The Using of Past Tense in Three Articles










1.1 Background of the Topic 1

1.2 Scopes 2

1.3 Objectives 3

1.4 The Significant of Knowledge 3

1.5 The Framework of The Theory 4

1.6 Research Method 4

1.7 Place and Time 5


2.1 The Description of Scientific Publications and Intellectual

Property Rights Unit 6

2.2 The Division of Editor

2.2.1 Job Position 10



3.1 The Using of Past Tenses in Research Article 11

3.2 Data Analysis 12

3.3 Problem and Solution

3.3.1 Problem 17

3.3.2 Solution 17


4.1 Conclusion 18

4.2 Suggestion 18





Azar, Betty,1999, Understanding and Using English Grammar Third Edition, United State of America: Mary Jane Peluso

Kartini, Rika, 2011, Analisis Ekuitas Merek Cofee Morning Glory Pada PT. Morning Glory International Cabang Bandung, Perpustakaan Pusat Unikom, November 02.

Retrieved on November 03, 2013 from 9tLmFjLmlkL2ZpbGVzL2Rpc2sxLzUzNC9qYnB0dW5pa29tcHAtZ2RsL XJpa2FrYXJ0aW4tMjY2NzctNy11bmlrb21fci1uLnBkZgpCQUIgSUlJIE 9CSkVLIERBTiBNRVRPREUgUEVORUxJVElBTiAzLjEuIE9iamVrIF BlbmVsaXRpYW4

Academic Skills, n.d, Using Tenses in Scientific Writing, retrieved on October 21

2013 from enses_in_scientific_writing_Update_051112.pdf



Praise is to Allah S.W.T as the greatest creator for blessing and giving patience to the writer until finishing this job training report. However, this report would never be done without support and pray from many people. Therefore, I would like to express an appreciation to:

1. Prof. Dr. Moh. Tadjuddin, M.A, the dean in English Department. 2. Dr. Juanda, the head of English Department.

3. Asih Prihandini, S.S.,M.Hum, the coordinator of job training who guides all students who conducted the job training.

4. Tatan Tawami, S.S.,M.Hum, the writer’s advisor who leads and helps the writer to accomplish the report.

5. Nungki Heriyati, S.S.,M.A, the guardian lecturer who supports the writer and classmates, and always be patient to face our behavior. 6. Diba Artsiyanti, M.Si, the lecturer who inspires, supports, and

motivates the writer.

7. Ati Sulastri S.Pd, the administratation staff and my the writer’s supervisor who guides during the job training.

Special thanks are also dedicated for the closest people:

1. My beloved family, especially my father and my mother, my sister, my little brother, my niece, thank you for your endless pray, support, love, care, and advice.


2. My boyfriend, Bimo Haryo Pratomo, thank you for all your understanding, love, and patience. I love you.

3. All of my friends in 2010, especially three boys, thank you for always making jokes that make me laugh. Grup Rempong, Ceuceu, Momo, Lenong, Icha, and Bang Aldo, thank you for cheering me up everyday we meet. The last, Grup Dustak, Dania, Teh Winda, and Aji, thank you for you all who often spend night with me. Hope we can do it again after finishing this report. I’m happy and feel lucky to have friends like you all.



1.1 Background of the Topic

The using of tenses in an article is important. That’s why understanding of tenses used in writing is definitely needed. The writer should know when he/she should use past, present, even future tense. It is done to reach the true meaning of what the writer actually wants to deliver through his/her writing. Especially in a research article, tenses used influence the meaning of information, whether the writer wants to show that the information is a general truth that is recognized until present or is only information in the past.

Generally, an information or research result in a research article uses present tense. If the writer writes an article in a wrong way, then the meaning may be changed. What I mean by a wrong way is, when the writing does not apply a correct tense in delivering a research. For example, there is a research result; Genetic information is encoded in the sequence of nucleotides on DNA. It is clear that this research result is a general truth that is widely known, but then the writer writes it in a wrong way; Genetic information was encoded in the sequence of nucleotides on DNA. When he/she writes this information in a wrong way, then it is no


longer a general truth but only a fact that has no relation with present or that the fact may have changed at present. Therefore, it is no longer valid.

When doing a job as an assistant of language consultant, the present writer is expected to be able to edit student articles, to correct which part of the writing that does not meet the required condition. So I must understand how tenses applied in each writing, especially in a research writing, in order to be able to differentiate which information that should use present of past tense. During job training, I found some research results that make me doubt whether they should use present tense or past tense.

Through this paper which is entitled “The Using of Past Tense in Three Articles,” I try to discuss and analyze how past tense are applied in the research articles.

1.2 Scopes

The source data was taken from Althea Media Journal (AMJ) articles, which entitled and the writers are as in the following:

1. Success Rate of Phacoemulsification for Cataract Patients with High-Degree Myopia in Bandung Indonesia, written by Nadia Khairina Budiman, Andrew Maximilian Knoch,dr.,Sp.M, and Yuni Susanti P,dr.,M.Kes,AIFO.


2. Hemoglobin between Hemoglobin Level, Attention, and Working Memory Scores, written by Jannatin Aliya Indrina, Anam Ong, and Ihrul Prianza Prajitno.

3. Topical Application of Binahong [Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis] Leafes Paste for Wound Healing Process in Mice, written by Gurwinder Kaur, Novi Vicahyani Utami,dr.,M.Kes, AIFO, Hermin Aminah Usman,dr.,Sp.PA.

The scopes will be focused on:

1. In what condition is past tense applied in research article?

1.3 Objectives

The purpose of the research from this paper is as in the following: 1. To analyze in what condition past tense is applied in research article. 2. To give a practical overview concerning to the using of past tense in


1.4 The Significant of Knowledge

This research is expected to make the reader know and understand about the using of past tense in a research, in order to be able to know how to apply it in a research writing. Therefore, the result of this research is useful and can give advantage to the reader practically.


1.5 The Framework of The Theory

In a writing, moreover a research article, it is important to use the correct tense to deliver what the writer means correctly. As I know, generally, a widely known information or research result in a research article uses present tense. Like what Azar said in her book, “the simple present said that something was true in the past, is true in the present, and will be true in the future. It expresses general statements of fact and timeless truths.” (page 13, 1999).

This Azar’s theory is the theory that I use to support my thought about research article that generally use present tense to deliver what the writer means by the research, whether it is a general truth or a fact that is still recognized until now or just a temporary fact in the past.

1.6 Research Method

The method used in this research is descriptive analytic that collected the data first from articles found then analyzed it. Sugiono (2009:205) defines that “Metode deskriptif analisis adalah metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisa data dengan cara mendeskripsikan atau

menggambarkan data yang telah terkumpul sebagaimana adanya.” In this

method, the present writer should analyze with finding the reason behind the using of past tense in these three articles.


1.7 Place and Time

I did this job training in Scientific Publications and Intellectual Property Rights Unit, Padjajaran University, addressed at Jl. Prof. Eijkman No. 38 Bandung. The period of job training began on July 10th until August 23rd 2013, within 23 days. I did this job training from Monday to Friday, began from 8am – 3pm.





2.1 The Description of Scientific Publications and Intellectual Property Rights Unit

Scientific Publications and Intellectual Property Rights Unit, Padjajaran University, addressed at Jl. Prof. Eijkman No. 38 Bandung. This unit consists of three divisions, which are MKB (Majalah Kedokteran Bandung), AMJ (Althea Media Journal), and IJIHS (International Journal of Integrated Health Science) that organize publication of magazine. Two of them, AMJ and IJIHS, are publication organizations that use English as the introductory language.

In this unit, there are subdivisions that take the responsibility in publication process. First subdivision, administration staff makes correspondence history, receives document, sends and distributes letters. Second, lay outer receives the article, so then designs the article in layout form. Third, editor screens the article in which it can reject an article that does not meet the required condition. Fourth, head of editorial manages the outcoming and incoming of an article. For example, head of editorial decides a reviewer per one article, and receives and rejects the whole


articles. The last division is an advisor or a shield who takes responsibility in finance and patent.

Althea Media Journal (AMJ), publication unit where I was placed, is an electronic journal that publishes particular articles from bachelor’s degree student. It is only in softcopy or electronic form, therefore there is no hardcopy form. AMJ publishes four editions a year, and in one edition can contain 40-60 articles.


The part of subdivision circled above is where I was placed. In other words, I was a junior editor. The illustration below shows my position:


Incoming Outcoming

Article Article

Feedback for Apprentice

This table shows how my working is organized. The incoming article is edited first by editorial secretary in the whole content. If the content of an article is required, then it is given to my supervisor, whom is administration staff so then can be given to me. After editing article given to me, I had to give back my work to my supervisor. Through the supervisor, my work was given to senior editor to fix it in order to be published.

Senior Editor Language Editor Diba Artsiyanti, M.Si Editorial Secretary

Dini Norviatin, dr

Administration Staff

Ati Sulastri S.Pd.



2.2 The Division of Editor 2.2.1 Job Position

Subdivision of Editor is a subdivision that edits or screens incoming and outcoming article before it publishes. During job training in Scientific Publications and Intellectual Property Rights Unit, Padjajaran University, my position is as assistant of language consultant (junior editor) that screen or edit the right English grammar in article, under the command of my supervisor, administration staff of AMJ, Ati Sulastri S.Pd.

2.2.2 Responsibility

As an assistant of language consultant, I helped in organizing editorial process in Scientific Publications and Intellectual Property, which are (1) receiving each article that comes from reviewer who had reviewed the article, (2) peer-reviewing each article and send back to the writer, (3) helping to prepare documents, which are copying document or article reviewed for collecting required document, and giving invitation letters for a meeting, (4) editing the right English grammar or tenses from each article.




3.1 The Using of Past Tenses in Research Article

The using of tenses in a research article is important. That‟s why understanding of tenses used in writing is definitely needed. The writer must know how to differentiate which part in article that should use past form, present form, or future form. Nevertheless, a research result in an article generally uses present form. It is because the result of a research often becomes a fact that is believed still true until now. For example, there is a research result that uses present tense; Sexual dimorphism in body size is common among butterflies. (Taken from Singer1982).

The example above shows how a research result uses present tense that generally is widely known fact. It is different when a research result uses past tense; We hypothesized that adults would remember more items than children.

Azar said in her book about present simple; “The simple present said that something was true in the past, is true in the present, and will be true in the future. It expresses general statements of fact and timeless truths.” (page 13, 1999), and past simple; “The simple past indicates that an activity or situation began and ended at a particular time in the past.” (page 27, 1999).


According to this understanding, it leads to an assumption that a research result uses present tense, because a research result that is a general truth commonly becomes a fact and then widely known by people especially people who research in the same field. It is wondered if past tense is used to deliver research result, how to use or apply it? Furthermore, what kind of research result that uses past tense or when is past tense used in delivering research result?

3.2 Data analysis

There are 5 data found from some medical articles that use past tense in delivering the research result, and the analyzing:

Data 1: 1

Fresh Binahong leaves used in this study was obtained from Jalan Sukawening, Bandung. 2The leaves were identified in the Plant Taxonomy Laboratory of Universitas Padjadjaran. 3Next, the fresh leaves were washed thoroughly few times under running tap water.

Data analysis 1:

The sentence number 2, “the leaves were identified in the Plant Taxonomy Laboratory of Universitas Padjadjaran,” is in past form. It is because the research conducted in the past is only a step to reach the result expected and has no relation with the present. Therefore, the using of past tense in here is to fulfill procedure of a research.


Data 2: 1

Our study was conducted on medical students of Universitas Padjadjaran from batch 2009-2011. 2The sample of our study contained 46 people consisted of 27 males and 19 females. 3In male students, from 27 people, there were 25 people with normal hemoglobin level and 2 people with low hemoglobin level. 4Whereas in female students, from 19 people, there were 15 people with normal hemoglobin level and 6 people with low hemoglobin level. 5The female students were more likely to have low hemoglobin level compared to male students. 6The mean age of all subjects was 19 years old.

Data Analysis 2:

The research above shows that sentence used in delivering the research result about hemoglobin level in each student, is past tense. As I know, the research result is a fact that is recognized the truth in the past, present, and in the future, however, the research result in this case uses past tense, not present tense.

It is because the writer of the journal tried to deliver a temporary result, that may change anytime. Hemoglobin level in each person is different, which has low hemoglobin, normal hemoglobin, or high hemoglobin. Someday, people‟s hemoglobin will change as they grow up. Based on this temporary hemoglobin level, the writer then reported the research result in past tense. Even though this research result is a fact that is recognized by some people, however, the fact about hemoglobin level in


each student that is observed may change as they grow up. Therefore, the using of past tense is for delivering the research result that can change anytime, for example the hemoglobin level in this case.

Data 3: 1

From all cataract patients with high-degree myopia who underwent phacoemulsification in this study, 59.5% came from Bandung. 2

Patients who came from outside Bandung were from West Java area; Jakarta Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi (Jabotabek), and Central Java area. 3

About 96.2% were poor patients while general patients only made up 3.8%.

Data Analysis 3:

The sentence number 1 that tells where the cataract patients come from, it is used past tense. It is different from what people think that to show where people live, it is usually used present tense. Like when someone asks others “where do you live?” then the answer is commonly “I live at/in …” It is uncommon if people answer with past tense, except if they are asked where they lived before. In other words, when people talk about residence, then they tend to ask and know where others live in/at.

In this case, the writer wrote where the patients come from in past tense, because he tried to tell the reader that where the patients lived at the time is a fact in the past and now the writer does not know where the patients live. The patients may move to other cities that the writer will not


know further. Because what is needed for the patients data is a concrete address or where they live at the time while they were patients. Therefore, the using of past tense is for delivering the research result that can change anytime.

Data 4:

Cataract is the leading cause of blindness in the world. 1The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that cataract causes 39% of blindness, 18% of refractive error, and 10% of glaucoma. 2aWHO also estimated that 2b18 million people suffer from bilateral blindness caused by cataract.

Data Analysis 4:

The sentence number 2, the writer uses past tense and present tense in delivering the research result. It is because the clause in 2a, “WHO also estimated that” is what happened in the past. It has no relation with the present, because it is not the result of the research but just a statement from WHO. The real research result is the clause in number 2b, “18 million people suffer from bilateral blindness caused by cataract.” It is a research result that widely known by people and still has relation with present. It may the last research conducted and there no recent research yet about the causes of bilateral blindness.

In that sentence, there are two tenses to explain what the research result about. It is possible when the case is like the sentence above. One


clause is a past that has no relation with present, while another clause is a widely known fact until now. It is like what a scientific writing guide from the University of Melbourne said; “Past tense to summarise findings, with present tense to interpret results. Writers may use the past tense to summarise their findings, in combination with the present tense to explain or interpret what the results mean.”

Because of that, in this fourth data past tense is used when the research is in a statement that reveals the previous research.

Data 5: 1

A study by Joshi and Shakya, a research about the change in refractive status of the patients undergoing phacoemulsification surgery, showed that 61.3% cataract patients without high-degree myopia who underwent phacoemulsification have preoperative visual acuity of less than 6/60, meanwhile only 9.09% have visual acuity above 6/18.

Data Analysis 5:

The research above uses the word „showed‟ when delivering the research result conducted before. But what is asked, is why this research uses past tense, not a present whereas it is a general truth from the research of Nepal Medical College journal, 2009 that is used as a reference by another writer in his/her medical article.

It is because, the research about the change in refractive status of the patients undergoing phacoemulsification surgery was conducted in


2009 by Joshi and Shakya. It brings an assumption that other researches were conducted in the recent time and the result of the research is different from the previous research. It makes the research result conducted in 2009 uses past tense, to show to reader that it is a research that the validity is changed by a recent result.

3.3 Problem and Solution 3.3.1 Problem

During editing the right English form in article, the present writer found difficulty in differentiating which part of research result that should use present or past form. Therefore, I had to be able to know which result that the validity of the research is still recognized until present, with understanding what the article writer meant from the beginning to the end of the article. Because if I could not catch what his/her meant, it is hard to differentiate which part that should use present of past form.

3.3.2 Solution

To find a solution of a problem that I had during the job training , I had to discuss and share my difficulty to the senior editor, in order to be able to solve the problem. In addition, fortunately I could get the feedback from the senior editor, so I could learn from her editing result with comparing it to my editing result.




4.1 Conclusions

After discussing about the data that shows the using of past tense in three articles above, I can conclude that criteria of the research that uses past tense is as the following:

1. When the research conducted in the past is only a step or procedure to reach the result expected and has no relation to the present, as in the data 1.

2. When the data of the research result is temporary. In other words, when the data can change anytime, as in the data 2 and 3.

3. When the research is in a statement that reveals the previous research. So there are two tenses in a sentence, which are the statement about the research result that uses past tense, and the result that becomes a widely known fact, as in the data 4.

4. When there is a recent research that change the previous research result, as in the data 5.

4.2 Suggestions

After finding problems and solving them with analyzing the data, I have suggestion for the next writer who intends to analyze about the using


of tenses in article, which is expected it can complete the lack of my analysis.

The next writer can analyze the tenses that are in continuous forms, because it still has relation when a research is conducted and the research result is still recognized until the present. It can be more interesting if the next writer analyzes all the tenses in a research form, so that data analyzed will be abundant and can be compared in terms of the using and the function of each tense in an article.



1. Student’s Profile

a. Name : Vivi Yulianti

b. Address : Jl. Tubagus Ismail Dalam No. 48 c. Place and Date of Birth : Sangatta Kutai, 20 July 1992

d. Sex : Female

e. Religion : Moslem

f. Phone : 087722282778

g. E-Mail :

2. Educational Background 2.1Formal Education

No Year Institution

1. 1996 – 1998 TK YPPSB Sangatta 2. 1998 – 1999 SD YPPSB Sangatta 3. 1999 – 2004 SD Negeri I Cihaurbeuti 4. 2004 – 2007 SMP Negeri I Cihaurbeuti 5. 2007 – 2010 SMA Negeri I Cihaurbeuti 6. 2010 – Now English Department


2.2Seminar & Achievement

No Year Seminar & Achievement


2009 Third winner Fly Junior Putri of Tasik Open Taekwondo Competition (Certified)


2010 Runner up Fin Putri of Bupati Cup Taekwondo Competition (Certified)


2011 Runner up 46 kg Putri of Walikota Cup Taekwondo Competition (Certified)

4. 2011 Feminist, Feminine, and Text Seminar (Certified) 5. 2011 Copywriting Seminar and Workshop (Certified) 6.

2011 Semiotics: Literature and Media Seminar and Workshop (Certified)

7. 2012 Basic Training of Facilitator (Certified) 8. 2012 Learning Inspiration From Experience (LIFE)


9. 2012 On Becoming Inspiring Facilitator (Certified) 10. 2012 Public Speaking Seminar (Certified)

11. 2012 Cross Culture Literary Day (Certified)

12. 2012 English Literary Internal Training of Education (Certified)

13. 2012 Character Building Training (Certified)

14. 2012 Kreatif Menulis, Rejeki Tak Akan Habis Bersama Raditya Dika (Certified)

15. 2013 Building The Translation Skill Confidence (Certified)

16. 2013 Speech Contest TBI English Challenge (Certified)

17. 2013

Kejurwil Wilayah Menuju UTIPRO International Club Open Taekwondo Championships Surabaya (Certified)



There are some competencies the writer has. They are as follows: 1. English Correspondence

2. Good at English both oral and written

3. Operating Computer (Ms. Office, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia, and Internet)

3. Organization and Work Experience

No Year Organization

1. 2007 – 2010 Member of Taekwondo SMAN I Cihaurbeuti 2. 2008 – 2009 Secretary of Taekwondo SMAN I Cihaurbeuti 3. 2010 – 2012 Member of HIMA SAIS Unikom

4. 2011 – 2012 Coordinator of Education and Reasoning 5. 2010 – Now Member of Taekwondo Unikom

6. 2011 – 2012 Treasurer of Taekwondo Unikom 7. 2012 – 2013 Head of Taekwondo Unikom


2009 by Joshi and Shakya. It brings an assumption that other researches were conducted in the recent time and the result of the research is different from the previous research. It makes the research result conducted in 2009 uses past tense, to show to reader that it is a research that the validity is changed by a recent result.

3.3 Problem and Solution

3.3.1 Problem

During editing the right English form in article, the present writer found difficulty in differentiating which part of research result that should use present or past form. Therefore, I had to be able to know which result that the validity of the research is still recognized until present, with understanding what the article writer meant from the beginning to the end of the article. Because if I could not catch what his/her meant, it is hard to differentiate which part that should use present of past form.

3.3.2 Solution

To find a solution of a problem that I had during the job training , I had to discuss and share my difficulty to the senior editor, in order to be able to solve the problem. In addition, fortunately I could get the feedback from the senior editor, so I could learn from her editing result with comparing it to my editing result.




4.1 Conclusions

After discussing about the data that shows the using of past tense in three articles above, I can conclude that criteria of the research that uses past tense is as the following:

1. When the research conducted in the past is only a step or procedure to reach the result expected and has no relation to the present, as in the data 1.

2. When the data of the research result is temporary. In other words, when the data can change anytime, as in the data 2 and 3.

3. When the research is in a statement that reveals the previous research. So there are two tenses in a sentence, which are the statement about the research result that uses past tense, and the result that becomes a widely known fact, as in the data 4.

4. When there is a recent research that change the previous research result, as in the data 5.

4.2 Suggestions

After finding problems and solving them with analyzing the data, I have suggestion for the next writer who intends to analyze about the using


of tenses in article, which is expected it can complete the lack of my analysis.

The next writer can analyze the tenses that are in continuous forms, because it still has relation when a research is conducted and the research result is still recognized until the present. It can be more interesting if the next writer analyzes all the tenses in a research form, so that data analyzed will be abundant and can be compared in terms of the using and the function of each tense in an article.



1. Student’s Profile

a. Name : Vivi Yulianti

b. Address : Jl. Tubagus Ismail Dalam No. 48 c. Place and Date of Birth : Sangatta Kutai, 20 July 1992

d. Sex : Female

e. Religion : Moslem f. Phone : 087722282778

g. E-Mail :

2. Educational Background

2.1Formal Education

No Year Institution

1. 1996 – 1998 TK YPPSB Sangatta 2. 1998 – 1999 SD YPPSB Sangatta 3. 1999 – 2004 SD Negeri I Cihaurbeuti 4. 2004 – 2007 SMP Negeri I Cihaurbeuti 5. 2007 – 2010 SMA Negeri I Cihaurbeuti 6. 2010 – Now English Department


2.2Seminar & Achievement

No Year Seminar & Achievement 1.

2009 Third winner Fly Junior Putri of Tasik Open Taekwondo Competition (Certified)


2010 Runner up Fin Putri of Bupati Cup Taekwondo Competition (Certified)


2011 Runner up 46 kg Putri of Walikota Cup Taekwondo Competition (Certified)

4. 2011 Feminist, Feminine, and Text Seminar (Certified) 5. 2011 Copywriting Seminar and Workshop (Certified) 6.

2011 Semiotics: Literature and Media Seminar and Workshop (Certified)

7. 2012 Basic Training of Facilitator (Certified) 8. 2012 Learning Inspiration From Experience (LIFE)


9. 2012 On Becoming Inspiring Facilitator (Certified) 10. 2012 Public Speaking Seminar (Certified)

11. 2012 Cross Culture Literary Day (Certified)

12. 2012 English Literary Internal Training of Education (Certified)

13. 2012 Character Building Training (Certified)

14. 2012 Kreatif Menulis, Rejeki Tak Akan Habis Bersama Raditya Dika (Certified)

15. 2013 Building The Translation Skill Confidence (Certified)

16. 2013 Speech Contest TBI English Challenge (Certified)

17. 2013

Kejurwil Wilayah Menuju UTIPRO International Club Open Taekwondo Championships Surabaya (Certified)



There are some competencies the writer has. They are as follows: 1. English Correspondence

2. Good at English both oral and written

3. Operating Computer (Ms. Office, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia, and Internet)

3. Organization and Work Experience

No Year Organization

1. 2007 – 2010 Member of Taekwondo SMAN I Cihaurbeuti 2. 2008 – 2009 Secretary of Taekwondo SMAN I Cihaurbeuti 3. 2010 – 2012 Member of HIMA SAIS Unikom

4. 2011 – 2012 Coordinator of Education and Reasoning 5. 2010 – Now Member of Taekwondo Unikom

6. 2011 – 2012 Treasurer of Taekwondo Unikom 7. 2012 – 2013 Head of Taekwondo Unikom