Siswa.php Admin.php

ifquery1=mysql_querysql1 die Pengambilan gagal1 menu posisi kiri; ifr=mysql_fetch_arrayquery1 { kiri .= r[temp_atas]; atas tag tengah kiri .= rows[menu]; kiri .= r[temp_tengah]; tengah tag awal source isi fungsi =..modultag_.rows[fungsi]..php; include fungsi; kiri .= tag; bawah kiri .= r[temp_bawah]; bawah tag=; } } ?

4. Siswa.php

?php session_start; definetamansiswa,1; include ..libparsing.php; require ..libconfig.php; include ..functionsfungsi_gabung.php; include ..functionsfungsi_siswa.php; include ..functionsfungsi_temp.php; function isiid { global memberlog; userid = _SESSION[User][userid]; switch id { case data: include ..functionsmember_status.php; isi .= atas_isiProfil Siswa; if userid isi .=data; else isi .=user_gagal; isi .= bawah_isi; break; Universitas Sumatera Utara case homepage: isi .= atas_isiHomepage Kelas; isi .=homepage; isi .= bawah_isi; break; case dbsiswa: isi .= atas_isiDirektori Siswa; isi .=datasiswa; isi .= bawah_isi; break; case profil: include ..functionsfungsi_profil.php; isi .=profile; break; default: include ..functionsfungsi_depan.php; isi .=depansiswa; isi .= atas_isiDirektori Siswa; isi .=datasiswa; isi .= bawah_isi; break; } return isi; } include..functionskoneksi.php; sql2=select from t_pos_menu where posisi=L and kategori=siswa and sembunyi=t order by urut; ifquery2=mysql_querysql2 die Pengambilan gagal1 menu; while rows=mysql_fetch_arrayquery2 { sql1=select from t_temp_menu where idtemp=.rows[idtemp].; ifquery1=mysql_querysql1 die Pengambilan gagal1 menu posisi kiri; r=mysql_fetch_arrayquery1; kiri .= r[temp_atas]; atas tag tengah kiri .= rows[menu]; kiri .= r[temp_tengah]; tengah tag awal source isi Universitas Sumatera Utara fungsi =..modultag_.rows[fungsi]..php; include fungsi; kiri.= tag; bawah kiri.= r[temp_bawah]; bawah tag=; } ?

5. Admin.php

DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -W3CDTD HTML 4.0 TransitionalEN html head title .: Login Administrator :. title link rel=stylesheet type=textcss href=style.css head body -- This P tag shows Error mesage -- form method=POST action=login.php center div class=display_green table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border =0 tr td colspan=3center: Login Administrator :centertd tr tr td rowspan=3img src=login.jpg width=60 height=60 align=left td tdUsername tdtdinput type=text name=username id=unametd tr tr tdPassword tdtdinput type=password name=password id=passtd tr Universitas Sumatera Utara tr td align=leftinput type=submit name=login value=Login id=submit td tr table div center form body html

6. Script Proses Buku Tamu