Frantz Fanon’s Dependency Complex

The difference between this thesis and Jasmin Taghavi’s thesis is the research area. This thesis is in the area of psychoanalysis and post-colonial literature analysis. Taghavi’s thesis is in the area of translation problems analysis. Absolutely, the theories used are different. This thesis uses Frantz Fanon’s theory about dependency complex and O. Mannoni’s theory about inferiority complex and Prospero complex. Taghavi’s thesis uses the theories of Patrick Zabalbeascoa and Salvatore Attardo about a model for structuring joke-types according to binary branching and knowledge resources in the binary tree.

2.2 Frantz Fanon’s Dependency Complex

Frantz Fanon describes the psychology of colonized black people during the depressing colonization through his book Black Skin, White Mask. More specifically, he explains more particularly psychological condition that is called dependency complex. He mentions what O. Mannoni says as dependence complex dependency complex as shown clearly in chapter 4 of his book, The So-called Dependency Complex of Colonized People. What Fanon discusses in this chapter is criticizing the theory of Mannoni about the dependence complex. Some contents are wrong according to Fanon and they are related to the cause of the complex and Fanon adds some characteristics of it. However, Fanon 1986:62 still respects the theory of Mannoni as shown in this statement, “Mr. Mannoni deserves our thanks for having introduced into the procedure two elements whose importance can never again escape anyone.” Fanon also agrees with some contents supporting the existence of dependency complex. That’s why he puts Mannoni’s inferiority complex and Prospero complex in the discussion of dependency complex. Fanon 1964:62 says that the matters of colonization cannot be seen only from the objective condition of the historical event, it must be observed from the attitudes of the people in that condition. Moreover he agrees to what the root of the colonization is; that is the feeling of unsatisfaction of the colonial. What Fanon 1986:67 disagrees is Mannoni’s statement saying that: “The fact that when an adult Malagasy is isolated in a different environment he can become susceptible to the classical type of inferiority complex proves almost beyond doubt that the germ of the complex was latent in him from childhood.” Fanon sees this as the error of the result of being objective. Mannoni seems trying to put the in feriority complex as something that induces colonization. Fanon’s critic is based on short explanation of psychological theory saying that latent forms of psychosis are the result of traumatic memoir. 2.2.1 Anti-Semitic Mentality The other thing that Fanon opposes is an idea arguing that economic factor is nothing important to the causes of colonization that makes the colonized unintentionally dependent to the colonizer. Mannoni in Fanon, 1986:63 says, “In South Africa the white labourers are quite as racialist as the employers and managers and very often a good deal more so.” Mannoni seems to show that economic condition has no role in contributing to the colonization and the dependence complex. Here Fanon opposes Mannoni by showing the anti-Semitic mentality. Sartre 1960:26 says that anti- Semitism is called a poor man’s snobbery. The rich mostly always did the passion of underestimating other races than giving up. It was better to do according to them. This passion was spread among the middle classes. They treated the Jew as inferior people. By doing this they assumed themselves as the elite. They did this also because they did not possess either lands or houses. Fanon also quotes Sartre’s statement in his book. He sees that all the colonizers, in this case they are the white, must do the same thing as the anti-Semitism did. So Fanon 1986:64 takes a conclusion, “the displacement of the white proletariat’s aggression on to the black proletariat is fundamentally a result of the economic structure of Sout h Africa.” This commonly means that the colonization is caused by the economic factor. It must be followed by the dependence complex suffered by the colonized people. In conclusion, anti- semitic mentality is a passion of authorizing other people’s wealth by treating them as inferior people. 2.2.2 Racism The other thing that makes the colonization real is the action of differentiating other races even underestimating them that people call it commonly as racism or racialism. Mannoni in Fannon,1968:64 says that, “racialism is the work of petty officials small traders and colonials who have toiled much without great success.” In this case, Mannoni is in discussion of South Africa. One of the example of racial underestimation is like what Oswin in Fanon, 1986:65 says that there was a separation between the native and the European territorially, economically, and politically because the white wanted to eliminate the economic competition by allowing the black to build their own civilization under the authority and guidance of the white with minimum contact of both races. It’s obvious that the fear of competition is a sign to protect the white in the black land and prevent it from falling to the lower level. This fear is one of the reasons they did racism. Racism is one of the factors that cause the colonization that is clearly the root of the dependency complex. 2.2.3 The Unconscious The other thing that becomes the sign of the dependency complex is the unconscious. It is something in the colonized people’s mind that makes the white men become the awaited master Fanon, 1986:74. This kind of feeling represents the dependency complex because the one who has this feeling seems needing helps from the people outside of his place. This obviously means that they cannot be independent. In other words, they are psychologically dependent and it can be clearly said that he suffers dependency complex. The unconscious can be observed by the dreams of the sufferers. Fanon 1986:74 tells one of them: “I had been walking for a long time, I was extremely exhausted, I had the impression that something was waiting for me, I climbed barricades and walls, I came into an empty hall, and from behind a door I heard noise: I hesitated before I went in, but finally I made up my mind and opened the door. In this second room there were white men, and I found I too was white.” It’s concluded that that person has an unconscious wish which represents that he wants to be like the white or he needs the white to help him. Such person lives in a society that makes him inferior and proclaims the superiority of one race. The very good example of the person who suffers the unconscious and then becomes dependent to the white is the soldier that is under the command of the white. Why do they accept to be commanded by the white? The only reason is that they have suffered that the unconscious in the greatest level. They obey what the white command to attack the people of the same race as Fanon 1986:77 states, “They were “men of colour” who nullified the liberation efforts of other “men of colour”.”

2.3 O. Mannoni’s Theories