Striving for Superiority Individual Psychology

spontaneous, persevering, caring, loving, cleaver and responsible person. All of those characteristics of Katniss determine her in the ways she decides to face her problems and to prove her existence. So, how the characteristics of Katniss influence her struggle for existence in her life since the novel represents Katniss’s strong characteristics and also represents her struggle becomes the result in her thesis. The last, the writer takes the thesis of Muhammad Havist Mahfush from University Brawijaya in 2015 entitled “Strive for Success of Four Main Characters in R ick Riordan’s Heroes of Olympus: The Mark of Athena Novel. This thesis has different in the object, but has similarity in the theory by using Alfred Adler’s individual psychology. The aims of his study shows that the theory of strive for success dominates the characteristics of the four characters that the author analyses. In the novel, Annabeth is a character who seeks for peace which belongs to strive for success. This model of character prefers unity rather than a division. While, Leo has the characteristic of creative power, it gives a brilliant idea. Further, Percy has a characteristic of caring with other. Then, Piper has the characteristics of willing to sacrifice. He said that all of those model of character are in Adler’s theory strive for success. Based on some previous studies above, there is no similarities with the topic among this research with three thesis of Mar Atussholihah, Mutakin and Rachmawati. While, there is same topic in Mahfush’s thesis with this research, but the object or novel is not same in this research.


This chapter discusses all statements problems in two parts. The first part discusses the characters and characterizations of Katniss Everdeen which are described in Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games by using M.J Murphy’s method to depict her characteristics. The second part analyses the striving processes of Katniss Everdeen in reaching her goal or purpose along the novel. The writer will use Alfred Adler’s theory about individual psychology.

3.1 Katniss Everdeen as Round Character

Katniss Everdeen is the main character in The Hunger Games. According to Kennedy and Gioia, character is an imagined person or thing who inhabits a story 73. In this novel, Katniss is depicted as round character who has several characteristics. Round character is complex and many-sided. It is presented in many facets and portrayed in greater depth and in more generous detail Kennedy and Gioia 74. It is Katniss Everdeen as a major character that exists in the beginning until the end of the story. Suzanne Collins as the author depicts round character of Katniss in several characteristics. According to Murphy, there are nine methods of characterization which are depicted characteristic of someone. But, the writer only fo und five methods that depict Katniss’ characteristics through her speech, past life, thought, character as seen by another and reaction. Based on those methods, the