Approach of the Study

27 Based on theory of Abrams, there are two types of characters: flat and round character. Round character is relatively fully developed by the author. Round character is considered as dynamic as they possess many individual and unpredictable human traits 1981: 21. Jonas can be categorized as a round character. He has complex characteristics and play central role to the plot. Further, according to Murphy, there are several ways to characterize a character in fictional works in order to make the characters life-like to readers. Murphy proposes nine ways of characterization through which characteristics of a character can be depicted. They are personal description, character as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation of others, reactions, direct comment, thoughts, and mannerism. In revealing characteristics of Jonas, the writer applies those nine ways. Jonas is characterized as a good boy who will turn twelve soon. He lives with his parents and little sister, Lily, which have no blood relation, because all babies are born from the Birthmothers. He also lives with a new children named Gabriel, who is being taken care by his father, because Gabe, the new child’s nickname, is not doing well. He is not growing as fast as he should and he does not sleep soundly, so his father as a Nurturer take him home and take care of him. Every year in December, the community celebrate special event. All the Twelves are going to assign a job. Each member of The Community has their profession and partner carefully chosen for them by the Committee of Elders, and they never make a mistake. There are no freedom to choose the Assignment and the spouse. All citizens of the community live in a sameness. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 28 In the beginning, Jonas is the same with another citizens in the community. He is obedient to the rules, like other citizens. Jonas is as unconcerned as anyone else about how he lives. He lives his life with precise language and in a same routine activity every day. Not until he becomes the Receiver of Memory. It can be seen on page 2: Then all of the citizens had been ordered to go into the nearest building and stayed there. Immediately, the rasping voice through the speakers had said. LEAVE YOUR BICYCLES WHERE THEY ARE. Instantly, obediently, Jonas had dropped his bike on it’ side on the path behind his family’s dwelling Lowry, 1993: 2. From the statement above, Jonas depicted as an obedient character who always obey the rules, whatever they are, in his community. Another prove that shows he is an obedient boy is when his family oblige each family member to share feelings that they experience in each day before they go to sleep. Besides, the family members have to share their dreams in the morning after they woke up. “It was one of the rituals, the evening telling of feelings” 6. Jonas solely does it every day just because he wants to follow his family tradition, not his own eagerness. “The ritual continued. ‘Jonas?’ Father asked. ‘You’re last, tonight’. Jonas sighed. This evening he almost would have preferred to keep his feelings hidden. But it was, of course, against the rules” 12. Another characteristic of Jonas is diligent. He is depicted as a boy who always study and like to prepare the materials for his school. He does it regularly every day before and after the evening meal. “And I studied hard in school, as you do, Jonas” Lowry, 1993:19. Second prove is: “Jonas went to his own desk and began to sort through his school papers fo r the evening’s assignments” 24. Third PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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