The Type of Research Data Collection


This chapter explains wholly the research design and methodology. There are four important things to discuss. They are the type of research, the data collection, the data processing, and the data analysis. All is a systematic way functioning to address the problems of the research in order to find the answers. Research design and methodology is a complete set of methods suitable for the research.

3.1 The Type of Research

Powell and Renner 2003:1 state that qualitative research uses qualitative data that consist of words and observation because no number is absolutely concluded. Moreover, Richie and Lewis 2003:5 state that qualitative research is a research suitable to address research questions that require understanding and explanation of social phenomena and their context. It can be precisely concluded that this research is a qualitative research because this consists of words without number and discusses social phenomena. The purpose of qualitative research is to reach the deep interpretation and understanding on the social phenomena through investigating the social and material environment experience, world view and way of life of the participants. So does this research. The researcher wants to reveal everything behind the social phenomena that is called the dependency complex that happens to the Jayazeris in the novel Funny in Farsi of Firoozeh Dumas by using the theories of Frantz Fanon and O. Mannoni. The phenomenon observed by Fanon is theoretically similar to what happens to the Jayazeris when they lived in America. Then, the theory of Fanon of the dependency complex is used to explain the social phenomena in the novel. These data are collected by conducting library research. Library research is a research conducted by using material from the library. This research does not require going to the field, because the data can be obtained from library and internet.

3.2 Data Collection

Collecting data is an absolutely important process of conducting a research because every research requires a lot of information. Obviously, the information is used to enlarge the understanding to the topic of the research. Blexter et al. 2006:154 state that there are four methods of data collection that consist of interview, observation, questionnaire, and documentary method. Documentary method is the only method used to conduct the research. It is a method of collecting data by using written material as the source of the research. The method requires a lot of information from written materials including the researches of other researchers and the books explaining the used theories. This research does not need to use interviews to get information, respondents, and observations to the field where the social phenomena happened. The data is divided into two parts: primary and secondary data. Blexter et al. 2006:153 state that the primary data is original data that has never been collected and secondary data is the data that has been possibly analysed by the other researcher. The primary source of data of this research is obviously the novel of Firoozeh Dumas Funny in Farsi. The secondary ones are the books related to the discussion of the dependency complex are used to analyse the social phenomena that happened to the Jayazeris while they lived in America.

3.3 Data Processing