The Students of Class VIII D in SMPN 1 Wungu The Researcher English Language Education Study Program The English Teachers in SMPN 1 Wungu The Other Researchers

7 organization. Therefore, the researcher worked in the writing activities, especially writing a recount text.

D. Research objectives

At the end of this study, the researcher hoped that the implementation of weekly diary fo llowed by teachers‟ feedback was able to improve the students‟ writing abilities including the grammar, the vocabulary, the mechanics, the content, and the organization in a recount text. The weekly diary followed by teachers‟ feedback is a solution for the students‟ problems in writing a recount text. The researcher wanted to improve the students‟ writing abilities in order to make the students were able to write their past experiences properly in writing a recount text.

F. Research benefits

This study gives some benefits towards some people. They are:

1. The Students of Class VIII D in SMPN 1 Wungu

After following the implementation of weekly diary followed by teac hers‟ feedback, the students were able to write a recount text in the better grammar, vocabulary, content, mechanics, and organization. Then, their writing abilities would improve.

2. The Researcher

By conducting this study, the researcher was able to answer the problem formulation and found some new discoveries to teach writing, especially the 8 recount text. The researcher herself could identify some important things related to English learning activities, in the field of writing activities. The researcher could give some inspiration for the other researchers or teachers to teach writing a recount text.

3. English Language Education Study Program

The researcher hopes that this study will give an additional reference for English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The students of this study program are qualified to be the future English teachers. They can take the benefit of this study which shows that there is a technique to improve students‟ writing abilities through the weekly diary assignment followed by the teacher‟s feedback.

4. The English Teachers in SMPN 1 Wungu

The teachers can use the weekly diary assignment followed by the teachers‟ feedback to teach writing, especially in a recount text. This assignment will help the teachers to know each student ‟s writing abilities through their diaries. The teachers will be closer to their students through this assignment.

5. The Other Researchers

This study can be a reference for the other researchers who want to work in teaching writing. Everyone can use this study to help them to find any sources related to this working field. 9 F . Definition of terms This research has the title as “the implementation of weekly diary to improve students‟ writing abilities of VIII D in SMPN 1 Wungu in a recount text” using classroom action research.

1. Classroom Action Research