Primary Objectives Related objectives

Comparison of world livestock export standards Page 10 of 58 2 Project Objectives

2.1 Primary Objectives

The countries reviewed by this study include Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Mexico, China, South Africa, Ireland, the US and UK, Canada and various African and European countries. The primary tasks prescribed for the study included those list below: • Record a comprehensive list of livestock export air and sea standards for all those countries exporting cattle, sheep and goats that have documented standards. • Present these standards on the basis of on-farm, land transport, registered premises, vessel preparation, on-board sea and air standards so as to allow comparison with the Australia standards format to allow meaningful comparisons to be made • Develop criteria for the purposes of benchmarking the various standards. • Identify significant inconsistencies in the standards and any gaps in knowledge needed to support the standards. • Compare and contrast methods used to develop standards including but not restricted to processes for consultation and use of experts appropriate to each link along the export chain.

2.2 Related objectives

In the process of comparing the standards applying in different countries, the study attempts to address several related objectives including the following: 1. Prescriptive demands placed on exporters through standards 2. Degree of fit and relevance to the process 3. The outcome the particular standard is designed to achieve 4. Supporting rationale for the standard including assessment of the scientific basis 5. Animal welfare implications 6. Commercial implications 7. Ease of verification of compliance 8. Compliance arrangements, performance measures and reporting of outcomes. It will be useful to reflect on the significance and common themes implicit in several of the ‘related objectives’ above. Objectives 3, 4 and 5 dealing with outcomes that the standards are designed to achieve, the supporting rationale behind the standards and the animal welfare implications of the Comparison of world livestock export standards Page 11 of 58 standards are briefly discussed below. Objectives 7 and 8 verification of compliance are also related and are discussed in section 2.5.

2.3 Common themes behind the origin of standards