The Translation Of Prepositions At And In In The Harper Lee’s Novel To Kill A Mockingbird Into Indonesian








REG. NO. : 082202064






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Submitted to Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Diploma (D-III) in English

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Approved by the Diploma III of English Study Program, Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera as a paper for the Diploma (D-III) Examination


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The Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Diploma III (D-III) of English Study Program, Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera.

The examination is held on June 24th, 2011

Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera


Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A. NIP. 19511013197603 1 001

Board of Examiners Signature

1. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. (Head of ESP)

2. Drs. Umar Mono, Dipl. Tran, M. Hum (Supervisor)



I, Dewi Putriani Siregar, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of this paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.

Signed : …………..



Name : Dewi Putriani Siregar

Title of Paper : The Translation of Prepositions At and In in The Harper

Lee’s Novel To Kill A Mockingbird into Indonesian

Qualification : D-III/ Ahli Madya

Study Program : English

I am willing that my paper should be available for reproduction at the discretion of the Librarian of the Diploma III English Department Faculty of Culture Studies USU on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia.

Signed : ……….



This paper entitled “The Translation of Prepositions At and In, in the Harper Lee’s Novel To Kill A Mockingbird into Indonesian”. It discusses about the translations of prepositions at and in in the translated novel of To Kill A Mockingbird which was written by Harper Lee and translated into Indonesian by Femmy Syahrani. The purposes are to find out the translations of prepositions at and in in the translated novel and to find out their context of sentences. In the writing this paper, it applies library research method. After analyzing the source novel and its translated novel, it is found that preposition at is translated into Indonesian prepositions and conjunctions in a few of contexts, they are : ‘di’ and ‘di dekat’ which show place; ‘ke’, ‘kepada’, ‘ke arah’ and ‘saat’ which show purpose or direction; ‘dalam’, ‘ketika’, ‘sejak’, and ‘seperti’ which show time; ‘pada’ which shows direction, purpose, and time; ‘tentang’ which shows topic; and ‘oleh’ which shows cause. But, in some cases it is not translated for contexts that show direction, place, and time. Then, preposition in is translated into Indonesian prepositions and conjunctions in a few of contexts, they are ‘di dalam’, ‘di antara’, ‘di depan’, ‘di bawah’, ‘di atas’, and ‘lewat’ which show place, location, or position; ‘lagi’, ‘masih’, ‘pada tahun’, ‘sejak’, ‘saat’, ‘sewaktu’, ‘selama’, ‘sepanjang’, and ‘sudah’ which show time; ‘ke’, ‘sebagai’, and ‘untuk’ which show direction or purpose; ‘dan’, ‘memakai’, ‘mengenakan’, ‘terbalut’ which show wearing something; ‘ber-‘ which shows purpose and manner; ‘dalam’ which shows place, position, time, particular case, membership, shape or form, situation, instrument that used, and manner; ‘dari’ which shows source, place, position, distance, and material that used; ‘di’ which shows place, position, and time; ‘pada’ which shows direction, place or position, time, and particular case; ‘dengan’ which shows situation, condition, particular case, instrument that used,manner, and wearing something; ‘seperti’ which shows conditional and condition; ‘yang’ which shows process, situation, and condition; ‘karena’ which shows cause and particular case; ‘soal’ which shows topic; ‘jadi’ and ‘menjadi’ which show form, jobs and profession; ‘dalam rangka’ and ‘telah’ which show involvement in something; ‘demi’ which shows oath; and ‘naik’ which shows instrument that used. In some cases, preposition in is not translated for contexts that show place, involvement or membership, condition, and situation.



Kertas karya yang berjudul “The Translation of Prepositions At and In in the Harper Lee’s Novel To Kill A Mockingbird into Indonesian” ini membahas tentang penerjemahan preposisi at dan in dalam novel terjemahan To Kill A Mockingbird karya Harper Lee yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia oleh Femmy Syahrani. Tujuannya adalah untuk menemukan terjemahan preposisi at dan in dalam novel terjemahan tersebut dan menjelaskan konteks kalimatnya. Penulisan kertas karya ini menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan. Setelah menganalisis novel asli dan terjemahannya, maka ditemukan bahwa preposisi at diterjemahkan menjadi preposisi dan konjungsi dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan berada dalam beragam konteks yaitu ‘di’ dan ‘di dekat’ yang menyatakan tempat; ‘ke’, ‘kepada’, ‘ke arah’ dan ‘saat’ yang menyatakan arah atau tujuan; ‘dalam’,’ketika’, ‘sejak’, dan ‘seperti’ yang menyatakan waktu; ‘pada’ yang menyatakan arah, tujuan, dan waktu; ‘tentang’ yang menyatakan topik; dan ‘oleh’ yang menyatakan sebab. Tetapi dalam beberapa kalimat dalam konteks yang menyatakan arah, tempat, dan waktu, preposisi ini tidak diterjemahkan . Sedangkan preposisi in diterjemahkan menjadi preposisi dan konjungsi Bahasa Indonesia di dalam konteks yang beragam yaitu ‘di dalam’, ‘di antara’, ’di depan’, ’di bawah’, ‘di atas’, and ‘lewat’ yang menyatakan tempat, lokasi, atau posisi; ‘lagi’, ‘masih’, ‘pada tahun’, ‘sejak’, ‘saat’, ‘sewaktu’, ‘selama’, ‘sepanjang’, dan ’sudah’ menyatakan waktu; ‘ke’, ‘sebagai’, and ‘untuk’ menyatakan arah dan tujuan; ‘dan’, ‘memakai’, ‘mengenakan’, dan ‘terbalut’ yang menyatakan mengenakan sesuatu; ‘ber-‘ yang menyatakan tujuan dan cara, ‘dalam’ menyatakan tempat, posisi, waktu, topik khusus, keanggotaan, bentuk, situasi, alat atau sarana yang digunakan, dan cara; ‘dari’ yang menyatakan sumber, tempat, posisi, jarak, dan bahan yang digunakan; ‘di’ yang menyatakan tempat, posisi, dan waktu; ‘pada’ yang menyatakan tujuan, tempat, posisi, waktu, dan topik khusus; ‘dengan’ yang menyatakan situasi, kondisi, topik khusus, alat atau sarana yang digunakan, cara, dan mengenakan sesuatu; seperti yang menyatakan pengandaian dan kondisi;’ yang’ yang menyatakan proses dan kondisi; ‘karena’ yang menyatakan sebab dan topik khusus; ‘soal’ yang menyatakan topik; ’ jadi’ dan ‘menjadi’ yang menyatakan bentuk, pekerjaan, dan profesi; ’dalam rangka’ dan ‘telah’ yang menyatakan keterlibatan dalam suatu kegiatan; ‘demi’ yang menyatakan sumpah; dan ‘naik’ yang menyatakan alat atau sarana yang digunakan. Namun, dalam beberapa topik dalam konteks yang menyatakan tempat, keanggotaan, kondisi, dan situasi, preposisi in tidak diterjemahkan.



First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God Allah SWT for blessing and giving me opportunity, health, and ability to accomplish this paper. Afterwards, invocations and greetings I deliver to the last Prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us into the time of humanities.

I would like to thank to Dr. Syahron Lubis, M. A. as the Dean of Faculty of Culture Studies. Then, I would like to thank to Dr. Matius C. A. Sembiring, M. A., the Head of Diploma III English Study Program, who has shared his time to guide me in the process of my study. I would like to dedicate a deep gratitude to my supervisor, Drs. Umar Mono, Dipl. Tran, M. Hum and my reader, Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M. Hum for the valuable time to give the correct and give constructive criticisms in completing this paper. Then, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all lecturers in English Diploma Study Program for their valuable guidance and knowledges that they have gave to me during my study.

The most special thank is dedicated to my beloved parents, my father, Alm. Amir Husin Siregar and my mother, Rum Aidaty who have given me love, cares, advices, supports, and always pray for me in order to get my best. To my beloved elder brothers, Amrin, Kartono, Fajar, Bachtiar, and Irfan, my elder sister, Elya Fitri, thanks for the love, cares, advices, and motivations that you have given to me. Special thanks to kak Salha and kak Rani for your love,


Linda, kak Aisyah, kak Masdalifah, kak Widhi, Cut, Ummi, Yani, Ayu, Emma, Andry, Dita and the others sisters and broters in BTM Al Iqbal 2011. To all my sisters in UKMI Ad-Dakwah, kak Wina, kak Nina, kak Dina, kak Yuli, kak Hessy, Azizah, Yoan, Sukma, Sri and the others sisters and brothers in UKMI Ad-Dakwah, thanks for your cares, advices, and supports. Also thanks to my friends in my beloved boarding house, kak Evy, Khadijah, Hani, Risma, Wiwin, Mayang, and Kiki for your attention and advices to me.

Then to my best friends at English Diploma III 2008, Listiani, Mega, Amelia, Nila, Cicik, Hanim, Vivi, Handa, Delta, Rani, Maryadi, Ferry, Rahmat, Hanafi, and the others friends in class A and B, thank you very much for all of you, for your attention and support to me.

Finally, I realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I welcome any constructive criticisms and suggestions towards to this paper.

Medan, June 24th, 2011

The writer,

Dewi Putriani Siregar Reg. No. 082202064




ABSTRACT ………... i

ABSTRAK……….. ii



1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Problem of the Study………. 2

1.3 Purpose of the Study…… ... 2

1.4 Scope of the Study………... 3

1.5 Significance of the Study….. ... 3

1.6 The Method of Research……… ... 3

2. A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TRANSLATION 2.1 Definition of Translation……… ... 4

2.2 The Process of Translation……… .... 4

2.3 The Principles in Translation……… 6

3. A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PREPOSITION 3.1 Definition of Preposition………..….…. 8

3.2 The Function of Preposition……….. 8

3.3 The Types of Prepositions ... ... 9

3.4 The Usage of Prepositions At and In 3.4.1 The Usage of Preposition At ... 10

3.4.2 The Usage of Preposition In ... 13


4.2 The Translation of Preposition In………. ... 22

5. CONCLUSIONS & SUGGESTIONS 5.1 Conclusions ………. ... 35

5.2 Suggestions ………. ... 36 REFERENCES



This paper entitled “The Translation of Prepositions At and In, in the Harper Lee’s Novel To Kill A Mockingbird into Indonesian”. It discusses about the translations of prepositions at and in in the translated novel of To Kill A Mockingbird which was written by Harper Lee and translated into Indonesian by Femmy Syahrani. The purposes are to find out the translations of prepositions at and in in the translated novel and to find out their context of sentences. In the writing this paper, it applies library research method. After analyzing the source novel and its translated novel, it is found that preposition at is translated into Indonesian prepositions and conjunctions in a few of contexts, they are : ‘di’ and ‘di dekat’ which show place; ‘ke’, ‘kepada’, ‘ke arah’ and ‘saat’ which show purpose or direction; ‘dalam’, ‘ketika’, ‘sejak’, and ‘seperti’ which show time; ‘pada’ which shows direction, purpose, and time; ‘tentang’ which shows topic; and ‘oleh’ which shows cause. But, in some cases it is not translated for contexts that show direction, place, and time. Then, preposition in is translated into Indonesian prepositions and conjunctions in a few of contexts, they are ‘di dalam’, ‘di antara’, ‘di depan’, ‘di bawah’, ‘di atas’, and ‘lewat’ which show place, location, or position; ‘lagi’, ‘masih’, ‘pada tahun’, ‘sejak’, ‘saat’, ‘sewaktu’, ‘selama’, ‘sepanjang’, and ‘sudah’ which show time; ‘ke’, ‘sebagai’, and ‘untuk’ which show direction or purpose; ‘dan’, ‘memakai’, ‘mengenakan’, ‘terbalut’ which show wearing something; ‘ber-‘ which shows purpose and manner; ‘dalam’ which shows place, position, time, particular case, membership, shape or form, situation, instrument that used, and manner; ‘dari’ which shows source, place, position, distance, and material that used; ‘di’ which shows place, position, and time; ‘pada’ which shows direction, place or position, time, and particular case; ‘dengan’ which shows situation, condition, particular case, instrument that used,manner, and wearing something; ‘seperti’ which shows conditional and condition; ‘yang’ which shows process, situation, and condition; ‘karena’ which shows cause and particular case; ‘soal’ which shows topic; ‘jadi’ and ‘menjadi’ which show form, jobs and profession; ‘dalam rangka’ and ‘telah’ which show involvement in something; ‘demi’ which shows oath; and ‘naik’ which shows instrument that used. In some cases, preposition in is not translated for contexts that show place, involvement or membership, condition, and situation.



Kertas karya yang berjudul “The Translation of Prepositions At and In in the Harper Lee’s Novel To Kill A Mockingbird into Indonesian” ini membahas tentang penerjemahan preposisi at dan in dalam novel terjemahan To Kill A Mockingbird karya Harper Lee yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia oleh Femmy Syahrani. Tujuannya adalah untuk menemukan terjemahan preposisi at dan in dalam novel terjemahan tersebut dan menjelaskan konteks kalimatnya. Penulisan kertas karya ini menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan. Setelah menganalisis novel asli dan terjemahannya, maka ditemukan bahwa preposisi at diterjemahkan menjadi preposisi dan konjungsi dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan berada dalam beragam konteks yaitu ‘di’ dan ‘di dekat’ yang menyatakan tempat; ‘ke’, ‘kepada’, ‘ke arah’ dan ‘saat’ yang menyatakan arah atau tujuan; ‘dalam’,’ketika’, ‘sejak’, dan ‘seperti’ yang menyatakan waktu; ‘pada’ yang menyatakan arah, tujuan, dan waktu; ‘tentang’ yang menyatakan topik; dan ‘oleh’ yang menyatakan sebab. Tetapi dalam beberapa kalimat dalam konteks yang menyatakan arah, tempat, dan waktu, preposisi ini tidak diterjemahkan . Sedangkan preposisi in diterjemahkan menjadi preposisi dan konjungsi Bahasa Indonesia di dalam konteks yang beragam yaitu ‘di dalam’, ‘di antara’, ’di depan’, ’di bawah’, ‘di atas’, and ‘lewat’ yang menyatakan tempat, lokasi, atau posisi; ‘lagi’, ‘masih’, ‘pada tahun’, ‘sejak’, ‘saat’, ‘sewaktu’, ‘selama’, ‘sepanjang’, dan ’sudah’ menyatakan waktu; ‘ke’, ‘sebagai’, and ‘untuk’ menyatakan arah dan tujuan; ‘dan’, ‘memakai’, ‘mengenakan’, dan ‘terbalut’ yang menyatakan mengenakan sesuatu; ‘ber-‘ yang menyatakan tujuan dan cara, ‘dalam’ menyatakan tempat, posisi, waktu, topik khusus, keanggotaan, bentuk, situasi, alat atau sarana yang digunakan, dan cara; ‘dari’ yang menyatakan sumber, tempat, posisi, jarak, dan bahan yang digunakan; ‘di’ yang menyatakan tempat, posisi, dan waktu; ‘pada’ yang menyatakan tujuan, tempat, posisi, waktu, dan topik khusus; ‘dengan’ yang menyatakan situasi, kondisi, topik khusus, alat atau sarana yang digunakan, cara, dan mengenakan sesuatu; seperti yang menyatakan pengandaian dan kondisi;’ yang’ yang menyatakan proses dan kondisi; ‘karena’ yang menyatakan sebab dan topik khusus; ‘soal’ yang menyatakan topik; ’ jadi’ dan ‘menjadi’ yang menyatakan bentuk, pekerjaan, dan profesi; ’dalam rangka’ dan ‘telah’ yang menyatakan keterlibatan dalam suatu kegiatan; ‘demi’ yang menyatakan sumpah; dan ‘naik’ yang menyatakan alat atau sarana yang digunakan. Namun, dalam beberapa topik dalam konteks yang menyatakan tempat, keanggotaan, kondisi, dan situasi, preposisi in tidak diterjemahkan.



1.1Background of the Study

Nowadays many English novels have been translated into Indonesian, but the quality of their translation is still categorized in law quality such as not accurate enough, not easy to be understood, and not natural in translation. To analyze the lack of the translated novels many aspects can be discussed. For instance the transferring of meaning and contexts; the dictions, phrases, and sentences structures in the translated novel; the translation of parts of speech; the translation of tenses; etcetera.

Parts of speech are parts which are always found in sentence. If this aspect is analyzed, the lacks in sentences of the translated novel are able to be found— the accuracy of translated sentences and the sentences in the source language can be evaluated. One of kinds of part of speech which is usually used in sentences is preposition. The usage of each preposition in sentences is different. It depends on contexts in the sentences, so their translation in Indonesian will be different appropriate to the context. Although the preposition used is the same, for instance, to used in a sentence and another sentence also use to, but the context is different, the translation may be different. For example: 1) “I need speak to you” and 2) “use the flag to indicate your location”. To in first sentence will be translated into Indonesian as “dengan” or “kepada” while to in second sentence will be translated as “untuk” in Indonesian.

Prepositions at and in are prepositions which are most used in sentences. Through the analysis of the translation of these prepositions, the


transferring of contexts in the source language sentences can be found—the meanings in the source novel are transferred well or not.

To Kill A Mockingbird, a novel by Harper Lee is translated by Femmy Syahrani. The object to be discussed because the novel uses many of prepositions at and in in various of contexts. So, in the translated novel these prepositions are translated in various words depend on contexts where the prepositions are. Besides that the novel is choosen because it is a famous novel which won Pulitzer Award 1961. It must be a good novel with marvelous content.

1.2Problem of the Study

1. What are translations of prepositions at and in in the translated novel?

2. What are the contexts in sentences of the source novel in which the

preposition at and in used?

1.3Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study are:

1. To find out the translations of prepositions at and in in the translated novel.

2. To find out the contexts in sentences of the source novel in which the


1.4Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is on translation of parts of speech that is prepositions, specifically it discusses about translation of prepositions at and in into Indonesian. This study explains the translation of prepositios at and in in various contexts which are in the novel.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The significance of the study are:

1. As a guide to study prepositions especially in usage of at and in.

2. As a guide to study the translations of prepositions at and in in various contexts.

3. To be a reference for the next researcher to analyze translation and the grammar.

1.6The Method of Research

In writing this paper, the writer uses library research. For references, the writer collects and reads English grammar books and translation theory books. The sources of data are Harper Lee’s novel To Kill A Mockingbird in English and its translation in Indonesian. The data, translation of preposition at and in, found in the Indonesian novel version as translated novel and in the English version as the original novel. The writer consults the both versions of the novel to find what and how the translation of preposition at and in on various contexts in the novel.



2.1 Definition of Translation

According to Brislin (1976) quoted by Nababan (1999:19) translation is general term which refer to transferring of idea or concept from a source language into target language. Then, Nida and Taber (1982) in Widyamartaya (1989:11) state that translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of a source language message, firstly in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.

It can be concluded that the key in translation is equivalence, that is congruence in meaning between text in source language and text in target language. The equivalence involves equivalence in linguistic and non-linguistic (context of situation and culture) unsures.

2.2 The Process of Translation

According to Nida and Taber (1974) in Machali (2000) there are three

steps in process of translation : 1) analysis (to comprehend the text); 2) transferring (transferring the language); and 3) adaptation into factors in the target language. And according to Suryawininata (1987: 80) quoted by Nababan (1999: 25), process of translation is in three steps: 1) analysis of source language text; 2) transferring of meaning; and 3) restructuring. The three steps which proposed by Suryawininata is showed in the following draft:


Analysis Restructuring

▼ TrTtttttt▼ ▲ ▲


1) Evaluation and Revision 3)

Suryawininata (1987: 80) in Nababan(1999: 25) 1) Analysis of Source Language Text

The analysis is done by reading text to comprehend the meaning of the text. This comprehension requires the understanding of linguistic and extralinguistic unsures. Linguistic unsures refer to language unsures, the analysis is done in all of sorts of levels such as sentence, clause, phrase, and word which are in the source language text. While extralinguistic unsures are related to socio-cultural of source language.

2) Transferring of Meaning

After grasping the meaning and structures of source language, the next step is transfer the content, meaning or message which are in source language into target language. The translator is demanded to find the equivalence of source language words in target language. This process is mind process, it takes place in translator’s mind.

Source language text

Content meaning message

MIND PROCESS Transferring



Content, Meaning, Message Content,

Meaning, Message

Target language text


3) Restructuring

Restructuring is the change of tranferring process to be stilistic form which match the target language, reader, or listener (Kridalaksana, 1984 in Nababan, 1999). In this step, the translator is demanded to decide what language style that appropriate to the type of translated text. Also, the translator has to notice to whom this translation for.

2.3 The Principles in Translation

Duff (1989) and Choliluddin (2009) quoted by Muchtar (2009: 41-44) proposed the principles in translation, they are:

1. The translation should reflect accurately the meaning of the original text. Nothing should be arbitrary added or removed, though sometimes part of the meaning can be transposed.

2. The ordering of the words and ideas in the translation should match the original as closely as possible.

3. Language often differ greatly in their levels of formality in a given context, for example in the business letter. To resolve these differences, the translator must distinguish between formal and fix expression, and personal expression in which the writer or speaker sets the tone.

4. One of the most frequent criticisms of translation is it does not sound ‘natural’ because the translator’s thoughts and choice of words are too


the source language is to set the text aside and translate a few sentences aloud from memory. This will suggest natural patterns of thought.

5. It will be better if the translator does not change the style of the original. But if it is needed the translator may change it.

6. Idiomatic expression including similes, metaphors, proverbs, and sayings, jargon, slang, and colloafest quialisms and phrasal verbs are often unstranstable.



3.1 Definition of Preposition

Preposition is a relation or function word that connects a lexical word, usually a noun or pronoun, or syntactic contruction, to another element of the sentence

The position of preposition in sentence is in front of a noun or pronoun.

3.2The Function of Preposition

The function of prepositions are used to express: 1) Place (e.g. under, over, near, beside, etcetera); 2) Time (e.g. in, at, on, after, for, during, while, of, past, to, etcetera); 3) Direction (e.g. under, left, toward, into, through, to, down, etcetera); 4) Agent or means (e.g. by); 5) Instrument (e.g. by, with); 6) Accompaniment (e.g. with); 7) Cause and Purpose (e.g. because of, for, out of, from, etcetera); 8) Possession (e.g. of); 9) Similarity (e.g. like); 10) Measure (e.g. by, for);11) Capacity (e.g. As); 12) Source (e.g. from, out of); 13) Comparison (e.g. like,; 14) Coccession (e.g. In spite of, despite, notwithstanding); 15) Manner (e.g. by, like, on, with); 16) State or condition (e.g. at, in, for).


3.3 The Types of Prepositions

1. Simple Preposition

It is one preposition. The prepositions are in, at, on, after, over, with, etcetera.

2. Double Preposition

It is used if simple preposition is not enough to state the meaning completely. The prepositions are into, onto, from under, inside, out of, etcetera.

3. Compound Preposition

It is two words which are united, usually it is formed by noun,

adjective, or adverb which are joined to preposition “be”(=by) or “a”(= on).

The prepositions are across (on+cross), behind(by+hind),

above(on+by+up), below(by+low), before(by=+fore), but(by+out+except), etcetera.

4. Phrase Preposition

It is idiomatic preposition, consist of two or more words that arranged in word series and end in simple preposition. For examples: On account of, on behalf of, instead of, for the sake of, inspite of, in front of, because of, etcetera.


5. Participle Preposition

It is the preposition which is like verb. The prepositions are during, owing to, except, considering, according to, notwithstanding, concerning, past, etcetera.

6. Disguised Preposition

It is the preposition which mengalami the change of form. For


• “By” change to be “be” as in between(by+twain), beneath(by+neath). • “On” change to be “a” as in across(on+cross), and “on” change to be “of”

as in o’clock (of clock).

3.4 The Usage of Prepositions At and In

3.4.1 The Usage of preposition At

1. Indicates place

To talk about a place that mean a point rather than area, such as adress, public place, and others. Use at to indicate address if it state the name of street by the number of address. Don’t use at to talk about town or country.

Example: It’s better we meet at 35 Sutomo Road, my home, than we meet at the market.


2. To state the distance away from something

Example: She saw the accident at six metres.

3. Indicates Time

a. To indicate exact points of time such as state hour. Use at with midnight, noon, but not with article such as ‘the midle of night’, etcetera

Example: They are going to arive at midnight or at 7 o’clock in the morning.

b. To state short periods of time that mean points.

Example: They are going to Sibayak at the beginning of this month or at the end of July.

c. To state short holiday periods such as Lebaran, Christmas

Weekend. But if there add word “day”, use on instead of in such as ‘on New Year’s Day’.

Example: We have to choose the time of picnic: at the weekend or at Lebaran.

d. To indicate mealtimes, such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, etcetera.

Example: We usually meet at breakfast.

e. Use at with night when the mean ‘when it is night’ or ‘each


Example: Dare you to pass in front of a cemetery at night?

f. Use at in the phrase ‘at the moment (now)’ but use in to state ‘In a moment’ (in a short period of time)

Example: Kania is in Berastagi at the moment.

Compare with: I’ll be with you in a moment

g. To state age

Example: He still have strong to work in a farm at the age of 65.

4. Used with adjectives to show how well someone does something

Example: She is at his new tricks to get the advantages, but we have to apreciate that she is good at translation.

5. Used with adjectives to show the cause of something

Example: She is happy at her index prestation.

6. To show the situation of someone or something is in, what someone is doing or what is happening

Example: although our country is not at monetary crisis, but moral is our crisis now.

7. Used after a verb to show that someone tries to do something or partly does something


8. Direction or purpose

Example: The police aimed the rifle at his calf.

9. To talk about event such as concert, party, funeral, etecetera

Example: Before she saw the man at her cousin’s funeral, she saw him at the movie where his cousin’s dead-body found.

10. To talk about price, if amount of the money is not stated

Example: May we can pay their help at such a high price.

11. To state a rate, speed, etcetera

Example: After lent out the money at 5 percent from the bank, she drove at 100 mph to the hospital.

3.4.2 The Usage of Preposition In

1. Indicates Place

a. To state a position within a large area, or something within a space such as continent, country, town, part of town, bag, etcetera.

Example: There’s another inexpensive public health centre in Birmingham.

b. To state the name of road without the number

Example: She choose to study at university which is in Iskandar Muda Road.


c. Outside Areas

Example: They played the characters of dramas in the back yard.

d. Rooms

Example: In courtroom, the folks waited for the witness’ words.

e. If something is inside or surrounded by the other thing.

Example: Since she found the snake in her wardrobe, she put all of her clothes on the rack.

2. Indicates Time

a. To state long periods of time such as months, years, decades,

centuries, seasons, and other periods such as the week before Lebaran, the hours before the exam, etcetera.

Example: The access above this river worked in two years.

b. To talk about how long it will be before something happens

Example: In a few hours he will be ariving at Gambir Station.

c. To state how long something takes

Example: Trust me, the car can you get in three years!


Example: The pilgrims are going to leave at 8 o’clock in the evening.

3. To talk about particular case or topic. Usually it is preceded by adjective

Example: The new distributor put discount in buying and selling the goods.

4. To show the language, material, and etecera used

Example: The teacher wrote it in pen.

5. To talk about jobs or profession

Example: She is engaged in labour.

6. To show situation or condition

Example: The museum is in bad condition.

7. To show the form, shape, arragement or quantity of something

Example: She analyze the novel which is in 31 chapters.

8. To state wearing something

Example: That night, she was in gown.

9. To state involved in something or take part in something


10. To show concerning in something

Example: Indonesia is rich in natural resources.

11. To show something happen while another is happening

Example: In looking for the datas of thesis, he nearly forgot to eat.

12. Used to introduce name of a person who has a particular quality

Example: Indonesians still have a second-rate motivator in Tung Desem Waringin.

13. Used to show a rate or relative amount



There are various translations of prepositions at and in in the translated novel. The variety depend on the contexts.

4.1 The Translation of Preposition At

In the Indonesian translated novel, preposition at is translated into “di”, “di dekat”, “ke”, “ke arah”, “kepada”, “saat”, “dalam”, “ketika”, “sejak”, “seperti”, “pada”, “dengan”, “oleh”, and “tentang”, but in some cases, it is not translated into Indonesian.

1. Preposition At is Translated into “di” and “di dekat”

In context of showing place, preposition at is translated into “di-“ and “di dekat”, but in some cases it is not translated as shows in the following examples:

Source Language Indonesian Translation

Their sister Alexandra was the Finch who remained at the Landing... (Lee, 1960: 5)

We left the corner, crossed the side street that ran in front of the Radley house, and stopped at the gate. (Lee, 1960: 18)

Atticus was at the hat rack in the hall. (Lee, 1960: 138)

There was no color in his face except at the tip his nose,... (Lee, 1960: 30)

Tim Johnson was advancing at a

Saudari mereka, Alexandra, menjadi satu - satunya Finch yang tetap tinggal di Landing. (Syahrani, 2010:18)

Kami meninggalkan tikungan, menyebrangi jalan samping yang melintas di depan rumah Radley dan berhenti di gerbang. (Syahrani, 2010: 37)

Atticus berada di dekat gantungan topi di ruang tamu. (syahrani, 2010: 203)

Wajahnya tak berwarna, kecuali

ujung hidungnya yang merah

muda dan lembap. (Syahrani, 2010: 54)


snail’s pace, but he was not playing or sniffing at foliage... (Lee, 1960: 126)

siput, tetapi dia tidak bermain atau mengendus dedaunan... (Syahrani, 2010: 188)

2. Preposition At is Translated into “ke-”, “ke arah”, “kepada”, and


In context of showing direction preposition at is translated into “ke”, “ke arah”, “kepada”, and “saat”, but in some cases it is not translated as shows in the following examples:

Source Novel Indonesian Translation

As I made my way home, I felt very old, but when I looked at the tip of my nose... (Lee, 1960: 374)

Dill would be leaving for Meridian tomorrow, today he was off with Jem at Barker’s Eddy. (Lee, 1960: 305)

...Mr. Tate was looking at me sharply. (Lee, 1960: 361)

I wheeled around, startled, then turn back to Atticus in time to catch his swift glance at her... (Lee, 1960: 181)

Atticus sat down and nodded to the circuit solicitor, who shook his head at the judge... (Lee, 1960: 226)

He sat with his head down, and I never saw anybody glare at anyone with the hatred Mayella showed when... (252)

Sepanjang perjalanan pulang, aku merasa sangat tua, tetapi saat memandang ke ujung hidungku... (Syahrani, 2010: 530)

Dill akan berangkat ke Meridian besok; hari ini dia pergi bersama Jem ke pusaran Barker. (Syahrani, 2010: 433)

...Mr. Tate menatap tajam ke

arahku. (Syahrani, 2010: 511)

Aku menoleh, terkejut, lalu kembali menatap Atticus, cukup cepat untuk menyaksikan lirikan kilatnnya ke arah Bibi Alexandra... (Syahrani, 2010: 262) Atticus duduk dan mengangguk

kepada jaksa wilayah, yang menggeleng kepada hakim.. (Syahrani, 2010: 323)

Dia duduk dengan kepala menunduk, dan aku belum pernah melihat seseorang mendelik

kepada orang lain dengan

kebencian yang diperlihatkan Mayella ketika... (Syahrani, 2010: 358)


was quite calm during That’s All the Harris in You Coming Out, smiled at her Reckon You Can stay One Night... (Lee, 1960: 189)

...people still looked at the Radley Place,... (Lee, 1960: 10)

When I asked Atticus, Atticus was so amused I was rather annoyed, but he said he wasn’t laughing at me. (Lee, 1960: 336)

Mencemaskanmu, cukup tenang ketika mendengar Itu Gara-Gara Kau Keturunan Harris, tersenyum

saat mendengar Kau Boleh

Menginap Semalam (Syahrani, 2010: 273)

...orang masih memelototi Radley Place... (Syahrani, 2010: 26)

Waktu aku bertanya kepada Atticus, Atticus begitu geli sehingga aku agak kesal, tetapi katanya dia tidak menertawakan

aku. (Syahrani, 2010: 476)

3. Preposition At is Translated into “dalam”, “ketika”, “sejak”, and


In context of showing time, preposition at is translated into “dalam”, “ketika”, “sejak”, and “seperti”, but in some cases it is not translated as shows in the following examples:

Source Language Indonesian Translation

He had probably never seen three quarters together at the same time in his life. (Lee, 1960: 26)

...the back of his neck raddening at the sound of his name. (Lee, 1960: 227)

At the witness’s afirmative nod he

continued... (Lee, 1960: 230)

Aunt Alexandra was Atticus’s sister, but when Jem told me about cangelings and siblings, I decided that she had been swapped at birth... (Lee, 1960:.103)

Atticus rose at his usual ungodly hour and was in the livingroom...

Mungkin seumur hidupnya dia belum pernah melihat uang 75 sen

dalam waktu yang bersamaan.

(Syahrani, 2010: 48)

...tengkuknya memerah ketika mendengar namanya disebut. (Syahrani, 2010: 324)

Ketika saksi mengangguk, dia

melanjutkan... (Syahrani, 2010: 329)

Bibi Alexandra adalah adik Atticus, tetapi ketika Jem bercerita tentang persaudaraan dan bayi tertukar, aku menjadi yakin bahwa Bibi Alexandra tertukar sejak lahir... (Syahrani, 2010: 155) Atticus bangun pagi sekali seperti


(Lee, 1960: 285) there was nothing much Atticus could do for his clients except be present at their departure... (Lee, 1960: 5)

The Negro would not pass the Radley Place at night... (Lee, 1960: 11)

duduk... (Syahrani, 2010:405)

Jadi tak banyak yang dapat dilakukan Atticus bagi kliennya selain menghadiri eksekusi

mereka. (Syahrani, 2010: 18)

Orang Negro tak akan melewati Radley Place malam-malam... ( Syahrani, 2010: 26)

4. Preposition At is Translated into “pada”

In contexts of showing direction and time preposition at is translated into “pada” as shows in the following examples:

Source Language Indonesian Translation

Atticus shook his head at me again (Lee, 1960: 32)

Miss Caroline pointed a shaking finger not at the floor nor at a desk. (Lee, 1960: 34)

Jhon Hale Finch was ten years younger than my father, and choose to study at a time when cotton was not worth growing. (Lee, 1960: 6) Mr. Radley’s elder son lived in

Pensacola; he came home at Christmas... (Lee, 1960: 14)

Atticus menggeleng lagi padaku. (Syahrani, 2010 : 56)

Miss Caroline menudingkan jarinya tidak pada lantai atau meja... (Syahrani, 2010 : 58)

John Hali Finch lebih muda sepuluh tahun dari ayahku, dan memilih belajar ilmu kedokteran

pada masa kapas tak lagi

berharga... (Syahrani, 2010 : 19) Putra sulung Mr. Radley tinggal

di Pensacola; dia pulang pada hari Natal... (Syahrani, 2010 : 32)

5. Preposition At is Translated into “dengan”

In contexts of showing direction and manner, preposition at is translated into “dengan” as shows in the following examples:

Source Language Indonesian Translation


I wasn’t sure what Jem resented most, but I took umbrage at Mrs. Dubose’s assessment of the family’s mental hygiene. (Lee, 1960: 136)

When I passed the Radley Place for the fourth time that day—twice at a full gallop. (Lee 1960: 37)

2010: 169)

Aku tak yakin bagian mana yang paling menjengkelkan Jem, tetapi aku tersinggung dengan penilaian Mrs. Dubose tentang kesehatan mental keluargaku. (Syahrani, 2010: 200)

Ketika aku melewati Radley Place keempat kalinya hari itu— dua kali dengan lari secepat mungkin... (Syahrani, 2010: 63)

6. Preposition At is Translated into “oleh”

In context of showing cause, preposition at is translated into “oleh” as shows in the following example:

Source Language Indonesian Translation

“Was this the first time you asked him to come inside the fence?” Mayella jumped slightly at the question. (Lee, 1960: 246)

“Apakah ini pertama kalinya Anda memintanya masuk ke dalam pagar?”

Mayella sedikit tersentak oleh pertanyaan itu. (Syahrani, 2010: 351)

7. Preposition At is Translated into “tentang”

In context of showing topic or particular case, preposition at is translated into “tentang” as shows in the following example:

Source Language Indonesian Translation

She gave Miss Maudie a look of pure gratitude, and I wondered at the world of women. (Lee, 1960: 312)

Dia memberi Miss Maudie pandangan terimakasih, dan aku terheran-heran tentang dunia wanita. (Syahrani, 2010: 444)


4.2 The Translation of Preposition In

In the translated novel, preposition in is translated into. “di dalam”, “di antara”, “di depan”, “di bawah”, “di atas”, “lewat”,”lagi”, “masih”, “pada tahun”,”sejak”, ”saat”, “sewaktu”, “selama”, “sepanjang”, “sudah”, “ke”, “sebagai”, ”untuk”, “dan”, ”memakai”, “mengenakan”, “terbalut”,” ber-“, “dalam”, ”dari”, “di”, “pada”, “dengan”, “seperti”, “yang”,” karena”,” soal”, “jadi”, “menjadi”, “dalam rangka”, “telah”, “karena”, “demi”, and “naik”. But in some cases it is not translated into Indonesian.

1. Preposition In is Translated into “di dalam”, “di antara”, “di depan”,

“di bawah”, “di atas”, and “lewat”

In context of showing place, location, or position, preposition in is translated into “di dalam”, “di antara”, “di depan”, “di bawah”, “di atas”, and “lewat”, but in some cases it is not translated as shows in the following examples:

Source Novel Indonesian translation

“He in there, Mr. Finch?” a man said. (Lee,1960: 202)

“...What happens in houses behind closed doors, what secrets.” (Lee,1960: 61)

“...her camellias grown up in weeds and Johnson grass.” (Lee,1960: 199)

“They hafta try him in public, Miss maudie.”, I said. (Lee,1960:

“Dia di dalam Mr. Finch?” kata seseorang. (Syahrani, 2010: 290) “...Apa yang terjadi di dalam

rumah di balik pintu tertutup, rahasia apa—“ (Syahrani, 2010: 95)

...kamelianya tumbuh di antara ilalang dan alang-alang. (Syahrani, 2010: 287)

“Mereka harus mengadilinya di


shelter of the Jitney Jungle door. (Lee,1960: 201)

“We shouldn’t walk about in it,“ said Jem. “Look, every step you take...” (Lee,1960: 87) d ats “...Walk back in your track,

though,”(Lee,1960: 88)

Dill and Jem were simply going to peep in the window... (Lee, 1960: 69)

Jem peered in the bank door to make sure. (Lee,1960: 200) Boo transition from the basement

to back home was nebulous in Jem’s memory. (Lee,1960: 14) Francis is climbed the mimosa

tree, came down, put his hands in his pockets... (Lee,1960: 111)

bawah naungan pintu Jitney

Jungle. (Syahrani, 2010: 290) “Kita tak boleh berjalan-jalan di

atasnya,” kata Jem. “Lihat, setiap

langkahmu membuang salju sia-sia.” (Syahrani, 2010: 131)

“...jalan di atas jejak yang sudah ada ya.” (Syahrani, 2010: 134) Dill dan Jem hanya ingin

mengintip lewat jendela... (Syahrani, 2010: 105)

Jem mengintip lewat pintu bank untuk memastikan. (Syahrani, 2010: 288)

Perpindahan Boo dari ruang bawah tanah kembali ke rumah hanya samar-samar diingat Jem. (Syahrani, 2010: 31)

Francis memanjat pohon akasia, turun, mengantungi tangannya... (Syahrani, 2010: 168)

2. Preposition In is Translated into “lagi”, “masih”, “pada tahun”,

“sejak”, “saat”, “sewaktu”, “selama”, “sepanjang”, and “sudah”

In context of showing time, preposition in is translated into “lagi”, “masih”, “pada tahun”, “sejak”, “saat”, “sewaktu”, “selama, “sepanjang”, and “sudah”, but in some cases it is not translated as shows in the following examples:

Source Language Indonesian Translation

“Jean-Louise-Finch, you are going to die in three days. (Lee, 1960: 48)

...I would be starting to school in a week (Lee, 1960: 20)

...when the younger Radley boy was in his teens he became acquainted with some of the Cunninghams... (Lee, 1960: 12)

“Jean--Louise—Finch, kau akan mati tiga hari lagi.” (Syahrani, 1960: 78)

...aku akan mulai bersekolah semingggu lagi. (Syahrani, 1960: 39)

...ketika putra bungsu Radley

masih belasan tahun, dia

berkenalan dengan beberapa anggota keluarga Cunningham...


“ in 1864, when Stonewall Jackson came around by...” (Lee, 1960: 101)

Old Sarum, their stamping grounds, was populated by two families separate and apart in the beginning... (Lee, 1960: 220) I didn’t think it wise in the first

place to let them—( Lee, 1960: 285)

He remembered her clearly and sometimes in the middle of the game he would sigh at length... (Lee, 1960: 7)

Long ago, in a burst of friendliness.. (Lee, 1960: 102)

She learned about it in college. (Lee, 1960: 24)

She was even lonelier than Boo Radley, who had not been out of the house in twenty five years. (Lee, 1960: 256)

...he never spoke a word to me in my life... (Lee, 1960: 102)

...he had never called a doctor to any of his’n in his life... (Lee, 1960: 235)

”...we haven’t done anything in church in years.” (Lee, 1960: 155)

Men’s stiff collars wilted by nine

in the morning. (Lee, 1960: 6)

(Syahrani, 1960: 28)

...nah, pada tahun 1864, ketika Stonewall Jackson mampir—( Syahrani, 1960: 153)

Old sarum, tanah mereka, didiami oleh dua keluarga yang terpisah sejak awal... (Syahrani, 1960: 316)

“Kurasa tidak bijak sejak awal membiarkan mereka-- (Syahrani, 1960: 404)

Dia mengingatnya dengan sangat jelas, terkadang, saat kami sedang bermain dia menghela nafas panjang... (Syahrani, 1960: 21)

Dahulu sekali, saat mereka masih akrab... (Syahrani, 1960: 155) Dia mempelajarinya sewaktu

kuliah. (Syahrani, 1960: 44)

Dia bahkan lebih kesepian daripada Boo Radley, yang belum pernah keluar rumah

selama dua puluh lima tahun.

(Syahrani, 1960: 365)

...dia tak pernah mengucapkan sepatah kata pun padaku

sepanjang hidupku... (Syahrani,

1960: 155)

Dia tak pernah memanggil dokter untuk anak-anaknya sepanjang hidupnya... (Syahrani, 1960: 335) “...kami sudah bertahun-tahun

bersikap baik di gereja.” (Syahrani, 1960: 226)

Kerah baju kaku kaum lelaki tampak lusuh pada pukul

sembilan pagi. (Syahrani,


3. Preposition In is Translated into “ke”, “sebagai”, and “untuk”

In context of showing direction and purpose preposition in is translated into “ke”, “sebagai”, and “untuk” as shows in the following examples:.

Source Language Indonesian Translation

His mother worked for a photographer in Meridian, had entered his picture in a Beautiful Child contest... (Lee, 1960: 8) It was then that Calpurnia

requested my presence in the kitchen. (Lee, 1960: 32)

I tackled his entailment once more

in a last-ditch effort to make him

feel at home. (Lee, 1960: 205)

...for several years thereafter he invested his earnings in his brother’s education. (Lee, 1960: 5)

...which she has done in an effort to get rid of her own guilt. (Lee, 1960: 271)

Ibunya yang bekerja untuk seorang fotografer di Meridian, memasukkan foto Dill ke lomba anak menawan... (Syahrani, 1960: 23)

Pada saat itulah Calpurnia mengajakku ke dapur (Syahrani, 1960: 56)

...aku mencoba mengajaknya bicara tentang kasus warisannya sekali lagi sebagai upaya terakhir untuk membuatnya nyaman. (Syahrani, 1960: 295)

Beberapa tahun setelahnya, dia menanamkan pendapatannya

untuk pendidikan adiknya.

(Syahrani, 1960: 19)

...yang dilakukan perempuan itu

untuk menyingkirkan rasa

bersalahnya sendiri. (Syahrani, 1960: 386)

4. Preposition In is Translated into “dan”, ‘memakai”, “mengenakan”, and “terbalut”

In context of showing wearing something preposition in is translated into “dan”, ‘memakai”, “mengenakan”, and “terbalut” as shows in the following examples:


Source Language Indonesian Translation •A bearded man in a wool hat

drove them. (Lee, 1960: 211) “...You should be in a dress

and camisole...” (Lee, 1960: 135)

It had something to do with my going around in overalls (Lee, 1960: 108)

I gigled at the thought of Jem

in an apron. (Lee, 1960: 109)

He was in a black suit, black tie, white shirt, and a gold watch-chain... (Lee, 1960: 160)

Seorang laki-laki berjanggut dan bertopi wol mengemudikan gerobak. (Syahrani, 2010: 303)

“...Kamu mestinya memakai rok dan kamisol...” (Syahrani, 2010: 199) Kalimat itu muncul karena aku suka

mengenakan overall. (Syahrani,

2010: 162)

Aku cekikikan membayangkan Jem

mengenakan celemek. (Syahrani,

2010: 164)

Tubuhnya yang pendek dan gempal

terbalut setelan jas hitam, dasi hitam,

kemeja putih, dan jam rantai emas... (Syahrani, 2010: 233)

5. Preposition In is Translated into “ber-“

In contexts of showing purpose and manner, preposition in is translated into “ber-“ as shows in the following examples:

Source Language Indonesian Translation

“There are ways of keeping them

in school by force...” (Lee, 1960:


It was dawn beforevthe men began to leave, first one by one, then in groups. (Lee, 1960: 94)

“Ada cara-cara untuk memaksa mereka bersekolah dengan

kekerasan... (Syahrani, 1960: 67) Subuh menjelang ketika

orang-orang mulai beranjak, mula-mula satu persatu, lalu berkelompok. (Syahrani, 1960: 143)

6. Preposition In is Translated into “dalam”

In context of showing place or position, time, particular case, membership, shape or form, situation, instrument that used, and manner preposition in is translated into “dalam”, but in some cases it is not


Source Language Indonesian Transalation •Hoover carts flicked flies in the

sweltering shade of the live oaks on the square. (Lee, 1960: 6) ...I heard an unfamiliar jingle in

Jem’s pocket. (Lee, 1960: 20) “...I hope it’s not in you children’s

time.” (Lee, 1960: 296)

We could not expect her to learn all Maycomb’s ways in one day... (Lee, 1960: 40)

“He didn’t have any lunch,” I said, and explained my involvement in Walter’s dietary affairs. (Lee, 1960: 30)

“...In Your case, the law remains

rigid. So to school you must go.” (Lee, 1960: 40)

For some reason, my first year of school had wrought a great change in our relationship. (Lee, 1960: 45)

It was customary for the men in the family... (Lee, 1960: 4)

...printed the alphabet in enermous square capitals. (Lee, 1960: 22)

...the class received these impressionistic revelations in silence. (Lee, 1960: 24)

Jem whisted bob-white and Dill answered in the darkness. (Lee, 1960: 67)

...if scrubbed with lye soap in very hot water, his skin was white. (Lee, 1960: 229)

I asked Atticus if Mr. Cunningham would ever pay us.

“Not in money, “ Atticus said... (Lee, 1960: 27)

Kereta Hoover mengibas-ngibas lalat dalam bayangan pohon ek di alun-alun. (Syahrani, 2010: 19) ...aku mendengar gemerincing

yang mencurigakan dalam saku Jem. (Syahrani, 2010: 40)

“...Kuharap tidak dalam masa kalian.” (Syahrani, 2010: 420) Kami tak bisa menuntutnya

mengetahui semua kebiasaan Maycomb dalam sehari... (Syahrani, 2010: 66)

“Dia tidak bawa bekal,” kataku, lalu menjelaskan keterlibatanku

dalam urusan makanan Walter.

(Syahrani, 2010: 53)

Dalam kasusmu, hukum tetap

kaku. Jadi, kau harrus bersekolah. (Syahrani, 2010: 67) Entah mengapa, tahun pertamaku

bersekolah telah menciptakan perubahan besar dalam hubunganku dengan Calpurnia. (Syahrani, 2010: 74)

Menurut kebiasaan, kaum lelaki

dalam keluarga Finch..

(Syahrani, 2010: 17)

...menuliskan alfabet dalam huruf kapital yang kotak-kotak dan besar-besar... (Syahrani, 2010: 42)

...seluruh kelas menerima pertunjukkan standar ini ini

dalam keheningan (Syahrani,

2010: 45)

Jem menyiulkan kicau burung puyuh dan Dill menyahut dalam kegelapan. (Syahrani, 2010: 74) ...jika digosok dengan sabun alkali

dalam air sangat panas, kulitnya

berwarna putih. (Syahrani, 2010: 327)

...aku bertanya pada Atticus apakah Mr. Cunningham akan pernah membayar kami.


In his lawyer’s voice, without a

shade of inflection, he said... (Lee, 1960: 177)

He told Jem that folks in Meridian certainly weren’t as afraid as the folks in Maycomb... (Lee, 1960: 17) 35

...Dolphus Raymond’s in the clutches of wiskey. (Lee, 1960: 268)

“Why on earth are you all sitting

in the dark?”, he asked. (Lee,

1960: 195)

kata Atticus... (Syahrani, 2010: 49)

Dalam suara pengacaranya,

tanpa mengubah nada, dia berkata,... (Syahrani, 2010: 256) Dia berkata kepada Jem bahwa

warga Meridian tentunya tidak

sepenakut penduduk Maycomb... (Syahrani, 2010: 35)

Dholpus Raymond dikuasai wiski... (Syahrani, 2010: 381)

“Kenapa pula kalian semua duduk bergelap-gelapan?”,

tanyanya. (Syahrani, 2010: 281)

7. Preposition In is translated into “dari”

In context of showing source, place, position, distance, and material that used preposition in is translated into “dari” as shows in the following examples:

Source Language Indonesian Translation

Jem and I heard something next 3door in Miss Rachel Haverford’s collard patch... (Lee, 1960: 7)

”Don’t eat things you find, Scout.”

“This wasn’t on the ground, it was in a tree.” (Lee, 1960: 44) “Shut up! He’s gone in the

livingroom, he can hear us in there.” (Lee, 1960: 54)

...I pulled out two small images carved in soap. (Syahrani, 2010: 79)

“You mean all you drink in that sack’s Coca-Cola?” (Lee, 1960:

Kami mendengar suara yang berasal dari petak sawi Miss Rachel Haverford... (Syahrani, 2010: 22)

“Jangan asal makan barang yang kau temukan, Scout.”

“Aku tidak memungutnya dari tanah, tapi dari pohon.” (Syahrani, 2010: 73)

“Diam! Da ada di ruang tamu, dia bisa mendengar kita dari sana.” (Syahrani, 2010: 85)

...aku memungut dua patung kecil yang dipahat dari sabun. (Syahrani, 2010: 122)

“Maksud Anda, yang anda minum dari kantong itu Cuma


8. Preposition In is Translated into “di”

In context of showing place, position, and time preposition in is translated into “di” as shows in the following examples:

Source Language Indonesian Translation

During his five years in Maycomb... (Lee, 1960: 5)

...improving our treehouse that rested between gant twin chinaberry trees in the backyard (Lee, 1960: 9)

...with him and Calpurnia there in the daytime and atticus home at night. (Lee, 1960: 52)

He has asked me earlier in the summer to marry him... (Lee, 1960: 55)

Selama lima tahun pertamanya di Maycomb... (Syahrani, 2010: 19) Memperbaiki rumah pohon kami

yang terletak di antara dua pohon mindi raksasa di pekarangan belakang... (Syahrani, 2010: 25)

Karena ada dia dan Calpurnia di siang hari dan ada Atticus di rumah malam harinya. (Syahrani, 2010: 83)

Di awal musim panas, dia pernah

memintaku untuk menikahinya... (Syahrani, 2010: 87)

9. Preposition In is Translated into ”pada”

In context of showing direction, place or position, time, and particular case or topic preposition in is translated into “pada” as shows in the following examples:

Source Language Indonesian Translation

The white of his eyes shone in his face... (Lee, 1960: 257)

I saw her sink down into her chair and bury her head in her arms. (Lee, 1960: 29)

...but a closer inspection revealed an arc of water descending from the leaves and splashing in the yellow circle of the street light... (Lee, 1960: 68)

Warna putih matanya bersinar

pada wajahnya... (Syahrani,

2010: 367)

Kulihat dia melesak ke kursinya dan membenamkan kepala pada lengannya. (Syahrani, 2010: 52) ...tetapi setelah mengamati lebih

dekat kami bisa melihat air melengkung turun dari dedaunan dan menciprat pada lingkaran kuning lampu jalan. (Syahrani, 2010: 104)


In summertime, twilights are

longs and peaceful. (Lee, 1960: 57)

In the beginning its building were

solid... (Lee, 1960: 174)

I would be accused of believing in Hot Steams... (Lee, 1960: 51) ...he said Atticus wasn’t interested

in guns. (Lee, 1960: 119)

Pada musim panas, senja hari

berlangsung lama dan damai. (Syahrani, 2010: 90)

Pada mulanya,

gedung-gedungnya kukuh. (Syahrani, 2010: 252)

...aku akan dituduh percaya pada Uap Panas... (Syahrani, 2010: 82)

...katanya, Atticus tidak tertarik

pada senapan. (Syahrani, 2010:


10.Preposition In is Translated into “dengan”

In context of showing situation, condition, particular case, instrument that used, manner, and wearing something preposition in is translated into “dengan” as shows in the following examples:

Source Language Indonesian Translation

Thereafter the summer passed in routine contentment. (Lee, 1960: 9)

Two days later Dill arrived in a blaze of glory... (Lee, 1960: 47) “People in their right minds never

take pride in their talents.” Said Miss Maudie. (Lee, 1960: 130) Atticus drove her home in the car

(Lee, 1960: 91)

...he held up a bloody splinter in a pair of tweezers.. (Lee, 1960: 104)

Zeebo cleared his throat and read

in a voice like the rumble of

Semenjak itu, hari- hari musim panas kami selalu berakhir

dengan kepuasan. (Syahrani,

2010: 24)

Dua hari kemudian Dill tiba

dengan penuh keagungan...

(Syahrani, 2010: 77)

“Orang yang berakal sehat tak pernah berbangga dengan bakatnya,“ kata Miss Maudie (Syahrani, 2010: 93)

Atticus mengantarkannya pulang

dengan mobil. (Syahrani, 2010:


Dia menunjukkan serpih berdarah yang telah dicabutnya

dengan pinset.. (Syahrani, 2010:


Zeeebo berdehem lalu membaca


innocent assurance (Lee, 1960: 26)

Calpurnia, in her navy voile dress and tub of a head (Lee, 1960: 164)

...every day he stood at his gate in his dressing gown... (Lee, 1960: 104)

keyakinan lugu... (Syahrani, 2010: 47)

Calpurnia dengan baju voile biru tua dan topi silinder... (Syahrani, 2010: 239)

Setiap hari dia berdiri di depan gerbang gereja dengan mengenakan jubahnya. (Syahrani, 2010: 157)

11.Preposition In is Translated into “seperti”

In context of showing conditioal and condition preposition in is translated into “seperti” as shows in the following example:

Source Language Indonesian Translation

“He’s dead all right,“ said Mr. Tate. “He’s good and dead. He won’t hurt these children again.”

“I didn’t mean that.” Atticus seemed to be talking in his sleep. (Lee, 1960: 358)

“Sudah pasti dia mati,” jawab Mr. Tate.Benar-benar mati. Dia tak akan menyakiti anak-anak ini lagi.”

“Bukan itu maksudku.” Atticus berbicara seperti mengigau. (Syahrani, 2010: 506)

12.Preposition In is Translated into “yang”

In the context of showing process or condition, preposition in is translated into “yang” as shows in the following examples:

Source Language Indonesian Translation

Jem in his old age had taken to his room with a stack of football megazines. (Lee, 1960: 198)

They were white hands, sickly white hands that had never seen the sun, so white they stood out garishly against the dull cream wall in the dim light of Jem’s room. (Lee, 1960: 362)

Jem yang sudah beranjak tua lebih senang di kamarnya dengan setumpuk majalah football. (Syahrani, 2010: 284)

Tangannya putih, putih pucat yang tak pernah kena matahari, demikian putih sehingga terlihat berkilau dengan latar belakang krem kusam dinding kamar Jem


(Syahrani, 2010: 512)

13.Preposition In is Translated into “karena”

In the context of showing cause and particular case, preposition in is translated into “karena” as shows in the following examples:

Source Language Indonesian Translation

The Haverfords had dispatched Maycomb’s leading blacksmith in a misunderstanding arising from the alleged wrongful detention of a mare... (Lee, 1960: 5)

Mereka membunuh seorang pandai besi di Maycomb karena

kesalahpahaman tentang kepemilikan seekor kuda...

(Syahrani, 2010: 18)

14.Preposition In is Translated into “soal”

In the context of showing topic preposition in is translated into “soal” , but in some cases it is not translated as shows in the following examples:

Source Language Indonesian Translation

“Don’t you all believe in foot-washing?” (Lee, 1960: 59)

Jem took no pleasure in his acquisition... (Lee, 1960: 136) There was no point in saying you

were sorry if youn aren’t,”, said Atticus. (Lee, 1960: 140)

“Bukannya kalian percaya soal membasuh kaki?” (Syahrani, 2010: 92)

Jem tidak menikmati acara belanja ini; (Syahrani, 2010: 201) “Tak ada gunanya meminta

maaf kalau kau tidak menyesal,”

kata Atticus. (Syahrani, 2010: )

15.Preposition In is Translated into “jadi” and “menjadi”

In context of showing form, jobs, and profession preposition in is translated into “jadi” and “menjadi” as shows in the following examples:


it down. (Lee, 1960: 137)

...I couldn’t help noticing that my father had served for years in the state legislature. (Lee, 1960: 43)

...she did give Jem a hot biscuit-and-butter which he tore in half and shared with me... (Lee, 1960: 137)

Tim Johnson leaped, flopped over and crumpled on the sidewalk in a brown and white heap. (Lee, 1960: 127)

jadi dua dan mencampakkannya.

(Syahrani, 2010: 202)

...mau tak mau aku menyadari bahwa ayahku yang sudah bertahun-tahun berbakti menjadi anggota badan legislatif negara bagian... (Syahrani, 2010: 71)

...dia memberi Jem biskuit beroleskan mentega panas yang dirobek menjadi dua oleh Jem dan dibagi dua denganku. (Syahrani, 2010: 203)

Tim Johnson melompat, terjatuh, dan ambruk ke trotoar menjadi gundukan cokelat-putih. (Syahrani, 2010: 190)

16.Preposition In is Translated into “dalam rangka” dan “telah”

In context of showing involvement in something preposition in is translated into “dalam rangka” as shows in the following examples:

Source Language Indonesian Translation

Atticus put many miles on it in business trip. (Lee, 1960: 198)

“Hee hee,” said Mr. Raymond, evidently taking delight in corrupting a child. (Lee,1960: 267)

Atticus menggunakannya untuk bepergian sejauh berkilo-kilo meter dalam

rangka perjalanan bisnis... (

Syahrani, 2010: 285)

“Hihi,” kata Mr. Raymond, jelas merasa senang telah merusak seorang anak. (Syahrani, 2010: 380)

17.Preposition In is Translated into ”demi”

In context of showing oath preposition in is translated into “demi” as shows in the following example:

Source Language Indonesian Translation

“In the name of God, do your duty.” (Lee, 1960: 275)

“Demi Nama Tuhan,

tunaikanlah tugas Anda.” (Syahrani, 1960: 391)


18.Preposition In is Translated into “naik”

In context of showing instrument that used preposition in is translated into “naik” as shows in the following example:

Source Language Indonesian Translation

Miss Rachel took us with them in the taxi to Maycomb Junction... (Lee, 1960: 320)

Miss Rachel mengajak kami

naik taksi ke Maycomb

Junction... (Syahrani, 2010: 454)




5.1 Conclusions

Through the result of analysis in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that prepositions at and in are translated in many words in Indonesian depending on context, appropriateness in Indonesian words and structures, also language style in the source novel.

Preposition at in the translated novel is translated into Indonesian prepositions and conjunctions in a few of contexts, but in some cases it is not translated. Its translations are: 1) “di” and “di dekat” which show place); 2) “ke”, “ke arah”, “kepada”, and “saat” which show direction; 3) “dalam”, “ketika”, “sejak”, and “seperti” which show time; 4) “pada” which shows direction and time; 5) “dengan” which show direction and manner; 6) “oleh” which shows cause of something; 7) “tentang” which shows topic;But, in some cases in contexts that show direction, place, and time, preposition at is not translated.

Then, in the translated novel, preposition in is translated in many Indonesian prepositions and conjunction in a few of contexts, but in some cases it is not translated. The translation of preposition in in the translated novel are: 1) “di dalam”, “di antara”, “di depan”, “di bawah”, “di atas”, and “lewat” which show place, location, or position ; 2) “lagi”, “masih”, “pada tahun”, “sejak”, “saat”, “sewaktu”, “selama”, “sepanjang”, and ”sudah” which show time; 3) “ke”, “sebagai”, and “untuk” which show


direction or purpose; 4) “dan”, “memakai”, “mengenakan”, and “terbalut” which show wearing something; 5) “ber-“ which shows purpose and manner; 6) “dalam” which shows place, posiyion, time, particular case, membership, shape or form, situation, instrument that used, and manner; 7) “dari” which shows source, place, position, distance, and material that used; 8) “di” which shows place, position, and time; 9) “pada” which shows direction, place or position, time, and particular case; 10) “dengan” which shows situation, condition, particular case, instrument that used,manner, and wearing something; 11) “seperti” which shows conditional and condition; 12) “yang” which shows process, situation, and condition; 13) “karena” which show cause and particular case; 14) “soal” which shows topic; 15) “jadi” and “menjadi” which show form, jobs and profession; 16) “dalam rangka” and “telah” which show involvement in something; 17) “demi” which shows oath; and 18) “naik” which shows instrument that used. But, in some cases in contexts that show place, involvement or membership, condition, and situation, preposition in is not translated into Indonesian.

5.2 Suggestions

There are some suggestions to all undergraduates who are interested in grammar and translation, especially the beginners:

Besides the prepositions at and in, in the novel many grammatical aspects can be analyzed such as the other types of prepositions, the other parts of speechs; gerunds; modals; -ing and –ed clause; etcetera.


it down. (Lee, 1960: 137)

...I couldn’t help noticing that my father had served for years in the state legislature. (Lee, 1960: 43)

...she did give Jem a hot biscuit-and-butter which he tore in half and shared with me... (Lee, 1960: 137)

Tim Johnson leaped, flopped over and crumpled on the sidewalk in a brown and white heap. (Lee, 1960: 127)

jadi dua dan mencampakkannya. (Syahrani, 2010: 202)

...mau tak mau aku menyadari bahwa ayahku yang sudah bertahun-tahun berbakti menjadi anggota badan legislatif negara bagian... (Syahrani, 2010: 71)

...dia memberi Jem biskuit beroleskan mentega panas yang dirobek menjadi dua oleh Jem dan dibagi dua denganku. (Syahrani, 2010: 203)

Tim Johnson melompat, terjatuh, dan ambruk ke trotoar menjadi gundukan cokelat-putih. (Syahrani, 2010: 190)

16.Preposition In is Translated into “dalam rangka” dan “telah”

In context of showing involvement in something preposition in is translated into “dalam rangka” as shows in the following examples:

Source Language Indonesian Translation • Atticus put many miles on it in

business trip. (Lee, 1960: 198)

“Hee hee,” said Mr. Raymond, evidently taking delight in corrupting a child. (Lee,1960: 267)

Atticus menggunakannya untuk bepergian sejauh berkilo-kilo meter dalam rangka perjalanan bisnis... ( Syahrani, 2010: 285)

“Hihi,” kata Mr. Raymond, jelas merasa senang telah merusak seorang anak. (Syahrani, 2010: 380)

17.Preposition In is Translated into ”demi”

In context of showing oath preposition in is translated into “demi” as shows in the following example:


18.Preposition In is Translated into “naik”

In context of showing instrument that used preposition in is translated into “naik” as shows in the following example:

Source Language Indonesian Translation • Miss Rachel took us with them in the

taxi to Maycomb Junction... (Lee, 1960: 320)

Miss Rachel mengajak kami naik taksi ke Maycomb Junction... (Syahrani, 2010: 454)




5.1 Conclusions

Through the result of analysis in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that prepositions at and in are translated in many words in Indonesian depending on context, appropriateness in Indonesian words and structures, also language style in the source novel.

Preposition at in the translated novel is translated into Indonesian prepositions and conjunctions in a few of contexts, but in some cases it is not translated. Its translations are: 1) “di” and “di dekat” which show place); 2) “ke”, “ke arah”, “kepada”, and “saat” which show direction; 3) “dalam”, “ketika”, “sejak”, and “seperti” which show time; 4) “pada” which shows direction and time; 5) “dengan” which show direction and manner; 6) “oleh” which shows cause of something; 7) “tentang” which shows topic;But, in some cases in contexts that show direction, place, and time, preposition at is not translated.

Then, in the translated novel, preposition in is translated in many Indonesian prepositions and conjunction in a few of contexts, but in some cases it is not translated. The translation of preposition in in the translated novel are: 1) “di dalam”, “di antara”, “di depan”, “di bawah”, “di atas”, and “lewat” which show place, location, or position ; 2) “lagi”, “masih”,


direction or purpose; 4) “dan”, “memakai”, “mengenakan”, and “terbalut” which show wearing something; 5) “ber-“ which shows purpose and manner; 6) “dalam” which shows place, posiyion, time, particular case, membership, shape or form, situation, instrument that used, and manner; 7) “dari” which shows source, place, position, distance, and material that used; 8) “di” which shows place, position, and time; 9) “pada” which shows direction, place or position, time, and particular case; 10) “dengan” which shows situation, condition, particular case, instrument that used,manner, and wearing something; 11) “seperti” which shows conditional and condition; 12) “yang” which shows process, situation, and condition; 13) “karena” which show cause and particular case; 14) “soal” which shows topic; 15) “jadi” and “menjadi” which show form, jobs and profession; 16) “dalam rangka” and “telah” which show involvement in something; 17) “demi” which shows oath; and 18) “naik” which shows instrument that used. But, in some cases in contexts that show place, involvement or membership, condition, and situation, preposition in is not translated into Indonesian.

5.2 Suggestions

There are some suggestions to all undergraduates who are interested in grammar and translation, especially the beginners:

Besides the prepositions at and in, in the novel many grammatical aspects can be analyzed such as the other types of prepositions, the other parts of speechs; gerunds; modals; -ing and –ed clause; etcetera.


• Many other aspects can be analyzed in the novel such as the dictions of words and the description of cultural terms.



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