Baby birds are very special creatures, and

318. It is a myth that financial aid for higher educa- tion just means getting a loan and going into heavy debt. a. It’s important for young people to avoid starting out their working lives under a load of indebtedness.

b. Financial aid is meant to help those students

who could otherwise not attend college.

c. The truth is that students in medicine and

law are often able to pay back their student loans in short order.

d. The fact is that most schools have their own

grants and scholarships, which the student doesn’t have to pay back, and a large percentage of students get these. 319. This contract will confirm our agreement in connection with your services as freelance writer for the work entitled Why Kangaroos Can’t Fly .

a. The title, although rather silly, accurately

sums up the tone and style of the book.

b. You agree to assist us in preparation of the

book by developing content for it, based on your zoo-keeping experience.

c. It is important to have a legal contract

before turning your written work over to a publishing company.

d. This book will make an important contribu-

tion to kangaroo lore around the world. 320. America’s fascination with reality television is a topic of much discussion. Many think that people tune in simply to keep up-to-date with the latest popular culture trends. a. Whether you love it or hate it, reality television is definitely here to stay.

b. Every season brings several new reality

television shows. However, not every one of them succeeds.

c. Reality television has no redeeming qualities

whatsoever. Critics find it shallow, sensationalistic, and mindless.

d. Ordinary people might also see themselves

in these reality television personalities, leading to a sense of exhilaration as they watch their television counterparts achieve celebrity status and win big prizes. 321. Before we learn how to truly love someone else, we must learn how to love the face in the mirror. a. Don’t be shy about meeting members of the opposite sex.

b. No one can really love you the way you can

love yourself.

c. Love is not something that lasts unless one

is very lucky.

d. Learning to accept ourselves for what we are

will teach us how to accept another person. – PA R A G R A P H D E V E L O P M E N T – 5 7