The synopsis of “Where Love Was Lost”

In conclusion, first, it is find out that the most apologizing strategies employed by the characters in “Pygmalion” are complex strategy. Second, the expression of apology which has the highest number of frequency is request of forgiveness. The research which conducted by the researcher has the same approach with that of Arif‟s analysis. This researcher starts to classify the kinds of apologizing expression. Then, the researcher finds types of strategy of apology. Here, the researcher analyzes why each strategy of apology employed by the characters consist of the factors that determine the choice of strategy and the purpose of apology it‟s self.

K. The synopsis of “Where Love Was Lost”

Libby Ellison is the main character in the novel “Where Love Was Lost”. She is a nurse. She has just graduated R.N. After the graduation, she works at County General Hospital. The hospital is a brand new and ultramodern one. Unfortunately, she can not share her happiness to her husband since he passed away. He suffered an aneurysm in his brain. However, life must goon and so does she. She does it, in a way that will make Dave proud of her. In County General Hospital, she is assigned for duty on the special cardiac ward. She has a leader namely Wilma Cricket, which is usually called Wicked Cricket. In the hospital, Libby works alongside Dr. Ben Tillman. He is a medical genius and driven by his own demons. Working side by side around the clock, Libby and Ben plunges into an affair with the impact of a nuclear explosion. Dave‟s memory is tucked into a secret corner of Libby‟s heart, but the rest of it along with her body and soul, belongs to Ben. Libby Ellison is head over heels in love. Both of them plait together in love for along time. Libby then asks for getting married to Ben. But, Ben refuses her because he is a hard worker. He prefers to his work than gets married with Libby. He loves his carrier more than his love to Libby. If Ben gets married with Libby, he is afraid of having less time to care and pay attention to her. On the Ben‟s mind is just work and work. Even, he spends the rest of his life in the hospital. Then, Libby and Ben break up. Later, Libby wants to move from her division, since, Libby has problem with Ben, she moves into pediatrics. After forgetting Ben, she is falling in love with Sam. Sam is the last Libby‟s love. Unfortunately, she and Sam do not go on in a long time, because Sam must work in another country. Whereas, Libby is pregnant with Sam, but Sam doesn‟t know that Libby is pregnant. Libby then cease from her work in County General Hospital. She wants to take care of her baby. After the baby gets born, Sam comes back. He is shocked that he has a baby. Sam then wants to marry Libby. Finally, they can live together; Libby Ellison, Sam and their baby. At last, Libby finds her true happiness. 41


A. Research Methodology This research belongs to a descriptive qualitative research. It means that, this research employs both descriptive and qualitative method of analysis. Here, the research focuses on the activities, such as collecting data, analyzing and drawing the conclusi on. It refers to Sutrisno Hadi‟s theory that “suatu penelitian di sebut penelitian descriptif, apabila hanya mengumpulkan data, menganalis data, kemudian menyimpulkanya tanpa menarik kesimpulan yang berlaku secara umum. 1983:3 Meanwhile, qualitative research is defined as a procedure, which produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral words of people and behavior, which can be observed. Bodgan Tailor, in Moleong 2001 The source of the data is the novel “Where Love Was Lost” by Marilyn Linch, whereas the data include words and sentences of the dialogue of apology expressions which are used by the characters. B. The Source of Data The subject from which the data are obtained is called the source of data Arikunto, 1987:162. The data themselves may appear in the form of discourse, clauses, phrases, or words which can be obtained from magazines, newspapers, books, etc Subroto.