Clarification of Terms Organization of Paper

6 Velentina Rizki Sutari, 2014 Promoting Character Education: An Analysis of Moral Values Embodied in Children’s Book Eight O’clock Tales by Enid Blyton Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

1.7. Clarification of Terms

The proposed study contains some terms that will cause misunderstanding. Those terms are explained below: 1 Didactic literary text: a work dealing with a moral or religious or philosophical theme Peck and Coyle, 2002. 2 Moral Values: honesty, responsibility, and justice are essential things required in this life Lickona, 2012, p. 61. 3 Literature: stories, poems, and plays, especially those that are considered to have value as art and not just entertainment Macmillan English Dictionary. 4 Values: the beliefs people have about what is right and wrong and what is most important in life, which control their behavior Camb ridge Advance Learner’s Dictionary. 5 Tale: a story, especially one which might be invented or difficult to believe Cambridge Advance Learner’s Dictionary.

1.8. Organization of Paper

This present study consists of five chapters as follows: CHAPTER I This chapter contains background of the study, research questions, aims of the study, the scope of the study, significance of the study, research methodology, and the organization of the paper. CHAPTER II It consists of details on the theoretical frameworks employed in the study. CHAPTER III 7 Velentina Rizki Sutari, 2014 Promoting Character Education: An Analysis of Moral Values Embodied in Children’s Book Eight O’clock Tales by Enid Blyton Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | This section contains the research methodology, describing the data used in the research and the methodology to be adopted. CHAPTER IV This chapter presents the result found in relation to both the research questions and existing knowledge. CHAPTER V This last chapter provides final reflection of the study and possible issue for further research. 28 Velentina Rizki Sutari, 2014 Promoting Character Education: An Analysis of Moral Values Embodied in Children’s Book Eight O’clock Tales by Enid Blyton Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |


This chapter presents the methodology of the study. This includes the object of the study, research question, research methodology, technique of the data analysis, source of the data, and data presentation.

3.1 The Object of the Study

This study attempts to analyze moral va lues embodied in children‟s book. The object used in this study is a children‟s book entitled Eight O’clock Tales,written by Enid Blyton and published in 2008. Eight O’clock Tales is a fantasy fiction in which the characters are mostly animals and toys. Since it is a fantasy fiction, all of the stories involve magic. It was first published in Great Britain in 1944. It features eleven short stories, they are; The Good Turn, The Boy Who Heard Too Much, The Skittle Policeman, Tick- Tock Tea’s Party, The Runaway Donkey, The Surprise Party, The Enchanted Doll, When the Toys Came Alive, The Brownie who Pulled Faces, All the Way to Toytown, and Poor Old Scarecrow. Eight O’clock Tales is the last series of O’clock Tales compilations. This children‟s book is chosen because it is likely to have moral values embodied in the stories. It is, therefore, in line with theaim of this present study that focuses on finding out the moral values and categorizing them based on 2013 curriculum.

3.2 Research Question

This study tries to seek the answer of the following question: 1. What are the moral values embodied in children‟s book Eight O’clock Tales written by Enid Blyton?