Research Design A Study Of Psychopathic Personality Through The Leading Character In Thomas Harris’ Novel ‘Hannibal Rising’


3.1 Research Design

In this thesis, the writer used descriptive qualitative method. Bogdan and Taylor 1975: 5 explains that qualitative method is a research procedure that descriptive data such as written word or verbal expression from the people and their behavior that have been observed. The writer used qualitative method by analyzing words and sentences which are related to the topic of this study about psychopath found in leading character of novel Hannibal Rising. Neuman 1977: 331 in his book ‘Social Research Method Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches’ explained that there are six characteristics of a qualitative research, they are: a Importance of the context, it is emphasized for understanding the social world. The researchers hold the meaning of social action or statement depends, in an important way, on the context in which it appears. When a researcher removes an event, social, action, answer to a question, or a conversation from the social context in which it appears, ignores the context, social meaning, and significance are distorted. b The case study method, the researcher may use a case study approach. He or she might gather a large amount of information on one or few cases, go into greater depth, and get more details on the cases being examined. Universitas Sumatera Utara c The researcher’s integrity, qualitative researchers ensure that their researcher accurately reflects the evidence and have check on their evidence. d Grounded theory, a qualitative researcher begins with a research question and little else. Theory develops during the data collection process. This more inductive method means that theory is built from data or grounded in the data. e Process, qualitative researchers look at the sequence of events and pay attention to what happens first, second, third, and so on because qualitative researchers examine the same case or set of cases over time, they can see issue evolve, a conflict emerge, or a social relationship develop. The researcher can detect process and casual relationships. f Interpretations, the data are in forms, including quotes or descriptions of particular events. The researcher interprets data by giving them meaning, translating them, or making them understandable. There are some kinds of research methods. They are library research, laboratory research, and field research. The writer used library research by using some books which are related to the topic of this thesis. First, the writer read the novel ‘Hannibal Rising’ as the source of data of psychopathic character and then used some psychology textbooks to understand the principles of psychology which is applied by the author of that novel in creating ‘Hannibal Lecter’ as psychopathic character. Data will be collected and selected before it is analyzed by the writer of this thesis to infer the conclusion of the research. Universitas Sumatera Utara

3.2 Data Collection