Knowledge Representation Knowledge Base System of Criteria and Indicators

4.4.1. Knowledge Representation

A network of criteria and indicators, as shown in Figure 4.11, represents the knowledge of SFM. The knowledge was broken down into nodes. Each node represents a concept of sustainability at a particular level. For instance, in Table 4.22 the first principle of generic knowledge is “ecosystem integrity is maintained”, and the second level derived into criteria - the criteria are followed by their indicators. A verifier or sub-verifier is needed when its super ordinate cannot represent a single measurement. Figure 4.11. Network of nodes that represent criteria and indicators Each node has attributes such as detail explanation, who created it, when it was created etc. Each node has a series of argumentation processes showing whether a particular node is supported or countered in the network, as shown in Figure 4.12. The argumentation process of each node is stored in its life history SFM Principles Criteria Indicators Verifier Sub-verifier that can be tracked by the user. The importance of that history is to enable the user to learn how the knowledge exists in the network. Table 4.22. The hierarchy of nodes Principle 1 Ecosystem integrity is maintained Criterion 1.1 Biodiversity is maintained Landscape pattern is maintained The species richness of selected groups is maintained Population sizes of selected species do not show significant change Rare or endangered species are protected ………………. Indicators Verifier Sub-verifier ………………. Figure 4.12. The argumentation process The relation between nodes under one super ordinate is not necessary all ANDs. It might be AND or OR as illustrated in Figure 4.13. N1 has five subordinates. The AND relation connects the first three nodes, and the OR relation relates the fourth and fifth nodes. Thus, N1 comprises three nodes N.1.1, N.1.2 and N.1.3 and one node either N.1.4 or N.1.5. A1. argument to support N1 N1 is live A2. argument to counter A1 N1 is dead A3. argument to counter A2 N1 is live A4. argument to counter A3 N1 is dead N1 Figure 4.13. The relation between nodes

4.4.2. Reasoning Engine