3. Pictures

There are many kinds of pictures. Kreidler 1963 states that picture is one of the visual media which can help them understand what the teacher says because pictures are one recognized way of representing the real situation. It is supported by Wright 1990, who says that pictures do not only bring image of reality, but can also function as a fun element in the class.Using picture in the teaching- learning world is not new.

B. Theoretical Framework

In this section, the researcher discusses the theoretical framework which helps the researcher to answer the research questions. To answer the first research question, the first aspect analysed by the researcher was the strengths in the vocabulary materials design. The researcher used theories from O‟Neil 1990, Littlejohn and Windeatt 1989, and Kitao 1997. O‟Neil 1990 argues that materials may be suitable for students‟ needs, even if they are not designed specifically for them, that textbooks are efficient in terms of time and money, and that textbooks can and should allow for adaptation and improvization. Likewise, Littlejohn and Windeatt 1989 argue that materials have a hidden curriculum that includes attitudes toward knowledge, teaching and learning, and the role and relaionship of teacher and students, and values and attitudes related gender, society, etc. Kitao 1997 states that the language of English textbooks should have correct, natural, recent, and standard English. The other theories which can answer the question number two include the use of pictures to learn vocabulary materials by Kreidler 1963. He states that PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI picture is one of the visual media which can help the students understand what the teacher says because pictures can be recognized as a way of representing the real situation. Wright 1990 also says that pictures not only bring image of reality, but can also function as a fun element in the class. He aso affirms that pictures not only bring image of reality, but can also function as a fun element in the class. By understanding those theories, the researcher want to analyse whether the picture that Irdhiawati 2013 uses in her vocabulary design materials represent the vocabulary materials. 16 16


This chapter discusses the methodology which is applied in the research. There are five sections in this chapter namely research method, research participant, research instrument, data gathering technique and data analysis technique.

A. Research Method

In this research, the researcher uses experimental research and statistics to answer two research problems which have been stated in Chapter I. Experimental research according to Donald, Lucy and Christine 2010, is a study of the effect of the systematic manipulation of one variable on another variable. There are two kinds of variables, namely independent and dependent variable. Independent variable takes control in the research because the dependent variable will change if the independent variable changes. In this research, the vocabulary teaching materials became the independent variable and the dependent variable is the third graders of SDN Gumul 1 Klaten. To see what happens in the classroom, the researcher observed the condition in the classroom. Some changes could be observed directly and also the learning process could be seen directly. The researcher could see the differences in students‟ attitude in the classroom after the students were given the experimental treatment the used of vocabulary materials by their score in English test. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI