RPP Recount


RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN Satuan Pendidikan : Mts. Diniyyah Pasia

Kelas : VIII

Semester : I

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Jumlah Pertemuan : 4 x 40 menit (2 x pertemuan)

A. Standar

Kompetensi :

B. Kompetensi Dasar :

C. Indikator


D. Tujuan

Pembelajaran :

E. Materi

Pembelajaran :


Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis monolog sederhana berbentuk recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount

1. Melengkapi rumpang teks monolog pendek berbentuk recount

2. Meyusun kata menjadi teks monolog recount yang bermakna

3. Menulis teks monolog pendek berbentuk recount

Siswa mampu :

1. Melengkapi rumpang teks monolog pendek berbentuk recount

2. Menyusun kata menjadi teks monolog recount yang bermakna

3. Menulis teks monolog pendek berbentuk recount

1. Fakta

Teks Monolog sederhana 2. Konsep

Recount text 3. Prinsip

A recount text retells events or past experience fot the purpose of informing or entertaining. It usually uses simple past tense. The structure of the text are:

- Orientation - Events


F. Alokasi Waktu (per pertemuan)

Beban Belajar Waktu Bentuk kegiatan/tugas

TM PT KMTT 50 30 0 Sesuai kegiatan pembelajaran, melakukan penelitian dari bahan yang

ditentukan guru (materi ajar)

G. Metode Pembelajaran 1. Ceramah bervariasi 2. praktek

H. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran Pertemuan I (2 x 40 menit )

No .

Kegiatan Waktu Peralatan


Aspek Skill yang dikembangka n 1. 2. A. Pendahuluan 1. Salam pembuka 2. Absensi

3. Melakukan apersepsi terhadap siswa

4. Memperkenalkan topik pembelajaran yang baru tentang recount 5. Menyampaikan tujuan

pembelajaran B. Inti

B.1 Eksplorasi

1. Guru menanyakan apakah siswa memiliki suatu pengalaman yang tidak terlupakan 2. Guru memberikan

suatu contoh cerita pengalaman yang tak terlupakan dan menuliskan point-point 10 menit 65 menit 25 menit Spidol, papan tulis Spidol, papan tulis, contoh teks recount (media) - Potensi diri - Keterampi lan menyimak informasi - Kesunggu han - Uji diri - Eksistensi



nya di papan tulis 3. Guru meminta

beberapa siswa untuk menceritakan

pengalaman mereka dan guru mencatat point- point nya di papan tulis

4. Guru menjelaskan bahwa menceritakan kembali suatu peristiwa baik secara lisan

maupun tulisan disebut recount dan


komponen-komponen (stucture) yang

terdapat atau

diperlukan dalam suatu teks recount serta jenis-jenis teks recount. 5. Siswa menyimak

penjelasan guru B.2 Elaborasi

1. Guru memberikan contoh teks recount 2. Guru bersama siswa

membaca contoh teks recount dan

menterjemahkannya. 3. Guru bersama siswa


komponen/structure dari contoh teks yang telah dibaca.

B.3 Konfirmasi

1. Guru memberikan satu teks recount dalam bentuk lisan (listening) kepada siswa

2. Guru memberikan teks rumpang dan meminta siswa untuk mengisi teks rumpang sesuaidengan teks 15 menit 20 menit Teks recount Teks recount (listening, MP3), Teks rumpang an menyima k informasi

- Potensi diri - Kerjasama - Kesungguh


- Kesungguh an

- Potensi diri - Kemampuan

menyimak informasi



recount yang didengar 3. Guru bersama siswa

mengoreksi teks yang telah dilengkapi.

4. Guru meminta siswa untuk mengidentifikasi structure teks recount yang telah dilengkapi C. Penutup

1. Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa yang dihadapi dalam recount 2. Siswa menyimpulkan

materi recount 3. Guru memberikan

reinforcement terhadap kesimpulan siswa

5 menit

Pertemuan 2 ( 2 x 40 menit) No


Kegiatan Waktu Peralatan

Pendukun g Aspek Skill yang dikembangkan 1. 2. A. Pendahuluan 1. Salam pembuka 2. Absensi

3. Melakukan apersepsi

terhadap siswa


4. Guru menanyakan apakah siswa memiliki suatu pengalaman yang tidak terlupakan 5. Guru memberikan suatu contoh cerita pengalaman yang tak

terlupakan dan

menuliskan point-point nya di papan tulis

6. Guru meminta

beberapa siswa untuk menceritakan

pengalaman mereka dan guru mencatat point- point nya di

15 menit 60 menit 15 menit Spidol, papan tulis Spidol, papan tulis, contoh recount

- Potensi diri - Keterampil an menyimak informasi - Kesungguh an

- Uji diri - Eksistensi diri - Kemampua n menyimak informasi



papan tulis

7. Guru menjelaskan bahwa menceritakan

kembali suatu

peristiwa baik secara tertulis disebut recount text

8. Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran B. Inti

B.1 Eksplorasi

1. Guru menjelaskan bagaimana

langkah-langkah dalam

menulis recount text dengan

memperhatikan komponen-komponennya B.2 Elaborasi

1. Guru menberikan latihan secara

berkelompok kepada siswa


Guru menugaskan masing-masing siswa untuk

membuat atau menulis satu buah recount sederhana dengan

memperhatikan komponen-komponen recount sesuai dengan contoh yang telah dibuat bersama

2. Masing-masing siswa menulis recount

3. Masing-masing siswa membacakan recount yang dibuat di depan kelas

4. Guru bersama siswa mendiskusikan dan mengomentari recount yang ditulis atau

25 menit

20 menit

10 menit

Teks recount

Soal latihan

- Potensi diri - Kesungguha


- Eksistensi diri

- Kesungguha n


dibacakan. B.3 Konfirmasi 1. Siswa mengerjakan latihan

2. Guru dan siswa

mendiskusikan latihan 3. Guru membimbing siswa

membuat rangkuman materi mengenai recount

C. Penutup

1. Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa yang dihadapi dalam recount 2. Siswa menyimpulkan

materi recount 3. Guru memberikan

reinforcement terhadap kesimpulan siswa

I. Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Textbook (Buku Let’s Talk Kelas VIII, page 173, 176,178) 2. Text book (Buku English on Sky VIII, page 174-175, 203) 3. LKS Competent Student Grade VIII

J. Bahan Ajar (terlampir) K. Penilaian

1. Aspek yang dinilai : Kognitif, afektif 2. Prosedur : pre test

3. Teknik : Tes Tulisan dan Lisan 4. Bentuk Instrumen : Uraian

5. Instrument soal:

a. Reading

Answer the Question 1-6 base on the text!


One day, my brother and i were playing badminton behind our house when i saw a cat sat on our mango tree. It looked scared and we thought it couldn’t get down. So, we decided to do something. First, i


me. It was difficult because the tree was so high. When my brother began to come down, a branch broke. He couldn’t move up or down. I

went inside the house and ask dad to help my brother. Then, he borrowed a ladder from our neighbor and helped my brother down. As

soon as my father left,the cat climbed the tree again. This time we didn’t try to help it.


1. Read the first three sentences. Then complete the information below. a. Who : ____________________________________

b. When : ____________________________________ c. Where : ____________________________________ d. What : ____________________________________ 2. List the events that the writer and his brother did.

a. _________________________________________ b. _________________________________________ c. _________________________________________

3. What words are used to show the sequences of events? a. _________________________

b. _________________________ c. _________________________

4. What is the reorientation of the text above?

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Answer:

1. a. the writer and his brother

b. one day

c. Behind our house

d. A cat sat on the mango tree

2. A. the writer help his brother to climb the tree

b. his brother reached the cat and passed it to the writer c. a branch broke when his brother try to get down

d. the writer went to the house and ask help to his father e. His father helped his brother to get down

3. First, when my brother began to come down, then 4. This time we didn’t try to help it

Skor Penilaian : 2,5 poin untuk masing-masing item : 2,5 x item yang benar

b. Listening

Complete the following recount while listening to the teacher



saw a cat sat on our mango tree. It looked scared and we thought it couldn’t get down. So, we decided to do something. First, i help my brother to climb the tree. He reached the (2)... and passed to me. It was difficult because the (3) ... was so high. When my brother began to come down, a branch broke. He couldn’t move up or down. I went inside the (4)... and ask dad to helptree my brother. Then, he (5)... a ladder from our neighbor and helped my brother down. As soon as my father left,the cat climbed the tree again. This time we didn’t try to help it.

Answer: 1. Brother 2. Cat 3. Tree 4. House 5. Borrowed

Penilaian : 2 point untuk jawaban benar : 2 x jumlah jawaban benar c. Speaking and writing

Write down a pesonal recount, it may be your experience or other people experience. And tell it in front of the class!

Penilaian writing:

Penilaian berdasarkan kelengkapan structure teks recount, conjunctions, and the language features.

Penilaian speaking: No


Criteria Score

1. 2. 3. 4.

Memorize Pronunciation Expression Voice

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 1 – 2 – 3 – 4

Skor Tertinggi 16

1 = bad 2 = average 3 = good 4 = excellent

Penilaian : skor yang didapat dibagi dengan 16

Pasia, 29 September 2010 Kepala MTsS PPMD Pasia

Syafruddin Nasution, S.Pd

Guru Bidang Studi



Recount (Retelling Past Events or Experience)

A recount text retells events or past experience fot the purpose of informing or entertaining. It usually uses simple past tense. The structure of the text are:

- Orientation - Events

- Re-orientation

The type of recount text: 1. Biographical Recounts

The purpose of a bigraphical recounts is to inform by retelling past events and achievements in a person life. It presents the events chronogically (in the order in which they happened)

2. Personal recounts

Some personal recounts may have a funny ending. Like other personal recounts, this kind of personal recounts usually retells an experience in which the writer was personally involved. this text type lists and describes past experience by retelling events. It presents the events chronogically (based on the order in which they happened).

The purposes of personal recounts with funny endings are: a. To inform


b. To entertaint the audience (listeners or readers) The structure or parts of recount:

a. Title

b. Setting or orientation

It provides the background information. It answers the questions : Who? When? Where? Why? What experience?

c. List of events

It presents events: what people do? It tells the events chronogically. It uese conjunctions or connectives like first, next, then, finally, etc. They show the sequence of events. The final event is humorous or a situation that makes the reader smile or laugh.

d. Reorientation

It presents the concluding comments. It express the author’s personal opinion regarding the events described

The language feature that is usually used: Simple Past Tense Example of recount:


Yesterday i took my dog for a walk. We went to the park near my house. It was still very early in the morning, so i didn’t see many people there. My dog and I played ‘throw and catch it’. First, i threw the stick nearby and my dog caught it easily. Then i threw it passing the bushes atbit far from us. Suddenly, i heard someone screaming. Then a man walked out from the bushes with one hand on his head. It was my dad!

I did not know that he was jogging in the park when i accidentally hit the stick to him.

I couldn’t say anything but i knew that i would pass some days without pocket money.


One day, my brother and i were playing badminton behind our house when i saw a cat sat on our mango tree. It looked scared and we thought it couldn’t get down. So, we decided to do something. First, i help my brother to climb the tree. He reached the cat and passed to me. It was difficult because the tree was so high. When my brother began to come down, a branch broke. He couldn’t move up or down. I went inside the house and ask dad to help my brother. Then, he borrowed a ladder from our neighbor and helped my brother down. As soon as my father left,the cat climbed the tree again. This time we didn’t try to help it.


Pasia, 29 September 2010 Kepala MTsS PPMD Pasia

Syafruddin Nasution, S.Pd

Guru Bidang Studi

Marniati, S.Pd

Listen and complete the text. Then answer the questions below!


One day, my (1)... and i were playing badminton behind our house when i saw a cat sat on our mango tree. It looked scared and we thought it couldn’t get down. So, we decided to do something. First, i help my brother to climb the tree. He reached the (2)... and passed to me. It was difficult because the (3) ... was so high. When my brother began to come down, a branch broke. He couldn’t move up or down. I went inside the (4)... and ask dad to helptree my brother. Then, he (5)... a ladder from our neighbor and helped my brother down. As soon as my father left,the cat climbed the tree again. This time we didn’t try to help it.


5. Read the first three sentences. Then complete the information below. e. Who : ____________________________________

f. When : ____________________________________ g. Where : ____________________________________ h. What : ____________________________________ 6. List the events that the writer and his brother did.

d. _________________________________________ e. _________________________________________ f. _________________________________________


7. What words are used to show the sequences of events? d. _________________________

e. _________________________ f. _________________________

8. What is the reorientation of the text above?

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________


me. It was difficult because the tree was so high. When my brother began to come down, a branch broke. He couldn’t move up or down. I

went inside the house and ask dad to help my brother. Then, he borrowed a ladder from our neighbor and helped my brother down. As

soon as my father left,the cat climbed the tree again. This time we didn’t try to help it.


1. Read the first three sentences. Then complete the information below. a. Who : ____________________________________

b. When : ____________________________________ c. Where : ____________________________________ d. What : ____________________________________ 2. List the events that the writer and his brother did.

a. _________________________________________ b. _________________________________________ c. _________________________________________

3. What words are used to show the sequences of events? a. _________________________

b. _________________________ c. _________________________

4. What is the reorientation of the text above?

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Answer:

1. a. the writer and his brother

b. one day

c. Behind our house

d. A cat sat on the mango tree

2. A. the writer help his brother to climb the tree

b. his brother reached the cat and passed it to the writer c. a branch broke when his brother try to get down

d. the writer went to the house and ask help to his father e. His father helped his brother to get down

3. First, when my brother began to come down, then 4. This time we didn’t try to help it

Skor Penilaian : 2,5 poin untuk masing-masing item : 2,5 x item yang benar

b. Listening

Complete the following recount while listening to the teacher



saw a cat sat on our mango tree. It looked scared and we thought it couldn’t get down. So, we decided to do something. First, i help my brother to climb the tree. He reached the (2)... and passed to me. It was difficult because the (3) ... was so high. When my brother began to come down, a branch broke. He couldn’t move up or down. I went inside the (4)... and ask dad to helptree my brother. Then, he (5)... a ladder from our neighbor and helped my brother down. As soon as my father left,the cat climbed the tree again. This time we didn’t try to help it.

Answer: 1. Brother 2. Cat 3. Tree 4. House 5. Borrowed

Penilaian : 2 point untuk jawaban benar : 2 x jumlah jawaban benar c. Speaking and writing

Write down a pesonal recount, it may be your experience or other people experience. And tell it in front of the class!

Penilaian writing:

Penilaian berdasarkan kelengkapan structure teks recount, conjunctions, and the language features.

Penilaian speaking: No . Criteria Score 1. 2. 3. 4. Memorize Pronunciation Expression Voice

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 1 – 2 – 3 – 4

Skor Tertinggi 16

1 = bad 2 = average 3 = good 4 = excellent

Penilaian : skor yang didapat dibagi dengan 16

Pasia, 29 September 2010 Kepala MTsS PPMD Pasia

Syafruddin Nasution, S.Pd

Guru Bidang Studi



Recount (Retelling Past Events or Experience)

A recount text retells events or past experience fot the purpose of informing or entertaining. It usually uses simple past tense. The structure of the text are:

- Orientation - Events

- Re-orientation

The type of recount text: 1. Biographical Recounts

The purpose of a bigraphical recounts is to inform by retelling past events and achievements in a person life. It presents the events chronogically (in the order in which they happened)

2. Personal recounts

Some personal recounts may have a funny ending. Like other personal recounts, this kind of personal recounts usually retells an experience in which the writer was personally involved. this text type lists and describes past experience by retelling events. It presents the events chronogically (based on the order in which they happened).

The purposes of personal recounts with funny endings are: a. To inform


b. To entertaint the audience (listeners or readers) The structure or parts of recount:

a. Title

b. Setting or orientation

It provides the background information. It answers the questions : Who? When? Where? Why? What experience?

c. List of events

It presents events: what people do? It tells the events chronogically. It uese conjunctions or connectives like first, next, then, finally, etc. They show the sequence of events. The final event is humorous or a situation that makes the reader smile or laugh.

d. Reorientation

It presents the concluding comments. It express the author’s personal opinion regarding the events described

The language feature that is usually used: Simple Past Tense

Example of recount:


Yesterday i took my dog for a walk. We went to the park near my house. It was still very early in the morning, so i didn’t see many people there. My dog and I played ‘throw and catch it’. First, i threw the stick nearby and my dog caught it easily. Then i threw it passing the bushes atbit far from us. Suddenly, i heard someone screaming. Then a man walked out from the bushes with one hand on his head. It was my dad!

I did not know that he was jogging in the park when i accidentally hit the stick to him.

I couldn’t say anything but i knew that i would pass some days without pocket money.


One day, my brother and i were playing badminton behind our house when i saw a cat sat on our mango tree. It looked scared and we thought it couldn’t get down. So, we decided to do something. First, i help my brother to climb the tree. He reached the cat and passed to me. It was difficult because the tree was so high. When my brother began to come down, a branch broke. He couldn’t move up or down. I went inside the house and ask dad to help my brother. Then, he borrowed a ladder from our neighbor and helped my brother down. As soon as my father left,the cat climbed the tree again. This time we didn’t try to help it.


Pasia, 29 September 2010 Kepala MTsS PPMD Pasia

Syafruddin Nasution, S.Pd

Guru Bidang Studi

Marniati, S.Pd

Listen and complete the text. Then answer the questions below!


One day, my (1)... and i were playing badminton behind our house when i saw a cat sat on our mango tree. It looked scared and we thought it couldn’t get down. So, we decided to do something. First, i help my brother to climb the tree. He reached the (2)... and passed to me. It was difficult because the (3) ... was so high. When my brother began to come down, a branch broke. He couldn’t move up or down. I went inside the (4)... and ask dad to helptree my brother. Then, he (5)... a ladder from our neighbor and helped my brother down. As soon as my father left,the cat climbed the tree again. This time we didn’t try to help it.


5. Read the first three sentences. Then complete the information below. e. Who : ____________________________________

f. When : ____________________________________ g. Where : ____________________________________ h. What : ____________________________________ 6. List the events that the writer and his brother did.

d. _________________________________________ e. _________________________________________ f. _________________________________________


7. What words are used to show the sequences of events? d. _________________________

e. _________________________ f. _________________________

8. What is the reorientation of the text above?

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________