Data Processing Data Analysis

3.2 Data Collection

Collecting data is an absolutely important process of conducting a research because every research requires a lot of information. Obviously, the information is used to enlarge the understanding to the topic of the research. Blexter et al. 2006:154 state that there are four methods of data collection that consist of interview, observation, questionnaire, and documentary method. Documentary method is the only method used to conduct the research. It is a method of collecting data by using written material as the source of the research. The method requires a lot of information from written materials including the researches of other researchers and the books explaining the used theories. This research does not need to use interviews to get information, respondents, and observations to the field where the social phenomena happened. The data is divided into two parts: primary and secondary data. Blexter et al. 2006:153 state that the primary data is original data that has never been collected and secondary data is the data that has been possibly analysed by the other researcher. The primary source of data of this research is obviously the novel of Firoozeh Dumas Funny in Farsi. The secondary ones are the books related to the discussion of the dependency complex are used to analyse the social phenomena that happened to the Jayazeris while they lived in America.

3.3 Data Processing

As mentioned in the previous chapter, the data used in examining the research are the qualitative data because the research is a qualitative research. Blexter et al. 2006:64 says, “Qualitative research on the other hand, is concerned with collecting and analysing information in as many forms, chiefly non- numeric, as possible.” It means that qualitative data is non-numerical data. In conclusion, the data of this research is qualitative data. Since the research is only a library research which does not need field observation or questioners, what to do is coding and sorting the data from internet, books, and articles containing categorize related to the chosen theory and topic. Data processing is done in several steps. Firstly, the researcher read the theory of Frantz Fanon about the dependency complex. Then, the researcher found the point of his theory mainly about the causes and the characteristics. Secondly, the res earcher read Firoozeh Dumas’s Funny in Farsi. The researcher found the same psychological phenomena stated by Fanon. Fanon’s theory and Dumas’s novel have different eras. Then the researcher concludes the relation between them by taking the context that is psychology of colonization. After getting the relation, the researcher explains how Fanon’s theory is applied in the life of the Jayazeris in the novel Funny in Farsi.

3.4 Data Analysis

Shaw 1972:107 states that an inductive method is always from the specific to general. So is this research. The researcher very firstly read the novel and found the social and psychological phenomena that happened to the characters in the novel. Then the sources related to the theory of phenomena that is called dependency complex were collected and one theory was chosen. Particular information from the theory was listed before going further to the primary data of the research, the novel Funny in Farsi. The theory chosen is Frantz Fanon’s dependency complex. Then the researcher listed the explanations of it. Fundamentally it shows the backgrounds causing the behaviours of dependence and the characteristics of the sufferers. The backgrounds are anti-Semitic mentality, Prospero complex, and racism. The characteristics are inferiority complex and the unconscious. These backgrounds and characteristics are used to examine the behaviour of the characters in the novel. After listing the entire explanations of the theory and having wholly understood it, the behaviours of the characters or what the characters did in the novel were observed and categorized based on the explanation of the theory. Before going to the characteristics, the backgrounds were observed through the events and circumstances supporting the plot of the story in the novel. The same analysis is used to examine the characteristics. The characters’ behaviours, attitudes, and feelings were described by using the dependency complex theory. The specific information from the novel and the theory are gathered to explain the phenomena in general. All the problems of the research were answered through the explanation and general conclusions of the research questions. That was how the inductive method worked. To answer the first research question, the behaviors reflecting the signs of dependency complex are explained. Since the object of this rresearch is the Jayazeris, all the characters suffering dependency complex are shown in this research. The first sign showing one who suffers dependency complex explained in this research is inferiority complex. This sign appears as the result of the backgrounds of dependency complex. The existence of dependency complex can be seen through this complex. Ones who suffer inferioritycomplex will always come to dependency complex if they cannot survive in their inferiority. The inferiority complex of the Jayazeris can be really seen in the novel. Dumas’s father show his onferiority complex through his hiding when he firstly came to the United States of America. He didn’t show himself because of his influency in speaking in English. He didn’t want to be embarrassed when he had conversations with the native people. The result is that he became inferior and then in the next process he got the unconscious. Dumas’s mother also shows her inferiority when she didn’t want to be recognized as a Persian. She was more proud to be recognized as a European since she knew that she had a german aunt.Dumas and her brothers also feel inferior since the native people mocked their persian names. Then they changed their names to be americanized in order to be similar with the American people. The second sign showing dependency complex is their unconscious. The existence of dependency complex can be seen through this sign. The explanation is just the same with the inferiority complex explanation. The behaviors reflecting the unconscious are described. That is how the existence of dependency complex is explained. To answer the second research question about the relationship between the real life of Iranian American and the story in the novel, firstly the history of the Iranian who lived in the United States of America is explained according to the backgrounds of dependency complex. Then the similar moments in the novel are also explained. From the both explanations, the similarity is found and the answer of the question about the relationship between the real life of Iranian American and the story in the novel is also found. That is how the second research question is answered.