The Effectiveness of Using Mind Mapping in the Teaching of Writing Essay



Ats Tsauratul Maimanah 109014000003








Ats Tsauratul Maimanah (NIM: 109014000003). The Effectiveness of Using Mind Mapping in The Teaching of Writing Essay.(An Experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Setiabudi Pamulang)Skripsiof Department of English Education at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training of State Islamic Syarif Hidayatullah University Jakarta, 2014.

Advisor I: Drs. Nasifuddin Djalil, M.Ag Advisor II: Ummi Kultsum, M.Pd

Keywords: Writing, Essay, Mind Mapping, Quasi-Experimental Research, SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Setiabudi Pamulang.

This research is about the effectiveness of using of mind mapping in the teaching of writing essay at the eleventh grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Setiabudi Pamulang. The sample of this study was consisted of 29 students from Class XI IPA 1 as an experimental group and 29 students from Class XI IPS 1 as a controlled group.

This research used quantitative method which the data was served by numerical and tested by statistical formula or t-test. The research design of this study is quasi experimental design. It means that the writer compared the essay which produced by the experimental class who was taught an essay using mind mapping with the controlled class who was taught an essay using conventional teaching.

The research instrument was written test using construct validity. Jacobs et al. scoring procedures of assessing writing were used to maintain the reliability of the test. When analyzing the data obtained, mean of gained score of experimental class was 20,2 and mean of gained score of control class was 3,7. The t-test used to examine the research hypothesis. The result of statistical hypothesis test showed that = 5,10and = 1,67or > . It indicated that the null hypothesis was rejected and alternative hypothesis was accepted. In other words, using the mind mapping has significant effect in order to help the students in writing essay.


Ats Tsauratul Maimanah (NIM: 109014000003). Efektivitas Penggunaan Mind Mapping dalam Pengajaran Menulis Essay. (Sebuah Penelitian Eksperimen pada Kelas XI di SMA Muhammadiayah 25 Setiabudi Pamulang) Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris pada Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan di Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014. Pembimbing I: Drs. Nasifuddin Djalil, M.Ag

Pembimbing II: Ummi Kultsum, M.Pd

Kata Kunci: Menulis, Essay, Tehnik Mind Mapping, Penelitian Quasi-Experimen, SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Setiabudi Pamulang.

Penelitian ini tentang efektifitas penggunaan mind mapping dalam pengajaran menulis essay pada kelas sebelas di SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Setiabudi Pamulang. Sample dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 29 siswa dari kelas XI IPA 1 yang merupakan kelas ekesperimen dan 29 siswa pada kelas XI IPS 1 yang merupakan kelas control.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif sehingga data yang disajikan berupa angka dan diuji menggunakan rumus statistik atau t-test. Desain penelitian ini yaitu quasi-experimental. Hal ini berarti penulis membandingkan essay yang dibuat oleh siswa pada kelas eksperimen yang diajarkan tentang menulis essay menggunakan mind mapping dengan essay yang dibuat oleh siswa kelas control yang diajarkan tentang menulis essay dengan pengajaran biasa.

Instrumen penelitian yang dipakai adalah tes menulis menggunakan validity konstruk. Prosedur penilaian yang dipakai untuk menilai hasil tulisan siswa menggunakan prosedur dari Jacobs et. al. Data yang telah didapat menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai yang bertambah pada kelas eksperimen adalah 20,2 dan rata-rata nilai yang bertambah pada kelas control adalah 3,7. Selanjutnya t-test digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis. Hasil yang didapat dari hipotesis statistik menunjukkan bahwa = 5,10dan = 1,67atau > . Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa hipotesis nol ditolak dan hipotesis alternative lah yang diterima. Dengan kata lain, penggunaan tehnik mind mapping memiliki efek yang signifikan dalam membantu siswa untuk menulis essay.


Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, for the blessing and the guidance to the writer in completion of this research. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad, his families, his companions and his followers.

It is great feeling that theSkripsihas been accomplished entitle“The Effectiveness of Using Mind Mapping in Writing Essay” (An Experimental Study at Eleventh Grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Setiabudi Pamulang). It is presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training in Partial Fulfilment of Requirements for the Degree of Strata 1 in English Language Education.

In arranging this Skripsi, a lot of people have provided motivation, advice, support, and even remark that had helped the writer. In this valuable chance, the writer aims to express the gratitude and appreciation to all of them, they are:

1. The writer’s beloved parents, Risman Suwandi, S.Pd and Siti Mukhlisinah, S.Pd.I, for their love, their examples of living a life, their unstoppable prayer, and their remarkable guidance to every single step that the writer’s made.

2. All of the lectures in Department of English Education who gave the worthy knowledge and the motivation to the writer during the process of learning at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

3. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., the head of Department of English Education.

4. Mrs. NurlenaRifa’I, M.A. Ph.D, the Dean of Faculty Tarbiyah and Teachers Training.

5. The writer’s advisors, Mr. Nasifuddin Djalil, M.Ag. and Mrs. Ummi Kultsum, M.Pd for the advice, the motivation, and the patience during the process of completing this Skripsi.

6. The Headmaster of SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Pamulang, Mrs. Zesmita Umar, SH who gave the permission to do the research for about 2 months.

7. Ms. Syafrini Qurotul Aini, S.Pd. as the English teacher of Class XI at SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Pamulang who gave the time and the support for the writer to do this research.


9. The writer’s brothers and sisters, Ahmad Darussalam, Ats Tsauratus Salamah, Ahmaddinejad Khadafi, and Ats Tsauratus Sultoh, for their love and caring.

10.The writer’s best friends, Unaymah, Tsani Itsna Ariyanti, Puti Hasanatu, Alfiani Rahman, Nur’aini, Neneng Suhaimi, Heri Fitrianto, Yulia Ratnasari, M. Rifqi Syahrizal, and Nurbaiti Rahayu, for the endless support, motivation, and the time for sharing.

11.All of the writer’s friends and colleagues at Muhammadiyah Students Association (Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah Cabang Ciputat) who cannot be mentioned one by one.

Finally, the writer realized that this Skripsi is still far from being perfect. Therefore, the writer accepts any constructive suggestion to make this Skripsi better. Finally, the writer hopes thisSkripsiwill be a valuable writing.Amiin

Jakarta, 2 Mei 2014



Letter of Writing Authenticity Approval Letter

Endorsement Sheet

Abstract………. i

Acknowledgement………..… iii Table of Contents………...v

List of Tables ………..………...…viii

List of Figures ………...………..ix

List of Appendices ………x

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. The Background of the Study……….………..…… 1

B. The Identification of the Problem……….….……….………..…..…….. 3

C. The Limitation of the Study……….………….…….……….…………... 3

D. The Formulation of the Problem…….….…….……….……….……..…. 4

E. The Purpose of the Study………….……….……….……….………….. 4

F. The Significance of the Study………….……….……….……….…….. 4

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESIS SUBMISSION A. The Library of the Study……….…..……….……….……….………… 5

1. The Essay……….……….….……….……….……….……….………. 5

a. The Definition of Essay………….……..….……….……….……….5


2. The Mind Mapping……….….……….….…….……….………8

a. The Definition of Mind Mapping……….………….……….…….. 8

b. The Purpose of Mind Mapping……….……….……….……….9

c. The Types of Mind Mapping…………..……….……….…………. ..9

3. The Procedure of Teaching Writing Using Mind Mapping……… 11

B. The Theoretical Framework……….……….….……….……….……….. 12

C. The Research Hypothesis……….………….……….…….…..…………. 13

D. The Previous Study……….……….….……….……….………...14

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. The Place and the Time of the Study……….……….…….…...….…….. 16

B. The Method and the Research Design……..……….………...….……….16

C. The Population and the Sample……….……….…………...……….……17

1. The Population……….………..….……….……….……….………….17

2. The Sample……….…..……….……….……….……….………..18

D. The Research Instrument……….……….……….……….……..………..18

E. The Quality of Instrument……….……….……….………18 F. The Technique of Data Collecting……….……….……….……….……..19

G. The Technique of Data Analysis……….……….……….……….………20

CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. The Description of the Data…..……….……….…….……….22

B. The Analysis of the Data……….……….……….………..……….26

C. The Test of Hypothesis ……….……….……….…….…...………..32


A. Conclusion……….……….……….……….………33

B. Suggestion……….……….……….……….………... 33




Table 4.1: Table of scoring writing skill……… 23 Table 4.2: The Students’ Gained Score in ClassXI IPA -1

(The Experimental Class)……….. ………... 26 Table 4.3: The Students’ Gained Score in ClassXI IPS -1



Figure 2.1: Radial Mind Map……….……….10 Figure 2.2: Right-Columnar Mind Map……….… 10 Figure 2.3: Left-Columnar Mind Map………... 11



Appendix 1: Lesson Planning of Experimental Class……….38

Appendix 2: Lesson Planning of Controlled Class ……….44

Appendix 3: Example of Part ofEssay ………..……….50

Appendix 4: Mind Map of the Example Essay. ……….……….52

Appendix 5: Example of Essay………....53

Appendix 6: Instrument ofthe Experimental Class and the Controlled Class Pre-Test..57

Appendix 7: Instrumentof the Experimental Class Post Test……….58

Appendix 8: Mind Map Form for the Post Test of Experiment Class ………59

Appendix 9: Scores of Pre-Test at Class XI IPA………60

Appendix 10: Scores of Post-Test atClass XI IPA ……….61

Appendix 11: Scores of Pre-Test atClass XI IPS………62

Appendix 12: Scores of Post-Test atClass XI IPS ……….63




This chapter presents the background of the study, the identification of the problem, the limitation of the study, the formulation of the problem, the purpose of the study, and the significance of the study.

A. The Background of the Study

As a human being who lives in social life, people need to develop their skills to prove their existence. One of those skills is writing. By writing, people could keep the history of their life or everything that inspired them. In terms of language skills, writing is one of four basic skills that have to be understood by the language learners. The other skills are listening, speaking, and reading.

There are many kinds of writing such as academic writing, creative writing, and personal writing. As language learners, the most important kind of writing that should be able to understand is academic writing. Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue defined academic writing as the kind of writing used in high school and college classes. Academic writing is formal, so the writer should not use slang or contractions. Also, the writer should take care to write complete sentences and organize them in a certain way.1

Writing an essay is a kind of academic writing which the contents are facts and can be categorized as literature, as Paul H. Connoly stated, “as a form of literature, the essay is a composition of moderate length, usually in prose, which deals in an easy, cursory way with the external conditions of a subject, and in strictness, with that subject only as it affects the writer”.2 From this description, it showed that essay was also a kind of literature and the content should affected the writer. In an essay, it showed the writer’s attitude of the materials which related to the problem of life.


Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue,Introduction to Academic Writing,(New York: Pearson Education Inc., . 2007), p.3


Paul H Connolly, On Essays A Reader for Writers. (New York: Harper & Row, Publisher Co., 1981), p. 304


Knowing how to write an essay is important, especially for students who study at several high schools in Indonesia which is categorized as bilingual high school. Many assignments, especially in literal mode, will be delivered with essay form. Furthermore, those students who will continue their study in a college or doing some business need to know how to write an essay. That is because writing essay is only one form of writing practiced in the academic and business world. Writing an essay will teach the students of skills necessary for the increasingly complex writing assignment that they will face later in college and for the application in the world of work.3That is why those students, especially who get the material in English written form have to know how to make an effective essay.

Actually, writing an essay is an individual work. The contents have to represent a person’s mind. In case of teaching and learning of English language, teacher can use many techniques to support the ability of students such as using comic story, role playing, discussion, mind mapping, index card match, etc. In order to improve the students’ ability in writing essay, not every technique of teaching is effective to be applied. The teacher is expected to know the technique that could be applied in the teaching of writing essay. One of those techniques is using mind mapping.

Mind mapping is a technique that generally used by people before they start to write something. So it can also be used by the students to write an essay. Generally, people know that mind mapping is a simple technique for drawing information in diagrams, instead of writing it in sentences. A writer named John W. Budd also stated in his article that mind map is often created around a single word or text, placed in the center, to which associated ideas, words and concepts are added. Major categories radiate from a central node, and lesser categories are sub-branches of larger branches.4


Donald Pharr and Santi V. Buscemi,Writing Today, (New York: McGraww Hill Companies, Inc., 2004). p.5


John W. Budd, Mind Maps as Classroom Exercises,Journal of Economic Education,2004, p. 4


Based on the description above, the writer tried to find out how effective the use of mind mapping affects the students to write their essay. To find the answer, the writer did an experimental research at SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Setiabudi Pamulang and used two different classes The two classes named experimental class and control class. The treatment which is given in experimental class is the technique of mind mapping, while in the control class is only using conventional teaching.

Since the writer did the research about using mind mapping in writing essay, she took permission from the head master and vice headmaster of SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Pamulang using escort letter from the campus.

Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in carrying out the research entitle:

The Effectiveness of Using Mind Mapping in the Teaching of Writing Essay at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Setiabudi Pamulang

B. The Identification of the Problem

Based on the background above, the identification of the problem in this research are:

1. There are many techniques in teaching and learning of English language, but not every technique of teaching is effective for the students in writing essay.

2. Students need to know how to write essay effectively because of the demand of their writing assignment at school, but students often difficult to write an essay without any guidelines or technique which stimulate them to think creatively and systematically.

C. The Limitation of the Study

The study is focused on the effectiveness of using mind mapping that help the students to write an essay. The main point in this research is the essay produced by the students before and after giving the treatment. It was also compared with the other class which was also taught the essay with


conventional teaching. Thus, the writer looked whether the use of mind mapping technique affects the students’ ability in writing essay by comparing the essays which were made by the two classes.

D. The Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the study, the research is formulated in question as follows:

1. Does the use of mind mapping affect the ability of students in the teaching of writing essay at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Setiabudi Pamulang?

E. The Purpose of the Study

The writer pointed out that the purposes of this study as follows:

1. To identify whether the use of mind mapping influenced the student’s ability in writing essay.

2. To fulfill the requirement in writing Skripsi in order to get Sarjana Degree as an English student of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

F. The Significance of the Study

This study is expected to give the information about this topic to the writer’sknowledge, in particular, and for the readers in general.



In this chapter, the writer discusses: the essay, the definition of essay, kinds of essay, how to write an essay, the definition of mind mapping, the purpose of mind mapping, the types of mind mapping, the theoretical framework, the research hypothesis and the previous study.

A. The Library of the Study 1. The Essay

a. The Definition of Essay

An essay first started to be known by the people in 1500 when Montaigne, a France philosopher has written a book which consist of hisseveral research observations. His first book entitlesEssayistwhichmeansattempts first published in 1580. In his book, Montaigne has written his opinion and perspective with essay form through simple descriptions.1As in the first chapter above, it is explained thatan essaywhich is kind of academic writing is a form of literature; the essay is a composition of moderate length, usually in prose, which deals in an easy, cursory way with the external conditions of a subject, and in strictness, with that subject only as it affects the writer.2Donald Pharr also stated that the essay is only one form of writing practiced in the academic and business world. Nevertheless, many students dread the thought of having to write an essay.

However, there are three very good reasons that the instructors hold the ability to write essays in such high regard:

1) Someone who can write solid essays proves that he or she can communicate effectively with educated, adult readers


SitiSahara, MahmudahFitriyah, danKusnadi.KeterampilanBerbahasa Indonesia, (Jakarta: FTIK Press, 2009), p.119


Paul H.Connolly,On Essays A Reader for Writers,(New York: Harper & Row, Publisher Co., 1981), p. 304


2) Essays provide an unparalleled opportunity for readers to judge someone’s critical-thinking, organizational, and language skills 3) The writer of successful essay has thought through a topic, taken

“ownership” of the developed topic, and worked through the stages of the writing process-thereby creating an essay that can be a source of pride.3

Based on the definitions above, the writer assumes that an essay is a kind of academic writing which the contents are the results of the writer’s observation and can be categorized as a form of writing practiced in the academic and business world. Therefore, an essay should be based on the writer’s opinion about something which he/she taught it is interesting enough to be discussed.

b. Kinds of Essay

According to L.G. Alexander, there are three kinds of essay based on the writing technique: 1) Reflective Essay, 2)Argumentative Essay, 3) Literature Essay.

1) Reflective essay is contemplative activities to the main problems which have been decided. This type of essay examined the skill of thinking and describing.

2) Argumentative Essay for some reasons is the same as abstract essay. All the things of argumentative essay related to arguments.

3) Literature essay is a perception expressing of the writer about literature (universal and general); and also a specific creative thing which describes the uniqueness of the writer itself.4

c. How to Write an Essay

In a book “Introduction to Academic Writing”, it was stated that an essay has three parts: 1) The Introductory Paragraphs, 2) Body Paragraphs, 3) The Concluding Paragraphs.5


Donald Pharr and Santi V. Buscemi,Writing Today, (New York: McGraww Hill Companies, Inc., 2004). p.4



An Essay introduction stimulates the reader’s interest and tells what the essay is about. The last sentence of an introduction is the thesis statement. Like the topic sentence of paragraph, a thesis statement names the specific topic of the essay.The body paragraph consists of one or more paragraphs. Each paragraph develops subdivision of the topic. The conclusion, like the concluding sentence in a paragraph, is a summary or review of the main points discussed in the body.6

In writing the introductory paragraph, there are two parts that the writer should be raised, several general statements and a thesis statement. These two things are important in the introductory paragraph. First is several general statements including the topic sentence begun by explaining issue which will be discussed in the essay. As Braine stated in his book, “introductions help you to state the topic and purpose of your papers while gaining the interest of your readers”.7Second,“the thesis statement is a road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper.”8“Some thesis statement also forecast the paper’s organization.”9 When it turns into body paragraph, a forecasting thesis statement indicates the paper’s main point and its organization.Sedley in his book also stated, “just as a topic sentence summarizes a paragraph, a thesis statement summarizes the whole essay.“10“The essay itself then proves the validity of the thesis statement.”11

The body of an essay is made up of one or more paragraphs. Each body paragraph has a topic sentence and several supporting sentence. It may or may not have a concluding sentence. Each body paragraph supports the


AliceOshima and Ann Hogue,Introduction to Academic Writing, (New York: Pearson Education Inc., . 2007), p. 147




George Braine and Claire May, Writing from Sources : A Guide for ESL Students,

(California: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1996) p.35


The Writing Center, Thesis Statements, 2014, (


George Braine and Claire May,op.cit.p.35


Dorothy Sedley,College writer’s workbook, (Columbus: Charles E Merrill Publishing Company, 1981) p. 14



thesis statement. At the first body paragraph, sometimes the writer used transition signal such as, first, second, also, then, etc.

The concluding paragraph is the last paragraph of an essay. It has three purposes:

1) It signals the end of the essay.

2) It reminds the reader of the main points.

3) It leaves the reader with the final thoughts on the topic.

2. The Mind Mapping

a. The Definition of Mind Mapping

Amind map is a form of an outline with ideas and pictures

radiating out from a central concept.”12Furthermore, the mind map can be applied to every aspects of life where improved learning and clearer thinking will enhance human performance. The mind map has four essential characteristics:

1) The subject of attention is crystallized in a central image.

2) The main theme of the subjects radiates from the central image as branches

3) Branches comprise a key image or key word printed on an associated line. Topics of lesser importance are also represented as branches attached to higher level branches.

4) The branches form a connected nodal structure.13

In case of teaching and learning process, ,mind mapping is a technique that can be used by teacher in teaching writing in order the students to be able generate their ideas into the picture or diagram. As Farrandet. al. stated, “mind maps provide an effective study technique when


John W. Budd, Mind Maps as Classroom Exercises, Journal of Economic Education,2004, p. 4


T. Buzan and B. Buzan.The Mind Map book: How to use radiant thinking to maximize your brain’s untapped potential. (New York: Plume, 1993),p. 59


applied to written material.”14Thus, mind mapping will really help the students before they write something.

Based on the definitions above, the writer assumes that the definition of mind mapping is a form of outline described by picture or diagram which is made to develop the idea about something from the general into specific one.In case of teaching a written material, a mind mapping will be an effective technique to help the teacher in stimulating the students’ way of thinking before writing a text.

b. The Purpose of Mind Mapping

The purpose of using mind mapping before writing something is to organize the ideas of the writer properly. In his words, Buzan said that mind map help writers to make a distinction between their mental storage capacity, and their mental storage efficiency. Therefore, in case of writing essay, the mind map will be useful for the students’ ability in generating some clues related to the writing that she/he interested to write.

c. The Types of Mind Mapping

There are many kinds of mind mapping; they are radial mind maps, right-columnar mind maps, and left-columnar mind maps.15

1) Radial Mind Maps

Radial mind maps arrange topics from a central topic out radially in both the left and right directions:


Farrand, P., Hussain, F., and Hennessy, E., The efficacy of the mind map study technique, (Medical Education. , 2002), p. 426


Sarah M,Different types of Mind Maps,


source: (Figure 2.1: Radial Mind Maps)

2) Right-Columnar Mind Maps

Right-columnar mind maps arrange topics from top to bottom on the right side of the central topic:

source: (Figure 2.2: Right-Columnar Mind Maps)

3) Left-Columnar Mind Maps

Left-columnar mind maps arrange topics from top to bottom on the left side of the central topic.

(25) (Figure 2.3: Left-Columnar Mind Maps)

3. The Procedure of Teaching Writing Using Mind Mapping

There are several procedures of teaching writing using mind mapping that the teacher could apply in the class,16they are:

1. Explain Mind Mapping

The teacher needs to explain about mind mapping using example and comparing it to regular brainstorming. Brainstorming is an activity with which most people are familiar. The object in brainstorming is to compile as large a list as possible of potential examples for a given topic. This is a great activity to do in small groups or with the entire class.17The students could make the mind mapping started from the topic in the middle, and then proceeds with keywords that branch off the main topic idea.

2. Making Choice

The next procedure that the teacher could do is to ask the students to evaluate how they feel about what is on their mind map. The teacher might ensure them about what ideas that they might want to write about. So, the teacher could tell the students to be not included everything that


Susan,How to Teach Writing: 6 Methods for Generating Writing Ideas,2014, (


Joyce B,How toUse Mind Maps in Your ESLClassroom.2014, (


is on the mind map; the students could erase, edit, and revise it as they move forward.

3. Begin Writing

After the students clearly understand to the ideas that they have put in their mind map, the teacher could ask them to begin writing. They could use much of the same language they have already written down. It makes the task of composition much more manageable and gives them a concrete tool to reference. Students generally move from the mind map activity into the writing process with more enthusiasm and more direction.

4. Adapting it

The teacher of writing could use mind mapping based on the level of students she/he met. For example, the students of lower level could use mind map by attracted them with the colors or picture that they could make creatively. For student of higher level, the technique of mind map could be used before they write several kinds of writing such as essay, speech writing, or for organizing presentation.

B. The Theoretical Framework

Writingan essay is a part of academic writing which students of certain college or high school must know about. As known, students sometimes get difficulties when generate their ideas whether from the general one to the specific one in writing such academic work. It also can be a problem which is faced by the teacher when teaching writing. Therefore, there are several techniques which could be applied in the teaching of writing essay.

One of those techniques is using mind mapping. Not only the techniqueis good for the students, but also it could be an effective way to the teacher when teaching about writing especially writing an essay. Actually, using mind mapping before doing some writing assignments has been commonly known for several people. Therefore, in this case the writer


assuming that the students should be able to use it when generating their ideas in writing an essay.

C. The Research Hypothesis

The research hypothesis that will be used in this research concerned to the influence of using mind mapping in writing essay. There are two kinds of hypothesis, they are:

1) The Null Hypothesis ( )

The null hypothesis stated that there is not an influence of using mind mapping in writing essay. It can be seen from the difference between controlled and experimental group. If there is no significant difference between the population means, the null hypothesis is accepted.

2) The Alternative Hypothesis ( )

The alternative hypothesis stated that there is an influence of using mind mapping in writing essay. It can be seen from the difference between controlled and experimental group. If there is a significant difference between the population means, the alternative hypothesis is accepted. Here are the statistical hypotheses in this research:

1) < .

If is lower than , it means that the null hypothesis is accepted. It indicated that the use of mind mapping has not significant influence in students’ ability to write essay.

2) ∶ >

If is higher than , it means that the alternative hypothesis is accepted. It indicated that the use of mind mapping has significant influence in students’ ability to write an essay.


In this research, the hypothesis which used was the alternative hypothesis. It was needed to be tested in order to prove the research notion about the effectiveness of using mind mapping in writing essay.

D. The Previous Study

There are three relevants studies that the writer had read in order to help her writing this reasearch proposal.

The first one is the study about using mind mapping in teaching descriptive writing which is written by ArifPrayogo, a student of English education at UIN SyarifHidayatullah Jakarta. The result of this study shows that using mind mapping helps the students become easier in understanding the materials.18

The second relevant study is about the use Direct Object Technique towards students’ skill in in writing descriptive text which is written by Dian KaryaniAstuti, a student of English education at UIN SyarifHidayatullah Jakarta. The writer takes this study as relevant study because of the same method that used in the research. The result of this study shows that the application of DOD technique towards students’skill in writing descriptive text is effective.19

Thethird relevant study is about the use of mind map technique in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text which is written by IkaYuliAstuti, a student of English Education. The result of the study is there was a significant difference between students’ score in learning reading


ArifPrayogo, “Using Mind Mapping in Teaching Descriptive Writing at SMP

RiyadlulJannah Bogor,”Skripsiat English Education Department, Faculty Tarbiyah and Teachers Training, UIN SyarifHidayatullah Jakarta, Jakarta, 2009, p.37, unpublished


Dian KaryaniAstuti, “The Effectiveness of UsingDirect Object Discovery (DOD)

Technique toward Students’ Skill in Descriptive Text”Skripsi, English Education Department, Faculty Tarbiyah and Teachers Training,UINSyarifHidayatullah Jakarta, Jakarta, 2013, p. 42, unpublished.


comprehension of narrative text by using mind mapping technique and without by using mind map technique.20

By reading the relevant studies above, the writer intended to do the study of an experimental research design focused on the effectiveness of using mind mapping in writing essay.


IkaYuliAstuti..“The Effectiveness of Using Mind Map Technique in Teaching

Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text”Skripsi, English Education Department, Faculty Tarbiyah and Teachers Training,UINSyarifHidayatullah Jakarta, Jakarta, 2012, p. 41, unpublished.



This chapter presents the place and the time of the study, the method and the research design, the population and the sample, the research instrument, the quality of instrument, the technique of data collecting, and the technique of data analysis.

A. The Place and the Time of the Study

This research was conducted at SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Setiabudi Pamulang located on Jl. Surya Kencana Pamulang Barat. The data collected from that school began from 12 February 2014 until March 5th 2014.

B. The Method and the Research Design

This research used quantitative method as a research method which the form of data is numerical and it was analyzed using statistics calculation. The design of this research is aquasi-experimentaldesign in which the experimental group will be decided by which settings (e.g. schools, classrooms, and factories) have volunteered or been selected to be part of the intervention. In this research, the two classes that used by the researcher have already been selected by the teacher of English language subject.“Therefore, rather than randomly allocating, a control group is chosen that is as similar to the experimental group as possible.”1

During the implementation of the research, each class had two session, pre-test and post test session. Here is the description of the research process:


Daniel Muijs,Doing Quantitative Research in Education,(London:Athenaeum Press Ltd,. 2004)p. 27


1. Pre-Test Session

On February 12th, the researcher scheduled to enter Class XI I IPS which was a control class. The researcher gave the explanation about writing essay using power point and an example of essay for about 30 minutes. Then, the students are given one hour to write their essay. It is the pre-test for control class.

On Februari 21st, the researcher scheduled to enter Class XI I IPA which was an experimental class. The researcher did the same way like she did in control class. The students are asked to write their essay which they could choose their own topic as long as it was analytical text.

2. Post-Test Session

In the next meeting, on February 28th, the students in experimental class were explained about how to use mind mapping in writing essay. They are asked to make an essay using mind mapping. It is the post test of the research.

And the last session, on March 5th, the researcher reentered to the control class in order to ask them writing their second essay without using mind mapping treatment. The researcher only gave the wider explanation about how to write an essay easily. Then, they were asked to do the post test. Therefore, the whole process of this resarch took two meetings in every class.

C. The Population and the Sample 1. The Population

The population of this study is the students at the Eleventh Grade in Senior High School of Muhammadiyah 25 Pamulang. The total number of population is 142 persons which is divided into four classes, they are class XI IPA I, class XI IPA II, class XI IPS II, and class XI IPS II


2. The Sample

In selecting sample,non probability samplingis used as a technique of selecting the sample. Non probability sampling is based on the consideration or subjective valuation; there is no use of probability theory in selecting the sample. In this case, convenience samplingas a kind of non-probability sampling is used. Convenience sampling is a technique of selecting sample based on accidental reason, the populations of the research are ready to be a sample or in another case, the sample is from the closest persons.2

In this research, two classes are used; they are class XI IPA 1 and class XI IPS 1. Both of those two classes are categorized as progressive class in their school and they are regarded as best-representation from their study program. The Class XI IPA 1 is taken as experimental group which has been taught using the treatment of mind mapping technique and the Class XI IPS 1 as control group. The number of students in experimental group is 29 persons and the control group is 29 persons. Therefore, the total number of students used as the sample of this research is 58 persons. D. The Research Instrument

Sugiyono said that mostly the researchers in education arranged the research instrument by themselves. It happens because not every available research instrument has already being tested or suitable with their research situation.3 Considering this case, the written test is used as research instrument.

E. The Quality of Instrument

The written test need to be measured its validity and. reliability in determining the quality of the instrument.

1. Validity


SyofianSiregar, MM.StatsitikaDeskriptifuntukPenelitian,(Jakarta: Raja GrafindoPersada, 2010) p.148



First element that is used to measure the test is validity. There are many types of validity such as content validity, construct validity, and criterion validity.4The type of validity that is used in this research is construct validity. To examine the construct validity, the judgment experts is used. In this case, the researcher has already consulted the test with her advisor and an English teacher at school where she did the research.

2. Reliability

The second element is reliability. Reliability refers to the extent to which test scores are free of measurement errors.5In this research, the analytic scoring is used. The analytic scoring is one of many types of rating scales in measuring writing. “In analytic scoring, scripts are rated on several aspects of writing or criteria rather than given a single score.”6

F. The Technique of Data Collecting

Written test is the only one technique that used by the researcher in this research. Giving the explanation about writing essay to both of classes, the experimental and the control class, is the first step that the researcher do to collect the data. Then they were asked to write an essay.

The test which is the only instrument of this research was about writing analytical text using essay form. The students were asked to write everything which they interesting about and make the analytical reason of it. It was also considered from the current material which is studied by all of them in their English language subject.

The scoring of the test is focused on their ability in using mind mapping and how they generate ideas from general one to the details. Other


Muijs,Op.,cit., p. 66


Ibid., p.71


Sara Cushing Weigle,Assessing Writing. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p.114


assessments can be looked from their skill in writingthat looked specifically from these points of assessing:

a. Content b. Organization c. Vocabulary d. Language Use e. Mechanics7

Those five points are widely used in ESL which is created by Jacobs The creator differentiates the weight of scoring for every aspect such as content consist of 30 %, organization consist of 20%, vocabulary 20%, language use consists of 25%, and mechanics consists of 5% point out 100%.

G. The Technique of Data Analysis

The technique of data analysis used in this experimental research is t-test formula. The use of t-test formula is to examine the hypothesis of the research after collecting the data in this experimental research. Here are the technique and steps of data analysis:

1. Determining mean of gained score of experimental class

M = Notes:

M : Mean of gained score of experimental class

X: The total gained score of students in the experimental class N:The total students in experimental class

2. Determining mean of gained score of controlled class =

:Mean of gained score of controlled class



Y: The total gained score of students in controlled class N: The total students in controlled class

3. Determining of deviation of experimental class

= ( )

4. Determining of deviation of controlled class

= ( )

5. Determining the t-test

After gaining the main gained score and the deviation from each class, the next step of calculation is determining the t-test, the formula from Arikuntois used as follow:8


= Mean of gained score of experiment class = Mean of gained score of controlled class

=The total gained score of students in the experimental class = The total gained score of students in the controlled class = The total students in the experimental class

= The total students in the controlled class 6. To measure degree of freedom by df = + - 2 7. To check the criteria t-table with significance degree 5%


Suharsimiarikunto,ProsedurPenelitianSuatuPendekatanPraktik, (Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta,2006),p.312.



This chapter presents the description of the data, the analysis of the data, the test of hypothesis and the interpretation of the data.

A. The Description of the Data

Since this research using experimental as the research method, the pre-test and the post-test are taken from the experiment and the controlled class. The experiment class is XI IPA 1 which consists of 29 students and the controlled class is XI IPS 1 which consists of 29 students.

The test that was given to the students is making an effective essay which consists of five paragraphs. The five paragraphs consist of an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and one concluding or closing paragraph. The assessment used to assess the essay is from Jacob et al. scoring procedures. The reason why Jacobs et al. scoring procedures used is because it is commonly used by the numerous college-level writing programs. The scoring procedure used is an analytic scoring.“In the Jacobs et al. scale, scripts are rated on five aspects of writing: content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics. The five aspects are differentially weighted to emphasize first content (30 points) and next language use (25 points), with organization and vocabulary weighted equally (20 points) and mechanics receiving very little emphasis (5 points).”1Here is the table of scoring writing skill,


Sara Cushing Weigle,Assessing Writing. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p.115.


Table 4.1

Table of scoring writing skill

Score Level Criteria



- 30-27 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: knowledgeable *substantive *thorough development thesis * relevant to assigned topic

- 26-22 GOOD TO AVERAGE: some knowledge of subject *adequate range *limited development of thesis *mostly relevant topic, but lacks detail - 21-17 FAIR TO POOR: limited knowledge of subject

*little substance *inadequate development of topic - 16-13 VERY POOR: does not show knowledge of subject

*non-substantive *not pertinent *OR not enough to evaluate





- 20-18 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: fluent expression *ideas clearly stated /supported *succinct *well-organized *logical sequencing *cohesive

- 17-14 GOOD TO AVERAGE: somewhat choppy

*loosely organized but main idea stand out *limited support *logical but incomplete sequencing

- 13-10 FAIR TO POOR: non-fluent *ideas confused or disconnected *lacks logical sequencing and development

- 9-7 VERY POOR: does not communicate *no organization *OR not enough to evaluate


Score Level Criteria





- 20-18 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: sophisticated range *effective word/idiom choice and usage *word form mastery *appropriate register - 17-14 GOOD TO AVERAGE: adequate range

*occasional errors of word/idiom form, choice, usage, but meaning not obscured

- 13-10 FAIR TO POOR: limited range *frequent errors of word/idiom form, choice, and usage *meaning or obscured

- 9-7 VERY POOR: essentially translation *little knowledge of English vocabulary, idioms, word form *OR not enough to evaluate




- 25-22 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: effective complex construction *few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, preposition

- 21-18 GOOD TO AVERAGE: effective but simple construction *minor problems in complex construction *several errors of agreemen, tense, word order/function, articles, pronouns, preposition, but meaning seldom obscured

- 17-11 FAIR TO POOR: major problems in

simple/complex construction *frequent errors of negation *agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, preposition, and/or fragments, run-ons deletion *meaning confused or obscured


- 10-5 VERY POOR: virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules *dominated by errors *does not communicated *OR not enough to evalute






- 5 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: demonstrate mastery of conventions *few errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing - 4 GOOD TO AVERAGE: occasional errors of

spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing but meaning not obscured

- 3 FAIR TO POOR: frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing *poor handwriting *meaning confused or obscured - 2 VERY POOR: no mastery of conventions

*dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing *handwriting illegible *OR not enough to evaluate


B. The Analysis of the Data

After getting the data, the test score of the experimental class and controlled class is analyzed by calculating the result into the formula, as follows by using these tables:

Table 4.2

The Students’ Gained Score in ClassXI- IPA 1 (The Experimental Class)

No. Students’ Number

Pre–test (X1)

Post–test (X2)

Gained Score

(X) X2

1. 1 47 71 24 576

2. 2 90 88 -2 4

3. 3 62 79 17 289

4. 4 42 72 30 900

5. 5 56 74 18 324

6. 6 58 75 17 289

7. 7 42 85 43 1849

8. 8 64 73 9 81

9. 9 60 74 14 196

10. 10 56 75 19 361

11. 11 60 69 9 81

12. 12 65 70 5 25

13. 13 60 70 10 100

14. 14 55 65 10 100

15. 15 46 77 31 961


No. Students’ Number

Pre–test (X1)

Post–test (X2)

Gained Score

(X) X2

17. 17 42 69 27 729

18. 18 52 68 16 256

19. 19 51 74 23 529

20. 20 42 67 25 625

21. 21 53 71 18 324

22. 22 42 77 35 1225

23. 23 53 69 16 256

24. 24 40 72 32 1024

25. 26 40 74 34 1156

26.. 27 42 71 29 841

27. 28 40 85 45 2025

28. 29 42 71 29 841

29. 30 87 77 -10 100

∑ N1= 29 ∑ X

1=1547 ∑ X2=2143 ∑ X=587 ∑ X 2

= 16263 ∑ N1= The total students in the experimental class

∑ X1= The total pre-test score of students in the experimental class

∑ X2= The total post-test score of students in the experimental class

∑ X = The total gained score of students in the experimental class

∑ X2= The square of the total gained score of students in the experimental class Based on the table, the result is∑ X1=1547 ,∑ X2=2143 ,∑ X=587 , and


Table 4.3

The Students’ Gained Score in Class XI IPS -1 (The Controlled Class)

No. Students’ Number

Pre–test (Y1)

Post–test (Y2)

Gained Score

(Y) Y2

1. 1 68 70 2 4

2. 2 52 55 3 9

3. 3 51 57 6 36

4. 4 51 59 8 64

5. 5 42 49 7 49

6. 6 42 48 6 36

7. 7 54 57 3 9

8. 8 52 50 -2 4

9. 9 46 48 2 4

10. 10 45 52 7 49

11. 11 52 49 -3 9

12. 12 53 47 -6 36

13. 13 41 60 19 361

14. 14 53 51 -2 4

15. 15 52 49 -3 9

16. 16 49 60 11 121

17. 17 57 62 5 25

18. 18 57 69 12 144


No. Students’ Number

Pre–test (Y1)

Post–test (Y2)

Gained Score (Y)


20. 20 69 43 -26 676

21. 21 56 51 -5 25

22. 22 40 54 14 196

23. 23 52 45 -7 49

24 24 42 73 31 961

25. 25 56 56 0 0

26. 26 45 45 0 0

27. 27 70 73 3 9

28. 28 42 54 12 144

29. 29 60 56 -4 16

N2= 29

∑ Y1= 1491

∑ Y2= 1598 ∑ Y=107 ∑ Y2= 3245

∑ N2= The total students in the controlled class

∑ Y1= The total pre-test score of students in the controlled class

∑ Y2= The total post-test score of students in the controlled class

∑ Y = Thetotal gained score of students in the controlled class

∑ Y2= The square of the total gained score of students in the controlled class Based on the table, the result is ∑ Y1=1491 ,∑ Y2=1598 ,∑ Y=107 , and

∑ Y2=3245 . The result will be used to find out the t-test. Here are the steps: 1. Determining mean of gained score of experimental class


= = 20.2

2. Determining mean of gained score of controlled class

= = 3.7

3. Determining of deviation of experimental class

( )

= 16263–( ) = 16263–

= 16263 –11881.6 = 4381.4

4. Determining of deviation of controlled class

( )

= 3245 -( ) = 3245– = 3245–394.8 = 2850.2

5. Determining the t-test

After gaining the main gained score and the deviation from each class, the next step of calculation is determining of the t-test, the formula from Arikunto’s bookis used as follow2:


Suharsimi Arikunto,Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta,2006),p.312.


. .


. ( . )( . )

. . . .


Based on the calculation above, it is showed that the result of the t-test from the experimental and the controlled class is 5,10

6. Determining the t-table (tt) in significance levelα 0,05by calculating degrees

of freedom (df). df = (Nx+Ny)–2

= (29 + 29) -2 = (58) - 2 = 56

The degrees of freedom (df) = 56

7. To check the criteria t-table with significance degree 5%

The t-table of degrees of freedom 56 in significance levelα 0.05 is 1.67. Comparing t-observation (to= 5.10) and t-table (tt = 1.67) , it is known that tois

higher than tt.

The result is as follows : 5.10>1.67


C. The Test of Hypothesis

After calculating the data, the hypothesis also tested based on the statistical hypothesis previously stated. The statistic hypothesis used in this research is:

< >

The calculation shows that the = 5.10is higher than = 1.67, it means that the alternative hypothesis is accepted. The alternative hypothesis in this research is there is an influence of using mind mapping in writing essay.

D. The Interpretation of the Data

Based on the formula above, the result shows that the value of tois higher

than t-table or ( > ).The value of is 5.10 and the value of is 1.67. It shows the difference between students’ score of each group (the experiment and controlled group). It means that the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected. It was indicated that the notion about there is a significant difference between experimental and controlled group is accepted. In other words, using mind mapping is effective in the teaching of writing essay.


This chapter presents the conclusion of this quasi-experimental research based on the research finding described in the previous chapter. It also presents the answer of the research problem stated in the first chapter. The suggestion is also offered for those who interested in writing essay using mind mapping.


Using mind map in writing essay is effective. It can be seen from the research finding stated by statistical data. From the result, it can be seen that the hypothesis is tested usingt-test formula based on Arikunto’s book and the result is rejecting null hypothesis ( ). The null hypothesis in this research is there is

not an influence of using mind mapping in writing essay’. In other words, the

result proved the alternative hypothesis in this research stated that ‘there is an influence of using mind mapping in writing essay”. The result of statistical hypothesis test shows that and or > . It was

indicated that the null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, the research is concluded that this quasi-experimental research has proved the notion that the using of mind mapping is effective in the teaching of writing essay.


The suggestions that the research would like to give based on the conclusion above are as follows:

1. For the teacher:

a. After applied the technique of mind mapping in teaching students of writing essay, the researcher would like to suggest the English teacher especially who taught writing to use the technique of mind mapping in


teaching writing in order to make the students easily understand the material.

b. The technique of mind mapping is easy to use. Therefore, it also will helpful enough for the teacher who interest in applying mind mapping as an alternative method in teaching and learning process.

c. Not only for the use of mind mapping in writing essay, the teacher also could applied the technique in writing any kinds of text, especially for English language subject.



Astuti, Dian Karyani. “The Effectiveness of Using Direct Object Discovery DOD Technique toward Students’ Skill in Descriptive Text” Skripsi in English Education Department, Faculty Tarbiyah and Teachers Training, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jakarta, 2013.

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Arikunto, Suharsimi. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta, 2006

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Weigle, Sara Cushing. Assessing Writing. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002.






School : SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Pamulang

Subject : English

Material : Analytical Essay

Skill : Writing

Class/Semester : XI IPA/I (Experimental Class/Pre-Test) Time Allocation : 2 X 45 minutes

A. Standard Competence

Using the meaning of the text in essay form of report, narrative and analytical exposition in context of daily life activity.

B. Basic competence

Expressing meaning and rhetorical steps in essay writing using a variety of language accurately, fluently and acceptable in the context of daily life in text form: report, narrative and analytical exposition in essay form.

C. Teaching and learning objectives 1. Cognitive



b. Students are able to make generic structure of the text analytical exposition


a. Students are able to identify the material about analytical exposition b. Students are able to give the respond of material about analytical


c. Students are able to make the text about analytical exposition in essay form

2. Affective

Characters: students are able honest, creative, critical and logical, responsible

3. Psychomotor

Students are able making a text analytical exposition in essay form and determining a generic structure of the text about analytical exposition in essay form

D. Material

Analytical Essay E. Activities Plan

1. Opening Activities (10 minutes)

a. Greeting and checking student attendance

b. Students identify the material about analytical exposition 2. Main Activities (70 minutes)

a. Students give the respond of material about analytical exposition b. Teacher give the explanation about analytical exposition in essay form


c. Students make the text about analytical exposition in essay form as their pre-test

3. Closing activities (10 minutes) a. Summarizing the lesson

b. Giving chances for student to ask questions dealing with the material c. Giving homework

d. Closing the lesson

F. Learning Sources 1. Internet

2. Introduction to Academic Writing textbook. G. Media and Tools

1. LCD 2. Infocus 3. Laptop H. Evaluation

1. Technique : Writing test

2. Form : write a text about analytical exposition in essay form

Mengetahui, Guru Pamong


Jakarta, 21 Februari 2014 Guru Mata Pelajaran



School : SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Pamulang

Subject : English

Material : Analytical Essay

Skill : Writing

Class/Semester : XI IPA/I (Experimental Class/Post-Test) Time Allocation : 2 X 45 minutes

A. Standard Competence

Using the meaning of the text in essay form of report, narrative and analytical exposition in context of daily life activity.

B. Basic competence

Expressing meaning and rhetorical steps in essay writing using a variety of language accurately, fluently and acceptable in the context of daily life in text form: report, narrative and analytical exposition in essay form.

C. Teaching and learning objectives 1. Cognitive


a. Students are able to make the text analytical exposition

b. Students are able to make generic structure of the text analytical exposition



d. Students are able to identify the material about analytical exposition e. Students are able to give the respond of material about analytical


f. Students are able to make the text about analytical exposition in essay form

2. Affective

Characters: students are able honest, creative, critical and logical, responsible

3. Psychomotor

Students are able making a text analytical exposition in essay form and determining a generic structure of the text about analytical exposition in essay form

D. Material

Analytical Essay E. Activities Plan

1. Opening Activities (10 minutes

a. Greeting and checking student attendance

b. Students identify the material about analytical exposition 2. Main Activities (70 minutes)

a. Students give the respond of material about analytical exposition

b. Teacher give the explanation about using mind mapping in making the analytical essay using the example of mind mapping.

c. Teacher ensured the students to be clearly understood on the ideas that they already stated in their mind maps.


e. The student make the text about analytical exposition in essay form using mind mapping as their post-test

3. Closing activities (10 minutes) e. Summarizing the lesson

f. Giving chances for student to ask questions dealing with the material g. Giving homework

h. Closing the lesson F. Learning Sources

1. Internet

2. Introduction to Academic Writing textbook. G. Media and Tools

1. LCD 2. Infocus 3. Laptop H. Evaluation

1. Technique : Writing test

2. Form : write a text about analytical exposition in essay form

Mengetahui, Guru Pamong


Jakarta, 5 Maret 2014 Guru Mata Pelajaran





School : SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Pamulang

Subject : English

Material : Analytical Essay

Skill : Writing

Class/Semester : XI IPS/I (Controlled Class/Pre-Test) Time Allocation : 2 X 45 minutes

A. Standard Competence

Using the meaning of the text in essay form of report, narrative and analytical exposition in context of daily life activity.

B. Basic competence

Expressing meaning and rhetorical steps in essay writing using a variety of language accurately, fluently and acceptable in the context of daily life in text form: report, narrative and analytical exposition in essay form.

C. Teaching and learning objectives 1. Cognitive



b. Students are able to make generic structure of the text analytical exposition


a. Students are able to identify the material about analytical exposition b. Students are able to give the respond of material about analytical


c. Students are able to make the text about analytical exposition in essay form

1. Affective

Characters: students are able honest, creative, critical and logical, responsible

2. Psychomotor

Students are able making a text analytical exposition in essay form and determining a generic structure of the text about analytical exposition in essay form

D. Material

Analytical Essay E. Activities Plan

1. Opening Activities (10 minutes)

a. Greeting and checking student attendance

b. Students identify the material about analytical exposition 2. Main Activities (70 minutes)

f. Students give the respond of material about analytical exposition g. Teacher give the explanation about analytical exposition in essay form h. Students make the text about analytical exposition in essay form as


3. Closing activities (10 minutes) d. Summarizing the lesson

e. Giving chances for student to ask questions dealing with the material f. Closing the lesson

F. Learning Sources 1. Internet

2. Introduction to Academic Writing Textbook G. Media and Tools

1. LCD 2. Infocus 3. Laptop H. Evaluation

1. Technique : Writing test

2. Form : write a text about analytical exposition in essay form

Mengetahui, Guru Pamong


Jakarta, 12 Februari 2014 Guru Mata Pelajaran



School : SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Pamulang

Subject : English

Material : Analytical Essay

Skill : Writing

Class/Semester : XI IPS/I (Controlled Class/Post-Test) Time Allocation : 2 X 45 minutes

A. Standard Competence

Using the meaning of the text in essay form of report, narrative and analytical exposition in context of daily life activity.

B. Basic competence

Expressing meaning and rhetorical steps in essay writing using a variety of language accurately, fluently and acceptable in the context of daily life in text form: report, narrative and analytical exposition in essay form.

C. Teaching and learning objectives 1. Cognitive


a. Students are able to make the text analytical exposition



a. Students are able to identify the material about analytical exposition b. Students are able to give the respond of material about analytical


c. Students are able to make the text about analytical exposition in essay form

2. Affective

Characters: students are able honest, creative, critical and logical, responsible

3. Psychomotor

Students are able making a text analytical exposition in essay form and determining a generic structure of the text about analytical exposition in essay form

D. Material

Analytical Essay E. Activities Plan

1. Opening Activities (10 minutes)

a. Greeting and checking student attendance

b. Students identify the material about analytical exposition 2. Main Activities (70 minutes)

a. Students give the respond of material about analytical exposition b. Teacher give the explanation about analytical exposition in essay form c. Teacher give the example of essay differently to every students to make

them identify the part of essay

d. Students make the text about analytical exposition in essay form as their post-test


e. Closing activities (10 minutes) a. Summarizing the lesson

b. Giving chances for student to ask questions dealing with the material c. Closing the lesson

F. Learning Sources 1. Internet

2. Introduction to Academic Writing Textbook G. Media and Tools

1. LCD 2. Infocus 3. Laptop H. Evaluation

1. Technique : Writing test

2. Form : write a text about analytical exposition in essay form

Mengetahui, Guru Pamong


Jakarta, 28 Februari 2014 Guru Mata Pelajaran



Explanation of Part of Essay

Stop Consuming Bottled Water

Intro ducto ry Parag raph














Thes ys state ment Signal word Signal word Signal word

Nowadays people consider the reason they chose a bottled water because they can found it everywhere in every shop, market, even near the street. So, they didn’t have to bring a tap water from their home. Guys, do you know something that the fact we chosed it to be our consumption will become a bad effect for our environment, even for our life.At least there are three reasons why consuming a bottled water was danger for human life.

The first, have you ever tested bottled water against a tap water? In America, a city called Cleveland had some tests about the quality of bottled water against a tap water. These test showed that the bottled water was lower quality than a tap water. Also, it loses a taste test against a tap water and it cost much more expensive than a tap water. How about the clean of water? Is the bottled water cleaner than a tap water? Sometimes, but sometimes not. The research showed that bottled water is less regulated than tap


Even the best performing bottled water scenario has global warming effects 46 times greater

than the best performing tap water scenario.” Which is to say, choosing tap water is not only good for your budget, it’s an important way to reduce global warming.

The second, do you know where the water which is in the bottle come from? Some advertisements of a bottled water stated that they get the water from the stream which is in the mountain. That was a lie. They seduced us with the picture of stream under the mountain in front of the bottle. And confidently we believed to the picture. Actually, most of them got it from the tap. They used the tap for saving the water right? So, what’s the different from the tap water? The different is we have to pay more expensive for it than a tap water and directly we support the custom to consume it than to protect the water quality around us.

The third, do you know what the plastic made from? Most plastic water bottles are made of PET plastic, or polyethylene terephthalate, which is made from crude oil. And this fact showed that it trashes the environment. Moreover the shocking fact was about where the plastic bottles where we put in the recycling bins go. Some of them were burned and it produces toxic



pollution. The rest of them were sent to India where they make a mountain of plastic bottle.

So, what do you think? Our habit to buy bottled water exactly trashed the environment. Even, the numbers of plastic bottle we used were enough to circle the globe more than five times. Didn’t we have to consider the life of our next generation? So, save them and our life with stop consuming bottled water unless the water in your community is truly unhealthy.




Topic : Bottled Water, Healthy, Title : Stop consuming bottled water


Reason why

bottled water

is danger

Quality of


Where the

water from

What the


made from



Essay 1

SMOKING ‘the bad habitual’

Since long time ago, people recognized cigarettes. As the scene that still exist many people smoke cigarettes with full enjoyable. Smoking has impression and taste as something can not be described except they used to. Generally smoking is enjoyed by men, reality shows how many women is doing it too. The smokers in big community for latest years are teenagers. Many reasons make the teenagers in this country to be the smokers. The teenagers recognize a cigarette because feeling of curiosity, as life style, as symbol in a community, and to express themselves.

The first reason is feeling of curiosity. Almost all of people have this feeling so do not be strange if the smokers appear more from teenagers than adult. The teenagers have the big curiosity feeling. They are try to find out about what they feel. The teenagers as generally look at their environment. The smoking environment introduces them with cigarettes. Almost all of them are students of junior high school and senior high school. Actually they know how bad and expensive this habit before. However the feeling of curiosity brought them to find out the taste of cigarettes.

The second reason, smoking as life style. In case that life style is various. As matter fact the teenagers in this country choose smoking as life style. How pity them? The teenagers just want to show if they are can be achieved as smokers. This condition tells how weak their mental with this assume. The third reason, smoking as symbol in a community. The community that entered by the teenagers identically free of rules. They want to feel free for everything what they done. Usually the teenagers in free community smoke cigarettes as a symbol freedom. They will pride if they can enter the free community. Smoking is the best way in their assumed to measure themselves in their environment. Remember their status as students, they made mistake absolutely.


The fourth reason, smoking is the way to expresses themselves. Actually, the teenagers have many ways to express themselves. They are creative human being in this age. But a lot of them express themselves with smoking. Is it the best way or just to show if they can do it as adult.

Smoking has high risk for healthy, everybody knows about it well. All of the smokers enjoy the smoking just themselves. They never think about the other one. Beside, they never know how much they spent money. Actually smoking sometimes disturbed somebody else with the smoke they pup out. This condition will be worse if the teenagers make smoking as the best way to find out everything based on the reasons above. While almost the teenagers who smoke are students and still get money from their parents. Therefore, prevent smoking as well as we can do to keep healthy and save money for a better life.

Essay 2

Protect The Environment

Do you know that our earth is not natural anymore? Do you know what are the bad effects of it? And do you know what is responsible for it? Bacause of that problems, everyone has to responsible to keep the balance of the earth. There are many things that we can do which are saving water, stop using plastic bags, and living “greenly”.

First, we can stop using plastic bags. Nowadays, people like to use plastic bags. In fact, the production of plastic bags consume millions of gallons of oil that could be used for fuel and heating. Hundreds of thousands of whales, dolphins, sea turtles and other marine mammals die every year because they ingest the small toxic particle in plastic. So if we don’t use plastic bags, how do we bring our groceries home? Actually, we can use reusable bags made of materials that don’t harm the environment. We don’t need to discard them after each use. Stop using plastic bags would make a great difference in the number of plastic in garbage dumps.

Another way to save our earth is saving water. Water shortage is the biggest problem. The government has adviced to save water. We can take showers


insteads of bath for 5 minutes only and turn off the water while soaping body.

Last but not the least, we have to live “greenly”. Walking, biking, using public transportation, and driving less can reduce the gas that causes green house effects. Beside that, they save our money and make us healthy. To converse energy, we can turn off the lamp and air conditioner when you don’t need them. Wecan also save paper by using e-books, email. And buy a new things when you actually need them. If they break, just repair them. We have understood the ways to save our earth. I think if all people around the world contribute to do those ways, our earth can be saved and disaster, unwanted accidents, high temperature that occur nowadays can decrease. So that, earth does’t destroy and we can live happily.

Essay 3


Indonesia, one of the beautiful places in the world. It consists of many islands and archipelago. An Indonesian are friendly people. I’m happy to live in this country and I’m proud to be an Indonesian. I often see tourist in this country because they are often visit my country. I think there are three reason why tourist are visit my country.

First, Indonesia is an interesting country. Geographically, Indonesia is located between two continents, Asia and Australia. Also it between two oceans, Pacific Ocean and Hindia Ocean. Furthermore, Indonesia has many various natural resources. For example, beach, forest, mountain, etc.

Also, Indonesia has many delicious foods. Rendang, Sate, and Fried Rice are some of Indonesian delicious food that include in category of CNN Research. I think one of reason why there are many tourist like living in Indonesia because of traditional food that existed. I also as Indonesian really like my traditional food.

Last, Indonesia has many traditions and culture. There are many of traditions and culture in Indonesia that tourist amazed of it. Such as, Reog from Ponorogo, Kecak from Bali, Saman from Aceh, etc. Unfortunately, some of traditions and culture inIndonesia was claimed by other country.


In conclusion, Indonesia is appropriate place for tourists. The tourist visits this country because Indonesia is interesting in natural resources, food, traditions and culture. Some of tourists said that they are proud and amazed of Indonesia. Thus, we are as Indonesian must be proud of our country.



Instrument of the Experimental Class and the Controlled Class Pre-Test PRE-TEST FORM OF ESSAY


1. Write an analytical exposition in essay form with topic you like for max. 1 sheet of paper.

2. The time of writing is 60 minutes.

3. Recheck your writing before submitting to the teacher.




Instrument of the Experimental Class Post Test POST-TEST FORM OF ESSAY


1. Make the mind mapping about the essay that you are going to write. 2. Write an analytical exposition in essay form for max. 1 sheet of paper. 3. The time of writing is 60 minutes.

4. Recheck your writing before submitting to the teacher.






4 Aulia Anindya 15 7 8 10 2 42

5 Nadhifah S. Bila 20 11 11 11 3 56

6 Novanto Guruh P 20 11 14 10 3 58

7 Dirta Rizky 15 7 9 9 2 42

8 Ramadhona 22 12 11 16 3 64

9 M. Yamin Soamole 18 12 12 15 3 60

10 Hadyan Afiandito 19 11 13 11 2 56

11 Aditya Ramandita 18 15 14 11 2 60

12 Hendriko Satya 21 15 12 15 2 65

13 My Gempita Fitriyani 20 14 12 11 3 60

14 Ichsan AL 17 14 10 12 2 55

15 Nisrina Nur Syafina 15 8 11 10 2 46

16 Elsa Wahyu Harliana 18 14 12 11 3 58

17 Selvia A. 15 7 9 9 2 42

18 Widya Indriani 15 11 13 16 3 52

19 Ghina F.F 13 9 12 15 2 51

20 Yuliana 15 7 9 9 2 42

21 Yunita Kurnia 17 14 14 6 2 53

22 Hana Rizka 15 7 8 10 2 42

23 M. Dalifidho 18 10 11 11 3 53

24 Raka Panji Pratama 13 7 8 10 2 40

25 Syifa Iftinan D 13 7 9 9 2 40

26 Laila Al Rahmah 15 7 9 9 2 42

27 Ilma Aulia Santri 13 7 9 9 2 40

28 Ullia Maretha B 15 7 9 9 2 42

29 Ulli Hafidza 25 18 20 20 4 87

Scores of Pre test at Class XI IPA


4 Aulia Anindya 22 16 14 17 3 72 5 Nafidzah Sabila 22 17 13 19 3 74 6 Novanto Guruh P 22 19 14 17 3 75 7 Dirta Rizky 26 17 18 20 4 85 8 Ramadhona 22 16 15 17 3 73 9 M. Yamin Soamole 22 17 14 18 3 74 10 Hadyan Afiandito 22 18 15 17 3 75 11 Aditya Ramandita 21 17 14 14 3 69 12 Hendriko Satya 22 16 13 16 3 70 13 My Gempita Fitriyani 22 15 14 16 3 70 14 Ichsan AL 22 12 13 15 3 65 15 Nisrina Nur Syafina 25 17 15 17 3 77 16 Elsa Wahyu Harliana 20 16 17 16 3 72 17 Selvia A. 22 16 12 16 3 69 18 Widya Indriani 22 14 13 16 3 68 19 Ghina F.F 22 17 15 17 3 74 20 Yuliana 22 15 15 12 3 67 21 Yunita Kurnia 22 16 14 17 2 71 22 Hana Rizka 24 16 16 18 3 77 23 M. Dalifidho 23 15 13 15 3 69 24 Raka Panji Pratama 25 16 13 15 3 72 25 Syifa Iftinan D 26 16 16 14 2 74 26 Laila Al Rahmah 21 17 14 16 3 71 27 Ilma Aulia Santri 27 18 16 20 4 85 28 Ullia Maretha B 24 15 14 15 3 71 29 Ulli Hafidza 27 17 16 14 3 77

Scores of Post Test at Class XI IPA


4 Rezki Utama 16 10 12 11 2 51 5 Ghina Aribah 15 7 8 10 2 42 6 Anggita Rahmatina 15 7 8 10 2 42 7 Rifqi Arkan Ibrahim 17 12 13 12 3 54 8 M. Raihan Nadhor 16 12 11 11 2 52 9 Annisa Cahyani 15 7 11 11 2 46 10 Ishak A. Yoga 14 11 8 10 2 45 11 Venny Dwi Lestari 19 7 12 12 2 52 12 Raissa Sakina Yoantina 14 14 11 12 2 53 13 Yustisia D. 13 9 9 10 3 41 14 Dara Afiyona 14 8 12 17 2 53 15 Maviana Rifqi Haikal 20 9 11 10 2 52 16 Hasna Syarifah 17 7 13 10 2 49 17 Yudinda Fajarani 20 12 11 12 2 57 18 Eva Mega Putri 20 12 11 12 2 57 19 Khairiyyah Annisa S.B 15 7 8 10 2 42 20 Fika Roudlotul Ilmi 22 15 14 16 2 69 21 Endang Pungkasan 18 10 12 14 2 56 22 Ivana N.S 15 7 8 10 3 40 23 Anyetha 15 11 13 11 2 52 24 Fadila Mudaneli 15 8 7 10 2 42 25 Fatur Fadila 18 13 12 11 2 56 26 Nurul Hikmah 15 9 8 11 2 45 27 Sofa 25 14 12 16 3 70 28 Bramantio Ismi Nugroho 15 8 7 10 2 42 29 Muh Raihan Nadhir 21 8 12 17 2 60 Scores of Pre test at Class XI IPS


4 Rezki Utama 16 13 17 11 2 59 5 Ghina Aribah 15 7 9 18 3 49 6 Anggita Rahmatina 16 10 10 10 2 48 7 Rifqi Arkan Ibrahim 17 12 15 11 2 57 8 M. Raihan Nadhor 16 10 11 11 2 50 9 Annisa Cahyani 15 7 11 13 2 48 10 Ishak A. Yoga 14 11 11 16 3 52 11 Venny Dwi Lestari 19 7 10 11 2 49 12 Raissa Sakina Yoantina 14 10 10 11 2 47 13 Yustisia D. 18 11 13 15 3 60 14 Dara Afiyona 14 8 12 15 2 51 15 Maviana Rifqi Haikal 18 9 10 10 2 49 16 Hasna Syarifah 17 12 13 18 3 60 17 Yudinda Fajarani 20 12 13 17 3 62 18 Eva Mega Putri 22 13 15 16 3 69 19 Khairiyyah Annisa S.B 15 7 14 17 3 56 20 Fika Roudlotul Ilmi 15 10 7 8 3 43 21 Endang Pungkasan 18 10 10 11 2 51 22 Ivana N.S 15 10 13 16 3 54 23 Anyetha 15 10 9 9 2 45 24 Fadila Mudaneli 20 17 14 19 3 73 25 Fatur Fadila 18 13 12 11 2 56 26 Nurul Hikmah 15 9 8 11 2 45 27 Sofa 25 16 12 17 3 73 28 Bramantio Ismi Nugroho 15 10 12 14 3 54 29 Muh. Raihan Nadhir 21 8 12 13 2 56 Scores of Post Test at Class XI IPS



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Proper 5 Paragraph Essay





