9,938 6,002 6,529 4,317 3,403 Q2 2012 Bank Mandiri (r 03)

59 59 Summary PL Q2 2012 Q1 2012 Q2 2011 Y-o-Y Q-o-Q Rp Bn of Av.Assets Rp Bn of Av.Assets Rp Bn of Av.Assets   Interest Income 10,284

7.4 9,938

7.2 9,347 7.9 10.0 3.5 Interest Expense 3,599 2.6 3,936 2.9 3,926 3.3 8.3 8.6 Net Interest Income 6,685

4.8 6,002

4.4 5,421 4.6 23.3 11.4 Net Premium Income 571 0.4 527 0.4 418 0.4 36.6 8.3 Net Interest Income Premium Income 7,256

5.2 6,529

4.8 5,839 5.0 24.3 11.1 Other Non Interest Income Other Fees and Commissions 1,837

1.3 1,704

1.2 1,571 1.3 16.9 7.8 Foreign Exchange Gains - Net 405 0.3 210 0.2 179 0.2 126.3 92.9 Gains Fr Incr Val of SecSale of Gov Bonds 134

0.1 134

0.1 31 0.0 na na Others 899 0.6 694 0.5 715 0.6 25.7 29.5 Total Non Interest Income 3,007

2.2 2,742

2.0 2,496 2.1 20.5 9.7 Total Operating Income 10,263 7.3 9,271 6.8 8,335 7.1 23.1 10.7 Provisions, Net 863

0.6 936

0.7 1,299 1.1 33.6 7.8 Personnel Expenses 1,939 1.4 1,865 1.4 1,631 1.4 18.9 4.0 GA Expenses 2,004

1.4 1,614

1.2 1,510 1.3 32.7 24.2 Loss from decr. in value of Sec Gov Bonds 15 0.0 - 0.0 47 0.0 68.1 na Other Expenses 545

0.4 540

0.4 427 0.4 27.6 0.9 Total Expenses 4,503 3.2 4,019 2.9 3,615 3.1 24.6 12.0 Profit from Operations 4,896

3.5 4,317

3.1 3,420 2.9 43.2 13.4 Non Operating Income 25 0.0 174 0.1 45 0.0 44.4 85.6 Net Income Before Tax 4,921 3.5 4,490 3.3 3,465 2.9 42.0 9.6 Net Income After Tax 3,744

2.7 3,403

2.5 2,543 2.2 47.2 10.0 of Average Assets on an annualized basis 60 Ministry of Finance Market Sale Bank Indonesia • BI will gradually replace their use of SBI for market operations with SUN • BI could buy the Recap bonds gradually and this includes potential purchases of SUN VR • The Ministry of Finance will consider to buyback the SUN VR • Potential for debt switching with a different tenor of fixed rate bonds. • Bundle the recap bonds with assets creating an asset backed security and sell it to the market. • Sell the bonds, borrowing FX and use the liquidity to increase lending. 61 Maturity Rp bn Trading Portfolio Available for Sale Held to Maturity Nominal MTM Nominal MTM Fixed Rate Bonds 1 year 250 244 - - 96 1 - 5 year 242 260 140 142 1,351 5 - 10 year 269 303 1,800 1,798 80 10 year 335 411 3,700 3,839 111 Sub Total 1,096 1,218 5,640 5,779 1,637 Variable Rate Bonds 1 year - - - - - 1 - 5 year - - 3,973 3,953 20,599 5 - 10 year - - 49,638 46,106 1,145 10 year - - - - - Sub Total - - 50,611 50,059 21,745 T o t a l 1,096 1,218 56,251 55,838 23,382 Gov’t Bond Portfolio by Type and Maturity Rp80,438 bn Q3 11 Q Q Q Realized GainsLosses on Bonds 25.19 51.43 52.54 68.86 Unrealized GainsLosses on Bonds 18.52 31.78 19.39 22.19 Total 43.71 19.66 71.93 91.05 Q2 ’12 Gov’t Bond GainsLosses Rp bn Mark to Market impacts Profit Mark to Market impacts Equity Nominal value 50.06 21.75 1.22 5.78 1.64 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Trading AFS HTM Fixed Rate Variable Rate Bonds by Rate Type Portfolio as of June 2012Rp bn 62 Stated in Rp Millions 63 Moody’s Fitch Outlook STABLE Outlook POS Long Term Rating Baa3 LT FC Issuer Default BBB- Foreign LT Bank Deposits Baa3 LT LC Issuer Default BBB- Local LT Bank Deposits Baa3 Subordinated Debt BB- Senior Unsecured Debt WR ST Issuer Default Rating F3 Bank Financial Strength D Individual Rating CD Foreign Currency ST Deposits P-3 Support Rating 2 Local Currency ST Deposits P-3 Sta dard Poor’s Pefindo Outlook STABLE Outlook STABLE LT Foreign Issuer Credit BB+ LT General Obligation idAAA LT Local Issuer Credit BB+ Subordinated Debt idAA+ ST Foreign Issuer Credit B ST Local Issuer Credit B 64 Dividend Payment Net Profit for the financial year of 2011 of Rp12,246,043,872,179.50 was distributed as follows: • 20, or Rp2,449,208,774,435.90, for the annual dividend • Total Dividend Payment of Rp104.96 per share Schedule : a. Cum Date: Regular and Negotiated Market: May 15, 2012 Cash Market: May 22, 2012 b. Ex Date: Regular and Negotiated Market: May 16, 2012 Cash Market: May 23, 2012 c. Payment Date: June 5, 2012 Net Profit for the financial year of 2010 of Rp9,218,297,786,087.18 was distributed as follows: • 35, or Rp3,226,404,225,130.51, for the annual dividend • Total Dividend Payment of Rp138.27 per share • Interim dividend of Rp19.64 paid on 30 December 2010 65 267 ,819 2,911 2,117 4 30 20,621 1,043 288,715 Beg. Bal. DG to 2 UG from 2 DG to NPL UG from NPL Net Disburs. FX Impact End Bal. Category 1 Loan Movements Rp bn – Bank Only Category 2 Loan Movements Rp bn – Bank Only 12 ,137 2,911 2,117 1,009 326 242 47 12,054 Beg. Bal. Cat. 1 DG UG to 1 DG to NPL NPL UG Net Disburs. FX Impact End Bal. 66 Loan Profile: Q2 Collectability by Segment Bank Only 95.3 96.8 92.4 88.2 88.5 2.4 2.2 5.2 8.1 9.6 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.7 0.4 1.6 0.8 1.6 2.1 1.1 Corp Comm Small Micro Cons 5 4 3 2 1 119,239 87,211 30,648 13,313 38,304 1,993 1,737 1,216 4,150 711 537 322 488 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 Corp Comm Small Micro Cons Loan Profile: Q2 Collectability Rp bn by Segment Bank Only 67 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Current 30 Days OD Quarterly DG to NPL Interest DPD - Bank Only 11 ,161 6 ,901 1,1 77 4,1 06 1 ,558 1 ,304 1 ,031 1 ,644 235 783 561 134 503 596 325 1 ,858 1 ,975 297 480 283 851 617 454 552 1 ,284 357 605 503 553 649 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 Q 1 05 Q 2 05 Q 3 05 Q 4 05 Q1 06 Q2 06 Q3 06 Q 4 06 Q 1 07 Q 2 07 Q 3 07 Q 4 07 Q 1 08 Q2 08 Q3 08 Q 4 08 Q 1 09 Q 2 09 Q 3 09 Q 4 09 Q1 10 Q2 10 Q3 10 Q 4 10 Q 1 11 Q 2 11 Q 3 11 Q 4 11 Q 1 12 Q2 12 Rp Value Quarterly NPL Stock Interest DPD - Bank Only 17 ,45 6 24 ,962 24 ,193 26 ,248 26 ,424 25 ,665 25 ,41 4 17 ,96 17 ,18 16 ,500 13 ,603 10 ,654 6 ,558 6 ,510 6 ,586 7,8 33 9,6 78 7 ,700 6 ,099 4 ,505 3 ,589 3 ,668 3,9 85 3,9 29 4301 4261 4983 4805 4927 4643 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 Q 1 05 Q2 05 Q3 05 Q4 05 Q 1 06 Q 2 06 Q 3 06 Q 4 06 Q 1 07 Q 2 07 Q3 07 Q4 07 Q 1 08 Q 2 08 Q 3 08 Q 4 08 Q 1 09 Q2 09 Q3 09 Q4 09 Q 1 10 Q 2 10 Q 3 10 Q 4 10 Q 1 11 Q 2 11 Q3 11 Q4 11 Q 1 12 Q 2 12 Rp Value Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Current 30 Days OD 68 29 ,542 23 ,987 21,045 19,427 20,914 20 ,645 16 ,560 17 ,104 16 ,046 15 ,271 16,278 15,334 14 ,131 13 ,646 13 ,546 13 ,534 14 ,236 14 ,170 2002 Add Dedu ct 2003 Ad d Dedu ct 2004 Add Dedu ct 2005 Add Dedu ct 2006 Add Dedu ct 2007 Add Dedu ct 2008 Add Dedu ct 2009 Ad d Dedu ct Q1 1 Add Dedu ct Q 2 10 Add Dedu ct Q 3 10 Add Ded u ct Q4 1 Add Dedu ct Q 1 11 Add Dedu ct Q 2 11 Add Dedu ct Q 3 11 Add Dedu ct Q 4 11 Add Dedu ct Q1 1 2 Add Ded u ct Q 2 12 Others Write-Offs Repayments Restructuring Balance IDR bn Others includes partial payments, FX impacts, and fluctuation in Working Capital facilities Loans by Restructuring Type in Q2 2012 Maturity extension; 49.2 Maturity extension wreduced rates; 5.4 Maturity extension wother restrg; 43.5 LT loans wconvert; 1.4 Additional loans; 0.4 Other Restructuring includes reduction of interest rates, rescheduling of unpaid interest extension of repayment period for unpaid interest Restructured Loan Movement 2002 - 2012 Rp billions Q4 Q Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Loans Restructured 732 4 16 - 1,247 1,144 202 NPL Collections 221 104

143 222

931 195 164 69 Plantations 14 Mfg-Oth 13 Bus Serv 10 Mfg-FB 8 Trad-Ret 8 Others 8 Plantations Mfg-Oth Bus Serv Mfg-FB Trad-Ret Mfg-Chem Trad-Distr Trans Trad-Oth Mining-Oil Gas Constr Utilities Others 1 Non-consolidated numbers Each sector 4 Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only 70 3 4 5 30 days 90 days 1 day Mass Trans Trad-Ret Constr Trad-Distr Mfg-Chem Oth Mfg Others USD IDR Export Invest Program WC Comm Corp Small 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Int. Aging Sector Currency Purpose Segment Loan Profile: Q2NPL Downgrades Only Rp649.3bn Bank Only Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only Corporate, Commercial Small Business loans downgraded to NPL in Q2 totaled Rp649.3billion. Of these loans:  53.8 were more than 90 days overdue on interest payments  38.3 came from our Corporate portfolio  Largest downgrades by sector:  Mass Transportation  Retail Trading  Construction  99.9 were IDR loans  50.2 were Investment Loans, 49.5 were Working Capital loans 71 3 4 5 30 days 90 days 61-90 days Current Mfg-Chem Trad-Distr Trad-Ret Mass Trans Trad-Dom Mfg-Metal Mfg-Oth Mfg-Text Others USD IDR Consumer Export Invest Program Synd WC Comm Corp Small 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Int. Aging Sector Currency Purpose Segment Loan Profile: Q2 Non-Performing Loans Only Rp4,643Bn Bank Only Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only  17.2 remain current on interest payments and an additional 6.4 are less than 90 days overdue  63.9 are to Corporate customers  62.5 are Working Capital loans and 25.2 are Investment loans  Primary sectors are:  Chemical Manufacturing  Distribution Trading  Retail Trading  67.5 are Rp loans  18.0 are Cat. 3 10.9 are Cat. 4 Corporate, Commercial Small Business NPLs totaled Rp4,643 Billion in Q2. Of these NPLs in Q2: 72 Comm Corp Small 30 days 1 day 31-60 days 61+ days Current Trad-Ret Trad-Distr Mfg Agri Trad-Dom Others IDR Consumer Export Program WC 2000 2004 2000-2004 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Segment Days Aging Sector Currency Purpose Origin Year Loan Profile: Q2 Downgrades to Cat 2 Only Rp1,052Bn Bank Only Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only Rp1,052 Billion in Corporate, Commercial Small Business loans were downgraded to Category 2 in Q2. Of the Special Mention Loans downgraded:  89.6 are for Small Business 9.5 are to Commercial customers  18.6 are current 1.8 are 1 day overdue in interest payments  Primary sectors downgraded are:  Retail Trading  Distribution Trading  Manufacturing  100 are Rupiah loans  85.1 are Working Capital loans 73 Comm Corp Small 30 days 1 day 31-60 days 61+ days Current Mfg-Text Trad-Ret Mfg-NonM Mfg-Oth Constr Mass Trans Export Mfg-Chem Mining Trad-Distr Trad-HR USD IDR Invest Synd WC 2000 2004 2000-2004 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Segment Days Aging Sector Currency Purpose Origin Year Loan Profile: Q2 Category 2 Loans Only Rp6,688bn Bank Only Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only Rp6,688 billion in Corporate, Commercial Small Business loans were in Category 2 in Q2. Of these Special Mention loans:  44.2 are to Corporate customers  71.0 are current or 1 day overdue, with an additional 15.2 less than 30 days overdue  Primary sectors in Category 2 are:  Textile Manufacturing  Retail Trading  Non Metal Manufacturing  71.1 are IDR loans  52.9 are Working Capital loans  76.2 were Category 2 in Q2 12 74 1 2 Comm Corp Small Mass Trans Mfg-RawM Trad-Ret Trad-Oth Mfg-Oth Others FX IDR Invest Program WC 2000 2004 2000-2004 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Segment Sector Currency Purpose Origin Year Loan Profile: Q2 Upgrades to PL Rp291.8 bn Bank Only Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only Corporate, Commercial Small Business loans upgraded to PL in Q2 totaled Rp291.8bn. Of these loans:  82.6 were to Corporate borrowers  86.1 originated later than 2004  Largest upgrades by sector:  Mass Transportation  Raw Metal Manufacturing  Retail Trading  33.6 were IDR loans  24.6 were Working Capital loans 75 1 2 Comm Corp Small Plantations Mfg-Oth Bus Serv Mfg-FB Trad-Ret Trad-Distr Mfg-Chem Trad-Oth Mining-Oil Gas Constr Utilities Comm Others USD IDR Consumer Employee Invest Program Synd WC 2000 2004 2000-2004 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Segment Sector Currency Purpose Origin Year Loan Profile: Q2 Performing Loans Only Rp243,79bn Bank Only Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only Rp243,79bn in Corporate, Commercial Small Business loans were performing in Q2. Of these performing loans:  50.1 are to Corporate customers 36.6 are to Commercial customers  89.6 originated since 2005  Primary sectors are:  Plantations  Business Service  FB Manufacturing  81.9 are Rupiah loans  50.7 are Working Capital loans, 38.3 are Investment loans 76 1 2 3 4 5 30 days 61+ days Current Mfg-Chem Mfg-Text Mfg-PP Mfg-Oth Trading Plantations Mfg-Metal Mfg-NonM Mass Trans Others USD IDR Invest Synd WC Comm Corp Small 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. int Aging Sector Currency Purpose Segment Loan Profile: Q2 Restructured Loans Only Rp13,864bn Bank Only Of the remaining Rp13,864 billion in restructured Corporate, Commercial Small Business loans in Q2 : Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only  91.9 are performing  87.8 of Restructured Loans are current in interest payments  Primary sectors are:  Manufacturing • Chemicals • Textiles • Pulp Paper  Trading  58.2 are Rupiah loans  61.7 are Working Capital loans  82.9 are to Corporate customers  1.8 deteriorated in collectability  7.2 showed improved collectability 77  97.6 are performing loans, with 2.4 in Category 2  86.6 of Category 2 loans are current in interest payments  Primary sectors in Corporate are:  Plantation  Trading  Food Beverage Mfg  Other Manufacturing  74.0 are Rupiah loans  44.3 are Investment loans; 41.7 are Working Capital loans Loan Profile: Q2 Corporate Loans Only Rp125,165bn Bank Only Rp125,165billion in loans were in the Corporate portfolio in Q2. Of the Corporate Loans in Q2: 1 23 5 30 days 1 day 61+ days Current Plantations Trading Mfg-FB Oth. Mfg Bus Serv Mining-Oil Gas Mfg-Chem Comm Utilities Constr Oth. Mining USD IDR Export Invest Synd WC REF 2000 2004 2000-2004 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Cat. 2 Int. Aging Sector Currency Purpose Origin Year 78 1 2 5 30 days 1 day 31-60 days 61+ days Current Bus Serv Oth. Mfg Trad-Distr Mfg-Chem Others Plantations Oth. Trad Mass Trans Mfg-Metal Mfg-FB Mining USD IDR Consumer Export Invest Synd WC 2000 2004 2000-2004 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Cat. 2 Int. Aging Sector Currency Purpose Origin Year  99.9 are performing loans, with 2.2 in Category 2  77.4 of Category 2 loans are current in interest payments  Primary sectors in Commercial are:  Business Service  Other Manufacturing  Distribution  Chemical Manufacturing  85.7 are Rupiah loans  54.2 are Working Capital loans, 36.8 are Investment loans Loan Profile: Q2 Commercial Loans Only Rp90,081bn Bank Only Rp90,081billion in loans were in the Commercial portfolio in Q2. Of the Commercial Loans in Q2: 79 1 2 3 5 30 days 1 day 31-60 days 61+ days Current Trad-Ret Trad-Distr Plantations Mfg Bus Serv Constr Oth. Trad Soc Serv Trans Mining IDR Consumer Export Invest Program WC 2000 2004 2000-2004 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Cat. 2 int. Aging Sector Currency Purpose Origin Year  97.6 are performing loans, with 5.2 in Category 2  15.8 of Category 2 loans are current in interest payments  Primary sectors in Small Business are:  Retail Trading  Distribution  Plantations  99.8 are Rupiah loans  77.0 are Working Capital loans Loan Profile: Q2 Small Business Loans Only Rp33,183bn Bank Only Rp33,183 billion in loans were in the Small Business portfolio in Q2. Of the Small Business Loans in Q2: Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only 80 1 2 4 5 30 days 1 day 31-60 days 61+ days Current Plantations Oth. Mfg Bus Serv Mfg-FB Trad-Ret Trad-Distr Mfg-Chem Oth. Trad Constr Comm Comm Corp Small Consumer Invest Synd WC 2000 2004 2000-2004 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Cat. 2 Int. Aging Sector Segment Purpose Origin Year  98.5 are performing loans, with 2.3 in Category 2  56.3 of Category 2 loans are current in interest payments  Primary sectors in Rupiah loans are:  Plantations  Other Manufacturing  Business Services  Food Beverage Mfg  45.6 are Corporate loans  56.7 are Working Capital loans, 35.5 Investment loans Loan Profile: Q2 Rupiah Loans Only Rp202,956bn Bank Only Rp202,956 billion in loans were Rupiah denominated in Q2. Of the Rupiah Loans in Q2: Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only 81 1 2 5 30 days 1 day 31-60 days 61+ days Current Mining-Oil Gas Trading Mining-Coal Plantations Mfg-Chem Oth. Mfg Bus Serv Utilities Mfg-Text Comm Corp Small Employee Export Invest Synd WC 2000 2004 2000-2004 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Cat. 2 Int. Aging Sector Segment Purpose Origin Year  96.7 are performing loans  88.03 of Category 2 loans are current in interest payments  Primary sectors in FX loans are:  Mining Oil Gas  Trading  Mining - Coal  Plantations  71.6 are Corporate loans  49.4 are Investment loans ; 25.2 are Working Capital loans Loan Profile: Q2 FX Loans Only Rp45,474bn Bank Only Rp45,474 billion in loans were FX denominated in Q2. Of the FX Loans in Q2: Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only 82 Mandiri Credit Card Delinquency Rates 75.6 62.6 59.1 53.8 46.4 56.6 69.7 68.1 81.6 93.4 87.9 95.8 105.8 104.8 101.8 100.2 106.1 32.6 40.8 37.5 37.1 29.7 28.6 43.5 45.7 57.3 53.5 63.0 65.6 65.563.8 61.5 59.2 6.9 8.8 13.9 14.5 17.6 16.9 24.4 23.6 36.0 10.8 13.1 12.5 15.015.4 Q 4 05 Q 4 06 Q 1 07 Q 2 07 Q 3 07 Q 4 07 Q 1 08 Q 2 08 Q 3 08 Q 4 08 Q 1 09 Q 2 09 Q 3 09 Q 4 09 Q 1 10 Q2 10 Q 3 10 Q 4 10 Q 1 11 Q 2 11 Q 3 11 Q 4 11 Q 1 12 Q 2 12 NPLs 90+DPD Write-Offs Recoveries Quarterly Charge-offs, NPLs Recoveries Rp Bn 10.2 8.8

6.7 5.4

4.2 5.2 4.8 5.3 5.2 5.7 5.4 5.1 4.7 5.0 4.8 5.3 4.3 3.5 2.8 2.2 2.5 2.5 2.7 2.6 2.7 3.0 2.82.6 2.32.4 2.4 5.0 4.8 3.9 3.3 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.22.3 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.0 1.8 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 Q 4 05 Q 4 06 Q 1 07 Q 2 07 Q 3 07 Q 4 07 Q 1 08 Q 2 08 Q 3 08 Q4 08 Q 1 09 Q 2 09 Q 3 09 Q 4 09 Q 1 10 Q 2 10 Q 3 10 Q 4 10 Q 1 11 Q 2 11 Q 3 11 Q 4 11 Q 1 12 Q 2 12 30 DPD - Rp 90 DPD - Rp 30 DPD - Cards 90 DPD - Cards St a ffi n g and Di stri buti on Ne tw ork Gr o wth 17,204 17,735 18,397 19,693 21,192 21,062 21,631 22,408 22,909 23,445 24,282 24,954 25,236 25,706 26,327 27,305 27,907 28,183 28,153 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Q110 Q210 Q310 Q410 Q111 Q211 Q311 Q411 Q112 Q212 635 687 730 789 909 924 956 1,027 1,095 1,108 1,180 1,296 1,370 1,381 1,442 1,526 1,537 1,548 1,643 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Q110 Q210 Q310 Q410 Q111 Q211 Q311 Q411 Q112 Q212 3,160 4,000 4,716 5,537 6,025 6,265 7,041 7,851 12,666 14,165 14,359 14,822 18,321 18,581 18,939 21,478 22,794 23,602 28,309 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Q110 Q210 Q310 Q410 Q111 Q211 Q311 Q411 Q112 Q212 1,184 1,559 2,022 2,470 2,560 2,800 3,186 4,120 4,996 4,997 5,224 5,495 6,496 6,505 8,480 8,993 8,996 8,996 10,361 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Q110 Q210 Q310 Q410 Q111 Q211 Q311 Q411 Q112 Q212 Em ploy ees D om es tic Branc h N et w ork A T M N et w ork A T M -Link N et w ork Loan growth, qual it y provi si oni n g rel at ive t o peers Bank Onl y, As of Marc h 2012 308 202 196 121 106 94 92 86 79 41 BCA BRI Mandiri BNI CIMB Niaga Permata Danamon BII Panin BTN Rati o of Prov is ions to NPL 286,259 283,142 209,202 159,300 123,866 87,429 74,399 69,811 65,400 62,031 Mandiri BRI BCA BNI CIMB Niaga Danamon Panin Permata BII BTN T otal Loans Rp bn

39.2 33.5