



AT 4




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~Standing in the hall of fame~

~and the world’s gonna know your name~

I dedicated this thesis to my beloved family: My dad, Siswadi Pranoto;

My Mom, Naning Wahyuningtyas;

My brothers, Shendy W. and Sony Karismawan. And also my sister in law, Anita.

Who always give me big motivation, support, guidance, and prayer for the success of my study and my life.




Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah, the Merciful and Charitable. Because of

His endless guidance and mercy, the researcher can finish this thesis.

The researcher would like to express her deepest gratitude to the following

individuals from whom I reached valuable things from the beginning up to the last

process of writing this thesis, they are:

1. Her first advisor, Iswahyuni,M.Pd., and her second advisor, Drs. Estu

Widodo,M.Hum., for their suggestions, invaluable guidance and advice

during the consultation period, and their comments and corrections during the

completion of this thesis.

2. The teachers and headmaster at SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang who had gave

her the opportunity to conduct the research.

3. Special thanks goes to her beloved Dad (Siswadi Pranoto), her beloved Mom

(Naning Wahyuningtyas), brothers (Shendy and Sony), and her sister in law


4. Her lovely friends: Tante Peponk, Mas Je, Nduk Ita-Tari, who always fill up

my spirit and support me with their kindness.

Malang, April, 22nd 2013 The Researcher,












CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of Problem ... 4

1.3 Hypothesis ... 4

1.4 Purpose of Study ... 4

1.5 Significance of Study ... 4

1.6 Scope and Limitation ... 5

1.7 Definition of Key Terms ... 5




2.2.1Role Play Method ... 8

2.2.2Art Method ... 8

2.2.3Question Answer Method ... 8

2.2.4Fieldtrip Method ... 9

2.2.5Playing Method ... 9

2.3 Demonstration Method ... 9

2.3.1Definition of Demonstration Method ... 9

2.3.2The Purposes of Demonstration Method ... 10

2.3.3How to Apply Demonstration Method ... 10

2.3.4The Advantages of Demonstration Method ... 12

2.3.5The Disadvantages of Demonstration Method ... 12

2.4 Young Learners ... 13

2.5 Teaching English to Young Learners (EYL) ... 14

2.6 Demonstration Method in Teaching to Young Learners ... 16

2.7 The Curriculum of English to Young Learners ... 17

2.8 The English Syllabus used in SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang ... 18

2.9 Previous Research Findings ... 19


3.2 Population and Sample ... 23

3.3 Data Collection ... 23

3.3.1Research Instrument ... 23

3.3.2Procedure of Data Collection ... 24

3.4 Data Analysis ... 25




4.2 Research Findings ... 30

4.2.1The Result of Pre-Test of The Experimental and Control Groups ... 31

4.2.2The Result of Post-Test of The Experimental and Control Groups ... 33

4.2.3The Result of Hypothesis Testing ... 35

4.3 Discussion ... 37


5.2 Suggestion ... 39

5.2.1For English Teacher ... 39

5.2.2For the Next Researcher ... 40





Table 3.1 Nonrandomized Control Group, Pretest-Posttest Design ... 22

Table 4.1 Pretest Score of Experimental Group ... 31

Table 4.2 Pretest Score of Control Group ... 32

Table 4.3 Posttest Score of Experimental Group ... 33

Table 4.4 Posttest Score of Control Group ... 34

Table 4.5 The Result fo Group Statistics ... 36

Table 4.6 The Result of Independent Sample t-test ... 36

Table 4.7 Data in Counting Standard Deviation ... 76




Appendix 1. English Syllabus at 4th Grade of SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang ... 43

Appendix 2. Teaching Learning Activities in Experimental Group ... 52

Appendix 3. Teaching Learning Activities in Control Group ... 60

Appendix 5. Students Worksheet ... 68

Appendix 6. The Counting of Standard Deviation ... 77

Appendix 7. The Counting of Standard Error ... 79




Abimanyu, Soli and associates. 2009. Strategi Pembelajaran. Departemen Pendidikan.

Arindawati, Anike E, and Hasbullah Huda.2004. Beberapa Alternatif Pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar. Malang: Bayumedia

Ary, Donald. 2010. Introduction to Research in Education:Eight Edition. Canada: Nelson Education Ltd.

Cameron, Lynne. 2002. Teaching Languages to Young Learners. United Kingdom: Cambrigde University Press.

Clark, Leonard H. 1986. Secondary and Middle School Teaching Methods- Fifth Edition. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Creswell, John W. 2012. Educational research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research-4th Edition. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

Dharma, Surya.2008. Strategi Pembelajaran dan Pemilihannya. Jakarta: Department of Education-Unpublished

Djamarah, Syaiful Bahri and Aswan Zain. 2002. Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Gage, N.L. 1976. The Psychology of Teaching Methods Part 1. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

Hayah, Ani. 2011. Silent Demonstration as a Method of Teaching to Improve Students Understanding on Writing Procedure Text at The Seventh Grade Students of MTs Hasan Kafrawi Pancur Mayong Jepara in the Academic Year of 2010/ 2011. Unpublished Thesis. Malang: University of

Muhammadiyah Malang.

Kusuma, Ida & Agus Dwi. 2012. Starway, A Fun an Easy English Book For Elementary Schools. Solo: PT Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri.

Maksidaturrohmah, Ratna. 2004. The Effect of Using Flannel Board in



at SDN Suruhwadang 03 Kademangan Blitar. Unpublished Thesis. Malang: University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

Richards, Jack C. & Theodore S. 2001. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. USA: Cambrigde University Press.

Rixon, Shelagh. 2003. English Young Learners of English: Some Research Perspectives. London: Longman.

Sabillah, Fardini, S.Pd. 2004. Teaching English to Young Learners: It’s Policy,

Framework, and Activity-Based Teaching. Unpublished book. Malang: University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Scott, Wendy A.and Lisbeth H. Ytreberg. 2000. Teaching English to Children. New York: Longman

Taylor, George R. and Loretta MacKenney. 2005. Improving Human Learning in the Classroom. USA: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

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Yamin, Anshari Martinis.2009. Taktik Mengembangkan Kemampuan. Individual Siswa. Jakarta: Gaung Persada Press.



This chapter provides the basic ideas related to the background of study,

statement of problems, purposes of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of

key terms.

1.1Background of Study

Nowadays, teaching English to Young Learners becomes trend. English

becomes one of the main subjects in elementary school. In elementary school,

English is taught from the first grade up to the sixth grade. On the curriculum of

elementary school, the materials given in English class are based on the theme

(thematic), which are simpler for the early two grades and being more complicated

for grade three up to grade six. According to Yamin and Ansari (2009:61), “Thematic learning process is compatible for first and second grade of elementary school

because the students in these levels perceive everything in a holistic”. Besides, Yamin and Ansari (2009: 64 and 70) said that the students in the third grade up to the sixth

grade tend to focus on receiving the material based on the curriculum and reaching

the curriculum target. It can be said that the teacher has a big job to determine the

best teaching method used in each class to make the students understand the material

easier. The teacher’s job is to find ways, within framework of classroom teaching, in which the different teaching methods, each with its own advantages for different



Based on the researcher’s observation in the English Class in the 4th grade SDN Sumberrejo 02, during the teaching learning activities, the teacher often used

the static methods; the teacher explained the material in the beginning of the class,

after that, the students must do the task. This kind of activity made them bored

quickly. The other fact was that the students could not understand the material easily.

When the teacher explained the material, the students payed close attention to it.

However, when the teacher asked some questions related to the material, almost all

students were passive. The teacher must repeat to explain the material and ask the

question twice or more. The fact showed that only some students were active

answering the question correctly. In addition, when the students got some difficulties

during finishing their task, almost all of them preferred to be silent. This caused the

students score low under Minimum Passing Score (KKM) which is 65. Minimum

Passing Score (KKM) is the minimum score the students have to pass to indicate that

they understood the material. In fact, many students could not reach the score 65 or


There are many teaching methods which can be applied in teaching English to

young learners in elementary school. Demonstration method can be an alternative

teaching method on it. Arindawati and Huda (2004: 73) explained that demonstration

method is one of alternative teaching methods that can be applied in 4th grade of elementary school. Through demonstration method, the students will be on the fresh

and fun but serious activities that can make them understand the material more easily



experience themselves through observing, listening, touching, tasting, and smelling

(Yamin and Ansari, 2009: 14-15).

There are some previous research findings related to demonstration method.

The first research was done by Maksidaturrohmah (2004). She wanted to find out

whether or not demonstrating grammar using flannel board gives better result on the

students’ English achievement at SDN Suruhkandang III Kademangan Blitar. The

research showed that demonstrating grammar using flannel board significantly gives

better result to the students’ English achievement.

The other research was conducted by Hayah (2011). She wanted to find out

the effectiveness of silent demonstration to improve students understanding on

writing procedure text in the seventh grade students of MTs Hasan Kafrawi Pancur

Mayong Jepara in the academic year of 2010/2011. The result of the study showed

that silent demonstration was an effective method in improving students’ procedure writing in MTs Hasan Kafrawi Pancur Mayong Jepara. From those two previous

research findings, it can be concluded that demonstration method could be an

alternative method in teaching English aimed to give significant effect on students’ achievement.

This study hopefully is able to increase the reader’s spirit in developing their knowledge, especially in teaching English. This study is aimed to give the ideas that

teaching method is a part of teaching contains of recurrent instructional processes,

applicable to various subject matters, which usable by more than one teacher. In this

case, the researcher emphasizes on demonstration teaching method in SDN



demonstration method in teaching English to Young Learners at the 4th grade of SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang.

1.2Statement of Problem

Through this study, the following question is expected to be answered is

“Does the demonstration method have a significant effect on students’ English ability

at the 4th grade of SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang?”


In order to give tentative answers of the result problem, the hypothesis are


1. Null Hypothesis (Ho): Demonstration method does not have a significant

effect on students’ English ability at 4th

grade of SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang.

2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): Demonstration method has a significant effect

on students’ English ability at 4th

grade of SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang.

1.4Purpose of Study

Based on the statement of problem, the purpose of the study is to know

whether the implementation of demonstration method has a significant effect on

students’ English ability at the 4th grade of SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang.

1.5Significance of Study

It is hoped that the study will give some following contributions


Theoretically, the researcher hopes that this study can be used for one of references



for who will conduct the similar research in teaching English for Young Learners in

elementary school. Practically, for the students, learning English through

demonstration method can improve students’ English ability. In addition, for the English teacher of SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang, the researcher hopes that this study

can give the alternative method in teaching English especially English to Young


1.6Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study focused in the implementation of teaching method in

teaching English to Young Learners at SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang. To limit the

study, the researcher focuses on the implementation of demonstration method based

on the curriculum in teaching English to Young Learners at the 4th grade students of SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang for the academic year 2012/2013.

1.7Definition of Key Terms

To focus the discussion and to reach its correct understanding, the researcher

will explain some definition of terms. Below are some terms that are relevant


1. Demonstration Method

Demonstration method is a kind of teaching method by performing or

demonstrating something. (Arindawati and Huda, 2004:42)

The teacher need to performing or demonstrating the material in the class to



facilitating the students to learn something by doing or practice it. Commonly,

demonstration method is used to explain the procedure systematically.

2. English to Young Learners

Rixon (2003:38) said that English to Young Learners, that is, for children

within the age range that attends elementary or primary school.

3. English Ability

The meaning of English ability here shown from the students’ score as the



This chapter provides the basic ideas related to the background of study, statement of problems, purposes of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.

1.1Background of Study

Nowadays, teaching English to Young Learners becomes trend. English becomes one of the main subjects in elementary school. In elementary school, English is taught from the first grade up to the sixth grade. On the curriculum of elementary school, the materials given in English class are based on the theme (thematic), which are simpler for the early two grades and being more complicated for grade three up to grade six. According to Yamin and Ansari (2009:61), “Thematic learning process is compatible for first and second grade of elementary school because the students in these levels perceive everything in a holistic”. Besides, Yamin and Ansari (2009: 64 and 70) said that the students in the third grade up to the sixth grade tend to focus on receiving the material based on the curriculum and reaching the curriculum target. It can be said that the teacher has a big job to determine the best teaching method used in each class to make the students understand the material easier. The teacher’s job is to find ways, within framework of classroom teaching, in which the different teaching methods, each with its own advantages for different purposes and different students, can be used (Gage, 1976:19).


Based on the researcher’s observation in the English Class in the 4th grade SDN Sumberrejo 02, during the teaching learning activities, the teacher often used the static methods; the teacher explained the material in the beginning of the class, after that, the students must do the task. This kind of activity made them bored quickly. The other fact was that the students could not understand the material easily. When the teacher explained the material, the students payed close attention to it. However, when the teacher asked some questions related to the material, almost all students were passive. The teacher must repeat to explain the material and ask the question twice or more. The fact showed that only some students were active answering the question correctly. In addition, when the students got some difficulties during finishing their task, almost all of them preferred to be silent. This caused the students score low under Minimum Passing Score (KKM) which is 65. Minimum Passing Score (KKM) is the minimum score the students have to pass to indicate that they understood the material. In fact, many students could not reach the score 65 or higher.

There are many teaching methods which can be applied in teaching English to young learners in elementary school. Demonstration method can be an alternative teaching method on it. Arindawati and Huda (2004: 73) explained that demonstration method is one of alternative teaching methods that can be applied in 4th grade of elementary school. Through demonstration method, the students will be on the fresh and fun but serious activities that can make them understand the material more easily than only pay attention to the teacher explanation. In addition, the students will


experience themselves through observing, listening, touching, tasting, and smelling (Yamin and Ansari, 2009: 14-15).

There are some previous research findings related to demonstration method. The first research was done by Maksidaturrohmah (2004). She wanted to find out whether or not demonstrating grammar using flannel board gives better result on the students’ English achievement at SDN Suruhkandang III Kademangan Blitar. The research showed that demonstrating grammar using flannel board significantly gives better result to the students’ English achievement.

The other research was conducted by Hayah (2011). She wanted to find out the effectiveness of silent demonstration to improve students understanding on writing procedure text in the seventh grade students of MTs Hasan Kafrawi Pancur Mayong Jepara in the academic year of 2010/2011. The result of the study showed that silent demonstration was an effective method in improving students’ procedure writing in MTs Hasan Kafrawi Pancur Mayong Jepara. From those two previous research findings, it can be concluded that demonstration method could be an alternative method in teaching English aimed to give significant effect on students’ achievement.

This study hopefully is able to increase the reader’s spirit in developing their knowledge, especially in teaching English. This study is aimed to give the ideas that teaching method is a part of teaching contains of recurrent instructional processes, applicable to various subject matters, which usable by more than one teacher. In this case, the researcher emphasizes on demonstration teaching method in SDN Sumberrejo 02. Based from the explanation above, the researcher wants to apply this


demonstration method in teaching English to Young Learners at the 4th grade of SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang.

1.2Statement of Problem

Through this study, the following question is expected to be answered is “Does the demonstration method have a significant effect on students’ English ability at the 4th grade of SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang?”


In order to give tentative answers of the result problem, the hypothesis are formulated:

1. Null Hypothesis (Ho): Demonstration method does not have a significant effect on students’ English ability at 4th

grade of SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang. 2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): Demonstration method has a significant effect

on students’ English ability at 4th

grade of SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang.

1.4Purpose of Study

Based on the statement of problem, the purpose of the study is to know whether the implementation of demonstration method has a significant effect on students’ English ability at the 4th grade of SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang.

1.5Significance of Study

It is hoped that the study will give some following contributions


Theoretically, the researcher hopes that this study can be used for one of references


for who will conduct the similar research in teaching English for Young Learners in elementary school. Practically, for the students, learning English through demonstration method can improve students’ English ability. In addition, for the English teacher of SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang, the researcher hopes that this study can give the alternative method in teaching English especially English to Young Learners.

1.6Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study focused in the implementation of teaching method in teaching English to Young Learners at SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang. To limit the study, the researcher focuses on the implementation of demonstration method based on the curriculum in teaching English to Young Learners at the 4th grade students of SDN Sumberrejo 02 Malang for the academic year 2012/2013.

1.7Definition of Key Terms

To focus the discussion and to reach its correct understanding, the researcher will explain some definition of terms. Below are some terms that are relevant definitions:

1. Demonstration Method

Demonstration method is a kind of teaching method by performing or demonstrating something. (Arindawati and Huda, 2004:42)

The teacher need to performing or demonstrating the material in the class to expect the students can see and hear directly. This kind of teaching methods is


facilitating the students to learn something by doing or practice it. Commonly, demonstration method is used to explain the procedure systematically.

2. English to Young Learners

Rixon (2003:38) said that English to Young Learners, that is, for children within the age range that attends elementary or primary school.

3. English Ability

The meaning of English ability here shown from the students’ score as the result of the students’ test after they got the treatments.