Method of the Study

C. Method of the Study

The appropriate method used by the writer in analyzing this work is library research method. The writer uses two kinds of data. The first data is the work of Toni Morrison’s entitled home. The second data are taken from several books, Such as International Encyclopedia of Ethics, Merriam Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature, A Glossary of Literary Terms, Understanding Unseen: An Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students, Theory of Literature, Society in the Novel, Introduction to Black Studies, America in Black and White, and undergraduate thesis. Know that the novel Home had not been analyzed before the writer uses not only library sources but also internet sources. Some steeps were taken in this study. Firstly, the writer decided the work that is going to be analyzed. Secondly, the writer read the book and took important note to get the deep understanding. The writer also reads the book over and over again to make sure that nothing is left to be analyzed and put some sign to the important part in the novel. Thirdly, the writer found the most important issues for the topic as the problem formulation in this analysis. In order to support this research the writer collected some data that fit into the topic, so the writer decided the theories and approach relate to this study. The theories were: the theory of character and characterization, the relation between literature and society also the review of blacks in America around 1950s. In this step, the writer gathered the information by reading some books of literature theory and approaches. Besides, to know and understand the historical background of African American the writer had to collect the information that is needed by reading historical books. Fourthly, the writer analyzed the novel by answering the issues as stated in problem formulation. The writer applied the theories of character and characterization which had been mentioned in the review of related theory. In analyzing the story, the socio-cultural historical approach was applied to understand the background of the novel was made which related to the history in the 1950s. The next step was the writer related the theories and approach in order to reveal the problem as questioned in the problem formulation. The last step the writer was drawing the conclusion based on the analysis that would be presented at the end of this study. 24