The hedgehog builds a nest with two exits The hedgehog builds a nest with two exits

110. For a wide variety of different reasons, more and more people are making the choice to vacation close to home. a. For a wide variety of different reasons, more and more people

b. For a variety of many reasons, much more


c. For a number of reasons, more people

d. More people, for various different reasons,

e. Lots of people, for many numerous reasons

111. The likelihood that she will decide to take the job is great, she is never completely predictable. a. The likelihood

b. Although the likelihood

c. Since the likelihood

d. In fact, the likelihood

e. Knowing that the likelihood

e. Knowing that the likelihood

112. Most of a human tooth is made up of a substance known as dentin, which is located directly below the enamel. a. dentin, which is located

b. dentin, and which is located

c. dentin but located

d. dentin, which it is located

e. dentin, that its location is

113. Jackson Pollock, a twentieth-century American painter, is well known and renowned for creating abstract paintings by dripping paint on canvas. a. a twentieth-century American painter, is well known and renowned for creating

b. an American painter who lived and painted

in the twentieth century, is well known for the creation of

c. renowned and prominent, was known as a

twentieth-century American painter for creating

d. he is an American painter famous and

renowned for creating

e. a twentieth-century American painter, is

famous for creating 114. Having missed class several times, this was the cause of our poor grades. a. Having missed class several times, this was the cause of our poor grades.

b. After missing class several times, our poor

grades were anticipated.

c. Because we missed class several times, we

received poor grades.

d. We received poor grades missing class

several times.

e. Receiving poor grades, we missed class

several times. – S E N T E N C E S T R U C T U R E – 2 2