6.1. Conclusions

a. Local communities living in Inhutani II’s area were able to define the knowledge of sustainable forest management SFM. The research results showed that this local knowledge conforms to the generic or scientific knowledge of SFM. Inhutani II, in general, believes in implementing generic knowledge of SFM. The developed knowledge base system KBS found a way to harmonize this knowledge. The common perceptions or knowledge between these stakeholders became the foundation for collaboration in managing the forest. b. Collaboration between concessionaires and the communities appeared to be the most suitable alternative for sustainable forest management, in particular for improving communities’ incomes without decreasing the quality of the forest. This means collaboration between stakeholders must be encouraged and specified in order to get better outcomes for the management of forests. However, the collaborative arrangement might differ from site to site. Each FMU might have a different collaborative arrangement. Decentralization is a policy conducive to collaborative forest management. An appropriate decentralization process is a necessary condition for achieving better outcomes.

6.2. Future Works

This research was limited to the stakeholders located in the Inhutani II area, so that any general conclusion relating to a similar situation of scientific and community knowledge needs to be carefully derived. Further study on the roles of non-government organizations NGOs in influencing communities is necessary. This influence might change communities’ perceptions of sustainability and their willingness to collaborate with other stakeholders. The benefit and cost types of collaborations need to be studied more. Paying careful attention to different collaboration costs prior to a collaborative arrangement will avoid desperation. The collaboration costs may include costs of specifying rights and obligations, monitoring and enforcing of collaboration. Considering a forest is a complex ecosystem, and the social lives associated with it can also be complex, any arrangement or scenario of collaboration for a specific site requires extra study in order to produce generalizations. 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1.1. List of ITTO CI