A comparative study of the usage particle deh and donk as communicative and expressive translation in novel the choice : job training report





1. Student’s Profile

a. Name : Resti Safaat

b. Address : Babakan Sindangrasa RT/RW 03/06 No.18 Ciamis

c. Place and Date of Birth : Ciamis, 12 September 1991

d. Sex : Female

e. Religion : Moslem

f. Phone : 085223047809

g. E-mail : s.resti29@yahoo.com

2. Education Background 2.1Formal Education

No Year Institution

1 1997-2003 SD N 1 Sindangrasa 2 2003-2006 SMP N 2 Ciamis 3 2006-2009 SMK N 1 Ciamis

4 2009- Now English Department Indonesia University of Computer

2.2Informal Education

No Year Institution

1 2008 Effective English Course ( ECC) (Certified) 2 2010 Translating and Interpreting Workshop


3 2011 Feminist and Feminine and Text (Certified) 4 2011 Tax Priority (Certified)



5 2011 Semiotic: Literature and Media Seminar and Workshop (Certified)

6 2011 Public Speaking Seminar (Certified) 7 2011 Copywriting Seminar and Workshop


8 2012 English Contest (Certified) 3. Competency

There are some competencies that the writer has. They are as follows: a. Operating computer (Ms. Office, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe

Flash, Macromedia, 3D Max Animation, Digital Audio and Digital Video)

b. English Correspondence

4. Organization and Work Experiences

No Year Organization

1 200-2003 Member of PRAMUKA SDN 1 Sindangrasa 2 2003-2006 Member of Volley ball, Basket ball SMP N 2


3 2006-2009 Member of PASKIBRA and PRAMUKA 4 2009-2011 Member of HIMA SAIS UNIKOM

5 2010-2011 Member of DPM UNIKOM





Submitted to fulfill one of the course requirements






First of all the writer would like to thanks to the greatest creator Allah S.W.T who gave the entire gift, bless, help, and easiness to the writer to finish this report. However, this report would never be done without the support of many people.

The writer wants to express appreciation for the finishing of this job training report to the following:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Moh. Tadjudin, M.A, The Dean of Faculty of Letter, for giving approval to perform this Job Training.

2. Dr. Juanda The head of English Department

3. Miss Nenden Rikma, S.S., the writer’s advisor who helps and leads the writer to accomplish this report.

4. Asih Prihandini, S.S., M. Hum, The Coordinator of Job Training 5. All English Department lecturers, staff and student

6. Staff of Balai Bahasa Bandung, who gave the opportunity to the writer to conduct job training there.

Special thanks also to the writer’s family and close friends:

1. Beloved family, especially the writer’s parents Mrs. Iyus Yusiawati and Mr. Iwa Supriatin, the writer’s lovely sister and Brother Ayu Rahmat Sari and Asep Ismal Nugroho, thanks for all of support given to the writer.


2. Ima, Egria Sondakh, and Decil Kartika Sari, thanks for all support and loving care given to the writer.

3. My best friend, SAIS, ‘09 and ‘08 thanks for sharing sadness and pain. 4. My friend, Information System (SI) thanks for support.

Bandung, December 2012 The Writer







Bandung, December 2012 Approved by:


Nenden Rikma Dewi, S.S

Acknowledge by Head of English Department,

Dr. Djuanda NIP. 4127.20.03.007








1.1Background to the Topic 1

1.2Scope 2

1.3Objectives 2

1.4Significant to Knowledge 3

1.5The Framework of the Theory 3

1.6Research Method 3

1.7Place and Time 4



2.1 Description of Balai Bahasa Bandung 5 2.2 Structure of Organization Balai Bahasa Bandung 6

2.3 Job Position 6




3.2 A Comparative Study of the usage particle 10 “deh” and “dong” as communicative and

expressive translation in novel “The Choice”

3.2.1 Explanation 10

3.2.2 Problems and Solutions 11 Problems 11 Analysis and Solution 11


4.1. Conclusion 14

4.2 Suggestions 15






Larson, Mildred L. 1984. Meaning Based Translation: A Guide to Cross Language Equivalence. USA: University Press of America.






1.1 Background to The Topic

Language takes an important role in human’s life. It has been a part of almost every aspect of human’s life. It is used to express ideas and thought. The most important thing as a translator we must know the culture before, so when we translate to other language especially from Source Language to Target Language the reader not confuse what the message want to delivered by author.

According to the context in translation, for applying all skills the writer has, the writer found that Balai Bahasa Bandung is an appropriate place to conduct job training as a build the standard of structure especially in communication and structure Indonesian language.

For about a month, the writer conducted the job training at the place and was assigned to be technical staff of linguistic. As a technical staff of linguistic, we have to develop and construct all about languages, Indonesian literature with local language. During the translation process, as the writer conducted about the rules of translation there are formal and informal, formally, how to make good and precise translation, informal how the contents of the translation were interested for reader.



To make a good translation, finding cultural equivalent is very important. We cannot focus for finding the proper one in target language, as a reader will unable to understand the message of the text.

Furthermore, our difference culture between Source Language and Target Language becomes a comparing to find words equivalent.

For the case, the writer entitled this report “A Comparative Study of the usage particle “deh” and “dong” as communicative and expressive translation in Novel “The Choice”. This report aims to give an explanation and description about the comparative text which the Target Language means, especially in popular novel.

1.2 Scope

This report is generally attempted to compare the process how to build expressive and communicative translation in terms of specific field. This report discusses about the comparative process for finding lexical and cultural equivalent through popular novel in translation.

1.3 Objectives

The aim of the writer did job training is to obtain and collect data and information, and then information related to the cases will discuss by the writer.

Based on the case, this report has some objectives, as in the following; 1. To report the job training conducted in Balai Bahasa Bandung.



3. To discuss and compare the process how to reach communicative and expressive translation.

4. To give meaning for the whole what the author’s mean in the novel

1.4 Significant to Knowledge

The report obtained from conducting job training can be used as input in comparing appropriation word to Source Language to Target Language. Therefore, it can improve the knowledge in translating novel.

1.5 The Framework of The Theory

The writer used the theory Larson in this novel as the grand theory for this report. Larson (1984: 436-7) stated that the receptor audience will decode the translation in terms of his own culture and experience, not in terms of the culture and experience of the author and audience of the original document.

1.6 Research Method

The method used in this report is descriptive comparative. In this report, the writer used comparative method to analyze data by comparing them, and explained the compare of the data by describing them in details using descriptive method until conclusion is achieved. The data collected are taken from to different novel with two different languages during the job training.



1.7 Place and Time

The writer conducted the job training in Balai Bahasa Bandung located at Jl. Sumbawa No. 11 Bandung. The writer was assigned as technical staff of linguistic. The writer was asked to do some works as translator, made a journal of daily activity, wrote broadcast scripts for RRI and resumed linguistics text. The writer worked within a month, started from 9th July to 10th Augusts 2012. It was started from 8 am to 2 pm from Monday to Thursday.




2.1 Description of Balai Bahasa Bandung

According to UUD 1945 article 36, Indonesian language is used as a nation formal language. Indonesian Government tries to conserve, develop and construct the Indonesian language as local language. Additionally, the government constructed an institution called the Balai Bahasa Bandung—previously in 1966 named the Institute of Languages and Cultures transformed to the National Language Institute in 1969. Since April 1975 Lembaga Bahasa Nasional changed Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, and the name was changed longer a Language Center in 1999. This institution is under the Ministry of National Education has a primary responsibility to develop and maintain Indonesian-Local language and literature.

Considering its coverage in conserving and developing language and literature, Pusat Bahasa established Balai Bahasa in all around Indonesia. Balai Bahasa in West Java Province is called Balai Bahasa. Balai Bahasa Bandung was officially established in September 1999 serves as Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) or Technical Implementation Unit in the Ministry of National Education. In operating their task, technically and administratively, they are under Balai Bahasa Bandung and responsible to Pusat Balai Bahasa. Furthermore, Pusat Balai Bahasa is responsible to the Secretary General in the Ministry of National Education.


6 ```

2.2 Structure of Organization Balai Bahasa Bandung

Structure of Organization in Company is an important thing. That is staked based on the function itself.

2.3. Job Position

The writer conducted the job training at the place and was assigned to be technical staff of linguistic. On the structure of organization, the writer is as a language and literature examination (Pengkajian Bahasa dan Sastra). The jobs that were given to the writer included language and literature examination, and resuming RRI scripts.


7 ```

1. The Head of Balai Bahasa Bandung

Responsibility: made a planning and conception the project in Balai Bahasa Bandung.

2. Administrative

Responsibility: a manage input and output all about administrative. 3. Language and literature examination

Responsibility: to develop and construct all about language and literature.

4. Language and literature development Responsibility: to develop the language. 5. Language and literature development II

Responsibility: to develop and protect the language. 6. Administrative affair

Responsibility: a manage input and output administrative. 7. Building and Planning affair

Responsibility: to build and plan the activity in Balai Bahasa Bandung. 8. Action and official affair

Responsibility: research, discuss, and check the concept of the official affair

9. General affair

Responsibility: prepare a draft of work and accept the draft or planning concepts.





3.1 Descriptions of activities

For about a month, the writer conducted job training at Balai Bahasa Bandung as a technical staff of linguistic. The writer translated the academic writing, made a journal of daily activity, and wrote broadcast scripts for RRI and resumed linguistic texts. While being technical staff of linguistic, the writer compared documents from social network texts and a popular novel. The writer found many terms in Source Language to Target Language, and those terms were affecting target language through literal process.

At the first day, the writer got socialization about job description that the writer would have, the writer did many things which are related to translation. The writer made a journal of daily activity, wrote broadcast scripts for RRI and resumed linguistics text.

Every Monday the writer should attend morning briefing to discuss about progress, and after briefing the writer discussed in Library for what should do the progress in Balai Bahasa Bandung. The progress from Sunday until Thursday the writer should have to make a daily activity about journal, and resume the journal. During the writer made a journal through these steps, first, the writer chose the



book which one for discussed. Second, the writer collected the information about what should be written in the book. Last, the writer must be edited the journal.

Beside that, the writer must be translated some academic writing, novel and social network about the particle. While translating, the writer searches in Google about the particle, the kinds of particle, and the function of particle. The writer chose the novel for discussed in this context for the particle. During the process of the research particle the tutor decide for focusing deh” and dong”. So, the writer focusing discussed about particle and took the data from novel.

In this case, the particle “deh” and “dong” has the function not only for the insertion word but also for delivered message of the text more clearly and communicative from Source Language to Target Language.

On the other hand, the writer tries to compare the data from novel Source Language to Target Language based on literal and equivalent meaning. The writer used popular novel to find word equivalent and compare to the target language, that ways target language added particle in some cases. Facing the cases, the writer used comparative translation from Source Language (SL) to Target Language (TL). Finally, the writer decided to analyze it as the topic of the job training report, and entitled the report by “A Comparative Study of the usage particle “deh” and “dong” as communicative and expressive translation in Novel “The Choice”.



3.2 A Comparative Study of the usage particle “deh” and “dong” as communicative and expressive translation in novel “The Choice”

In this point, the writer describes the explanation about the relation of English and Indonesian Novel. The writer tries to compare the source language and target language in the cases.

3.2.1 Explanation

In communicative and expressive translations Source Language to Target Language has some many characteristic. According to Larson, this literal translation sets up a strange collocation, step 1. Collecting data, step 2. Sort the collocate into generic classes, step 3. Regroup the context according to collocates which belong to the same generic classes, step 4. List and label the senses of the word. According to (Beekman and Callow 1974:97) the common thread of meaning shows that were dealing with a single word rather than with two or more separate words, but each sense will result in a different form for the translation. In this report the writer will focus on multiple senses of lexical items and translation the various senses.

Translation the various senses

Example: SL: I dressed myself.

TL: saya mengenakan pakaian sendiri. SL: I put my clothes on.



3.2.2 Problem and solutions

The writer found some difficulties and problems to make expressive communicative translation. The problems and solution while translating are explained as follows: Problem

Translating the text in the specific field of study is not as easy as translating common text. These phenomena cause the writer difficult to find right word into Target Language. The translator tried to compare the message of the text. Analysis and Solution

The writer compares source language to target language as communicative and expressive massage to reader.

The analysis of data are described and explained, as follows:

1. Data:

Source Language Target Language

“I told you that I said there not important.

“Sudah kubilang yang kupikirkan

tadi tidak penting deh.”

2. Data:



“Do you remember when you still


“Masih ingat dong ketika kamu bersama Travis?"

3. Data:

Source language Target Language

“I’m seriously” “Aku serius deh

The data, it’s to compare between the source language to target language.

For the source language, the sentence or the text it’s literal meaning, and for the

target language it’s added some particle, like “deh” and “dong. In this context, the translator wants to express the meaning used the particle, so that the reader more interested in read the text on the novel. Moreover, the aims of the adding particle “deh” and “dong” is made the context has different sense.

Particle “deh” and “dong” used in direct speech in the context. The context which used particle is more expressive and communicative language. In SL, there is the literal meaning. By using particle, it makes the translation more effective, and easier to understand by readers since it is literal meaning which can make the readers feel bored while reading. While the readers can enjoy and understand well the text, it means that communicative translation is succeed to reach.



In the result, the particle “deh” and “dong” is compared about the sense of the context, and how explain clearly the target language is more communicative and expressive, and the message to deliver has more sense value.





4.1 Conclusion

The result of job training, the writer has compared the cases in translation. The writer concludes that the comparison in translation Source Language to Target Language we are suggested to know cultures in both language first, find the proper words or terms in Target Language, then recognize how to use the words or terms properly. The comparative method is often used in the early stages of the development of a branch of science, but in this case the writer tries to compare in popular novel as a source.

As the result of the cases, the writer found the comparison between two languages. In Target Language during translation process, particle “deh” and “dong” were added for comparison, the aim of the adding particle “deh” and “dong” is made the context has different sense. By using particle, it makes the translation more effective, and easier to understand by readers since it is literal meaning which can make the readers feel bored while reading. To reach translation, there is a book needed as reference that has supporting with this case, “The Choice” by Nicholas Spark.



4.2 Suggestion

Based on the report in above, the writer can describe some suggestions and expectations, first for Balai Bahasa Bandung: keep conserve and maintain of the language, especially Indonesian language. Make a seminar about literature and Indonesian language. The second, for English Department, more disciplines to collect job training. The last for the writer, the writer expect after finishing this job training report who will take translation as their subject during job training, they must collect to field not ever been used before in the report.


3.2 A Comparative Study of the usage particle “deh” and “dong” as communicative and expressive translation in novel “The Choice”

In this point, the writer describes the explanation about the relation of English and Indonesian Novel. The writer tries to compare the source language and target language in the cases.

3.2.1 Explanation

In communicative and expressive translations Source Language to Target Language has some many characteristic. According to Larson, this literal translation sets up a strange collocation, step 1. Collecting data, step 2. Sort the collocate into generic classes, step 3. Regroup the context according to collocates which belong to the same generic classes, step 4. List and label the senses of the word. According to (Beekman and Callow 1974:97) the common thread of meaning shows that were dealing with a single word rather than with two or more separate words, but each sense will result in a different form for the translation. In this report the writer will focus on multiple senses of lexical items and translation the various senses.

Translation the various senses

Example: SL: I dressed myself.

TL: saya mengenakan pakaian sendiri. SL: I put my clothes on.



3.2.2 Problem and solutions

The writer found some difficulties and problems to make expressive communicative translation. The problems and solution while translating are explained as follows: Problem

Translating the text in the specific field of study is not as easy as translating common text. These phenomena cause the writer difficult to find right word into Target Language. The translator tried to compare the message of the text. Analysis and Solution

The writer compares source language to target language as communicative and expressive massage to reader.

The analysis of data are described and explained, as follows:

1. Data:

Source Language Target Language

“I told you that I said there not important.

“Sudah kubilang yang kupikirkan tadi tidak penting deh.”


“Do you remember when you still Travis?”

“Masih ingat dong ketika kamu bersama Travis?"

3. Data:

Source language Target Language

“I’m seriously” “Aku serius deh

The data, it’s to compare between the source language to target language. For the source language, the sentence or the text it’s literal meaning, and for the target language it’s added some particle, like “deh” and “dong. In this context, the translator wants to express the meaning used the particle, so that the reader more interested in read the text on the novel. Moreover, the aims of the adding particle “deh” and “dong” is made the context has different sense.

Particle “deh” and “dong” used in direct speech in the context. The context which used particle is more expressive and communicative language. In SL, there is the literal meaning. By using particle, it makes the translation more effective, and easier to understand by readers since it is literal meaning which can make the readers feel bored while reading. While the readers can enjoy and understand well the text, it means that communicative translation is succeed to reach.



In the result, the particle “deh” and “dong” is compared about the sense of the context, and how explain clearly the target language is more communicative and expressive, and the message to deliver has more sense value.


14 4.1 Conclusion

The result of job training, the writer has compared the cases in translation. The writer concludes that the comparison in translation Source Language to Target Language we are suggested to know cultures in both language first, find the proper words or terms in Target Language, then recognize how to use the words or terms properly. The comparative method is often used in the early stages of the development of a branch of science, but in this case the writer tries to compare in popular novel as a source.

As the result of the cases, the writer found the comparison between two languages. In Target Language during translation process, particle “deh” and “dong” were added for comparison, the aim of the adding particle “deh” and “dong” is made the context has different sense. By using particle, it makes the translation more effective, and easier to understand by readers since it is literal meaning which can make the readers feel bored while reading. To reach translation, there is a book needed as reference that has supporting with this case, “The Choice” by Nicholas Spark.



4.2 Suggestion

Based on the report in above, the writer can describe some suggestions and expectations, first for Balai Bahasa Bandung: keep conserve and maintain of the language, especially Indonesian language. Make a seminar about literature and Indonesian language. The second, for English Department, more disciplines to collect job training. The last for the writer, the writer expect after finishing this job training report who will take translation as their subject during job training, they must collect to field not ever been used before in the report.