but traditionally


most EFL teachers often emphasize learning grammar more than vocabulary in their
teaching” (p.182). From the argument, it can be said that even though vocabulary and
grammar are important, they are not frequently exposed by teachers. Therefore,
learning vocabularies can be done by utilizing technology such as internet and other
media which can be done both inside and outside the classroom.
According to the students of EED UMY, they preferred to watch English
movies as a way to learn English vocabularies because this way is interesting and do
not make the students feel bored during the English learning process. Looking at this
condition, the researcher is triggered to research on student’s perceptions on learning
vocabulary through watching English movies.
Limitation of the Problem
This research investigated the students’ perception on watching English
movies as a way to improve their vocabularies. Also, the challenges faced by the
students in learning vocabulary through watching English movies were investigated
as well. The research focused on English movies; therefore non-English movies that
use English subtitle will not be counted. In addition, this reserach also focused on the
advantages and challenges in learning vocabulary through watching English movies.
Formulation of the Problem
Based on the background above, the researcher formulated two research
questions as follows:

What are the advantages of learning vocabulary through watching English


movies at the English Education Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta according to the students’ perception?

What are the challenges in learning vocabulary through watching English movies
at the English Education Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
according to the students’ perception?

Objectives of the Study
Based on the research questions, this study purposed to accomplish the
following objectives:

To reveal the advantages of learning vocabulary through watching English
movies at the English Education Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta according to the students’ perception.


To reveal the challenges in learning vocabulary through watching English
movies at the English Education Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta according to the students’ perception.

Significances of the Study
The researcher expects that this research give significances to several
elements such as for the researcher, the lecturers, the students, and the institution.
The researcher. The researcher expected that this research can answer the
researcher’s curiosity on students’ perception on learning vocabulary through
watching movie. When it has been answered, it will be able to convince the


researcher’s belief about watching English movies, which can be beneficial to learn
English vocabulary. Through this research, the researcher can gain knowledge and
understanding from several literatures as well. Lastly, by conducting this research, the
researcher can experience the reality of academic research.
The students. This study may be helpful for the students at the English
Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. It helps them be
more alert to their vocabulary mastery. In addition, it may provide useful information
for them in revealing the benefits of watching English movie. Students can use
movies as media to improve their vocabulary. Furthermore, it may help them
understand that mastering vocabulary is an important aspect in language learning.
Lecturers. The lecturers can get information and knowledge from this
research. They can use the findings of the research as an evaluation related to their
teaching methodology especially using movies. In addition by knowing the
challenges faced by the students, lecturers can modify the use of movies in teaching
vocabulary. Therefore, the lecturers may use this research as a reference in teaching
Other researchers. This research may inspire other researchers who are
interested in exploring the use of watching English movies to increase vocabulary of
the students. They could use the findings as a reference to conduct such a research
under the similar topic.


Chapter Two
Literature Review
This chapter discusses several topics related to the theme of this study. The
topics include perception, media to learn English, types of media, movie as media to
learn English, vocabulary, media to learn vocabulary, and watching movie to learn
media vocabulary.
People have different opinion towards perception. Segall, Campbel, and
Herskovit (1968) stated that “perception is an aspect of human behavior, and as such
it is subject to many of the same influences that shape other aspects of behavior”
(p.5). In education, perception plays important role as Keller and Cernerud (2002)
mentioned that perception is related to the quality of learning environment. Simply,
based on a research written by Wood (2013), perception is often called as point of
view or someone’s opinion, description, supposition, and how someone perceived.
Based on a research written by Wood (2013), perception is very unique. There
are several factors that may influence perception. Life experience, perceptual,
expectancy, cultural factors, need and interest and structure of references may trigger
and differ people’s perceptions (Wood, 2013). The process of creating perception of
someone’s mind is unique. Initially, a person gets stimulus from the environment.
That person will select the stimuli and pay more attention to specific stimuli. Finally,
from the stimuli that had been processed in our mind, a person will interpret a


subjective judgment toward the stimuli (Wood, 2013). In short, perception that is
going to be taken in this research is the one written by to Wood (2013), who said that
perception is point of view or someone’s opinion.
The researcher discusses several parts related to vocabulary. The first one
discusses about the definition of vocabulary. The second one discusses about types of
vocabulary including receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary. The third one
discusses about vocabulary learning.
Definition of vocabulary. Vocabulary is all the words known and used by a
particular person (Cambridge dictionaries online, 2016). According to Burns and
Broman (1975), who stated that “vocabulary is the stock of words used by a person,
class or professional, all having much in common, yet each distinctly different”
(p.295). There are three definitions of vocabulary according to Hornby (1995),
defines vocabulary as a total number of words in a language, as all the words known
to a person or used in particular book, and as list of words with their meanings,
especially one that accompanies a textbook in a foreign language.
In addition, Schmitt and McCharty (1997) stated that, receptive and
productive knowledge may be proved by the only realistic way to measure depth of
vocabulary knowledge. It means the receptive knowledge is the words that the
students identify and understand when they happen in context. While productive
knowledge is related to words that students understand and able to pronounce
correctly and constructive use in speaking and writing.


Types of vocabulary. Some experts have classified types of vocabulary.
Based on a research written by Shepherd (as cited in Setiawan, 2010), he classified
vocabulary into two kinds: a receptive vocabulary and expressive vocabulary
(productive vocabulary). It means receptive vocabulary is words that are known when
the students listen and read. Receptive vocabulary is also called passive process
because students only receive the thoughts of each other and not their own thinking
about the truth of the opinions of each other. The definition of expressive vocabulary
is the words used when the learner speaks and writes. It is in line with a research
written by Shepherd (as cited in Setiawan, 2010). Based on a research written by
Celca-Murcia (2000) there are two kinds of vocabulary, namely receptive and
productive vocabulary.
Receptive vocabulary. Receptive vocabulary is vocabulary in the lexical items
which the students familiar and understand when they meet them in the context of
reading and listening materials. It means vocabulary that students identify when they
see it within the context of reading but does not use it in speaking and writing. Based
on a research written by Zhou (2010), receptive vocabulary refers to the ability to
understand a word when it is heard or seen. Receptive vocabulary is also called
passive process because students only receive think of other forms and no response
for use. Within the meaning of the language, receptive vocabulary is regarded as
basic vocabulary. It is far greater than productive vocabulary because there are many
words that are recognized when students hear or read but does not use it when he
speaks or writes
Productive vocabulary. Productive vocabulary is the words which the


students understand, can pronounce correctly, and use constructively in speaking and
writing. This involves what it needs for receptive vocabulary plus the ability to speak
or write at the right time. Productive vocabulary is used in speaking and writing, the
stage of teaching and learning must end with vocabulary practice, where the students
get an opportunity to try to use the vocabulary in a context. Therefore, the productive
vocabulary can be addressed as an active process, because students can generate the
words to express their ideas to each other.
Vocabulary learning. From the research result of Dafsari and Azari (2015),
“learners need to acquire vocabulary learning strategies in order to discover the
meaning of new words” (p.657). In other words, the strategies should be useful in a
situation where the students encounter new and unfamiliar words, also help students
to use words that they hear and see. Students can learn vocabulary using software,
this statement is also supported by Mayer and Sims (as cited in Ferit and Jaroslaw,
2010), who stated that ”multimedia vocabulary learning environments would attempt
to help learners construct connections between the verbal and visual representational
systems” (p.56). In addition, based on a research written by Groot (as cited in Ferit
and Jaroslaw, 2010), “adds to the list the importance of constructing computerassisted vocabulary learning environments in accordance with the widely accepted
notions of how words are acquired, so that the words learnt are stronger embedded in
the memory needed for long term retention” (p.57).
The conclusion of vocabulary learning is the strategies that help the students
to increase their vocabulary. It can be listening to songs, reading book or English
novel and watching English movies. Students understand the new and unfamiliar


word in vocabulary learning. It is in line with a reserach written by Dafsari and Azari
Principle of vocabulary learning. There are several points in principle of
vocabulary learning based on a research written by Herman and Dole (1988).
Vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension teachers. Based on a
research written by Herman and Dole (1988), who stated that “teachers often assume
that vocabulary is an important part of a comprehensive reading program because
they believe that students who understand words in a selection will comprehend what
they read” (p.44). It means the students will understand the word which they know.
Contextual approach. Based on a research written by Herman and Dole
(1988), who stated that “the contextual approach to vocabulary instruction is designed
to teach students the meanings of new words by having them selection. For this
method, sentences are specifically constructed so that students can learn something
about the meaning of words by thoughtfully examining context clues” (p.47).
Instructional context approach. Based on a research written by Herman and
Dole (1988), who stated that “many basal reading programs and experienced teachers
use pedagogical context to teach vocabulary words, especially to pre-teach words
before students read a selection. For this method, sentences are specifically
constructed so that students can learn something about the meaning of words by
thoughtfully examining context clues” (p.47).
Natural Context Approach. Based on a research written by Herman and Dole
(1988), they argued ”to become independent word learners, students are encouraged,
and even expected, to figure out the meanings of words on their own. Most texts,


however, whether they are in basal reading programs or in trade books, are not
written to provide rich context for every potentially difficult word but to
communicate ideas” (p.48).
Related to the principle of vocabulary, watching English movie is included in
the natural context approach because students become independent learners on
learning vocabulary through watching English movies. Students can figure out
meanings of words on their own by reading the English subtitle on English movie and
the conversation of the actor as well as the visualisation from the movies.
Mass Media in Learning Vocabulary
Media is a communication tool to convey a message and information and can
be used to support learning. Through media, information can be quickly spread to the
rest of the world. Almost all media can be used for learning English. Based on a
research written by Suyanto (as cited in Suharsih and Hamidiyah, 2006), the use of
effective and interesting media in teaching can help the students understand the
material easily. It means the students can easily understand the material with good
media and will be happy to learn and not easily bored.
Based on a research written by Tafani (2009), media today have an enormous
impact. In fact, media becomes very important and we cannot live without the media.
Almost all of the activities are always performed using media such as showing
directions using Google maps, reading the news via a computer or mobile phone
using the internet and looking for other important information. There are many types
of media such as radio, books, records and tapes, newspapers, magazines, movies,


television, online media, new media, all these so-called mass media. They reach
many people at one time and people cannot be separated from the media because
media have a very important tool bleak and people are accustomed to rely on the
media to do something every day.
The media provides students with practice using the language through
newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, movies, books, internet, and tasks that develop
reading skills, writing, speaking and listening skills. Based on a research written by
Tafani (2009), they also provide students with lots of inside and outside classroom
activities, promoting extensive reading by giving the students the confidence and the
ability to continue their reading outside the classroom and above all they enhances
motivation. It means media can provide motivation to students. Media give us
information about what is happening in the world. It broadens our knowledge and
deepen our understanding.
Types of mass media. Based on a research written by Tafani (2009), there are
several kinds of mass media which can be used in learning English, they are:
Newspapers. Students can learn English by using English newspaper. It can
develop vocabulary of the students and effective for using as media for learning in the
class. Based on a research written by Tafani (2009), newspaper can be used as
materials to develop students’ language skills. It means by reading the newspaper
students gets more benefit from reading in the newspaper and can develop their
vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, critical thinking skills, and writing
Magazine. Almost the same as newspaper, but magazines are resources for


different subjects, cutting out pictures and passages associated with particular topics.
Commonly, students read magazine to update the new fashion. Based on a research
written by Tafani (2010), who stated that “magazines are also sources in language
development in providing pictures to stimulate verbal or written stories (p.86).
Books. Reading the books could update information, knowledge, and also
vocabulary. Many unfamiliar words found in every sheet of the books. Based on a
research written by Tafani (2010), who stated that “books are lack the immediacy of
other mass media, but they make up for that by greater thoroughness and
permanence” (p.86).
Radio. Radio has an important role in developing the public's imagination, in
creating an image in the mind through the power of words and in stimulating the
imagination to fill in the visuals. Based on a research written by Tafani (2009), a lot
of radio programs contribute to language learning. The radio program can be used for
studying and developing listening skills of the students, by listening to the words
spoken by the announcer. Radio gives new information and entertainment. In
language classes radio helps the pronunciation, the intonation, and the pitch of voice.
Television. Most people always watch television every day. Television is media
that is commonly used for advertisement. Through television, the advertisement is
easy to know than from radio. Besides for advertisement, television has an important
part in developing students knowledge from the movie, picture, advertisement and
news. Television can be used for media to learning English vocabulary. Students can
watch English movie or English education program to increase their vocabulary,
grammar, and listening skill. “TV programs may be used as warming-up activities,


pre-activities for the coming issue, as supplementary materials for a certain topic, for
up-to-date information, to update the information in the textbooks” (Tafani, 2009).
Movie. Students can learn English through watching English movies. In
addition, student can read the English subtitle to make them understand more about
the language. Based on a research written by Sherman (in Tafani, 2009) who stated
that “the eye is more powerful than the ear” (p.88).
Internet. Based on a research written by Tafani (2009), Internet helps students
and teachers to compare and classify information, to induce and deduce ideas, to
analyze errors, to abstract concepts, to analyze perspectives, to gather information,
and to work in teams. It means internet greatly help students to find anything they
need. Students can develop their vocabulary on the internet by playing games online
or by watching English videos on YouTube. Students can access resources for
learning via the internet such as: task, download songs and books downloaded on the
internet as a book reading at home.
The researcher discusses several topics related to movies. The first topic
discusses about the definition of movie. The second topic discusses principle of
vocabulary learning. The third topic discusses of learning vocabulary through
watching movie. The fourth topic discusses advantages of learning vocabulary
through watching English movies. The six topic discusses disadvantages of learning
vocabulary through watching English movies.
Definition of movie. In this study, movie is categorized in mass media to
learn English especially vocabulary. Movie according to Oxford Advanced Learner’s


Dictionary (2010), is “a series of moving pictures recorded with sound that tells a
story” (p.1002). Movie also defined as shown in a cinema or on television and often
telling a story (Cambridge dictionaries online, 2016). Because this is in a form of
visual aids, it can be used to teach in the classroom. According to Oxford Advanced
Learner’s Dictionary (2010), movie has the same meaning as movies. In this case the
researcher will use the term movies in the research.

Learning Vocabulary through Watching Movie. Based on a research
written by Ismaili (2013), movies provide exposures to “real language,” used in
authentic settings and in the cultural context in which the foreign language is spoken.
It means watching movies can develop the ability of students to speak English
because the movies may affect the development of vocabulary easily. Based on a
research written by Ismaili (2013), movies are an enjoyable source of entertainment
and language acquisition. It means movies can refresh our mind and can relieve stress
because of difficult assignment, assessment and lesson because watching movie is
very fun.
Based on a research written by Tafani (2009), watching movies is very
important as it increases students’ visual and critical awareness. It means movies have
positive impacts on students. Based on a research written by Ismaili (2013), while
watching the movie and completing the vocabulary activities, students acquire and
use new words. It means that English movie can provide a new vocabulary that has
never been heard by the student and the student can develop vocabulary by reading
the English subtitle, or by listening to a conversation in English movie.


Advantages of Learning Vocabulary through Watching English Movie.
There are advantages of using movies based on a research written by Merita and
Ismaili (2013), and Mirvan (2013). First, visual images stimulate student’s
perceptions directly, while written words can do this indirectly. It means students can
quickly learn new words because there are images they can see in the movie. This can
add to the knowledge of students and students can quickly give an opinion on the
pictures that they see. Second, movies are more sensory experience than reading.
Besides verbal language, there is also color, movement, and sound. It means
vocabularies spoken in the movies can be easily understood because it shows an event
directly and give real illustrations that can be directly seen by the students. Third,
movies help learner practice pronunciation by repeating after the characters. It means
movies help the students know how to pronounce English words correctly in a real
life context.
Based on a research written by Ismaili (2013), it was found in his research that
while watching the movie and completing the vocabulary activities, students acquire
and use new words. It means watching English movies have positive influence on
students. Students can find a new vocabulary that they have never heard before,
students can practice to communicate to each other after watching English movies.
Based on a research written by Tafani (2009), watching movies is very important as it
increases their visual and critical awareness. It means if the students find visual
images that they ever seen in the movies, so the students can guess the vocabulary.
Through watching English movies, students could know different accent by listening
to the conversation and looking at the subtitle. This statement is supported by Zohdi


(2009) who stated that “ therefore, they had a better understanding in listening part of
the movies as they could see the words and sentences while watching the movie
because subtitles can help comprehension of a second language in a regional accent”
Learning vocabulary through watching English movie help the students know
how to pronounce English well. This result is also supported by Thammineni (2016)
stated that “hearing native English speakers talk to each other will help to hear how
words are pronounced. If we are using English subtitles, we will also be able to see
how the words are written” (p.36).
In addition, there are advantages of watching movies with the English
subtitles in terms of vocabulary learning based on research written by Tsai (2008).
First, the students understand how words are spelt. It means watching movie provides
students’ ability to spell English word correctly in real life. The second is the students
are able to know in which context the word they have learned. It means the students
can learn English vocabulary based on the context. The third, the students understand
what exactly they are saying or they do not need to guess the words they use from
what they hear.

Challenges of Learning Vocabulary through Watching English Movie. Beside
having the advantages, watching English movies also has the challenges. There are
challenges of watching English movie with the subtitles in terms of vocabulary
learning based on a research written by Tsai (2008). The first, the students do not
understand the sentences even if they know every word in them. It means the students


know words from the context but actually misunderstood the meaning. The second,
the students could not concentrate on the movie. It means the students read the
subtitle more often than watching the movie. The third, the students do not know
what the words mean. It means although the students get the new vocabulary from the
movie but the students do not always know the meaning of the word that they get.
In addition, the speed of conversation in the movies is difficult to understand
by the students and students also know coarse language in the movie. This result is
also supported by Thamminemi (2016) who stated that “therefore, the language is
exactly how it is heard it in real life-it is spoken quikly, with native accent and
pronunciation and using many idioms and colloquial expressions” (p.36).
The conclusion is learning vocabulary through watching English movie also
has challenges. The problems that are always faced by students are the speed of
conversation, different accent, not knowing the meaning, and dealing with coarse
words as well as the scientific words.

Conceptual Framework
Perception is defined as an observation on the environment by using the
senses possessed so that he became aware of everything that is available in the
environment. Perception has a subjective nature because it depends on the abilities
and circumstances of each individual, so it will be interpreted differently by
individuals with each other. Thus the perception is an individual treatment process
that is giving feedback, meaning, a picture, or interpretation against what is seen,
heard, or felt by the senses in the form of attitudes, opinions, and behavior or referred


to as individual behavior.
In learning English, from the discovery of several researchers, they concluded
that the basic vocabulary mastery is the most complex and important to study
English. Learning vocabulary is important to pay attention to the correct
pronunciation and writing. Students might get difficulty in learning vocabulary by
listening; therefore, learning vocabulary must be in writing. Students also should
clearly pronounce the vocabulary so that they can understand and remember the
vocabulary easily. Learning vocabulary only through conversation also makes
students learning difficult. Students must be able to imagine the sounds of letters in
Based on the researcher’s experience and his classmate, students were already
familiar with technology and regularly use of the laptop. To make students learning
easier, the researcher advised students to use movies as media for learning
vocabulary. They can use a laptop for watching movies as their media to learn
English. English movie have many benefits, among others: they can add vocabulary,
train students listening, and can make the students know how to pronounce English
word well. English Movies are more interesting to them. English movies provide
many stories and real scenes. This can be useful also advantageous as media to teach
English by the teacher.


Mass Media in Learning Vocabulary



What are students’ perception
on the advantages of learning
vocabulary through watching
English movies at the English
Education Department,
Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta batch 2013



What are the students’ perception
on challenges in learning
vocabulary through watching
English movies at English
Education Department,
Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta batch 2013



Chapter Three
This chapter discusses the methodology used for this study. In this chapter,
discusses several points including: research design, population and sample, data
collecting method and data analysis method.
Research Design
The researcher chose a qualitative research method for this study to gain
feedbacks and opinions as well as detailed information about a phenomenon of
learning vocabulary through watching English movie. According to Cresswel (2012),
who stated that “qualitative research is an emerging design. An emerging process
indicates that the intent or purpose of a study and the questions asked by the
researcher may change during the process of inquiry based on feedback or responses
from participants” (p.130). Based on a research written by Percy & Kostere (2015),
”generic qualitative inquiry investigates people’s reports of their subjective opinions,
attitudes, beliefs, or reflections on their experiences, of things in the outer world”
(p.78). In addition, based on a research written by Anyan (2013), qualitative
researches attempted to go beyond descriptions to provide a researcher with an indepth understanding of a phenomenon. According the researcher’s experience when
studying at EED UMY, there was a phenomenon that students learned vocabulary
through watching English movies and some lecturers also used movie in teaching and
learning process.
The design of this research employed descriptive qualitative. The researcher


chose descriptive qualitative to explore the students’ perception on learning
vocabulary through watching English movies. According to Cresswel (2012), he
stated that “this descriptive analysis can provide the first review of the outcomes of
the study, and scanning the results can provide an understanding of the responses of
all participants to the outcome measures” (p.325).
Research Setting
This study was conducted at English Education Department (EED),
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta on September 2016. The researcher selected
English Education Department (EED), Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta as
the research setting in this study because according to the researcher’s experience and
observation in the classroom when he was studying there, there was a phenomenon
that the students learned vocabulary through watching English movies. Moreover,
some lecturers sometimes also provided movies during the lesson. Therefore, the
researcher was curious to find out student’s perceptions on learning vocabulary
through watching English movies at Education Department (EED) of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY).
Research Participants
The participants of this research were six students of English Education
Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The researcher determined
two criteria to choose the participants. The first was students batch 2013. The
researcher selected the 2013 batch because of their length of learning English at EED
UMY. Thus, it can be assumed that these students have more experiences in dealing
with English learning. The second, the students have experiences in learning


vocabulary and had experience in learning vocabulary through watching English
movies. The researcher went to the English Education Department campus to make
appoinment for the interview with participants. The researcher could recognize the
students batch 2013 since the researcher once took the same course as the students of
batch 2013. Once he met a student, he asked whether he or she had experienced on
watching English movie as part of learning vocabulary.
When the researcher found one participant, the researcher asked the
participant to recommend his or her friend who like learning vocabulary through
watching English movies to become the next participant. This was done until the
researcher find six participants. The researcher used snowball sampling in choosing
the participants in this research. The researcher choose snowballing sampling because
he only has a view as few friend from batch 2013 whom he know. Therefore he needs
to find appropiate participant from the appropiate people who know the participant
better. The definition of snowball sampling according to Katz (2006), who stated that
“snowball sampling is a special nonprobability method for developing a research
sample where existing study subjects recruit future subjects from among their
acquaintances” (p.4). These participants were chosen because they were willing to
talk and easy to be met and accessed. In addition, they were asked to state their
willingness to be interview.
Data Collection Method
The researcher used interview to collect the data. Based on a research written
by Kvale in Anyan (2013), the purpose of interview was as a method of data
collection in social research as to gather descriptions of the life-world of the


interviewee with respect to interpretation of the meaning of the described phenomena.
The researcher conducted the interview with six