The Genre-Based Approach Teaching Writing


b. The Genre-Based Approach

In this study, the researcher used the genre-based approach to teach writing in the class. Hyland 2003 organized L2 writing teaching around a different focus p. 22:  Language structures  Text functions  Themes or topics  Creative expression  Composing processes  Content  Genre and contexts of writing From those approaches above, this research used the genre and the contexts of writing because the researcher had t o solve the students‟ problem in writing a recount text. In the genre based approach, the students write to achieve some purposes. The writers will follow certain social conventions for organizing messages to make the readers recognize the purpose of the writing. This is called by genre. In the classroom, the teachers will focus on text Hyland, 2003, p.18. In writing a text, the students also have to know the language features of the text. Hyland 2003 states “grammar is important, but presented as a way of giving learners the language they need to construct central genres and to reflect on how language is used to accomplish this” p. 22. Therefore, the researcher used Brown and Bailey ‟s scoring rubric to accomplish the teaching writing activity through the genre based approach. In the genre based approach, the teaching learning cycles are divided into modeling of the text, joint construction of the text, and independent construction of the text. Feez 1998: 28 describes teaching learning cycle of the genre based 17 approach into building the context, modeling and deconstructing the text, joint construction of the text, independent construction of the text, linking related texts as cited in Hyland, 2003, p. 21. This is the picture of the genre-based approach diagram : Picture 2.1 Source: Feez, 1998: 28 The researcher conducted the teaching activities using some cycles of genre based approach. They are building the context, modeling of the text, joint construction of the text, and independent construction of the text. The researcher used building the context because it could help the researcher to introduce the text as the materials to the students by asking their background knowledge of the text. The researcher did not use linking to other texts because the researcher only needed to analy ze students‟ improvement until independent construction of the text. In modeling and deconstructing the text, the teacher presents some examples, identifies the stages of the text, and introduces activities to practice the 18 language feature Hyland, 1993, p. 138. At this stage, the teacher can give some tasks related to the text. In joint construction of the text, the teacher and the students can compose a text together. The students are also able to work together with their friends. In this stage, the teacher should guide them to plan the draft together. Hyland 2003 states “the students are guided through all steps of the planning and drafting process, developing a text together through composition heuristic task and teacher questions which shape the text” p. 138. In independent construction of the text, the students have to work by themselves. The teacher‟s scaffolding has to be removed. The teacher can monitor and evaluate their progress. The teacher also can provide some feedback for them. In the last stage, linking to other texts, the students have to compare the text to other text. In this research, the researcher did not need to do it because the students ‟ improvements were only analyzed until the stage of independent construction of the text. Independent construction of the text asked the students to write their own ideas of the text. In the grammar translation method, this activity is called by composition. This is an example of some techniques based on the grammar translation method. Freeman and Anderson 2011 write that in composition technique, the teacher can ask the students to write in the target language by giving certain topic. They state “the topic is based upon some aspect of the reading pass age of the lesson” p. 22. 19

2. Recount Text