Research Method Method of Collecting the Data Method of Analyzing the Data

Emmy K. Sinulingga : Code Switching And Code Mixing In ‘Smart Business Talk’ Of Smart Radio 101.8 FM In The Theme ‘How To Become A Superstar Sales Person’, 2009. CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY

3.1 Research Method

The method of research applied in this thesis is field research. I use the method to find out the data and relevant information that support the ideas stated in the analysis.

3.2 Method of Collecting the Data

The data used in this analysis are taken from Smart Radio 101.8 FM exactly on ‘Smart Business Talk’ Program in the theme ‘How to Become a Superstar Sales Person’ which is recorded on May 26 th , 2009. The data are collected by using purposive sampling as Arikunto 2006:139 says, “Sampel bertujuan dilakukan dengan cara mengambil subjek bukan berdasarkan atas strata, random, atau daerah, tetapi berdasarkan adanya tujuan tertentu. Tehnik ini biasanya dilakukan karena beberapa pertimbangan, misalnya alasan keterbatasan waktu, tenaga dan dana sehingga tidak mengambil sampel yang besar dan jauh”. Purposive sampling is done by taking the subject, not based on strata, random other the place other wise based on specific purpose. Usually this technique is done because of some considerations, for instance the reason of limited time, energy, and fund so that it does not take a big and far samples. Emmy K. Sinulingga : Code Switching And Code Mixing In ‘Smart Business Talk’ Of Smart Radio 101.8 FM In The Theme ‘How To Become A Superstar Sales Person’, 2009. The data was taken by recording conversation in ‘Smart Business Talk’ of Smart Radio 101.8 FM in the theme ‘How to Become a Superstar Sales Person’ for duration of two hours in the day of the show and consists of three sessions. I use session II only as a sample, with duration about 35 minutes. Some steps that are used in collecting the data are as follows: 1. Recording the conversation from Smart Radio 101.8 FM exactly on ‘Smart Business Talk’ Program in the theme ‘How to Become a Superstar Sales Person’. 2. Transcribing the conversation. 3. Identifying and classifying the data based on the needs of analysis.

3.3 Method of Analyzing the Data

The method that is used in performing this analysis is descriptive qualitative method. This methodology research is aimed to solve the problem by describing the facts and data systematically based on the recent fact. As Nawawi 1993:27 says, “Metode deskriptif adalah prosedur atau cara memecahkan masalah penelitian dengan memaparkan keadaan objek yang sedang di teliti sebagaimana adanya berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang aktual pada masa sekarang” Descriptive method is a procedure or manner in solving the problems of an analysis by explaining the object which is being investigated towards the factual facts. Therefore, the overall analysis will be systematically conducted by the following steps: firstly, analyzing and discussing the selected data based on Emmy K. Sinulingga : Code Switching And Code Mixing In ‘Smart Business Talk’ Of Smart Radio 101.8 FM In The Theme ‘How To Become A Superstar Sales Person’, 2009. the used theory in order to get the result. Secondly, drawing some conclusion and suggestion. Emmy K. Sinulingga : Code Switching And Code Mixing In ‘Smart Business Talk’ Of Smart Radio 101.8 FM In The Theme ‘How To Become A Superstar Sales Person’, 2009. CHAPTER IV ANALISYS OF DATA 4.1 Code Switching 4.1.1 Situational Code Swicthing