A. Research Methodology This research belongs to a descriptive qualitative research. It means that, this research employs both descriptive and qualitative method of analysis. Here, the research focuses on the activities, such as collecting data, analyzing and drawing the conclusi on. It refers to Sutrisno Hadi‟s theory that “suatu penelitian di sebut penelitian descriptif, apabila hanya mengumpulkan data, menganalis data, kemudian menyimpulkanya tanpa menarik kesimpulan yang berlaku secara umum. 1983:3 Meanwhile, qualitative research is defined as a procedure, which produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral words of people and behavior, which can be observed. Bodgan Tailor, in Moleong 2001 The source of the data is the novel “Where Love Was Lost” by Marilyn Linch, whereas the data include words and sentences of the dialogue of apology expressions which are used by the characters. B. The Source of Data The subject from which the data are obtained is called the source of data Arikunto, 1987:162. The data themselves may appear in the form of discourse, clauses, phrases, or words which can be obtained from magazines, newspapers, books, etc Subroto. The source of data of this research is a literary work. It is a novel entitled “Where Love Was Lost” written by Marilyn Linch. The novel consists of 217 pages and 21 chapters. Meanwhile, the data of this research are taken from the dialogues by the characters containing the apology expressions. There are some considerations why the novel of “Where Love Was Lost” is taken as the data source of the research: 1. There are various apology expressions found in novel “Where Love Was Lost” employed by the characters. 2. All chapters in the novel “Where Love Was Lost” which contain apology expressions. C. Sample and Sampling Technique. The qualitative research does not take some sample population, because the aim of this research is not to make generalization of the population, but to describe the specific things found in the data. Sample of qualitative has close relationship to the contextual factor. Each datum of this research is treated based on its context Moleong : 1990:165. Sutopo 2002:55 states that the sample of a qualitative research does not represent the population. He also adds that there is no random sampling in qualitative research, but purposive sampling. The function of such sampling is not intended to make generalization of the population, but to get the depth of study in a certain context. In the purposive sampling technique, sample is taken based on certain consideration, whereas the considerations taken are based on the aim of the research Sutopo, 1988:21. Meanwhile, this research is proposed to reveal the phenomena of apology existing in novel “Where Love Was Lost”. The sample of this research is taken by considering some considerations. They are as follows: 1. They are in the form of words, or sentences containing apology expression. 2. The apology must be performed after a real or potential offense happens. Based on considerations above, there are 29 data found in the novel “Where Love Was Lost.” D. Technique of Collecting Data. The technique of collecting data applied in this research is the literature research. It is appropriate, because in this research, the collected data are in the form of sentence, while the source of data is a novel. The steps of collecting data in this research are as follows: 1. Reading the novel “Where Love Was Lost” several times in order to understand the story. 2. Searching for the words and the sentences containing an apology expression. 3. Giving the mark on each sentences containing apology expression. 4. Taking all the sentences containing apology expression as the data of the research. 5. Identifying the data based on the form. 6. Identifying each form based on the semantic formula. 7. Giving the code on each datum. E. Technique of Analyzing Data. After collecting data, the researcher analyzes them by doing some activities. They are as follows: 1. Identifying the data based on the form of apology, namely a direct and an indirect forms of the act apologizing. 2. Analyzing each form of apology based on the choice of semantic formula. In this case, the choice of semantic formula itself is concerned with Osthain and Cohen. It covers: an expression of an apology or direct expression of apology, an explanation or account of the situation, an acknowledgement of responsibility, an offer of repair and a promise of forbearance. This formula is used in order to find out the strategy of apology used by the characters. Based on the choice of semantic formula the researcher then classifies them into two types of apologizing strategy, namely simple and complex strategy. 3. Analyzing the description of each data through Dell Hymes‟s theory of SPEAKING which only covers six of them. They are Situation, Participants, End of Speech Event, Acts sequence, Keys, and Norms. 4. Analyzing the factors which determine the choice of strategy of apology through the nature of infraction, the degree severity of offense, the situation in which the offense occurs, and the relative familiarity between the participants. 5. Analyzing the social relationship between the characters throughout the novel, related to the act of apologizing function. F. Technique of Coding Data. In order to make easier the classification and the analysis of the data in this research, each datum will be marked by a code. The coding of the data in this research is as follows: 1. The number of each datum. 2. The page on each datum based on the page of Novel “Where Love Was Lost” in which the apology act is found. 3. The title of the novel “Where Love Was Lost” is abbreviated into WLWL. 4. The type of strategy of apology employed by the characters covers:  An expression of regret is abbreviated into REGT  An offer of apology is abbreviated into APOL  A request for forgiveness is abbreviated into REQF  An explanation is abbreviated into EXPL  An accepting the blame is abbreviated into ABLM  An expressing self-deficiency is abbreviated into EXSD  An expression the lack of intent is abbreviated into EXLINT  A promise of forbearance is abbreviated into PROM An example of coding data is as follow: 01 142 WLWL dir REQF-EXSD It means the datum is number 01. It is found on page 142 of novel “Where Love Was Lost”. The strategy of apology uses direct apology expression. The character makes a request of forgiveness and it is followed by an expression of self-deficiency. 47