PERUBAHAN SOSISAL PADA MASYARAKAT SAMIN(Studi tentang Perubahan Sosial Masyarakat Samin di DesaMargomulyo Kecamatan Bojonegoro Kabupaten Bojonegoro )

Perubahan Sosial Masyarakat Samin di DesaMargomulyo Kecamatan
Bojonegoro Kabupaten Bojonegoro )
Oleh: Ulia Rahmawati ( 04240009 )
Dibuat: 2009-11-04 , dengan 3 file(s).

Perubahan dapat terjadi pada setiap lapisan, baik dalam lingkup lingkungan yang luas seperti negara
ataupun perubahan dalam lingkungan yang sempit dalam hal ini keluarga atau suku bangsa. Negara
Indonesia memiliki banyak suku bangsa dan dalam perkembangannya perubahan tidak dapat
baik itu perubahan secara lambat (evolusi) ataupun perubahan secara cepat (revolusi). Perubahan itu
hingga mampu menyentuh pola prilaku dan pola pikir dimana mereka hidup.
Perubahan itu sendiri dapat berasal dari dalam mereka ataupun perubahan yang berasal dari luar
lingkungan mereka dan setelah mengalami proses yang telah disepakati bersama sehingga telah
menjadi pranata dan aturan sendiri, maka perubahan sosial itu akan diterima ataupun ditolak oleh
masyarakat yang ada.
Dalam melakukan penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, hal ini

dikarenakan peneliti merasa lebih mudah dalam melakukan gambaran tentang keadaan objek
dalam hal ini Masyarakat Samin. Lokasi penelitian ini diambil di Desa Margomulyo Kecamatan
Kabupaten Bojonegoro karena Masyarakat Samin secara umum masih bersifat tradisional dan
dalam kehidupannya dibanding dengan masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah sekitar.
Peneliti dalam penjabarannya menggunakan Teori Moore, yang mendefenisikan perubahan sosial
akibat dua faktor, yaitu faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Adapun menurut Roy Bhaskar, perubahan
terjadi secara wajar atau natural dan bertahap. Sehingga dari kedua teori tersebut, penulis
bahwa adanya perubahan sosial yang terjadi pada masyarakat Samin dikarenakan juga faktor
internal, yaitu
anggota dari masyarakat Samin sendiri dan faktor eksternal, dimana mereka hidup dalam kehidupan
masyarakat dan perubahan yang terjadi pada Masyarakat Samin sendiri berlangsung secara wajar dan
natural atau alami dengan sendirinya, hal ini tercermin tidak adanya penolakan yang keras dari dalam
maupun dari luar masyarakat Samin.
Adapun hasil yang di dapat dari penelitian ini ialah kita semua mengetahui secara jelas bagaimana

kehidupan masyarakat Samin itu sendiri, dengan pola tingkah dan watak mereka, mereka senantiasa
mempertahankan tradisi yang dibawa nenek moyang mereka, meski pada akhirnya mereka akan
kolot oleh masyarakat sekitar, namun di sisi lain mereka juga akan menerima perubahan yang terjadi
dalam maupun di luar lingkungan mereka, selama mereka merasa dengan perubahan itu memberikan
dampak yang baik bagi kehidupan mereka pada saatnya.
Dalam perubahan sosial pada masyarakat Samin sendiri disebabkan dua jenis perubahan sosial antara
lingkungan sosial dan lingkungan fisik, adapun pada lingkungan sosial sebab-sebab perubahan sosial
pada masyarakat samin diantaranya pola interaksi, struktur sosial dan kebutuhan sosial. Sedangkan
lingkungan fisik meliputi ladang, tanah, dan hutan. Dimana dalam perubahan sosial tersebut

samin dalam perubahan sosialnya cukup lambat. Dan lebih bersifat natural sehingga tidak terlihat
dibuat-buat. Dan perubahan perubahan tersebut juga muncul sifat mereka yang setelah mampu

adanya perubahan sosial dengan pola pikir mereka semakin lebih maju, keinginan mereka yang cukup
untuk merubah nasib mereka menjadi lebih baik dengan menyekolahkan anak dan cucu mereka ke
yang lebih tinggi dan memperdalam ilmu-ilmu spiritual mereka dengan mengadakan pengajian dan
mendirikan TPQ di sekitar permukiman mereka. Sedangkan dalam lingkungan fisik sendiri masyarakat
Samin, mereka mau merubah lahan mereka sebagai sumber dari pusat informasi dengan Masyarakat
(yang berada di sekitar lingkungan mereka). Tanpa meninggalkan pekerjaan mereka sebagai peladang

Change earn happened in each coat, good in wide of environment scope like state and or the change
narrow;tight environment in this case tribe or family. State Indonesia have many tribe and in its
change cannot be obviated, that goodness [of] change tardyly evolusi and or change quickly
That change till can touch my me pattern and patterned thinking where life them.

change [of] Itself can come from within them and or change coming from outside their environment
and after
experiencing of process which have been agreed on with so that have turned into order and pranata
hence that social change will be accepted is and or refused by existing society.
In doing/conducting this research, writer use descriptive research method qualitative, this matter
because of
researcher feel easier in doing/conducting picture about situation [of] research object, in this case
Samin. this Location Research is taken by in Countryside Margomulyo District of Bojonegoro SubProvince
Bojonegoro because Society Samin in general still have the character of traditional and drop behind in
its life
is compared to with society who live in area of around.
Researcher in its formulation use Theory Moore, which is happened social change mendefenisikan of
two factor, that is internal factor and eksternal factor. As for according to Roy Bhaskar, happened
change to the manner born or natural and in phases. So that from both the theory, mendapatkab
writer that
there is social change him at Samin society because of pad

Researcher in its formulation use Theory Moore, which is happened social change mendefenisikan of
two factor, that is internal factor and eksternal factor. As for according to Roy Bhaskar, happened
change to the manner born or natural and in phases. So that from both the theory, mendapatkab
writer that
there is social change him at Samin society because of also internal factor, that is member from
society alone and eksternal factor, where them live in life of change and society that happened at
Samin alone take place to the manner born and natural or experience of by itself, this matter of hard
deduction inexistence mirror from within and also from outside Samin society.
As for result which is in earning from this research is all of us know clearly how life of Samin itself
with mannerism pattern and their character, they ever maintain brought by tradition is their
ancestors, even
in the end they will be spelled out members fussy by society about/around, but on the other side them
will accept change that happened in and also outside their environment, during them feel with that

give impact which is both for their life in the time.
In social change at Samin society alone caused by two social type of change for example
environmental and
social environment of physical, as for at social environment of social change causes happened at
society among others interaction pattern, social structure and social need. While in physical
cover farm, land;ground, and forest. Where in the social change of samin society in change of its
social is
tardy enough. And more is having the character of of natural so that do not seen like pretended. And

of the change also emerge the nature of them which is after Change earn happened pad
Researcher in its formulation use Theory Moore, which is happened social change effect two factor,
that is
internal factor and eksternal factor. As for according to Roy Bhaskar, happened social change to the
born or natural and in phases. So that from both the theory, mendapatkab writer that there is social
him at Samin society because of also internal factor, that is member from Samin society alone and

factor, where them live in life of change and society that happened at Society Samin alone take place
to the
manner born and natural or experience of by itself, this matter of hard deduction inexistence mirror
within and also from outside Samin society.
As for result which is [in] earning from this research is all of us know clearly how life of Samin itself
with mannerism pattern and their character, they ever maintain brought by tradition is their
ancestors, even
in the end they will be spelled out members fussy by society about/around, but on the other side them
will accept change that happened in and also outside their environment, during them feel with that
give impact which is both for their life in the time.
In social change at Samin society alone caused two social type of change for example environmental
social environment of physical, as for at social enronment of social change causes happened at samin
society among others interaction pattern, social structure and social need. While in physical

cover farm, land;ground, and forest. Where in the social change of samin society in change of its
social is
tardy enough. And more is having the character of natural so that do not seen like pretended. And
change of
the change also emerge the nature of them which is after
Society Samin alone caused by two social type of change for example environmental and social
of physical, as for at social environment of social change causes happened at samin society among
interaction pattern, social structure and social need. While in physical environment cover farm,
and forest. Where in the social change of samin society in change [of] its social is tardy enough. And
more is
having the character of [of] natural so that do not seen like pretended. And change of the change also
emerge the nature of them which is after can accept the existence of social change with their
thinking progressively more go forward, their big enough desire to change their chance become better
sending to school their grandchild and child to higher level ladder and deepen their spiritual science by
performing aji and found TPQ around their setlement. While in physical environment alone Samin

they will change their farm as source from information center with external Society ( which reside in
about/around their environment). Without leaving their work as hunter and farmer