Pre-teaching Agustina Rinaning Putri (C9309006)

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C. Discussion

4. The process of teaching English speaking by using guessing game to the third grade in SDN Kentingan 79 Surakarta. The teaching process presented in this part is based on the writer’s experience on having job training as English teacher in SDN Kentingan 79 Surakarta. The writer focused on improving the third grade’s speaking skill by using guessing game. Teaching and learning activity for third grade is every Tuesday, started from 09.30 – 11.00 a.m. Therefore, the writer has 90 minutes in each meeting. 15 minutes is allocated for pre-teaching, 40 minutes for main teaching, 25 minutes for evaluation and 10 minutes is for post teaching. The teaching and learning process was presented below. Material : Parts of the house. Name of activity : Guessing games Time : 90 minutes. Students : 27 students

1. Pre-teaching

a. Greeting Greeting is the first step which is needed in the beginning of the lesson. It is used to make the students familiar in expressing English greetings. The writer always greetedthe students before starting the lesson. Teacher : Good morning students. Students : Good morning miss. commit to user Teacher : How are you today ? Students : I am fine, thank you. And you ? Teacher : I’m fine too. Thank you. After greeting the writer made an agreement with the students that is attention gather. When the writer say “class, class, class” the students would answer by “yes, yes, yes”. It is used to get the students’ attention and made the students focused to the lesson. b. Warming up Warming up or brainstorming is used to make the students interested in the lesson and it gives a chance for them to express their opinion.Before brainstorming, the writer asked the students to do warm up by singing a song. Its purpose was to get the students relax and ready to study English actively. The song was : Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes And eyes and ears and mouth and nose Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes After warming up, the writerstarted the lesson by giving brainstorming. The material was about parts of the house. The writer asked some questions related to the material as follows : commit to user T : “Class, class, class” S : “Yes, yes, yes” T : “Can you mention parts of your house?” Some students did not understand the meaning of the question and how to answers it. So, the writer translated every questions and difficult words into indonesia and explained how to answer . S : “Yes, I can miss” T : “What are they? Raise your hand to answer it” Almost all of the students wanted to answer the question, therefore the writer pointed a student to answer. “Good, but I’ll choose one of you to answer it”. “You, what is your name?” S : “My name is Nando”. T : “Ok, Nando please mention parts of your house” S : “Kitchen, bedroom, floor, door”. T : “Good job Nando, there are kitchen, bedroom, floor, door and what else?? Any others? “Nando, please point one of your friends to mention the others.” commit to user This chain question was done for 3 students. The teacher guided the students and corrected their mispronunciation.

2. Main teaching