DATA ANALYSIS A main character analysis of "ralph" in wreck-it film using hierarchy of human needs by Abraham H. Maslow

homeless. One day, Ralph met his friend, Q-bert, who was homeless because his game was out of order or unplug. He was starving and begging people around to help him and his homeless friends. Seeing his friends, Ralph wholeheartedly shared his fruit that he got in “Pac-Man” house. Ralph: “Here you go buddy. It’s fresh. Straight from Pac-Man’s. Hang in there guys.” 08:53 – 09.00 Not only that, Ralph also cares about his friends who does not have job anymore. Ralph asked the homeless characters to help him in the bonus level so they get a job again. And then he had an initiate to build a house for Q-bert. Ralph: “Oh, and I decided that living in a dump wasn’t making me feel very good about myself. So I cleaned it up. Built houses for our new co-workers, too-- well, with a little help from Felix.” Then, he also often helps people around him. Ralph has been a hero for Vanellope, the little girl racer of Sugar Rush game. Vanellope is a glitch of her program. To bring her back like before, she had to join the race and passed the finish line. But, many people hate Vanellope and did not want her to join the race. One time, Vanellope was bullied by her friends. They destroyed her kart. When Ralph saw this, he did not bear and went out frightening Vanellope’s friends in order to make them run away from her. Ralph and Vanellope went to the Kart Bakery, a manufactory where people could make a kart by themselves. There, Ralph helped Vanellope to make a new kart for her Just then, she notices the glistening medal. Vanellope : Sweet mother of monkey milk A gold coin Ralph : Don’t even think about it. That is mine. Vanellope : Race you for it Ralph : I don’t have to race you for it, because it’s mine. Vanellope : Double stripe Vanellope makes it to the top and grabs the medal. Ralph : Come back here Give it back, give it, give it Vnellope : The winner Whoa Ralph grabs the branch she’s on and flings her off. She drops the medal. He catches it. She dives for it, misses. Ralph lands on a double-stripe. DING 30:12 – 30:26 The dialog above shows that Ralph is a persistent person. He does not want his to be in vain. After Ralph got his medal from Hero’s Duty game, he was stranded in Sugar Rush. There he met a “glitch girl” who tried to steal Ralph’s medal which hung up in a branch of tree. But Ralph could not remain in silent, he tried to grab the medal back by climbing the tree until he fell. Not only that, Ralph is also persistent when he decided to help Vanellope to win the kart. The story told that Vanellope never could be fixed from the error system, but Ralph never accepted that. He kept trying to make Vanellope be a winner of the kart in order she could be fixed and back to the Sugar Rush game. Although they both once given up and were cheated by the Sugar King, Ralph back to ensured Vanellope that she could win that kart until Vanellope succeed to win the game. Ralph also depicted as a very good person. He lived with kindness of a social being with other. He more concerned for the interests of the another than his. The King Candy lied to Ralph that if Vanellope joined the race, she could threat the game and even herself. Finally Ralph was forced to lie to Vanellope. He lied was not because he wicked to Vanellope but because he did not want to lose her and wanted her to still be alive. Ralph : Look, what I’m saying is, you can’t be a racer. Her eyes go down to his chest and she sees something. Vanellope : What? Why would you— She pulls the Medal of Heroes out of Ralph’s pocket. Vanellope : Wait a minute. Where did you get this? Ralph : Look, I’m gonna be straight with you; I’ve been talkingto King Candy. Vanellope : King Candy? You sold me out? Ralph : You don’t understand. Vanellope : No, I understand plenty, traitor. You’re a rat. And I don’t need you I can win that race on my own. Ralph : But I’m trying to save your skin, kid Vanellope : Hey Put me down. Let me go Ralph : No, you listen to me. You know what’s gonna happen when the players see you glitching? They’re gonna think the game’s broken. Vanellope : I don’t care, you’re a liar. Ralph : You better care, because if your game goes out of order, you go down with the ship, little sister Vanellope : I’m not listening to you Get out of my way I’m going to that race Ralph : No, you’re not. He hangs her by her hood on the edge of a pointy gumdrop. Vanellope : Take me down from here, Ralph, right now Ralph : No.... I’m doing this for your own good. Vanellope : Wait. Wait. Wait. No. No. No. Please, Ralph No Stop You really are a bad guy. 1:07:19 – 1:08:47 He did not care that Vanellope would hate him. He did that in order to safe Vanellope. It is proved when Ralph encouraged himself to go to the “Cola Hot Springs”, the dangerous lake that would explode if the “mentos” fell down to the lake. But, it was still done to save Vanellope from the game. And finally Ralph could help Vanellope passed the finish line. If we look into Ralph’s life, as human, his hierarchy of needs is seems already fulfilled. So in the next discussion there will be explanation of what the other needs that will be pursued and leave his place, Felix Fix- It game.

2. The Hierarchy of Needs in Main Character

Wreck-It Ralph tells about Ralph as the main character who works as a wrecker of “Felix Fix-It” video game in his daily life. In every end of the game he was depicted to be a loser. He found a mistrust of himself as a human after the Felix Fix-It 30 th Anniversary Celebration incident. He felt that no one loved him because he was the only person in the game that was not invited. From that moment, Ralph ran out the job to find a medal that he thinks it will change everything. In order to discuss Ralph’s pursuit of medal, the writer uses Hierarchy of Human Needs of Abraham H. Maslow. The writer will identify some main character’s behaviors, thoughts or feelings, and some descriptions about him. Then, the writer will analyze whether those things have relationship with Ralph’s needs as a human. Ralph is actually depicted as a human who already fulfilled all his needs. Working as a wrecker for 30 years in the game of “Felix Fix-it Jr.” already made all the needs as human beings have been fulfilled even he had been able to actualize himself into that job. First, the physiological needs of a human, which needs that most fundamental of human, have been fulfilled. Ralph could manage his life especially how to fulfill his hunger independently. He knew how to satisfy himself to solve his physiological needs though he had to take the food that was not him. Only with that fruits he had, his hunger could be resolved. It is proven by there no more complaining from him about his hunger at the other scene. In this case, the main character can fulfill the needs without barriers and obstacles. Therefore, physiological needs of the main character is already fulfilled. Second, he was already feeling safe and comfortable, there is no danger that can be threatening himself. Although, in his job at “Fix-It Felix Jr.”, was not told in this film that he got a good salary or insurance, he still feel safe even he can still be professional and best workers . Ralph: “Anyhoo, what else? I’m a wrecker. I wreck -- professionally. I’m gonna wreck it I’m very good at what I do. Probably the best I know.” 0:01:01 – 0:01:15 And Ralph already felt safe and comfortably lived in his house which had no roof. Where people were think that the house was not feasible for occupancy. But Ralph was never worried about it. Even he already felt comfort with his “bricks” bed and his stump pillow. Live in a place like that, Ralph never been disturbed or felt harmful. Ralph: “And I head off to the pile of garbage in the dump... where I live. You might call it a lonely cesspit of despair on the outskirts of humanity...which would be accurate. But I call it home. I guess I can’t bellyache too much; I got my bricks. I got my stump. It looks uncomfortable, but it’s actually fine. I’m good.”

0:03:27 – 0:03:53

Ralph never felt that there would be a danger. Because of his big body and clever brain, if there is something that would threat him he can solve it by himself. Just like when he was fighting in the Hero’s Duty game, he felt the Cybugs threatened him, then, he was freaking out and making the Robot as his protector of the Cybug attack. And then, he also had friends who were caring and always paying attention to him where Ralph is human who needs love belongingness of others. His friends were much supported him of what he did and always wanted to hear all about Ralph’s complaints and gave him an advice that being a bad guy is not bad, it is good. Clyde : Nice share, Ralph. As fellow Bad Guys, we’ve all felt what you’re feeling, and we’ve come to terms with it. Ralph : Really? Zangief : thick Russian accent Right here. I am Zangief. I am Bad Guy. Zangief : I relate to you, Ralph. When I hit bottom, I was crushing man’s skull like sparrow egg between my thighs. Smacking his thigh And I am wondering, why do you have to be so bad, Zangief? Why can’t more like good guy? Then I have moment of clarity: If Zangief is good guy, who will crush man’s skull like sparrow egg between thighs? And I say, “Zangief, you are bad guy. But this does not mean you are bad guy.” Zombie : Zangief saying: labels not make you happy -- good, bad...Frankenstein growl You must love you. Clyde : Ralph, Ralph, we get it. But we can’t change who we are, and the sooner you accept that the better off your game and your life will be. Zangief : Hey, one game at a time, Ralph. Clyde : Now let’s close out with the Bad Guy Affirmation. 0:04:26 – 0:06:36 Besides, Ralph also has Felix, the only one partner of his job, also felt lost of Ralph and had an initiative to find him at the time of Ralph left the games. Not only Felix, Calhoun, the leader of heros duty game, also care about Ralph and helped to find Ralph to return to the “Felix Fix-It Jr.” game. After that, Ralph was already got the acknowledgement from the others. Firstly, actually he already got the esteem from the others as a bad guy. People already admitted his presence as a wrecker in Felix Fix-It game. Everyone knows about Ralph that he is a man who works as a wrecker in Felix Fix-It game. But, Ralph was not confident with himself because of the treatment he got from people around him. Ralph felt that his life was not perfect yet until in one moment he felt that his life would be perfect if he could be a hero or a winner of his game. This thing was caused by his position of his job as villain in the game. So, he wanted to change himself to be like Felix, a hero of his game who always gets prizes from the people because he won and got a medal in every ending of the game. Moreover, the uninvited of Ralph incident in the celebration of 30th anniversary of “Felix Fix-It Jr.” made the desire to change himself become stronger. Finally Ralph ran out left his game to find a medal and if he came back people would love him and gave him prizes. Ralph infiltrate to the “Hero’s Duty” game and disguised as a soldier of that game. He actually did not win the game, but he succeed to get that medal by climbing the building where the medal took place. And Ralph made all the set of Hero’s Duty messed up. Ralph stranded in “Sugar Rush” game. There he met a “glitch” girl, Vanellope. That girl stole Ralph’s medal in order to make her join a race. But Ralph could get his medal back although he should fool of her and made her disappointed of him. Finally, Ralph came back to his game “Felix Fix-It Jr.” But the situation has changed. That was not as what he expected before. The game had been unplugged because all the characters were all gone. He realized that what he had done had harmed for the others and made the other went from him. Then he thought that he really need was not the medal which he had now, but he needed friends who were never he realized that actually he already had them. So, Ralph threw away that medal. Ralph : Anybody home? Felix? Mary? Gene : Well, you actually went and did it. Ralph : Gene? Where is everybody? Gene : They’re gone. After Felix went to find you and then didn’t come back, everyone panicked and abandoned ship. Ralph : But--but I’m here now. Gene : It’s too late, Ralph. Litwak’s pulling our plug in the morning. But, never let it be said I’m not a man of my word. The place is yours, Ralph. Enjoy. Ralph : Gene, wait. Listen, this is not what I wanted. Gene : So what did you want Ralph? Ralph : I don’t know, I just.... I was just tired of living alone in the garbage. Gene : Well now you can live alone in the penthouse. Gene leaves. 1:09:25 – 1:10:12 Ralph went back to Sugar Rush to help Vanellope who was glitched by the system to win the race in order she could be a normal character in her game. After that, Ralph was back to work in “Felix Fix-It Jr.” thereby the game could be played again by the kids and became the most favorite video game. He finally actualizes himself as a truly wrecker in his game because that is his job and he has to do it professionally. After he ran out from Felix Fix-It he came back to the game and decided to stay long there. Ralph: ”So yeah, I’m taking life one game at a time, and I gotta tell ya, I feel like a new Ralph.” Then, beside he devoted his life to the game, with his goodness he made the innovation of his game in order to make his game be liked by the children. He hired all the homeless to have a job again. He asked the homeless to play in the bonus level. And in fact, Ralph did it. He made the game became more popular than before. Ralph: “So we asked some of our friends to help us out on the bonus levels. And I swear our game hasn’t been this popular in years. The gamers, they say we’re retro, which I think means old but cool.” 1:31:32 – 1:31:47 We may see that Ralph was successfully actualized himself and reached his peak of needs. It is proven that there is no other that he wanted to get. He felt that this is enough. He just continued his life as a well wrecker then. Ralph: “Turns out, I don’t need a medal to tell me I’m a good guy. ‘Cause if that little kid likes me, how bad can I be?” 1:31:48 – 1:32:05


A. Conclusion

Wreck-It Ralph is a film directed by Rich Moore and published by the biggest America animation studio, Walt Disney. In general, this film is a representation of human life or imitation of human life that packaged in animation fiction, which most of films that produced by Disney are intended as a children spectacle, though Disneys films are also enjoyed by adults. As a representation of a human life, characters in this film can be regarded a human character as a social being in real life. Wreck-It Ralph is a film which characters as same character as in real life. It proves that there is relation between psychological and fiction. In another word, literature works can be analyzed by the psychological approaches. Therefore, the writer uses the theory of Hierarchy of Human Needs by Abraham H. Maslow. The writer uses this theory because there is problem that owned by the main character of this film in satisfying his needs as a human in his life. From the personality research of main character, Ralph, was found that there is mistrust of himself which made Ralph want to be another man. Just because he saw another’s life more perfect than his, he is Felix, his partner of his work in Felix Fix-It Jr. game. Felix always got prizes 31 from people because in this game Felix is depicted as a winner while Ralph is the loser. But those are their jobs, they have their own portion. Every time he saw Felix who always got a medal, Ralph thought that if he had a medal all going to be change and his life would become perfect. But he was wrong. Being another man made him lost everything. He had not any job at all, been disliked and left by the people around him. Finally he changed his mind and decided to be himself. All came back to Felix Fix-It, so did Ralph, he still in his job as a wrecker. Ralph also has decided to serve forever of his job di Felix Fix-It game. In other words, Ralph has actualized himself in that job and got the peak of his needs. It means that Ralph has fulfilled all his hierarchy of his needs. Just because of the unconfident of himself could obstruct his journey of his life in fulfilling his needs as a human. To conclude this research that a human, in this case is represented by Ralph in the film, cannot get perfection of life when he has not fulfilled his needs yet. People must be having a long journey to make sure themselves that they already got the peak of satisfaction in their lives. They complete step by step of their needs first and they can decide to actualize themselves in one thing.

B. Suggestion

The writer suggests to those who want to study about a film to understand deeply the film what is the biggest issue that come out in that film. Then, understand deeply about the proper theory that can build the research. And also the researcher has to consider any reference from any resources. By reading the thesis, the writer hopes the result of the study can give any benefits to the reader. This object of the research this film is possible to be analyzed with another theory or another issue if there any researchers want to analyze this film. For example, how this film give an impact for children. So, we can explore more about this film. And from this research can give contribution to all students of English Letter Department who want make a research either about the Hierarch of Human Needs or the film as well.